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Chiang Mai Uses New Drug Detecting Devices

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Chiang Mai uses sophisticated drug detecting devices

CHIANG MAI: -- Police in Thailand's northern province of Chiang Mai have begun using some of the most sophisticated narcotics-detecting devices at its checkpoints.

The device is now being used for the first time at a checkpoint in Muang district.

It is capable of detecting 12 different types of illegal narcotics hidden on the bodies of suspected drug users.

A technician, Worralak Chaiyaphong, handling the device, told TNA on Thursday that the drug-test results can be verified within minutes after a sweat sample had been taken.

Each device, which costs Bt10 million, can process as many as a 180 drug tests in an hour, and its operating costs are less than a urine test.

--TNA 2004-08-27

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A technician, Worralak Chaiyaphong, handling the device, told TNA on Thursday that the drug-test results can be verified within minutes after a sweat sample had been taken.

it looks like that human rights are ignored by Thai Government, but it's nothing new :o

sweat samples are part of your human integrety and it's ILLEGAL to sample them without

a search warrant, and this means that they have to suspect you of using drug, with evidences or police inquiry's proof.

But urine can be sample as they are considered different, your body is your own property,

urine can be sampled as a body-rejection ...

even human rights are not so clear on this :D

sad sad world :D



Not looking at the sweat-taking as being possibly a human rights violation, I'd like to look at this as a more positive sign...

I'm basically an Old Hippy (ex) Pothead....I grew up in a culture and time of open minds and open hearts, in the Haight Ashbury of the late 60's......

Drugs were a major part of any and all social interaction, anytime, anywhere.

It worked for awhile, but then there was strychnine in the acid, heroin, and all the crime that came with that. ...Speed... Cocaine begot Crack, which has almost single-handidly destroyed entire communities in my home of San Francisco, and like, I feel, every other big city in America. Look at the violence so common in the States...In my city there simply were some areas people were afraid to enter once it got dark, because of the crack and meth dealing going on, and all the supporting crimes and violence. If you entered the area, you were expected to be a buyer or seller. I drove SF Yellow Cab, at night, as a second job for a couple of years, and though I was lucky to not get more than 50 stitches in my mouth from a guy tossing a beer bottle through my window, I saw and heard plenty more.... In these torn communities, EVERYTHING at night revolves around drugs...prostitution to support drug habits, thieves stealing for money to buy drugs, cops on patrol looking for drug dealers and drug-related crimes, cabs running stop lights to avoid car-jacking by druggies.... Far beyond the issue of personal use, in the privacy of your home, and not hurting anyone but yourself....

This scenerio happens in other cities in America, and most other western countries in the world... And it's one of my main reasons for coming here...

It's happening here now, too. Slowly a few years ago, but now out of control. Tourists are highly unlikely to see it, but if you're Thai, you can see it in every community, to some degree. Familes destroyed, and communities in danger, literally thousands killed....Serious shit.

My HOME is in danger of collapse, and becoming more and more like the society I escaped from. I'm invested in protecting my life I feel. and I want to support any real attempt to gain some control of the drug situation.

Listen, I know that there's likely corruption involved in the bidding process for the sweat machines, and for a price, the judge might give a favorable ruling, and that many police are themselves drug dealers,etc., etc.... It's easy to say it won't make any difference, for the people don't have any confidence in police, for obvious and valid reasons...

So, what can you do? Have faith and hope, I feel.

I have faith that, like in the cowboy westerns, good is better and stronger than evil.

I have faith that good wins more battles...

I'd like to say that I have faith that the Thai police will become more dilgent and professional...And I hope I can someday.

Faith ain't so easy sometimes :o

So, I'm glad there are checkpoints and some (hopefully 100% accurate) machine to make drug testing better and cheaper. And I hope that there will be enough good police to win over the evil ones..

So much is at stake, na'?


Interesting post Ajarn, growing up 350 miles north of you and yes driving around my VW bus,

I agree with your post.....

being FOR a drug free society instead of being AGAINST drugs takes one a lot further.

I believe what one is FOR empowers you and what you are AGAINST weaklings you, so I like taking this pro-active approach.

Interesting post Ajarn, growing up 350 miles north of you and yes driving around my VW bus,

I agree with your post.....

being FOR a drug free society instead of being AGAINST drugs takes one a lot further.

