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Two Israelis Arrested With 23,000 Ecstasy Pills

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But in this case the risk/reward formula didn't quite add up.
Yes a high risk business, however the big fish are still swimming i fear,.i see the mafia as a criminal government !,.there to do the dirty deeds,.a friend of mine had a saying that comes to mind "its a filthy business but someone has to do it "
But in this case the risk/reward formula didn't quite add up.

Don't be suprised if they disappear or end up walking away "somehow" :D

Aint that the truth, the dust will settle and poof ! where did they go ?? ! :o
I only wish my country (US) was so hardcore on drugs, dealers, users, handlers what ever.

The US is leading the way with its hypocritical 'War on Drugs'. Thailand wouldn't have the sort of sentencing for drug offenders if it wasn't for US pressure.

The reason for the prevalence of drugs in the US is because of the Government themselves. The CIA tapped into the market in the 70's and you are now seeing the effects. You must feel stupid that the very people telling you not to do something are the people responsible for the supply and the addiction.

Ecstasy, in moderation, is relatively harmless.

It's quite amusing to watch the outrage in Thailand over illicit drug use when half the country is addicted to yaabaa and the majority don't hesitate to gulp any sort of chemical substance down their gullets when it comes to the slightest ailment.

Feel Stupid? No not at all my Govt has always done murderously evil things to the American people, I said I WISH they were hard core against it. I know they facilitate the sale and distribution...one can dream can't one?

But anyway, its nice to see it being reported and I hope they don't walk.

Rules is rules. They knew what they were doing. I am sure now they regret it, but its too late. Life isn't fair. Next.

Very well put! If they are guilty, they should face the strictest punishements that thailand can give. Simple: they broke thai law! Don't mess with the law unless you have a way to manipulate it. If they go free, good for them. If not, you're SOL guys!

Hope they get stoned to death with little stones or beheaded with a blunt knife and shown on TV so we can enjoy coffee and cake at the same time watching. Wouldn't it be nice?

I'm sure would be watching along side with you too, meemaithai. These low-life crooks has no place in this decent world.

Yeah , popped a fair few few pills in my time when I was in my late teens / early twenties. They are not so bad but I think they do have side effects such as memory impairment etc

Most people tend to do them for a few years or so when young and then grow bored of them (possibly due to lack of serotonin). :D

However I did have a friend who took between 50-100 pills every week for about 2 years or so. He is now a manic depressive and has all sorts of mental problems.

However the same example can be given for alcohol. Moderation is the key !

As for those Israeli blokes, live by the gun......................

Ecstasy pills...? 50-100 pcs every week and that for about 2 years .....? You mean to say that your friend took 2.500 to 5.000 pills per year...? :o

What stuff are you using yourself ?


Some kind of code there? Can someone who speaks the street lingo translate? I've been out of that scene for quite a while.

Perhaps he have just popped too many of them pills in his time... :o


only just caught this:

seonai: israelis are also immigrants that moved to israel from all over: the names are anglo and the other is russian.

didnt see this in any of the three papers i scan through on the net.

ecstasy is bad news. my best friend's son was addicted from age 14. it took two arrests, thrown out of school, and a self help rehab program to get him off. he almost couldnt get in to the army. (for israelis thats bad news to be turned down due to criminal teenage activities. hard to get jobs, etc.) he did get in to the army, is completely clean. is a commander. has gained his weight back. his personality has returned to his fun self instead of horrible mood swings, terrible thinness, etc. another kid i know here also, sports champion in basket ball started with E and ended up dropping out of sports, barely made it through school. now free and clear, also doing good in the army...

friend's son was hospitalized once due to E pill not being what it was supposed to be. i'm the one that had to take him in as he was screaming with intolerable headache, stomach pain, panic attack, etc. another common scenario here from the ecstasy scene.

