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Two Israelis Arrested With 23,000 Ecstasy Pills

sriracha john

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Lets not forget that people (mainly young people) have died from using this drug...

And the many, many more people who have died of Thai whisky.

You can ABUSE any drug and more people die of alchohol than any other drug.

Ok....explain abuse....one young girl here died after taking one tablet, one time....she was not a hardcore user...She just didnt know the effect it would have on her....of course the dealer told her about the dangers...didnt he ???

2 weeks ago a young female medical student in HK died when scuba diving. I am sure she knew it could be dangerous too?

Meemiathai, what point are you trying to get accross here?

My point is peoples' lives getting screwed simply for possession of some substances all we average innocent people take, DOES NOT LOOK RIGHT TO ME.

And people shouting out like members of cults celebrating what is awaiting them makes me sad.

What is the difference of risking to enjoy a rave party and risking to enjoy scuba-diving?

Edited by meemiathai
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Lets not forget that people (mainly young people) have died from using this drug...

And the many, many more people who have died of Thai whisky.

You can ABUSE any drug and more people die of alchohol than any other drug.

Ok....explain abuse....one young girl here died after taking one tablet, one time....she was not a hardcore user...She just didnt know the effect it would have on her....of course the dealer told her about the dangers...didnt he ???

2 weeks ago a young female medical student in HK died when scuba diving. I am sure she knew it could be dangerous too?

Meemiathai, what point are you trying to get accross here?

My point is peoples' lives getting screwed simply for possession of some substances all we average innocent people take, DOES NOT LOOK RIGHT TO ME.

And people shouting out like members of cults celebrating what is awaiting them makes me sad.

What is the difference of risking to enjoy a rave party and risking to enjoy scuba-diving?

The fact is that money raised from the trade in illicit substances is very often used to fund other crimes such as people trafficking and terrorism.

You wont find that is the case with scuba diving.

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The fact is that money raised from the trade in illicit substances is very often used to fund other crimes such as people trafficking and terrorism.

True, same with prostitution. Another great reason to legalize all of that stuff. Get taxes from it!

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I see, Emperor, you also like the Darwin policy. Educate people. Then let them loose to thrive, or die. As an adult, I don't want a Nanny no more.

But back to the real world, the law is the law.

Edited by Jingthing
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The fact is that money raised from the trade in illicit substances is very often used to fund other crimes such as people trafficking and terrorism.

True, same with prostitution. Another great reason to legalize all of that stuff. Get taxes from it!

I have no problem with governments legalizing prostitution or recreational drug use if thats what they think is for the best.

At the moment the fact is, it's not legal, governments have set out laws and punishments for those who break these laws. We all know the rules and the risks of breaking them.

You pay your money, you take your chance.


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Agreed, you mahvelous lady.

You're so fine. love it. keep posing.

another setup. give it a break. look for broader picture and you can see thee real story.

two idiots with 23k of pills ? Dah! do the math about weight and the price, cover-up you might need to carry and so...

And you shall see - it's All another banana BS.

I mean 1000pills - ok, can be, but that much? no, sir

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Lets not forget that people (mainly young people) have died from using this drug...

And the many, many more people who have died of Thai whisky.

You can ABUSE any drug and more people die of alchohol than any other drug.

Ok....explain abuse....one young girl here died after taking one tablet, one time....she was not a hardcore user...She just didnt know the effect it would have on her....of course the dealer told her about the dangers...didnt he ???

2 weeks ago a young female medical student in HK died when scuba diving. I am sure she knew it could be dangerous too?

Meemiathai, what point are you trying to get accross here?

My point is peoples' lives getting screwed simply for possession of some substances all we average innocent people take, DOES NOT LOOK RIGHT TO ME.

And people shouting out like members of cults celebrating what is awaiting them makes me sad.

What is the difference of risking to enjoy a rave party and risking to enjoy scuba-diving?

The fact is that money raised from the trade in illicit substances is very often used to fund other crimes such as people trafficking and terrorism.

You wont find that is the case with scuba diving.

That is because scuba-diving is legal. Try illegalizing it and see how much money can be made.

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My point is peoples' lives getting screwed simply for possession of some substances all we average innocent people take, DOES NOT LOOK RIGHT TO ME.

And people shouting out like members of cults celebrating what is awaiting them makes me sad.

What is the difference of risking to enjoy a rave party and risking to enjoy scuba-diving?

The problem is that some people cannot be responsible for their own lives, so they want Governments to be responsible for everyone elses.

Illicit drugs are a relatively harmless substance enjoyed by millions of people around the globe in moderation but demonised by the very same people that send thousands of young men miles away to fight and die so they can get fat off the profits.

