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Farang Kills Thai Armed Robber


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"Ye, shall NOT kill!"


When you give the eulogy at the dead chumps funeral, make certain you let his family know that as well. Can't believe someone actually shows such extreme sympathy for someone who shot a woman point blank in the head. Two posts on this thread, and not a single hint of any sympathy for the victims, but such deep concern for the perpetrator. :o Hope both victims make a full recovery.

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The translation of the OP is pretty accurate. Only a couple of more things: The wife was 8 months pregnant. In hospital they did a Cesarean, the baby is healthy, it's a girl. Wife is still on the ICU. The culprit needed 10,000 Baht bacause he had to pay back a credit which was granted by the Thaksin government. No charges against the Farang, a French citizen, because police said it was self defence.

Edited by Rajah
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"Ye, shall NOT kill!"


When you give the eulogy at the dead chumps funeral, make certain you let his family know that as well. Can't believe someone actually shows such extreme sympathy for someone who shot a woman point blank in the head. Two posts on this thread, and not a single hint of any sympathy for the victims, but such deep concern for the perpetrator. :o Hope both victims make a full recovery.

I imagine it would have taken 2-5 mins to drown. Hopefuly it was 5

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Thaidelhands: what you think who you are?


qualtrough : who is silly?

"Ye, shall NOT kill!"


What utter nonsense.

Are you going to just stand there and hope the shooter misses, even if he is nervous, panicking, whatever....

If someone is trying to kill me & I get the opportunity to kill him first to preserve my own life, that is exactly what I will do irrespective of the law and consequences.

I will never be a sacraficial lamb trying to observe the laws of the land in a life and death situation.


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Thaidelhands: what you think who you are?


qualtrough : who is silly? This guy whatsoever KILLED another person!

keep the money for the flowers to send some food to the guy who acted in "self defense" and things simply went out of control!

Yes, so was the other guy, but missing 3 times means that he probably was very, very nervous...or out of control...

None of us has been at the scene - so ALL - my AND your assumptions - are assumptions - lets see what the Thai-Law will 'speak"!

"Ye, shall NOT kill!"


Medicine time!

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what he did is way beyond self defense!

His heavily pregnant wife had just been shot in the head at point blank range in front of him, I assume the perp still had the gun in his posession and yet you don't think that his actions constite self defence?

I admire your pacifism but come on, this guy was well in the right.

Edited by ashacat
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... very sad story, hope both of them will get better soon..

but ....to keep things within the lines..

the guy who killed the perpetrator, has at least committed manslaughter, what he did is way beyond self defense!

Sorry, guys what so ever, there are laws and rules, EVERYONE has to stick to them!

Otherwise we're back to the "right of the fist"!

OMG.... wow....

So if someone MURDERS your wife in cold blood right before your eyes (2 bullets to the head would convince ANYONE that their wife was DEAD) and then starts shooting at you and all you can do is close the distance to save your OWN LIFE (and you take a bullet!), would you not then fight to the end to make sure he stopped KILLING you (after killing your wife I'll remind you). If it happened to me I would do what I had to do to stop a murderer from murdering me, taking his gun away is not enough, the murderer will keep fighting and will try somethig else don't you think?

All this is irrelevant anyway, if someone killed the woman I love in front of me they would be dead within seconds if I had the chance. Just common sense, who says thou shalt not kill? TURN THE OTHER CHEEK?! Moronic nonsense.


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... very sad story, hope both of them will get better soon..

but ....to keep things within the lines..

the guy who killed the perpetrator, has at least committed manslaughter, what he did is way beyond self defense!

Sorry, guys what so ever, there are laws and rules, EVERYONE has to stick to them!

Otherwise we're back to the "right of the fist"!

Quite possibly the silliest post i have EVER come across.

I hope the guy took minutes to die.................slowly and knowing full well he was going to die.

Damien? You,re a little too fast with that mate. The guy should live long enough to UNDERSTAND he is going to die. :o

Condolences and good wishes for hopefully some speedy recoveries.

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Thailand does not need courts of inquest, nor indeed courts of law - we have ThaiVisa members willing to pronounce judgment - most it would seem on a report they cannot themselves read.


Meanwhile only days ago we were discussion crime in Thailand - I made the point that a Farang may act as a magnet to theives - In this case my observation seems to have been tragically prophetic.