I believe what one is FOR empowers you and what you are AGAINST weaklings you, so I like taking this pro-active approach.

Khun SendBaht (to me!)

Thanks. I've thought a lot about your words. You put it in a way that immediately clarified so much for me, and has added to my own question on the paths I choose to follow...

Positive vs Negative. So easy to see, at that level, which is more 'positive', na'? :o

But, in reality, it surely seems many of us choose the Negative as reference/motivation so often... Why?

Anyway, I now feel I have a better tool to help me make some choices, and gauge my effectivess. I usually rely on my heart, but the Scientist in me just doesn't always want to trust that, so having a simple Reality Check that pretty much works the same for everyone seems like a valuable gift you've presented.

Go for the Positive 'For', and ###### the Negative 'Against'...Simply because it works better




It is capable of detecting 12 different types of illegal narcotics hidden on the bodies of suspected drug users.

A technician, Worralak Chaiyaphong, handling the device, told TNA on Thursday that the drug-test results can be verified within minutes after a sweat sample had been taken.

so, let's keep this in the positive :D

I do agree that Drugs are a real deep bad problem for families and relatives as for the users, it gives so much trouble and beside this deep problem for a country too ...

some would call this a "lost generation" ... and it might be not so far from reality :o

I just hope that this expensive drug-tester can detect alcohol as well, if not this thing is partly useless ...

everyone knows that "kin lao" is a major Thai society's problem.

how many drunk drivers do you think that you might encounter while driving?

10, 20, 50% or more ... I do think more than this some evenings ...

everybody knows that after. let's say a couple of beers, your time-reaction is lowered by 50%, it's a medical fact, I have been paid to learn it (I was working in ER for long).

so, screening drugs is one thing, although it's completly unfair to pot smokers, as we should all know that, even after a single smoke, cannabis can be detected in your body for over a period of more than 3 weeks ... screening other drugs seems to be needed,

as pills, yah ba and other related stuffs are invading schools and universities, streets and homes, heroin and others are declining, everybody knows this too, Thailand slowly becomes the land of madness.

we have all watched tv and seen things related to this topic, child abductions, temporary madness and self-tortures ... it has been and will be some more, they don't show this, that much these days, as we all know the "drug-war" was successful, so ...

screening and testing is ok as long as every drug can be detected!

alcohol is a major one ... why don't they do a thing about it?

except during "important" time like election time ...

"by the way ... when Thai's don't drink as much as usual, they vore democrats!" :D

oh ... I forgot, it brings a load of money to some companies :D

are all these companies related to Taksin friend's team?

it could be ruled, blow in this balloon-stuff or in this breath-tester ...

if over, let's say 0.8 or 0.9 ... you have to pay a fine ... if more than this you sleep in police station, and you won't be allowed to drive your car home ...

is that difficult?

like any other country, Thailand should apply some rules to this big problem, because there are still to many death related to alcohol when driving :D

never forget that alcohol is a drug too!

but this is only my humble opinion ...



Surely that is only going to work if the person is a user as well?

I thought this would be some marvelous sniffer machine or trained dogs, to detect drugs stashed in panels of the vehicle. By comparison a person cannot carry that much, can they? I must admit that I an no expert.

I thought this would be some marvelous sniffer machine or trained dogs, to detect drugs stashed in panels of the vehicle. By comparison a person cannot carry that much, can they? I must admit that I an no expert.

This is yet another attempt to persecute the little guy, the user, the loser, the one at the end of the chain who is in need of help and treatment, not an extended stay in the bar-bar hotel.

Yet another example of how magnificent chances can be thrown away.

Ten million Baht could purchase and train any number of

marvelous sniffer .... dogs, to detect drugs stashed ...
quite enough to outfit almost every road check etc.

Instead, these magnificent men with their dicky machine will be using it on disco raids and, presumably, visits to hotel restaurants etc.


