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Moving To Pattaya


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Life can be great. That is just the way it should be. Made my mistakes trusting

people before, now I just need to clean up on the messes that evolved.

See you in a few months if I can find your place. I am so close to retiring under 50

it will be hard giving up working 7 days a week like I have for the last 9 years.

It has ended up being a blessing no booze or women for months at a time. The savings sure does show it. Keep em cold

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thanks guys

i have had alot of help with this i think this forum is great.

i am not gullible or stupid i have been in business for a good number of years and feel i am a reasonable judge of character BUT i could see straight away there is alot more to these girls than they let on thats why i have been interested in other peoples experiences. i have heard good and bad and i think the only way forward for me is to have a go! i am not likely to leave my self financial open to anyone as i have always been careful over here. you are more likely to loose everything over here if you have kids and split up from what has happened to friends and people such as ray parlour the man ends up with very little. at least keeping everything out of the country a thai girl will not know.


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Just some grandfatherly advice, don't jump head first untill you know

whats below. You have done well it sounds like and this when things really start paying off. You have alott going for you so why get off in the middle of the ride. Pattaya is not going anywhere and neither is the girl.

It could be very possible in a few more years you will not need the worry if you do or don't.

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i am married at the moment and my wife really wants children and i don't this will cause problems for our marrage like i said if i have kids now in 2 or 3 years time if i still feel like this it is very unfair on the children and i would be left with very little money if we split.

it seems now is the crunch time for me yes i could do with a bit more time to make more money but i think i will run out of time shortly this is why i am trying to find out if i have enough to on.

i think the answer is to follow my heart and hope things will be right i have always been single minded and a risk taker and in the past everything has been ok. so heres hoping!

thanks for reply


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I'm actually in the UK at the moment. Thanks anyway.

I've been travelling to the region for twelve years, for up to six months annually. I do practice what I preach and possibly because of that, I have not been negatively affected.

Pattaya, for me, is full of 'farang' losers and criminals. Let us not pretend. It's is full of desperate people. Certsinly there is financial opportunity, but only for some(A friend of mine deals in property there).

In the UK, the smallest of my properties is worth in excess of twelve million baht(£160k).

Though I know many Thai working girls quite well, I will not get involved with them.

Anyone staying there for any amount of time knows the score.

Almost every day that I am in Pattaya, I see or hear a guy getting ripped off.

Of course, it wouldn't do quite so well if there wasn't a fresh input of 'mugs' pumping their hard earned dosh into it.

Anyway, I'm not going to bang on about it. Up to you.

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Pattaya, for me, is full of 'farang' losers and criminals.
Don't you think that is a little biased....? I know a lot of people who have settled here both Thai and farang who have families etc....Work abroad or locally and are quite normal and far from being losers....Yes, it is true that Pattaya attracts lots of different people, but to say it is full of desperate people, losers and criminals....is a bit harsh. I think Pattaya has cleaned up a lot in the last 10 yrs....Yet you still come here
I've been travelling to the region for twelve years, for up to six months annually
..so does that make you a desperate loser criminal 6 months of the year?
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The 'region' being, SE Asia.

I'm sure there are a fair few decent people in Pattaya. That doesn't change the fact that it is a magnet for 'desperate people, losers and criminals'.

That my opinion.

If you disagree, maybe it's because you are looking at it from a different perspective.

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The 'region' being, SE Asia.

I'm sure there are a fair few decent people in Pattaya. That doesn't change the fact that it is a magnet for 'desperate people, losers and criminals'.

That my opinion.

If you disagree, maybe it's because you are looking at it from a different perspective.

But has'nt Bangkok, Phuket and chiang mai got its fair share also? :o

Not only Pattaya.

What perspective are you looking from then ?

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Let's face it, if the joint was too upmarket, a lot of us couldn't afford the place. Frankly, I find Pattaya's notorious rep one of its selling points, the riff raff keeps a lid on the prices.

It's all a delicate balance.