I have great sympathy for the families of the victims here and I would dearly like to hear a formal investigation close this issue for all concerned.

But let's not forget - Why did the theif select this family as his victims? And what part does the lack of effective law enforcement have in making all foreigners more likely to become the next victim.

Yet another report of an attack on a foreigner - the only difference being the husband was able to respond - not fast enough to save his wife but faster than most of us would

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I hope the mother/wife is doing well, and full marks to her husband. My wife just tried to read the headlines to me, but something went missing in translation. Big heart for brave. She was quite pleased with the French guy. I hope I would be able to do the same for my family should the need arise.

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Samuian, are you for real???? I have never read such absolute crap, or are you just a troll?

Posts like yours make me see red, I would have done exactly the same in the circumstances without blinking an eye.

The victims priorites were getting assistance for his Wife and himself, not trying to "Secure" the perp for the MIB to deal with.

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The translation of the OP is pretty accurate. Only a couple of more things: The wife was 8 months pregnant. In hospital they did a Cesarean, the baby is healthy, it's a girl. Wife is still on the ICU. The culprit needed 10,000 Baht bacause he had to pay back a credit which was granted by the Thaksin government. No charges against the Farang, a French citizen, because police said it was self defence.

my wife ran across the news item and added that the story read that other possible causes were that the french man was into selling land and may have had a dispute, and that the wife was known to yell at the labor..........thai men are so sensitive :o

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... very sad story, hope both of them will get better soon..

but ....to keep things within the lines..

the guy who killed the perpetrator, has at least committed manslaughter, what he did is way beyond self defense!

Sorry, guys what so ever, there are laws and rules, EVERYONE has to stick to them!

Otherwise we're back to the "right of the fist"!

This has to be a troll. No one could be this out of touch. We were discussing farangs as victims yesterday and this happens thenthe Japanese woman was killed in the north. Exactly where are the thousands of police that are on the books?

Pay close attention to you surroundings. Do not rely on a false sense of security.

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Having quickly read the Thai Rath story, it appears the assailant had 2 guns, a 22 and a 38. The 38 was the one he fired. Firstly, he shot the wife, Ladda, twice in the head. As her French husband came to her assistance, he fired another 4 shots, one of which hit him in the left shoulder. I think that answers one or two questions some others posed. I think I've got that right but speed-reading the Thai Rath taxes my abilities.

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... very sad story, hope both of them will get better soon..

but ....to keep things within the lines..

the guy who killed the perpetrator, has at least committed manslaughter, what he did is way beyond self defense!

Sorry, guys what so ever, there are laws and rules, EVERYONE has to stick to them!

Otherwise we're back to the "right of the fist"!

Quite possibly the silliest post i have EVER come across.

No. This one was:

Thaidelhands: what you think who you are?


qualtrough : who is silly? This guy whatsoever KILLED another person!

keep the money for the flowers to send some food to the guy who acted in "self defense" and things simply went out of control!

Yes, so was the other guy, but missing 3 times means that he probably was very, very nervous...or out of control...

None of us has been at the scene - so ALL - my AND your assumptions - are assumptions - lets see what the Thai-Law will 'speak"!

"Ye, shall NOT kill!"


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Thaidelhands: what you think who you are?


qualtrough : who is silly? This guy whatsoever KILLED another person!

keep the money for the flowers to send some food to the guy who acted in "self defense" and things simply went out of control!

Yes, so was the other guy, but missing 3 times means that he probably was very, very nervous...or out of control...

None of us has been at the scene - so ALL - my AND your assumptions - are assumptions - lets see what the Thai-Law will 'speak"!

"Ye, shall NOT kill!"


Oh my , your response is beyond borders not the guy who protected his family ,

by the way what I understand on familyland , so always self defence !

So your assumptions are wrong , so 2 speak.

I really feel sorry for the family and the victims , it should not have happened ,

hope the wife will make it , so they still can be together .

What people can do for money is beyond my imagination .

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keep on your bashing and brand my point as "silly", still two wrongs don't make one right - overreacted!

Two shot, one in serious condition, one dead!

Very sorry for them!

Can't believe it, even it was "self defense", we got one dead!

Very amazing that a big part of the "audience" condones this, it's lynch-justice!