The very same Governments incidentally, that addicted near entire populations to these very same illegal substances to further their economic advantage and prosperity over other countries.

Drugs are made illegal cause if they aren't there will be no more high horses for those who like sitting on them.

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The fact is that money raised from the trade in illicit substances is very often used to fund other crimes such as people trafficking and terrorism.

True, same with prostitution. Another great reason to legalize all of that stuff. Get taxes from it!

I have no problem with governments legalizing prostitution or recreational drug use if thats what they think is for the best.

At the moment the fact is, it's not legal, governments have set out laws and punishments for those who break these laws. We all know the rules and the risks of breaking them.

You pay your money, you take your chance.


So just because it is illegal, we should feel happy for or agreed with someone's life being ruined? So should dissidents in China or North Korea be tortured and killed? They are deemed illegal.

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Agreed, you mahvelous lady.

You're so fine. love it. keep posing.

another setup. give it a break. look for broader picture and you can see thee real story.

two idiots with 23k of pills ? Dah! do the math about weight and the price, cover-up you might need to carry and so...

And you shall see - it's All another banana BS.

I mean 1000pills - ok, can be, but that much? no, sir

Sorry I don't think you can use thaivisa to sell your drugs, you would get banned.

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Two Israelis arrested in Thailand for possession of 23,000 Ecstasy pills

Two Israelis were arrested Tuesday in Thailand after police found 23,000 Ecstasy pills in their possession, the foreign ministry said Friday. Israeli Consul Hanoch Amadi in Bangkok said he expected the two to be held for a long time for drug-dealing.

The two were arrested during a wide-scale police operation on Kwasan Street * Khao San Road * in Bangkok, where many Israeli tourists tend to congregate. Police also arrested a number of other Israelis at the same time, but some were released on bail and the others were released when it was clear they had no connection to the drug deal.

Amadi, who is in contact with the local authorities, told the foreign ministry that the two arrested are receiving legal aid. The foreign ministry updated the families of the two Israelis about their arrest.

- Haaretz (Israel)


Two Israelis arrested with 23,000 Ecstasy pills

Two Israelis were arrested in Thailand on Friday after police caught them with 23,000 Ecstasy pills, Army Radio reported.

According to the report, the two Israelis are suspected of selling drugs in the United States, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. They were arrested along with other Israelis in a large police raid in Bangkok. All of the other detainees were later released.

The arrests were made after police in Thailand received intelligence from sources in the US.

The Israeli embassy in Bangkok appointed a lawyer for the suspects, who are now awaiting trial.

- Jerusalem Post


Thai police nab Israeli drug suspects after US DEA tip

BANGKOK -- Two Israeli nationals have been arrested on charges of trafficking more than 10,000 ''Ecstasy'' pills reportedly destined for the United States, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, Thai authorities announced Thursday.

The Israelis, identified as Alan Macloff and Vladimir Acronik, were arrested by narcotics police in Khao San Road area of Bangkok after they had allegedly brought the drugs from a European country.

The police operated on a tip from the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), which had earlier sought the suspected Israeli drug traffickers.


Extradite them to Gaza - that'll put the "Kibosh" on things!

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Ok....explain abuse....one young girl here died after taking one tablet, one time....she was not a hardcore user...She just didnt know the effect it would have on her....of course the dealer told her about the dangers...didnt he ???

One girl. People die of peanuts. Don't exaggerate.

I just don't see the outrage over this one, it seems over the top. They got caught. They are going to do long time, maybe worse. What do you want, to crucify them? Ecstasy is a party drug, not the same as crack or smack. Of course, drug abuse is a scourge. All I am saying is so is drinking and smoking and eating too much. They all kill.

The biggest killers are the legal ones ! booze and fags ,. funny isnt it , the govenment outlaw it and everyones afraid of it, you are more likely to get killed by a a bottle of spirit than an esctasy tablet for sure,.
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Popped more then a few pills in my day, and it isnt in the same league as crack heroine or coke.

I didn't think so but what matters is the legal definition, and that was ALOT of pills.

My impression is that this drug can be physically damaging if used over time. Is it addictive?

Is alcohol addictive ?,. it depends whos taking it, i know kids that do es on the weekend and dont touch it again til the following weekend, are they addicts ? i dont think , same a social drinking,. i also knew a guy that drank alcohol for breakfast, i expect he would have eaten es for breakfast if he ran out of booze,,.its who, not what,. :o
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Alkies go into physical withdrawal, correct, so that answers it. Many people can handle it and not get hooked. Many can't. Ciggies are definitely addictive.

