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Why Do Farang Use The Words "western People"?

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I was just wondering why many farang in Thailand use the bizarre term "Western People" when referring to other farang. Some of the farang are from west of Thailand, but many are from east of Thailand, and still others from the north and south. It seems terribly ignorant to assume that all farang are from Europe, Bangladesh and other countries west of Thailand.

I use it to avoid the discriminatory word "farang" which some westerners have adopted into their vocabulary in an attempt to "go local".

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What are italians??

I call them westerners but i know many of them dont want to be called that and say they are not westerners or white.

Italians are Midlle-Eastern or Middle-Western depending on which way you go.

Mediterraneans (which means middle of the earth :D . )

Yet the Prime Meridian does not pass through Italy. :o (I know pre 1884 the meridian of Mount Mario was also used along with several other meridians in cartography) Just to avoid any lectures about my ignorance towards past global navigation tchniques. :D

I was just wondering why many farang in Thailand use the bizarre term "Western People" when referring to other farang. Some of the farang are from west of Thailand, but many are from east of Thailand, and still others from the north and south. It seems terribly ignorant to assume that all farang are from Europe, Bangladesh and other countries west of Thailand.

you really need to get out more often -- farang sic western people is now the generally accepted term to describe anyone who is not thai -- and as far as i know - everyone and i mean everyone -except you seems to accept it as part of the way of identifying others who are not thai = except for the term 'kack' -=- have a nice day - :o)

I was just wondering why many farang in Thailand use the bizarre term "Western People" when referring to other farang. Some of the farang are from west of Thailand, but many are from east of Thailand, and still others from the north and south. It seems terribly ignorant to assume that all farang are from Europe, Bangladesh and other countries west of Thailand.

I use it to avoid the discriminatory word "farang" which some westerners have adopted into their vocabulary in an attempt to "go local".

How we should refer to farangs who are from Eastern Europe for example? Or to a person born in Germany with Thai parents? Is he a "western person" also?

Using terms "western people" too broadly is very misleading because:

- not all people who come from "western countries" are "farangs"

- not all "farangs" are from "westerm countries"

That's why describing the race (farang) is much more accurate is most cases.


I do not use the word "farang". It is demeaning and though sometimes used in non negative context, it is more often than not used to denote non Thai being lower than Thai. It does not have the same meaning as "Asian". If you think you're being buttered up when people call you farang and you use the word yourself then you are indeed naive.

Westerner denotes European, North America and strangely, Australasia. It has trancended its original geographical boundaries as being "west" of anywhere.

I , Bangladesh and other countries west of Thailand.

Bangla Deshis are not "western People" even they come from a country "west" of Thailand!

It origins might to be found somewhere at the divide of Occident and Orient! What could be interpreted as "East" and "West".

Nowadays it would refer to "People from Industrialized Nations".

"The origins of the word "West" in terms of geopolitical boundaries started in the 1900s. Prior to this most humans would have thought about different nations, languages, individuals, and geographical regions, but with no idea of "Western" nations as we know it today. Many world maps were so crude and inaccurate before the 1800s that geographical and political differences would be harder to measure. Few would have access to good maps and even fewer had access to accurate descriptions of who lived in far away lands. Western thought as we think of it today, is shaped by ideas of the 1900s and 1800s, originating mainly in Europe."


The term turns out quiet funny if one looks at the former divided Germany, there was a clear definition of "East" and "West" and the "West" was very much this what people do have in mind when using the term "West", "Western", "Westerner" or "Western People" as "Caucasian" is a term for "Farang" or "Whity", as "Asian"... as there are Japanese, Chinese, Indians and so on....

Westerner is simply a term... as "Yank" or "Brit"... name it.

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