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Capital Punishment Pro Or Con?


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Sorry, I was being just being a little facetious. However when people are saying, "Thou shalt not kill", and "An eye for an eye." Strangely both quotes from the same reference, then it makes me think that if they think they are Christians, they are just chosing certain parts of the book to base their faith on. A bit like the Jehovah's. If you are a true Christian, which I'm not (IMHO religion is just a form of superstition), You have to accept the whole book. Now the original version was an eye for an eye, or so I am lead to believe. As the only accurately quoted words of Jesus are from the sermon on the mount, then unless he said thou shalt not killl there, the rest is pure speculation, from a religious point of view re Christianity.

You never read it eh? a bit too many words, not many pictures in most versions.

Have you ever read the origional version? I must warn you it's in 2000 year old Greek. The version you are aquainted with contains many mis translations. :o

Just pointing out that you are making claims about a book you have never read, and that it is obvious by the mistakes you made. Just like now when you said the Bible has an 2000 year old original version in Greek, when the truth is that it was written by some 40 different men over 1500 years In Aramiac, Greek, and Hebrew. Anyone who wants can get these versions on their computer with word by word translation built in. You should stick to something you know, maybe Harry Potter.

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Sorry, I was being just being a little facetious. However when people are saying, "Thou shalt not kill", and "An eye for an eye." Strangely both quotes from the same reference, then it makes me think that if they think they are Christians, they are just chosing certain parts of the book to base their faith on. A bit like the Jehovah's. If you are a true Christian, which I'm not (IMHO religion is just a form of superstition), You have to accept the whole book. Now the original version was an eye for an eye, or so I am lead to believe. As the only accurately quoted words of Jesus are from the sermon on the mount, then unless he said thou shalt not killl there, the rest is pure speculation, from a religious point of view re Christianity.

You never read it eh? a bit too many words, not many pictures in most versions.

Have you ever read the origional version? I must warn you it's in 2000 year old Greek. The version you are aquainted with contains many mis translations. :o

Just pointing out that you are making claims about a book you have never read, and that it is obvious by the mistakes you made. Just like now when you said the Bible has an 2000 year old original version in Greek, when the truth is that it was written by some 40 different men over 1500 years In Aramiac, Greek, and Hebrew. Anyone who wants can get these versions on their computer with word by word translation built in. You should stick to something you know, maybe Harry Potter.

Harry Potter is probably more valid in today's world and about as beleivable!

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After reading from this link if anyone is still for the death penalty they aren't wired right.

One sided, liberal propaganda. How about compiling a guilty list of released killers who have gone on to kill again? How many wrongly executed innocents were criminals in their own right, just not guilty of the charge they were executed for?

Interestingly, Washington DC and Puerto Rico with double figure murder rates per 1,000 don't have the death penalty.

Interesting link but, it's still :D for the death penalty here.

How does one wrong (releasing known killers; how stupid) make it okay to put to death even one innocent person?

Your other argument is just foolish drivel......it's okay to execute an innocent person because he MAYBE committed another crime......perhaps shoplifting......... :o

I'm against the death penalty until such time as it's a perfect system......until then I say NO to killing innocent people.

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I have always been in favour of the death penalty and would even have it live on TV from Hyde Park each Sunday on pay per view. Various options of execution possible, from medievil to modern, depending upon the audience and their votes.

I accept that a certain proportion of those executed will be innocent. That is a fair price to pay for getting rid of the others. Sad, but true.

I don't give a flying suck about the modernist arguments that it is a barbaric penalty or that it costs more to execute someone than to keep them in jail (really, please). I think the public has a right to decide and the general public wants the death penalty.

One of the problems which supports the death penalty is the lax sentencing by the judiciary of those who should be locked away forever. I do not mean 20 years, I mean to die in jail. Then you have the jail standards. If i thiought someone was having a terrible time, day after day, real hard labour and harsh conditions and I knew they would be like that till they died, then you have a more convincing argument. But, you have jails like hotel rooms, with toilets, hot water, televisions, even heating etc. I'm sorry but some classes of prisioners do not desrerve those luxuries.