I expect to get flamed by every pot-smoking, jaba swallowing, speed popping, alcoholic farang (and Thai) on this forum - but I don't give a sh.it because I know I'm right.

sweat samples are part of your human integrety and it's ILLEGAL to sample them withouta search warrant

<deleted> to that, francois. I see your member number is 20. You must have been here a long time. So why do you write such rubbish? This is Thailand, remember? And even if this was Europe, I don't give a damm if the police demand a urine or sweat test - if you've done nothing wrong you've nothing to be afraid of and it is done for the overall good of society.

so, screening drugs is one thing, although it's completly unfair to pot smokers, as we should all know that, even after a single smoke, cannabis can be detected in your body for over a period of more than 3 weeks

<deleted> again. Poor canabis smokers! :o! Users create pushers. Users mix with other drug-takers and are persuaded to try harder and harder drugs.

My advice: don't use, don't start, always say no. If your 'friends' are users, find new friends, go to different bars. Just get away from it. Save yourself.

I expect to get flamed by every pot-smoking, jaba swallowing, speed popping, alcoholic farang (and Thai) on this forum - but I don't give a sh.it because I know I'm right.
sweat samples are part of your human integrety and it's ILLEGAL to sample them withouta search warrant

<deleted> to that, francois. I see your member number is 20. You must have been here a long time. So why do you write such rubbish? This is Thailand, remember? And even if this was Europe, I don't give a damm if the police demand a urine or sweat test - if you've done nothing wrong you've nothing to be afraid of and it is done for the overall good of society.

so, screening drugs is one thing, although it's completly unfair to pot smokers, as we should all know that, even after a single smoke, cannabis can be detected in your body for over a period of more than 3 weeks

<deleted> again. Poor canabis smokers! :o! Users create pushers. Users mix with other drug-takers and are persuaded to try harder and harder drugs.

My advice: don't use, don't start, always say no. If your 'friends' are users, find new friends, go to different bars. Just get away from it. Save yourself.

So you basically agree with the law wherever you are - you always think that what the law says is right, and whenever a law is passed which you don't agree with, you just leave?

So I take it you've never been with a bar girl, then? Prostitution is illegal in Thailand.

So you basically agree with the law wherever you are
- you always think that what the law says is right,
and whenever a law is passed which you don't agree with, you just leave?
So I take it you've never been with a bar girl, then?
No (=I have)
Prostitution is illegal in Thailand.
I know.

But I have chosen to live here and therefore must abide by all laws whether I like them or not. Any problem I have with the law could mean I'm on the next plane home, so I must abide by all laws and immigration rules.

But this thread was about drug detection and has widened intro drug use. What I am saying is "drugs <deleted>.ck up your life, your family's life and your friend's lives". You may think you have it under control (such as 'social' pot smoking) but it inevitably leads (by association with other drug users) into heavier drugs.

I just think drugs can be so very bad for some people, that you should not start. Some people can get hooked very quickly, and it is very sad to see their lives ruined.

I'm not a saint, I just hate drugs.

<deleted> again. Poor canabis smokers! :o! Users create pushers. Users mix with other drug-takers and are persuaded to try harder and harder drugs.

The notion that weed is a gateway drug is ridiculous. This has been studied to death and never proven statistically. The ultimate gateway drug is alcohol.

Drink a few beers, the inhibitions drop and sometimes anything can happen at that point.

So you basically agree with the law wherever you are
- you always think that what the law says is right,
and whenever a law is passed which you don't agree with, you just leave?
So I take it you've never been with a bar girl, then?
No (=I have)
Prostitution is illegal in Thailand.
I know.

But I have chosen to live here and therefore must abide by all laws whether I like them or not. Any problem I have with the law could mean I'm on the next plane home, so I must abide by all laws and immigration rules.

But this thread was about drug detection and has widened intro drug use. What I am saying is "drugs <deleted>.ck up your life, your family's life and your friend's lives". You may think you have it under control (such as 'social' pot smoking) but it inevitably leads (by association with other drug users) into heavier drugs.

I just think drugs can be so very bad for some people, that you should not start. Some people can get hooked very quickly, and it is very sad to see their lives ruined.

I'm not a saint, I just hate drugs.

Ok, glad we cleared that up. Otherwise we would have been to far apart to be able to have a discussion.

I agree with you thus far.

