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Uk Pre Marrage Interview


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Advice wanted from anyone who as married in the UK.

I have arranged to attend for a pre marrage interview, cananyone tell me what level of english will be required by my Thia Lady,

I have been told that I will not be able to assist her, so if that is the case I am concerned she may fall down as her English is not great, but she can understand basic questions.

If she needs an Interpreter I have to find one myself. SHIT where do I start on that one in nowersville Lincolshire.

Any aadvice gained thro experiance would be most welcome.

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Advice wanted from anyone who as married in the UK.

I have arranged to attend for a pre marrage interview, cananyone tell me what level of english will be required by my Thia Lady,

I have been told that I will not be able to assist her, so if that is the case I am concerned she may fall down as her English is not great, but she can understand basic questions.

If she needs an Interpreter I have to find one myself. SHIT where do I start on that one in nowersville Lincolshire.

Any aadvice gained thro experiance would be most welcome.

Hopefully, her English will be at a higher level than yours.

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Advice wanted from anyone who as married in the UK.

I have arranged to attend for a pre marrage interview, cananyone tell me what level of english will be required by my Thia Lady,

I have been told that I will not be able to assist her, so if that is the case I am concerned she may fall down as her English is not great, but she can understand basic questions.

If she needs an Interpreter I have to find one myself. SHIT where do I start on that one in nowersville Lincolshire.

Any aadvice gained thro experiance would be most welcome.

Hopefully, her English will be at a higher level than yours.

Another usefull response from the devil

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To answer the Questions The interview is at the Reg Office

I quote from Information recived from the Register office

(If one or both of you is unable to speak or understand English, you will be required to provide an interpreter, who will be asked to sign a statement that he/she has translated the questions and answers accurately. You are not permitted to interpret for each other)

As to what questions she will be asked I dont know ????

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I got married to a Thai in England in January. My wife's fluent so there was no problem there. I really can't remember what they asked us at the registry office but it was pretty harmless stuff and certainly nothing to worry about. The only thing to remember is the ridiculous licence to marry which you need to get at from the Home Office (£100 roughly I seem to remember).

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Hi there . . . this is nothing to worry about as long as you're genuine!

It's really meant to catch out people who've never even met before.

We went and were questioned separately such questions as:

What's your finacee's name, address and date of birth!

(I think it might have smoothed things for us as it turned out i went to school with

2 cousins of the registrar, 100 miles away!)

It only get's more tricky if they think you're pulling a fast one!

These people marry people every day so they can spot a bogus a mile off.

It IS important to have a translator with you for your girl, they will make you

go away and make another appointment if she ca't understand on her own.

And pick someone reliable to translate, when I was there making an appointment, there was a couple

who's translator hadn't turned up and they were frantically phoning round

for a friend . . .

anyway . . . hope it all goes as easily as ours.


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