ecstasy is very very IN here among the older teens and after army set. it is preferred over alcohol here. there are huge raves in the woods near our kibbutz unfortunately, too close for comfort. and several of 'ours' have been nabbed by the cops also. its not just a few pills for the fun of it. the occasional user can deal. but i think that those that have other problems, and use more, it is very addictive, and causes terrible physical damage (some reversible, like short term memory, weight loss, nervous, personality changes).

have printed and posted the news articles from here on our bulletin board in kibbutz dining room for all those that are doing planning their post army thailand tour, to read (and to scare the 'sh.. out of their parents... )



Yeah , popped a fair few few pills in my time when I was in my late teens / early twenties. They are not so bad but I think they do have side effects such as memory impairment etc

Most people tend to do them for a few years or so when young and then grow bored of them (possibly due to lack of serotonin). :D

However I did have a friend who took between 50-100 pills every week for about 2 years or so. He is now a manic depressive and has all sorts of mental problems.

However the same example can be given for alcohol. Moderation is the key !

As for those Israeli blokes, live by the gun......................

Ecstasy pills...? 50-100 pcs every week and that for about 2 years .....? You mean to say that your friend took 2.500 to 5.000 pills per year...? :o

What stuff are you using yourself ?


Nothing really special here. I know people like that too.

I know more than a hundred people who take Es for leisure, and these are civil servants here in HK.

What big deal is that then, to put someone to death or life imprisonment?


555, glad to see something I disagree with bina.

I think you can substitute anything into your post for Es and is going to cause problems and damages in similar or different ways. It can be the internet, porn, sex, alcohol, extreme sports, any obsession with anything can cause you big troubles in life.

Es are no more addictive than any of the above mentioned. It is only addictive if you want to be addicted. I don't see myself getting addicted. I have gotten bored with it already. It has not stopped me from performing well in sports. I have won lots of medals in different sports. I would say alcohol has though. I am not saying it is not harmful of course. But I would say one would harm himself with anything if one chooses to let Es harm themselves.

The illegality of Es and other drugs has not a single bit stopped youngsters from getting access to it. I would say in HK, they can get them easier than cigarettes and alcohol. They even sell them at school!

Has anyone seen the movie Midnight Express? The guy in it did not look like someone who was capable of doing evil things like rape or murder. And yet rapists and murderers spent less time in jail. I remember watching the movie when I was a kid and was thinking, what on earth was so serious he had done by wrapping some of those stuff around him that made him deserve to rot in a turkish jail.

Legislators don't give a shit about this illogical practice of the handling of drug issues. They are well high enough in their social ladder to ever get involved. The most they would get is themselves or their offsprings taking illegal drugs but they would be the victims, right?(what a bloody irony!) Unlike those no-haves, the neglects, the poor, those who have to fight and struggle to survive, these are the only ones who would be used by the society to deal with drugs, and these would be chosen by our society as the evils. Otherwise how are we going to fill the prisons up?

I personally know quite a few drug dealers. These people are very normal people and I think they are much nicer people than the high ranked corrupted government officials I know. What else do you expect these people to do when what they get is HK$6000-7000 working 12 hrs a day? They can hardly get a life or actually live on it.

Someone earlier mentioned that money earned from drug dealing is used to fund terrorism. Perhaps it does look so on the surface. But the fuel for terrorism are actually Inequality, Injustice, Poverty, Hopelessness, Illogicality(Religion)...anything else? Try to fund me to perform terrorism? Try funding citizens of Brunei to perform terrorism? Then try funding North Koreans to perform terrorism.

I really don't know if legalizing drugs will do, but ruining peoples' lives this way certainly is wrong.

Sorry just my humble opinion.


Emotional addiction can also be very powerful. Pot isn't physically addictive but when I was a kid me and my bong were inseparable.

Israeli kids have no choice but to serve in the military so you can't blame them for the unluckiness of that any more than we can blame the Isaan boys here who always seem to draw the wrong color ball in the draft "lottery".


Pure XTC/MDMA/MDA has been used as a thruth serum as long back as the 1940's by the US secret services.