1. Drugs are bad for you.

Yes. They are. Total abstinence is probably better for your health. They are also different from each other, although with some traits in common. The reason why pot is illegal and treated differently from alcohol and cigarettes, is because it did not occur in Western culture until relatively late, and also because it DOES have measurable negative effects if it is used for extended periods of time (short-term memory, and apathy in some (not all), also appears to trigger already latent mental diseases such as schizophrenia and panic attacks, but this is not yet 100% clear).

Since the will to intoxicate oneself is a deeply human need which has been practiced in different ways in every human culture around the globe, the rulers of society should try to avoid drugs causing damage to people and the fabric of society. In their decision of how this should be done, many factors should be taken into account. I feel that pot gets a very raw deal compared to alcohol. It is clear that alcohol presents a greater cost to society than pot. I am not sure this is only because of the larger number of users.

2. Pot does not INEVITABLY lead to other drugs. That notion is totally incorrect.

That pot is a gateway drug is only partially true, and not a very strong argument against it. Every drug can be considered a gateway drug to some extent. Actually, cigarettes are a gateway drug to pot, as is alcohol. If you look at how many pot smokers tried cigarettes before they smoked pot, you will find that the vast majority did smoke cigarettes first. Also, many people use pot for the first time when they are already pissed, since alcohol takes away your inhibitions and makes you do things you would not normally do. If pot was decriminalized, the gateway statistics would definitely look different. I know several pot smokers who are recreational users who abstain from pot for a long time before smoking. Then again, I have also seen examples of where pot takes control over the person in question, and every situation in life has to be spiced with a spliff in order to make sense and be worthwhile. That is sad, but is it that much sadder than an alcoholic, really? I have met far many more alcoholics than potheads, and of all the potheads I know, only one is violent (when he combines spirits with pot).

You are right that in order to avoid prosecution, one should abide by the law. Then again, Immanuel Kant said something along the lines of "You should act so that the underlying principles of your actions could be used as common law". That means that you should act according to your principles and beliefes of what is good for society, but you should not obey a law which clearly contradicts your notion of what is just, and is the best for society. I reckon that is a good motto to live by.

PS. I do not smoke pot. DS.

It is capable of detecting 12 different types of illegal narcotics hidden on the bodies of suspected drug users.

A technician, Worralak Chaiyaphong, handling the device, told TNA on Thursday that the drug-test results can be verified within minutes after a sweat sample had been taken.

Sorry to spoil the party but i don't understand.

Is this device capable of detecting dope hidden on the body ?


Is this device capable of detecting "the consumption" of dope ?

... why pot is illegal and treated differently from alcohol and cigarettes, is because it did not occur in Western culture until relatively late, and also because it DOES have measurable negative effects ....


Pot does not INEVITABLY lead to other drugs. That notion is totally incorrect.

That pot is a gateway drug is only partially true, and not a very strong argument against it. Every drug can be considered a gateway drug to some extent. Actually, cigarettes are a gateway drug to pot, as is alcohol. If you look at how many pot smokers tried cigarettes before they smoked pot, you will find that the vast majority did smoke cigarettes first. Also, many people use pot for the first time when they are already pissed, since alcohol takes away your inhibitions and makes you do things you would not normally do.

Agreed, but I have never personnaly done a study of this. I have however, seen friends at college go from smoking cigarettes and drinking alocohol, to smoking pot, taking LSD, speed, and barbiturates. Their new "friends" were heroin users who both ended up in prison. I feel that my college friends were very lucky not to have gone down the same path. I've lost contact with them now, so maybe some of them did.

You are right that in order to avoid prosecution, one should abide by the law. Then again, Immanuel Kant said something along the lines of "You should act so that the underlying principles of your actions could be used as common law". That means that you should act according to your principles and beliefes of what is good for society, but you should not obey a law which clearly contradicts your notion of what is just, and is the best for society. I reckon that is a good motto to live by.

Being a guest in this country and having no absolute right to stay here, I will obey every law even those that I think are wrong.

PS. I do not smoke pot. DS.

Good for you! I know some pot smokers DO have it all under control - I'm sure one of the guys at my local bar is often stoned. But I think if it was legalised, a lot of weak-willed people would just go from pot to all those other drugs just looking for a bigger buzz. I know lots of studies show there is no absolute link, by why take the chance?