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keep on your bashing and brand my point as "silly", still two wrongs don't make one right - overreacted!

Two shot, one in serious condition, one dead!

Very sorry for them!

Can't believe it, even it was "self defense", we got one dead!

Very amazing that a big part of the "audience" condones this, it's lynch-justice!

Who cares ?

He did not ask the moron to atack him and his family did he ?

And were you there ?

It is very wrong to say anything about this in the first place .

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keep on your bashing and brand my point as "silly", still two wrongs don't make one right - overreacted!

Two shot, one in serious condition, one dead!

Very sorry for them!

Can't believe it, even it was "self defense", we got one dead!

Very amazing that a big part of the "audience" condones this, it's lynch-justice!

Samuian - What planet are you on? A guy shoots your wife in the head twice as you watch, then shoots at you 4 times and makes contact once. <deleted> are you going to do? This Frenchman acted on the instinct of fight, not flight and he was totally right. If this was you were you going to "turn the other cheek?". Get real dude.


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keep on your bashing and brand my point as "silly", still two wrongs don't make one right - overreacted!

Two shot, one in serious condition, one dead!

Very sorry for them!

Can't believe it, even it was "self defense", we got one dead!

Very amazing that a big part of the "audience" condones this, it's lynch-justice!

Protecting ones family, while one is shot in the head at point blank range, is now "lynch-justice?" That's a new one on me. :o

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The brutality of this attack is simply shocking. I have difficulty understanding how any person could do such a thing. I have always understood Thailand to be rife with crime, but very rarely in the manner of a physical Threat. I think this was a case of returning home and surprising the robber / attacker… Or was he there waiting ?

With all the wars and violence around I feel proud that one of the good guys reacted so strongly in such a situation. I hope this story spreads like wild fire and acts as food for thought for potential robbers and attackers.

I imagine that such desperation does not occur in times of logical thought.

I have no sympathy for the attacker, he was removed from the human race before he has the opportunity or faces the desperation to do the same again.

Before this event my sympathies may have been with a poor guy desperately in dept, but that is only out of hindsight with the knowledge of what happened. But it’s too late now. Who knows what each of us may do in times of such desperation. However, taking that big step is something I’m sure most would never consider.

I sincerely hope the victim, and his wife make a full recovery and live a happy future bringing up their new born child.

Some laws exist and you hope you never have to cross them. Some moral lines exist and you hope you never have to step over the boundary. But those boundaries are not fixed in stone. We do not live in a world of absolute right and absolute wrong. Rather we live in a grey area where the normal goodness of people rarely forces us to push those laws and boundaries. This is an example of one of those boundaries not just being pushed but stepped over so convincingly and righteously that it’s the understandable thing to do. Being an understandable thing to do, doesn’t make it right, but the victim was not the one making the choices, he was protecting his life. I think everyone would agree, the Victim did no wrong.

As far as some of the more stupid ‘righteous’ comments go on this thread. Are they the people who would watch their loved one being beaten up, raped or harmed in anyway and not react because they believe ‘”Thou shalt not kill” – Or am I misinterpreting some point here? This has to be sarcastic right ? Or a troll comment as someone’s post suggested. I can’t believe that someone could be so blind to reality that they could expect someone to have logical calm thought when something such as this is happening. Yes its an open forum, and opinions should be welcomed from all sources.. I’ve never insulted other TV members… BUT… Some people lack such a concept of reality the word moron truly applies to them.. you know who you are…

(Edit for typo)

Addition – I don’t think anyone is saying the murder is correct. Its never the right thing to do. But IMHO in this case it wasn’t so wrong !

Edited by richard_smith237
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keep on your bashing and brand my point as "silly", still two wrongs don't make one right - overreacted!

Two shot, one in serious condition, one dead!

Very sorry for them!

Can't believe it, even it was "self defense", we got one dead!

Very amazing that a big part of the "audience" condones this, it's lynch-justice!


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Why did the farang have too drown the man?

The proper procedure once the raider was disarmed and overpowered was then to call the police.

The Farang should face charges for man slaughter.