Same for LSD, hel_l they even used it on unsuspecting people.

The moment these mind altering drugs were declared iligal the money started to roll.

To where?

How about Afganistan being again the biggest producer of Heroin, with help of who?

Hey there are a few thousand military there to watch and prevent that aren't they?.

There are more traffic accidents involving alcohol then drugs like XTC around the world.

I am not saying these people that traffic any kind of drugs should not be punished, they should.

Just trying to put it in perspective na


actually meemai

the one boy in question has an addictive personality; father ex alcoholic and on side of mother bi polar disorder so possibly genetic propensity,

BUT the point is is that im not talking about legalizing or not.... a few joints for personal use is one thing, like a few beers in the fridge, however, we know that dealers hone in on the weak, addictive, and stupid, to make their most money. the weekend user for a few parties until settled down married kids then drugs go on the back shelf (maybe switched to red wine and cocktails) is one thing; the user w/o a limit is an other. the group of kids here have stated they were glad they were busted and punished; and counseled (important here) or they would have continued. thats not to say all... after all, i come from the old timer last of the 70s grateful dead heads and i havent touched anything for 25 yrs ;plus minus. my kids know where i stand about alcohol drugs and safe sex. no morals here, just safety and sense.

so im glad big time dealers get caught. and as a side note, we have enough russian mafia here doing the drug scene, its not 'innocent fun' for them. its money money money as it is for the rest of the 'mafia's here (not just the russian groups)...

must differentiate between big time dealers and stupid kids getting caught in foreign countries (now an israeli/danish couple has been arrested in india, the indian police leaving their 2 r old kid wandering the streets. now both embassies are dealing with the kid and the parents; not sure why arrested but i suspect the usual scenario: ganja/or bullet in backpack type thing)...

it just makes me re iterate a zillion times to my kids: check a zillion times what is in your backpack/suitcase, dont take anything at all from anyone even if they claim they know me, dont be tempted ever ever ever ever even if they are from your old school, army buddies, boy scout group, know father from military reserves, whatever. ever. when in a different country. (or hanging out here on beaches for that matter. ) sad to not trust too many people anymore but that is the reality. not to get involved with 'guys that have a plan'... strangely enough, E sales have gone down in israel since schools have been on strike. the police are cruising all the time since 13+ up have no school and there are no alternatives, kids are hanging more at home watching tv *yuck*, or working/volunteering, to pass the time. (they are bored already from no school). w/o the school grounds to be used as dealing areas, drug crime has dropped supposedly. as has the violence which a percentage occurred in school time. dorry cant remember the quotes from the news...

i dont know why everytime there is a drug bust in thailand, its reported as something horrendous. every one starts with the legalize it or not deal. point of fact is, its illegal so why bother doing it. and, as i told my friend's son, if u are going to do something illegal, dont be stupid and do it where u will get caught, and eventually, u will get caught. so who cares if they are israeli or turkish or mongolian or american. if the charges are true, som nam naa. if they are false charges, hope your parents are rich. (our kibbutz bailed out a couple from indian jail supposedly on drug charges, and , knowing the people in question, i more then suspect they werent innocent, but it cost a fortune for us...)

i just hope it wont ever be my kids in these situations...



Yeah , popped a fair few few pills in my time when I was in my late teens / early twenties. They are not so bad but I think they do have side effects such as memory impairment etc

Most people tend to do them for a few years or so when young and then grow bored of them (possibly due to lack of serotonin). :D

However I did have a friend who took between 50-100 pills every week for about 2 years or so. He is now a manic depressive and has all sorts of mental problems.

However the same example can be given for alcohol. Moderation is the key !

As for those Israeli blokes, live by the gun......................

Ecstasy pills...? 50-100 pcs every week and that for about 2 years .....? You mean to say that your friend took 2.500 to 5.000 pills per year...? :o

What stuff are you using yourself ?


Nothing really special here. I know people like that too.