P.S. Some friends of mine that I met in bkk last week took Valium. Couldn't understand that at all. I wanted to tell them: "Look mates, you're walking around like zombies, slurring your speech and are no fun anymore". All the wit and hilarious repartee had gone, but they seemed happy enough. What can you do?



The Provincial Police Bureau Region 5 has started to use a DS 1000 N machine to search for drugs and weapons hidden in the body and clothes.

The electronic sniffer dog, imported from the United States at a cost of 50 million baht, has now been used in the suppression of drugs and weapons among club-goers in Chiang Mai.

It was first unleashed in a spot check raid led by deputy commissioner of the Provincial Police Region 5 Pol Maj Gen Vuth Vititanont, accompanied by 50 policemen and officials from the Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office.

Eight teenagers were found in possession of drugs and were charged.

Pol Maj Gen Vuth said that the strict control of drug use among club-goers would continue and become even stricter.

The DS 1000 N is excellent in searching for 12 types of narcotics and nine types of bombs or grenades, he said, adding that it is also available for police officers from other police stations in the area.

It looks as if the wonder puppy won’t be staying too long in his kennel!





But this thread was about drug detection and has widened intro drug use. What I am saying is "drugs <deleted>.ck up your life, your family's life and your friend's lives". You may think you have it under control (such as 'social' pot smoking) but it inevitably leads (by association with other drug users) into heavier drugs.

I just think drugs can be so very bad for some people, that you should not start. Some people can get hooked very quickly, and it is very sad to see their lives ruined.

I'm not a saint, I just hate drugs.

it seems to me that I should have a bit clearer ...

drugs are drugs, if they are used like drugs!

meaning getting high, just like with alcohol !

what about medicinal cannabis?

have you ever consider this part of the drug-problem?

in fact a lot of people use and need it to live a bit more descently.

I think about some friends who could not take any aids medecine without smoking

cannabis, as well as cancer patient.

and this is not reduced to these diseases.

I have hepatitis C since over 10 years, and I use cannabis to ease my daily life,

I have no shame to say it.

my chinese doctor gave me this advice, and as I smoked before, it was not such a problem for me, neither for my family and relatives.

I don't use it to get high, just gives me a better appetite, better sleep, and a less depress mood, this is to say that you should look at all aspect of a problem before to flame a single point of view.

I do agree that DRUGS are a bad thing and should be avoid by all, but saying that pot

leads you to heavier drugs is plainly crap!

think what you want, but please don't look at one single angle ...

your view could be not as clear as one with a more opened mind than yours.

being against something should be based on every facts, not only your single point of view.


ps; don't take me for a freak, I do not use cannabis for pleasure even if it brings me some ... sometimes.


it seems to me that I should have a bit clearer ...

drugs are drugs, if they are used like drugs!

meaning getting high, just like with alcohol !

what about medicinal cannabis?

have you ever consider this part of the drug-problem?

I think it's a great shame that people who suffer from Multiple Sclerosis cannot be made an exception if smoking pot eases their pain, as some reports have suggested.

in fact a lot of people use and need it to live a bit more descently. I think about some friends who could not take any aids medecine without smoking cannabis, as well as cancer patient. and this is not reduced to these diseases.

Again, if it help at a medicinal level, then I agree they should be allowed to take it.

I have hepatitis C since over 10 years, and I use cannabis to ease my daily life, I have no shame to say it. my chinese doctor gave me this advice, and as I smoked before, it was not such a problem for me, neither for my family and relatives. I don't use it to get high, just gives me a better appetite, better sleep, and a less depress mood, this is to say that you should look at all aspect of a problem before to flame a single point of view.

It sounds as if you are precisely the sort of person who should be allowed to use it legally. Sorry to hear about your problem.

I do agree that DRUGS are a bad thing and should be avoid by all, but saying that pot  leads you to heavier drugs is plainly crap!

Well, I guess it's just my experience that I am using as a basis from which to make my comments. I think I am very lucky to have gotten out of the drugs scene alive, and with brain intact, hopefully :o

think what you want, but please don't look at one single angle ... your view could be not as clear as one with a more opened mind than yours.

being against something should be based on every facts, not only your single point of view.

Point taken.


ps; don't take me for a freak, I do not use cannabis for pleasure even if it brings me some ... sometimes.