So you then come down to who gets the rope. Basically, all kiddie fiddlers, rapists and all that sort. All on first offense. Then some murderers, but not crimes of passion. Drug dealers and smugglers can go as well but perhaps not on the first time. A difficult choice I agree but you know the sort of people that society is better off without.

So until society comes up with an acceptable punishment, then some are going to have to meet their maker. That the UK population is not allowed a referendum on this because the wet behind the ear MPs will not vote the way the people want them to is despicable.

In Thailand, some have to go but the corruption means that those at the top rarely face punishment.

You might want to move to Baghdad and rent an apartment with a view to a busy road intersection. Sooner or later you will be able to see such executions and - if we all are lucky - you might even be on of those innocent ones executed for the benefit of all of us.

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I'm against the death penalty until such time as it's a perfect system......until then I say NO to killing innocent people.

I agree, except I think there are enough cases where the evidence is clear enough that the convicted person should be executed.

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Can I interject a pending case in Thailand to give this question "legs"?

"Bonnie killed her 'Clyde'"

Speaking of Clear Evidence:


So do most folks then think that Maggie Jean Crane (MJC) should be extradited to B.C. Canada/ serve life sentence in Chiang Mai or face capital punishment?

Many of us here wait for MJC to spill the beans on her long history following George Patrick Dubie (Daniel Dubie) around the 4 corners of the globe aiding in his nefarious activities including facing felony charges here 20 yrs ago.

If there is a serious death penalty option on the table in CM, she may finally open up and provide real actionable information that could address many open cases. If she perceives that society is "civil" and that she will face only the gentle hand of "rehabilitation" she is better served to "KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT" as I personally heard this monster say to me. Needless to say I broke away. MJC kept to his program until even she snapped.

Along the way are open missing person cases, rapes, thefts, felonious fraud. These monsters are out there preying upon gentle educated thoughtful enlightened members of society. GPD bragged to me that he would always be 3 steps ahead of the law. Ironic that in the end MJC was the final judge and jury.

I do not advocate her murder of GPD. I do not advocate clemency for MJC. I am convinced that these folks do not play by our rules so it is critical that there be set consequences -life sentence without possibility of parole or death penalty either seems preferable to me than the squishy sentences meted out in most US courts for murder 1.

I would hope that MJC would be given a firm choice-death by firing squad in CM or provide detailed account of all criminal activities GPD engaged in with her aid and recieve life imprisonment. Without such a firm hand she likely will sashay back to BC and many families will never have closure.

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Death penalty issue is a complex one.

In essence it is wrong to murder so it is also wrong to punish by sanctioned killing. But .. there are some buts. Some crimes don’ts seem to be adequately punished by sending perpetrators to life in cushy jails. Some of them get paroles and reduced terms and that prospect often haunts their prosecutors and victim families. Some crimes are so horrendous and they perpetrators so inhumane that allowing them the right to live seems like travesty of justice.

It also seems like a good idea of having a death penalty to keep some individuals respecting lives of their would -be victims more. I don't need it and you may not need it but some people are of such mental condition that they do (people like Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Poll Pot, Sadam, Ossama, mass-murderers, some psychopathic killers).

It all brings me to a conclusion that death penalty should not be dealt lightly but should be retained in the law. It should be applied only for the greatest crimes against humanity and not just to circumstantial murderers who have prospects for rehabilitation. It should only be applied if the person charged is beyond any doubt guilty.

So maybe the right issue is not is the death penalty right or wrong but under what circumstances is it right or wrong?


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Interestingly, Washington DC and Puerto Rico with double figure murder rates per 1,000 don't have the death penalty.

Interesting link but, it's still :o for the death penalty here.

The death penalty isn't the cause. Both have high rates of violent crime and in many cases this results in murder. If they didn't have the death penalty, the murder rates might be similar. Most murderers would commit the act regardless if the consequence was life in prison or the death penalty.

I'm for the the death penalty but some interesting posts in regards to the risks.

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After reading from this link if anyone is still for the death penalty they aren't wired right.

One sided, liberal propaganda. How about compiling a guilty list of released killers who have gone on to kill again? How many wrongly executed innocents were criminals in their own right, just not guilty of the charge they were executed for?