Alcohol withdrawal differs significantly from most other drugs because it can be directly fatal.

Hey, if the world was run completely rationally, think how boring things would be. And we'd probably all be commies. Too much red gives me a headache.

Edited by Jingthing
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Alkies go into physical withdrawal, correct, so that answers it. Many people can handle it and not get hooked. Many can't. Ciggies are definitely addictive.
Alcohol withdrawal differs significantly from most other drugs because it can be directly fatal.

And this is where governments come into play, you can smoke and drink yourself to death, but dont you dare have a good time on friday night on that dancing tablet ! :o
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I was in khaosan Road the other nite . A western guy and his thai gf came to me he look really drunk asking me '' Hey man you got any ecstasy i told him nah i dont have and never took it. '' Then i told him '' you see that group of thai guys wearing brown shirt and pants they have alot 'hehehehe ask them

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"Extradite them to Gaza - that'll put the "Kibosh" on things!" - Thaigene2

LOL! I'm SOO glad to see them caught and I hope they rot in Thai Prison for life to serve as an example of what happens when you sell Drugs in Thailand. I only wish my country (US) was so hardcore on drugs, dealers, users, handlers what ever. I remember I was on a visa run to Cambodia a year or more back and I was reading the sign they have at the boarder. It said something like "Drugs are harmful to our society, its people, and our way of life, anyone caught in the possession of narcotics will be sentenced to no less than life imprisonment or death." I remember thinking, how true that was I have seen my old community go to hel_l from drugs and I wish someone would have killed the drug importers, dealers. users back then too. A gristly sacrifice, but a small one to make to save the community at large.

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Two vices is enough (and more than enough fun and enjoyment!), start adding more sht to the list and things can go from bad to worse.

Yeah like Chloe said these two dinks broke the rules so they gotta pay. Pretty simple really.

Yet all the whiners and pinko's come and start making these wild notions of injustice, smoke and drink is bad yet dope is good all the bad rules we've gotta follow. Blah blah blah, change the record willya?:o

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Mafia is overused in this country.

Gang is probably more appropriate. There have been stories of a mixed Israeli/other nationality gang coming to the Full Moon Party on Hadrin to sell drugs every month. I suspect it will be a much quieter FMP this month :o

This may be difficult to accept, but the general term for organized crime groups based in the former Soviet Union is,..drum roll please...., the Russian Mafia. Decades ago the Soviet government sent many lower level criminal activists to Israel as emmigrants, some were of Jewish descent, some of minimal Jewish descent, and some were falsely presented as having Jewish descent. All had their criminal records cleansed, and they were sent to be absorbed by Israel. Thus Israel became a defacto colony of the Russian Mafia.

There have been Israelis selling drugs, and really controlling a large part of the sales, down on Samui and especially on Koh Phangan since my last visits to the islands back in the early 1990s. I doubt this drug bust will have any impact on the islands, things will continue as always.

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This may be difficult to accept, but the general term for organized crime groups based in the former Soviet Union is,..drum roll please...., the Russian Mafia. Decades ago the Soviet government sent many lower level criminal activists to Israel as emmigrants, some were of Jewish descent, some of minimal Jewish descent, and some were falsely presented as having Jewish descent. All had their criminal records cleansed, and they were sent to be absorbed by Israel. Thus Israel became a defacto colony of the Russian Mafia.

There have been Israelis selling drugs, and really controlling a large part of the sales, down on Samui and especially on Koh Phangan since my last visits to the islands back in the early 1990s. I doubt this drug bust will have any impact on the islands, things will continue as always.

They run the trade back in NYC as well and also Amsterdam and most other EU cities.

Like Ya Baa the mark up is very high as production costs are very low.

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This may be difficult to accept, but the general term for organized crime groups based in the former Soviet Union is,..drum roll please...., the Russian Mafia. Decades ago the Soviet government sent many lower level criminal activists to Israel as emmigrants, some were of Jewish descent, some of minimal Jewish descent, and some were falsely presented as having Jewish descent. All had their criminal records cleansed, and they were sent to be absorbed by Israel. Thus Israel became a defacto colony of the Russian Mafia.

There have been Israelis selling drugs, and really controlling a large part of the sales, down on Samui and especially on Koh Phangan since my last visits to the islands back in the early 1990s. I doubt this drug bust will have any impact on the islands, things will continue as always.

They run the trade back in NYC as well and also Amsterdam and most other EU cities.

Like Ya Baa the mark up is very high as production costs are very low.

Im told es are 50 p in the uk, bt1000 in thailand, no wonder the mafia are involved,. :o
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