Where did it say the gunman was ever disarmed? Since you have only speculated, I too will speculate. The idiot refused to drop the gun, and the Frenchman did what he could only do...hold the sob's head into the water in hopes that the gun wold be dropped. The would be/still possible murderer, refused to drop the gun, and while trying to gasp for air, his lungs filled with water, and he subsequently drowned. By definition, since the gunman still had the gun, it is still self-defense. Are you by chance the twin brother of another poster here? :o

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Why did the farang have too drown the man?


The proper procedure once the raider was disarmed and overpowered was then to call the police.


The Farang should face charges for man slaughter.


And i quote YOU from one of your earlier posts about how you FELT when a foreigner pushed into you!

"I felt angry, humiliated and low, almost like being back at school facing bullies."

Anyone have a white feather handy?

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While samuian is busy preaching to the masses about right, wrong & versus from scripture dreamed up thousands of years ago, I would dearly love to know what he (?) would do in a life or death, me or the other guy situation or what he would do if his wife & child were (visually appparent) murdered in front of him.

Please enlighten the board...

The world as we know it might appear to fall within a certain framework, however, when that framework falls to pieces, whether it be on a personal, micro or macro level - you can't just stand there winging - "Ohh its so wrong, it is just not fair." A person has to get up and do something. Run, fight, protect, revenge, whimp out, whatever - however, do not complain that it shouldn't happen. It does & frequently. Protect yourselves & those with meaning to your life.


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It's all about where you get hit in the head, what kind of bullets that he used. They might report shot twice in the head but did it hit the head straight on? or did the bullets just graze the head. (Not sure but a sad sad story since they might just keep her alive long enough to do a C-section to get the infant.

Guns are bad, Killing is bad, I do hope that they will all get better and see many years together.

guns dont kill people ,people kill people .

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While samuian is busy preaching to the masses about right, wrong & versus from scripture dreamed up thousands of years ago, I would dearly love to know what he (?) would do in a life or death, me or the other guy situation or what he would do if his wife & child were (visually appparent) murdered in front of him.

Please enlighten the board...

The world as we know it might appear to fall within a certain framework, however, when that framework falls to pieces, whether it be on a personal, micro or macro level - you can't just stand there winging - "Ohh its so wrong, it is just not fair." A person has to get up and do something. Run, fight, protect, revenge, whimp out, whatever - however, do not complain that it shouldn't happen. It does & frequently. Protect yourselves & those with meaning to your life.


your post indeed makes more sense .

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While samuian is busy preaching to the masses about right, wrong & versus from scripture dreamed up thousands of years ago, I would dearly love to know what he (?) would do in a life or death, me or the other guy situation or what he would do if his wife & child were (visually appparent) murdered in front of him.

Please enlighten the board...

The world as we know it might appear to fall within a certain framework, however, when that framework falls to pieces, whether it be on a personal, micro or macro level - you can't just stand there winging - "Ohh its so wrong, it is just not fair." A person has to get up and do something. Run, fight, protect, revenge, whimp out, whatever - however, do not complain that it shouldn't happen. It does & frequently. Protect yourselves & those with meaning to your life.


Soundman - Not sure how well you can protect yourself, looks like your little girl can get the better of you.. Took one in the groin? (Your avatar photo).

I like the framework speech and agree that its ‘bang on’…

I too would be interested to learn of what course of action would be taken by our preacher Samuian?

Two wrongs don’t make a right…. Please get real..… If the law told you to jump off the bridge.. would you ?....

Ok I know the law doesn’t or wouldn’t say that – But I hope my point gets across, coming out with the sayings our parents may have used for generations while stopping us from petting fighting with our siblings is hardly applicable in this case….

Murder and attempted murder is wrong. Reacting to it is understandable. Agreeing with someone in principle; who has lost self control and drowned someone in a fight for their life after their wife has just been shot in the head, twice… doesn’t seem such an evil thing to me.

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For those couple of idiots who just don't get it, here's what probably happened. I admit I wasn't there, but it's a fair guess at what probably went down.

Perp shoots wife twice. Husband charges perp, gets hit once. Husband and perp fall into khlong. Perp tries to aim at husband again (either gun). Husband and perp continue to fight over gun. Given that the choices for the husband are drowning the perp or letting go and getting shot again... No blame to the husband and no sympathy at all for the perp.

It's neither homicide nor manslaughter to drown someone who is trying to shoot you. And you can stick the moralizing where the sun doesn't shine.

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