Interestingly, Washington DC and Puerto Rico with double figure murder rates per 1,000 don't have the death penalty.

Interesting link but, it's still :D for the death penalty here.

How does one wrong (releasing known killers; how stupid) make it okay to put to death even one innocent person? How does one wrong execution make it ok to give murderers the right to live? Which is greater, the number of executed innocents or, the number of innocents murdered by released killers? I don't know and neither do you.

Your other argument is just foolish drivel......it's okay to execute an innocent person because he MAYBE committed another crime......perhaps shoplifting......... :oThe fact is that the majority of so called innocents ARE criminals; that's the reason suspicion fell on them in the first place. Although it may be wrong to execute these people, quite frankly, I have no sympathy for them - they've paid the price for being bad people.

I'm against the death penalty until such time as it's a perfect system......until then I say NO to killing innocent people. There'll never be a 100% perfect system so, you'll always say NO. I'm happy to accept a slightly less than perfect system.

Fact. On the subject of the death penalty, it's either black, or white; I'll never accept your argument and you'll never accept mine.

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Let's not forget that blood money is often the persuader when families spare the life of a killer.

But by no means always

I'll add another twist to this. Example scenario: Person A murders Person B, Person A pays blood money to Family of Person B who spare his life. Person A is released and murders Person C. As far as I'm concerned the family of Person B are now accessories to the murder of Person C and should be tried accordingly.

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After reading from this link if anyone is still for the death penalty they aren't wired right.

One sided, liberal propaganda. How about compiling a guilty list of released killers who have gone on to kill again? How many wrongly executed innocents were criminals in their own right, just not guilty of the charge they were executed for?

Interestingly, Washington DC and Puerto Rico with double figure murder rates per 1,000 don't have the death penalty.

Interesting link but, it's still :D for the death penalty here.

How does one wrong (releasing known killers; how stupid) make it okay to put to death even one innocent person? How does one wrong execution make it ok to give murderers the right to live? Which is greater, the number of executed innocents or, the number of innocents murdered by released killers? I don't know and neither do you.

Your other argument is just foolish drivel......it's okay to execute an innocent person because he MAYBE committed another crime......perhaps shoplifting......... :oThe fact is that the majority of so called innocents ARE criminals; that's the reason suspicion fell on them in the first place. Although it may be wrong to execute these people, quite frankly, I have no sympathy for them - they've paid the price for being bad people.

I'm against the death penalty until such time as it's a perfect system......until then I say NO to killing innocent people. There'll never be a 100% perfect system so, you'll always say NO. I'm happy to accept a slightly less than perfect system.

Fact. On the subject of the death penalty, it's either black, or white; I'll never accept your argument and you'll never accept mine.

Your arguements are lacking any logic. The number of people murdered by released killers has NOTHING to do with the execution of an innocent person. I'll agree that all convicted of murder should NEVER see the light of day. But just because the justice system DOES release killers back into society (some who kill again) doesn't mean we must "balance the books" and execute some innocent people. You must be a bean counter, you're hung up on the 'number of executed innocents' and the 'number of innocents murdered by released killers' lol.

Fact. Some people can't deal with/understand the complex world we live in. For them everything is black & white, right or wrong. I can understand and accept that.

With the rapid advancements of technology there may very well come the day when we can know 100% if a person is guilty or not of a particular crime. You're WRONG to say there will NEVER be a 100% perfect system; it can happen. I guess your ancestors said there will never be a person to walk on the moon lol.

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I think that society has the right to punish crimes, but in an 'enlightened' way. Capital punishment is definitely no such way.

Some people think killing out of revenge is acceptable and list various sources to validate their opinion...see Bible quotes. I strongly doubt that any God or any enlightened person would endorse such a barbaric thing.

We don't have the right to take away another persons life, for whatever reason. Revenge for a crime doesn't make the crime go away, it creates another crime.

Solutions to the overpopulated prisons have been found. Stanislav Grof for example adopted the use of LSD in the 60's, before the goverment decided it was too dangerous, not for the physical and mental health of the person involved, but because it represented a thread to the established power. LSD can widen ones perspective enourmously and that is just to dangerous in a society that is based on the herd mentality...just like a lot of sheeps.