I certainly wouldn't take you for a freak - I've been reading your posts for a long time... :D



RDN, thanks for undestanding that for some of us, cannabis is a medecine, and more than that, it's the only one that makes us feel a bit better.

Chinese use this plant for over 10,000 years, and it's range of medecine is large, very large, larger that anyone could think. (some 43 applications in medecine)

I was thinking about glaucoma for example, the chemical main one for this disease has a lot of side effects, and one of them is "sudden death", what would you take if you could have the choice?

I'll go for a natural one without any side effect else than "being a bit high", but modern medecine consider this as untolerable ... this point of view could be valid for some people, mainly old people, but also for some unbalanced-minded people ...

it's a large problem, and it is far to be solved.

I'm not an activist, but I find hard to accept that a natural medecine which was on earth

long before humanity began, has to be illegal, mankind makes the laws, and some are simply ridiculous.

for some reason, cannabis is considered as a drug, and only in this way, in some ways,

it is like re-writing mankind history.

but in our days, drugs are evil ... for most of them I do agree, but for some natural ones, as we can use them as medecine, it's nearly outrageous.

we should never forget that morphin comes out from opium, opium is a drug, as it is used to get high like heroin, but for some, it's a life relief.

well, this subject is deepand wide, and I won't go against the main stream, drugs are bad, and can and are destroying lifes, families, and partly some societies ...

I just claim that we should be allowed to use some as medecine when we may need them as a relief ... that's all.

well, thanks for understanding :o

I should have express myself for this concern at first, but ... well you know, it's not easy

to say to all the world that I use cannabis because I'm sick, and I could be suspected to use it as a drug to be high and enjoy my time, this is the reason why, I'm quite worried of all these drugs check as I don't use it this way, but could get caught for this reason as the law says ...

I just hope that police forces don't look at me as a young kid using drug ...

I have a nice family, and still enjoy life as much as I can, all this does not stop me from

being "social", and for those who may know me, I do think that they agree with this.



this is the reason why, I'm quite worried of all these drugs check as I don't use it this way, but could get caught for this reason as the law says ...

Well, I hope you take whatever precautions are necessary to avoid being caught by this machine. I can see this could be a big problem for you :o

The Provincial Police Bureau Region 5 has started to use a DS 1000 N machine to search for drugs and weapons hidden in the body and clothes.

The electronic sniffer dog, imported from the United States at a cost of 50 million baht, has now been used in the suppression of drugs and weapons among club-goers in Chiang Mai.

"An electronic sniffer dog"

So it has nothing to do with sweat samples as previously reported.


do agree that DRUGS are a bad thing and should be avoid by all, but saying that pot

leads you to heavier drugs is plainly crap!

did someone once say that one drink leads to another?

All this machine does is catch people to fine, presumably someone has to pay for the buying of it!

What we NEED is education in schools and family homes to

AKE EVERYONE aware that all these bad things are NOT good things and the harm that they do to society.

As Ajarn said look what happened to his hometown as an example.

One drink leads to another and another and anothyer and..........




Well, I hope you take whatever precautions are necessary to avoid being caught by this machine. I can see this could be a big problem for you sad.gif

I do ... never ever carry any substance with me ...

but just the smell from my clothes could be enough I guess ...

don't worry anyway, I'm a cautious guy :D

may be I'll carry a "washer" with me in case of problem ... never know, just swallow the little bottle and less than 2 hours later my body will be as clean as a baby born :o

time enough to be out of problem ...

thanks for concern :D


"An electronic sniffer dog" So it has nothing to do with sweat samples as previously reported. Confusing...

Probably something got lost in the translation :o - "sweat sample" = air sample from around the body, not people in masks scraping your armpits :D:D:wub:

but just the smell from my clothes could be enough I guess ...

don't worry anyway, I'm a cautious guy :D

Yes - this could be a problem. Maybe keep special dry-cleaned clothes in their plastic cover until you want to travel or go clubbing? :D

Probably something got lost in the translation :D - "sweat sample" = air sample from around the body, not people in masks scraping your armpits :o:D:D

Anyway, i don't think any sane policeman on earth would like to scrap a Frenchman's armpit. :D

The smell is probably more lethal than the gas the Russian commandos used in that Moscow theater 2 years ago.

And there's no known antidote. :wub:

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