Too much riff raff, unpleasant and dangerous.

Not enough riff raff, boring and too gentrified.

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The 'region' being, SE Asia.

I'm sure there are a fair few decent people in Pattaya. That doesn't change the fact that it is a magnet for 'desperate people, losers and criminals'.

That my opinion.

If you disagree, maybe it's because you are looking at it from a different perspective.

But has'nt Bangkok, Phuket and chiang mai got its fair share also? :o

Not only Pattaya.

What perspective are you looking from then ?

Maybe someone I would consider a 'lowlife' you may consider a customer, possibly sustaining your lifestyle in Pattaya. Differing perspectives.

Pattaya has evolved from a small fishing town to a brothel and on to a much larger brothel. How much of the economy depends on women selling their bodies in exchange for cash?

Desperate men, desperate women and all the detritus that surrounds it.

Anyway, as said, I don't want to bang on about it. If you have a view on the place, then please, air it. I'm sure there are some who would be interested to hear an alternative viewpoint. Just don't bother asking me, as my viewpoint has already been expressed.

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The 'region' being, SE Asia.

I'm sure there are a fair few decent people in Pattaya. That doesn't change the fact that it is a magnet for 'desperate people, losers and criminals'.

That my opinion.

If you disagree, maybe it's because you are looking at it from a different perspective.

But has'nt Bangkok, Phuket and chiang mai got its fair share also? :o

Not only Pattaya.

What perspective are you looking from then ?

Maybe someone I would consider a 'lowlife' you may consider a customer, possibly sustaining your lifestyle in Pattaya. Differing perspectives.

Pattaya has evolved from a small fishing town to a brothel and on to a much larger brothel. How much of the economy depends on women selling their bodies in exchange for cash?

Desperate men, desperate women and all the detritus that surrounds it.

Anyway, as said, I don't want to bang on about it. If you have a view on the place, then please, air it. I'm sure there are some who would be interested to hear an alternative viewpoint. Just don't bother asking me, as my viewpoint has already been expressed.

I'm pleased to report that my place actually attracts the family type holidaymakers (husband & wife, kids etc) which is great in my opinion, of course i get the single thai girls, that attracts the single guys & bingo. (we also get the thai customers from bkk etc)

Pattaya has evolved from a small fishing town to a brothel and on to a much larger brothel. How much of the economy depends on women selling their bodies in exchange for cash?

Desperate men, desperate women and all the detritus that surrounds it

why do you come here then?


Just don't bother asking me, as my viewpoint has already been expressed

Fair enough, but you don't even live here.

how can you give good judgement? :D

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I'm actually in the UK at the moment. Thanks anyway.

I've been travelling to the region for twelve years, for up to six months annually. I do practice what I preach and possibly because of that, I have not been negatively affected.

Pattaya, for me, is full of 'farang' losers and criminals. Let us not pretend. It's is full of desperate people. Certsinly there is financial opportunity, but only for some(A friend of mine deals in property there).

In the UK, the smallest of my properties is worth in excess of  twelve million baht(£160k).

Though I know many Thai working girls quite well, I will not get involved with them.

Anyone staying there for any amount of time knows the score.

Almost every day that I am in Pattaya, I see or hear a guy getting ripped off.

Of course, it wouldn't do quite so well if there wasn't a fresh input of 'mugs' pumping their hard earned dosh into it.

Anyway, I'm not going to bang on about it. Up to you.

Pattaya has got more going for it than a lot places in Thailand,if you don't like it stay away,us "loses and criminals"don't want you spoiling are depraved live style.

Whats the value of your 2 up 2 down house in the UK got to do with anything anyway.

I'm sure the "working girls" will spot you for what you are.Just how well do you know them,been a bit of a "mug" yourself have we.

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Here we go;


I'm sure you know that I wasn't referring to every single visitor to Pattaya and every person that lives there.

I know Pattaya quite well, as it is one of the places that I do my training.