This guy gave several inmates of a prison (with their consent obviously) doses of LSD in a safe and controlled environment. Reportedly it helped them find their own place in their life and society, helped them get to the root of their problems and lowered the rate of re-committing other crimes by over 80%. Sadly this experiment has been stopped in its beginnings by the fear of the so-called establishment.

Check out this site for more info


Some crimes are very difficult to forgive, but it is possible and we should strive to reach a point where we see that the OTHERS are not different from US, that we are just as prone to make mistakes as everyone else. We should educate people, not kill them. Do you cut off your hand because you have an ingrown nail? The same applies with society I think.

What do you think?

Edited by mezcal
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What do you think?

Your post makes me think about an article I once read in which scientists gave drugs to spiders.

One group of spiders was given LSD while the other group of spiders was given mescaline.

It turned out that the spiders on LSD were still capable to make a perfect web while the spiders on mescaline made a mess of things and completely lost the plot.

Sorry off topic but I agree with you that drugs are a powerful tool to control the masses.

Edited by meom
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so now were discussing sex offenders and LSD.

Its amazing how these threads take on a life of their own and how they tend to meander. Perfect example of what the Buddha termed the monkey mind, jumping all over.

I asked a serious question on this thread post #98 page 4. Instead of spiders and LSD are there any thoughts about the real world here and now?????

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<br />Are TV members for or against capital punishment in general or in Thailand( added that to keep it Thai related).<br /><br />Wanted to set up a poll but I dont know how!<br /><br />I'm against capital punishment(anywhere) and consider it nothing more than sanctioned gov't murder and think it is an easy way out for criminals, rather than enduring a life time in jail. <br /><br />up until 1934 decapitation was the preferred method, the last one occuring in 1919. then execution using machine gun fire until lethal injections were substituted a few years ago.<br /><br />Don't think there have been any executions for a year or two with several hundred prisoners sentenced and awaiting execution.<br /><br />Any way what's your thought?<br /><br />Got my info from internet snooping thanks to Google.<br /><br />Yeah, yeah, I know I'm a bleeding heart liberal. so flame away<br /><br />.<br />
Kill and be Killed<br /><br /><br />
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I think that society has the right to punish crimes, but in an 'enlightened' way. Capital punishment is definitely no such way.

Some people think killing out of revenge is acceptable and list various sources to validate their opinion...see Bible quotes. I strongly doubt that any God or any enlightened person would endorse such a barbaric thing.

We don't have the right to take away another persons life, for whatever reason. Revenge for a crime doesn't make the crime go away, it creates another crime.

Solutions to the overpopulated prisons have been found. Stanislav Grof for example adopted the use of LSD in the 60's, before the goverment decided it was too dangerous, not for the physical and mental health of the person involved, but because it represented a thread to the established power. LSD can widen ones perspective enourmously and that is just to dangerous in a society that is based on the herd mentality...just like a lot of sheeps.

This guy gave several inmates of a prison (with their consent obviously) doses of LSD in a safe and controlled environment. Reportedly it helped them find their own place in their life and society, helped them get to the root of their problems and lowered the rate of re-committing other crimes by over 80%. Sadly this experiment has been stopped in its beginnings by the fear of the so-called establishment.

Check out this site for more info


Some crimes are very difficult to forgive, but it is possible and we should strive to reach a point where we see that the OTHERS are not different from US, that we are just as prone to make mistakes as everyone else. We should educate people, not kill them. Do you cut off your hand because you have an ingrown nail? The same applies with society I think.

What do you think?

:o Thanks Mezcal. I think you have hit on a perfect solution. Let's feed the prisoners an unlimited quantity of the drugs of their choice...no need for capital punishment. They'll kill themselves. hel_l, the biggest problem with your scheme is that there will be thousands of Dead Heads trying to break INTO the prisons. Heheheehe. Thank God for Thai Visa. They give crackpots like you an opportunity to keep the rest of us laughing our asses off.

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I think that society has the right to punish crimes, but in an 'enlightened' way. Capital punishment is definitely no such way.

