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Should We All Wear Yellow Tomorrow?


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Glad to have contributed to a lively discussion. Bendix thought I should look in the mirror. I already explained myself. I was raised in a country without a monarchy and I am not a proper immigrant here. I don't feel proper celebrating a monarch who isn't my monarch, but I have total respect for the people that do feel this connection. For me to wear a yellow shirt would be a clothing lie, and by not wearing it, there is no intention of any disrespect whatsoever.

Edited by Jingthing
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Many of you guys want to pretend you are a part of some 1950's sub culture because you have an elevated social status in this country or something. Like everyone is watching you. They arent. You are just another farang, whether you wear the shirt or not.

Says the 45 year old man who thinks a 19 year old student should fall over in gratitude because he asked her out, and who measures his worth in what he can benchpress . . . .

Do you think the 45 year old man or man of elevated social status will know where I can get a t-shirt that does not bobble?


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Glad to have contributed to a lively discussion. Bendix thought I should look in the mirror. I already explained myself. I was raised in a country without a monarchy and I am not a proper immigrant here. I don't feel proper celebrating a monarch who isn't my monarch, but I have total respect for the people that do feel this connection. For me to wear a yellow shirt would be a clothing lie.

Which begs the question, why do you stand up in a movie when the anthem comes on? Wouldnt remaining in your seat be avoiding a 'standing up lie'?

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Which begs the question, why do you stand up in a movie when anthem comes on? Wouldnt remaining in your seat be avoiding a 'standing up lie'?

My feelings about standing at the movies has evolved over time. For many years of coming to Thailand, I really loved the novelty of it, but now it is boring if you see alot of movies like me and I do wish they would make new films more often. I do it because it is required by Thai society. Not standing would not only cause an incident and possibly result in violence, it represents an ACTIVE statement of disrespect, something I don't feel at all and would never do.

Last I heard, wearing the colors was not required, if it becomes required, I will wear them.

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I get a chill when there is such pressure to conform the way you are suggesting. One poster said when in Thailand, do as the Thais. Really?

There is no pressure to conform and never has been. On the day HM went into hospital, state workers had been asked to wear yellow. I didn't know this when I attended a meeting of senior state enterprise and business people (who were all wearing yellow), so I was wearing my usual clothes. Nobody gave me a second glance.

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Should we all wear yellow tomorrow to show 'our' respect to the Thai King?

Well I always wear yellow on a Monday as we are in Thailand and being ferrangs it's nice to show a bit of respect to our hosts I think :D .

But as for tomorrow , I'm on holiday and I won't be going out so I'll just be wearing a pair of Liverpool footie shorts :D , I hope the yellow squad don't turn up and nick me :o .

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I get a chill when there is such pressure to conform the way you are suggesting. One poster said when in Thailand, do as the Thais. Really?

There is no pressure to conform and never has been. On the day HM went into hospital, state workers had been asked to wear yellow. I didn't know this when I attended a meeting of senior state enterprise and business people (who were all wearing yellow), so I was wearing my usual clothes. Nobody gave me a second glance.

Great, and that is how it should be, I think it would be kind of creepy if this became officially required of all people in Thailand. Do it if it pleases you and with good intentions, just don't assume people who don't do it have bad intentions.

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For crying out loud...

Not wearing yellow is not disrespectful.

Making a show of not wearing yellow IS disrespectful.

I am participating in a discussion, if you are talking about me. Where is the show?

I think this is a valid question, because if it really is disrespectful not to wear yellow as Bendix seems to assert, I think people should know who had no intention of showing disrespect.

Frankly, if someone says something that convinces me that not wearing yellow is an act of disrespect, I would change my tune about this.

Edited by Jingthing
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Some people would appreciate us wearing yellow, some think it's not worth any special praise - everyone does it.

I didn't think about wearing yellow shirt tomorrow until I saw this thread and I'm sure there will be plenty of people at the mall tomorrow not wearing one, but since you brought it up, guys - if some people would feel better if I wear yellow, why not? If I make someone smile when they realise that foreigners appreciate their King, too, I'd be happy to oblige.

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If I make someone smile when they realise that foreigners appreciate their King, too, I'd be happy to oblige.

Excuse me, but have you considered that some Thai people will not appreciate this? I think you should do it for yourself, and not make assumptions about what all the people you meet will feel. How could you possibly know what people are thinking about you?

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I am participating in a discussion, if you are talking about me. Where is the show?

I think this is a valid question, because if it really is disrespectful not to wear yellow as Bendix seems to assert, I think people should know who had no intention of showing disrespect.

Frankly, if someone says something that convinces me that not wearing yellow is an act of disrespect, I would change my tune about this.

What is the point of going into great detail about your reasons for not wearing yellow? Just say you will not be wearing yellow and get it over with - the fact that you have to elaborate on your reasons for not wearing yellow is a sure sign that you are NOT sure whether it's disrespectful or not, and only want other posters to agree with you.

It's not just you - there are other posters in this thread who are much worse - but there is absolutely zero reason for elaborating on your decision - and besides Bendix came into the thread after your first 10 posts or so. No point in using him as an excuse.

You say you want to be respectful, or you respect HM the King? Leave it at that.

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If I make someone smile when they realise that foreigners appreciate their King, too, I'd be happy to oblige.

Excuse me, but have you considered that some Thai people will not appreciate this? I think you should do it for yourself, and not make assumptions about what all the people you meet will feel. How could you possibly know what people are thinking about you?

This is getting out of hand and now I object.

By intimating that some Thai people will not appreciate the fact that you are showing your respect for their King, you are really in la-la land.

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I think I was explicitly asked to explain myself. Sorry that you don't appreciate that I am a communicative and responsive poster.

Also, I have already said that I had assumed it was not disrespectful to not wear the colors, that is a personal decision, but some posters seem to be saying differently. So, yes, right now, I am NOT SURE. Is that OK with you, that I am open to be persuaded to change my views?

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If I make someone smile when they realise that foreigners appreciate their King, too, I'd be happy to oblige.

Excuse me, but have you considered that some Thai people will not appreciate this? I think you should do it for yourself, and not make assumptions about what all the people you meet will feel. How could you possibly know what people are thinking about you?

This is getting out of hand and now I object.

By intimating that some Thai people will not appreciate the fact that you are showing your respect for their King, you are really in la-la land.

You are in la la land if you think that some will not think: what is this farang fool acting like he is a Thai for? and other such lovely thoughts. Do it for yourself. Do it out of respect. Don't assume everyone will appreciate it, that is really arrogant.

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Interesting thread, not so much for the subject matter but the responses it has drawn out.

Frankly, I see it almost as an affront to my hosts NOT to wear yellow tomorrow, and those who are consciously deciding not to need to take a good look at their motives.

Frankly :o I think you've got a lot to learn about Thai people. You are so naive.

We put a picture of the King on the wall last week, the first time in 6 years, and there was a argument as to whether it should go above a Budha and a statue of Phra Pee Ganesh.

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