Be careful not to offend by getting 'personal'. I'm not a great fan of anonymous bravado.

Thank you for your invitation to 'stay away'. :o I'm quite sure your lifestyle won't change whether I am there or not.

Two up, two down? Hmmmmmm. Just illustrating why it may be better to keep your money outside of Thailand, where you can exercise some sort of control over it.

As mentioned before, I refuse/d to have any close emotional involvement(sex) with a girl who would sell herself for cash. Possibly because of that, I developed closer friendships with some of the girls and gained some insight into their lives. I also had the perspective of not having ANY involvement in the P4P scene for the first eight to ten years of travel to the region. Then, geographically, Pattaya became a stopover for me. I've learnt a fair bit about the town since.

It irks me when I see or hear of yet another guy being 'turned over'. I have walked away from girls who may of considered me a friend, when I feel they have gone 'beyond the pale', in lying to their 'sponsors' or some other indiscretion.

Some of us have standards in life, not matter where we are.

If some kept this in mind.....

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If you are selling property in the UK you will have to be careful of CGT. (Capital Gains Tax) With the property you list - you would be liable.

Rent first.

Sell the Uk property later if required

If you are non-resident in the UK you are no longer liable for CGT

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If you are selling property in the UK you will have to be careful of CGT. (Capital Gains Tax) With the property you list - you would be liable.

Rent first.

Sell the Uk property later if required

If you are non-resident in the UK you are no longer liable for CGT

Good advice.

Also rent first to look around for where you would prefer to live - east of Sukhumvit, west (pattaya proper), Jomtien, Naklua or further afield.

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Was it not a bit of anonymous bravado,when you slurred decent people that live in Pattaya with.

"Pattaya, for me, is full of 'farang' losers and criminals. Let us not pretend. It's is full of desperate people"

A lot of my friends that run successful, legitimate business'es here would be very offended by that,especially as everybody is working hard to improve the image of Pattaya.

Please see this thread.


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Everything that I say on this board I would say in person. In fact I do, frequently.

I looked at your link and I certainly don't disagree with anything within it.

Take away the 'working girls' and the place would lose it's lustre for many.

You can try to dress it up in as many ways as you like.... if it wasn't for the girls, you wouldn't be there.

Anyway, to get back on topic. My advice to the OP is not to believe the 'hype'rbole.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Get a work permit and then give peope advise! :o

Has Emuu posted on this topic? Can't find anything.

(More research - yes, first page - good advice) (NOTE: 'advice' - not 'advise' :D )

Anyway, judging from his other posts, I would say he has a WP already.

How can a 2-post newbie come up with this comment?

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I am amused by comments about criminals , desperate men and low life in Pattaya.

You should see the UK now every day muggings of pensioners rape murder theft car crime schoolchildren being robbed of their mobile and yes the East Europeans are here a lot involved in organised crime. The UK is one of the least safe places now. Pattaya can't be that bad can it.

I have been living in Tenerife for 2 years but am getting out the Russians now run Tenerife since Palmer has been jailed


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I also suggest renting first as other's have mentioned. I've been working in Thailand for two years, lived in Pattaya for about a year now and I'm still renting till I check out all my options. I'm happy with Pattaya even with all it's good points and bad.

I don't think you need to question the moral values of Pattaya, you've been here before, you have seen what Pattaya has to offer, you either like it or you don't.

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To UK person considering moving to Thailand and selling property in UK

You can avoid any capital gains tax by leaving UK for 3 years you can return to UK but for only 90 days per year.

Done it twice in last 8 years lived in Spain avoided around £400,000 GBP CGT

Warning consult a good chartered accountant before selling.

Good Luck

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Where did you meet her?? 7/11

Why waste your time with a Prostitute, come over and get a nice decent girl.


Another one of these people who've been taken to the cleamers by a Thai girl (or several) :D

Not all girls who go in 7/11 are hookers, the places do do legitimate business, even if they are too pricy for normal shopping.

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