Some people think killing out of revenge is acceptable and list various sources to validate their opinion...see Bible quotes. I strongly doubt that any God or any enlightened person would endorse such a barbaric thing.

We don't have the right to take away another persons life, for whatever reason. Revenge for a crime doesn't make the crime go away, it creates another crime.

Solutions to the overpopulated prisons have been found. Stanislav Grof for example adopted the use of LSD in the 60's, before the goverment decided it was too dangerous, not for the physical and mental health of the person involved, but because it represented a thread to the established power. LSD can widen ones perspective enourmously and that is just to dangerous in a society that is based on the herd mentality...just like a lot of sheeps.

This guy gave several inmates of a prison (with their consent obviously) doses of LSD in a safe and controlled environment. Reportedly it helped them find their own place in their life and society, helped them get to the root of their problems and lowered the rate of re-committing other crimes by over 80%. Sadly this experiment has been stopped in its beginnings by the fear of the so-called establishment.

Check out this site for more info


Some crimes are very difficult to forgive, but it is possible and we should strive to reach a point where we see that the OTHERS are not different from US, that we are just as prone to make mistakes as everyone else. We should educate people, not kill them. Do you cut off your hand because you have an ingrown nail? The same applies with society I think.

What do you think?

:o Thanks Mezcal. I think you have hit on a perfect solution. Let's feed the prisoners an unlimited quantity of the drugs of their choice...no need for capital punishment. They'll kill themselves. hel_l, the biggest problem with your scheme is that there will be thousands of Dead Heads trying to break INTO the prisons. Heheheehe. Thank God for Thai Visa. They give crackpots like you an opportunity to keep the rest of us laughing our asses off.

Obviously you like taking mind shortcuts. LSD is not in the least addictive and if you would read the link about LSD therapy you would soon notic that it wasnt written by a crackpot, but a scientist with tons of experiences in the field, and then you would see yourself as what you are: smallminded. Thank you

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After reading from this link if anyone is still for the death penalty they aren't wired right.

One sided, liberal propaganda. How about compiling a guilty list of released killers who have gone on to kill again? How many wrongly executed innocents were criminals in their own right, just not guilty of the charge they were executed for?

Interestingly, Washington DC and Puerto Rico with double figure murder rates per 1,000 don't have the death penalty.

Interesting link but, it's still :D for the death penalty here.

How does one wrong (releasing known killers; how stupid) make it okay to put to death even one innocent person? How does one wrong execution make it ok to give murderers the right to live? Which is greater, the number of executed innocents or, the number of innocents murdered by released killers? I don't know and neither do you.

Your other argument is just foolish drivel......it's okay to execute an innocent person because he MAYBE committed another crime......perhaps shoplifting......... :oThe fact is that the majority of so called innocents ARE criminals; that's the reason suspicion fell on them in the first place. Although it may be wrong to execute these people, quite frankly, I have no sympathy for them - they've paid the price for being bad people.

I'm against the death penalty until such time as it's a perfect system......until then I say NO to killing innocent people. There'll never be a 100% perfect system so, you'll always say NO. I'm happy to accept a slightly less than perfect system.

Fact. On the subject of the death penalty, it's either black, or white; I'll never accept your argument and you'll never accept mine.

Your arguements are lacking any logic. The number of people murdered by released killers has NOTHING to do with the execution of an innocent person. I'll agree that all convicted of murder should NEVER see the light of day. But just because the justice system DOES release killers back into society (some who kill again) doesn't mean we must "balance the books" and execute some innocent people. You must be a bean counter, you're hung up on the 'number of executed innocents' and the 'number of innocents murdered by released killers' lol.

Fact. Some people can't deal with/understand the complex world we live in. For them everything is black & white, right or wrong. I can understand and accept that.

With the rapid advancements of technology there may very well come the day when we can know 100% if a person is guilty or not of a particular crime. You're WRONG to say there will NEVER be a 100% perfect system; it can happen. I guess your ancestors said there will never be a person to walk on the moon lol.

So, you're happy to incarcerate innocents for the term of their natural life, yet you're unhappy about them being executed?

I'm no bean counter; you're the one who originally posted a link justifying your beliefs. Indeed, why should your link succeed in swaying my mind where the periodical junk mail I receive from Amnesty International fails? I've no need to quote such sources - my mind's made up and so is yours.

Technology is one thing but, what about the humans required to operate it? Humans by nature are both fallible & corruptable.

It was stated by another poster that about 10% of Thai death penalty inmates are innocent, I suspect that the US is even less than that, perhaps you can elaborate? Though I don't know off the top of my head, I'm fairly certain that innocent potential UK death penalty candidates would be far less than 10%. I can live with the error rate, but you cannot, so perhaps we should agree to disagree on this subject.

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After reading from this link if anyone is still for the death penalty they aren't wired right.

One sided, liberal propaganda. How about compiling a guilty list of released killers who have gone on to kill again? How many wrongly executed innocents were criminals in their own right, just not guilty of the charge they were executed for?

Interestingly, Washington DC and Puerto Rico with double figure murder rates per 1,000 don't have the death penalty.

Interesting link but, it's still :D for the death penalty here.

How does one wrong (releasing known killers; how stupid) make it okay to put to death even one innocent person? How does one wrong execution make it ok to give murderers the right to live? Which is greater, the number of executed innocents or, the number of innocents murdered by released killers? I don't know and neither do you.

Your other argument is just foolish drivel......it's okay to execute an innocent person because he MAYBE committed another crime......perhaps shoplifting......... :oThe fact is that the majority of so called innocents ARE criminals; that's the reason suspicion fell on them in the first place. Although it may be wrong to execute these people, quite frankly, I have no sympathy for them - they've paid the price for being bad people.

I'm against the death penalty until such time as it's a perfect system......until then I say NO to killing innocent people. There'll never be a 100% perfect system so, you'll always say NO. I'm happy to accept a slightly less than perfect system.

Fact. On the subject of the death penalty, it's either black, or white; I'll never accept your argument and you'll never accept mine.

Your arguements are lacking any logic. The number of people murdered by released killers has NOTHING to do with the execution of an innocent person. I'll agree that all convicted of murder should NEVER see the light of day. But just because the justice system DOES release killers back into society (some who kill again) doesn't mean we must "balance the books" and execute some innocent people. You must be a bean counter, you're hung up on the 'number of executed innocents' and the 'number of innocents murdered by released killers' lol.

Fact. Some people can't deal with/understand the complex world we live in. For them everything is black & white, right or wrong. I can understand and accept that.

With the rapid advancements of technology there may very well come the day when we can know 100% if a person is guilty or not of a particular crime. You're WRONG to say there will NEVER be a 100% perfect system; it can happen. I guess your ancestors said there will never be a person to walk on the moon lol.

So, you're happy to incarcerate innocents for the term of their natural life, yet you're unhappy about them being executed?

I'm no bean counter; you're the one who originally posted a link justifying your beliefs. Indeed, why should your link succeed in swaying my mind where the periodical junk mail I receive from Amnesty International fails? I've no need to quote such sources - my mind's made up and so is yours.

Technology is one thing but, what about the humans required to operate it? Humans by nature are both fallible & corruptable.

It was stated by another poster that about 10% of Thai death penalty inmates are innocent, I suspect that the US is even less than that, perhaps you can elaborate? Though I don't know off the top of my head, I'm fairly certain that innocent potential UK death penalty candidates would be far less than 10%. I can live with the error rate, but you cannot, so perhaps we should agree to disagree on this subject.

You said this: So, you're happy to incarcerate innocents for the term of their natural life, yet you're unhappy about them being executed?

My reply: Of course incarceration is better! 100's of people on Death Row have Been Released after DNA or other evidence has proven them innocent! You'd rather execute them and later when it's been proven they didn't commit the crime just say .........Oh well.......I'm still happy with the system...........how pathetic. At least with a life sentence an innocent person still has a hope of somehow proving his innocence someday.

There you go again (in red).....prattling on about percentages this and percentages that. You just don't get it; the taking of ONE innocent life is WRONG.

Instead of agreeing to disagree I'll settle for you're wrong and I'm right. :D

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