I know more than a hundred people who take Es for leisure, and these are civil servants here in HK.

What big deal is that then, to put someone to death or life imprisonment?

Nothing special ? :D

The strange case of the man who took 40,000 ecstasy pills in nine years

David McCandless

Tuesday April 4, 2006

The Guardian

Doctors from London University have revealed details of what they believe is the largest amount of ecstasy ever consumed by a single person. Consultants from the addiction centre at St George's Medical School, London, have published a case report of a British man estimated to have taken around 40,000 pills of MDMA, the active ingredient in ecstasy, over nine years. The heaviest previous lifetime intake on record is 2,000 pills.

Though the man, who is now 37, stopped taking the drug seven years ago, he still suffers from severe physical and mental health side-effects, including extreme memory problems, paranoia, hallucinations and depression. He also suffers from painful muscle rigidity around his neck and jaw which often prevents him from opening his mouth. The doctors believe many of these symptoms may be permanent.

The man, known as Mr A in the report in the scientific journal Psychosomatics, started using ecstasy at 21. For the first two years his use was an average of five pills per weekend. Gradually this escalated until he was taking around three and a half pills a day. At the peak, the man was taking an estimated 25 pills every day for four years. After several severe collapses at parties, Mr A decided to stop taking ecstasy. For several months, he still felt he was under the influence of the drug, despite being bedridden.

story continues here:




emporer thud

ecstasy does have physical affects that are permanent... and it is addictive... wont bother now to go in to all that stuff...

i do not have an addictive personality furtunately and have tried various and sundry stuff... get bored, dont like it, dont enjoy it... dont need it and i see it as a waste of money and time...

as for army, from our perspective, it is part and parcel with our lives. as a mother, im less then thrilled, and glad my son has reduced profile (no front line service for him, he is disappointed, stupid boy)due to asthma... however it is part of being in this country is part of the 'growing up' that is part and parcel with studying and getting jobs after wards, and once again, as i have said before, i will NOT get sucked in to political discussions on thailand forum. i post my points of view, from my own particular place in life and country and situation, but not all of what i have to say is up for discussion on this forum. u want to discuss israeli army? pm me. i'm posting here about E. not about anything else. just using things as examples.




Hate to say agreed with most of your post again. :o

bina posted: must differentiate between big time dealers and stupid kids getting caught in foreign countries

This is the very point.

Stupid kids or vulnerable kids/adults get used by people, there is no lack of desperate people in any society I think, and to add more suffereings to these people is a very very sad thing. It is against humanity. It is against justice.


I would say those who take more than a few a night have mental problems themselves in the first place and those who take them everyday are just crazy and irresponsible.

There are crazy people in this world who cannot control themselves and would rape women. Does that mean we should lock all women up to protect them? :o

And LaoPo your point is?

Not clear ?

You said: "it's nothing special" to take 2,500-5,000 XTC pills per year; thats why I posted the article "............man who took 40,000 ecstasy pills in nine years.

You were right....it's nothing special... :o


And LaoPo your point is?

Not clear ?

You said: "it's nothing special" to take 2,500-5,000 XTC pills per year; thats why I posted the article "............man who took 40,000 ecstasy pills in nine years.

You were right....it's nothing special... :o


You see, you quoted kankaroo's post of saying a guy he knew took 50-100 Es a week with a question mark.

So I was guessing that you are doubting if anyone actually takes so many.

So I said it was nothing special.

I did not say it was not harmful.

Also why are you using this :D little icon? Are you angry with me? :D


I have been working in substance misuse as a professional for 15 years in the UK (first as a therapist and more recently as a commissioner of drug services in London and development manager for rehabilitation centres) and feel I would like to add a couple of thoughts about ecstacy.

First of all in the UK if you want to go to rehab there is funding available (not enough but thats another subject) or you can go privately if you have the funds. My experience is with government funding not private. In 15 years I have never seen or heard of anyone who got funded to go to residential rehab for ecstacy.

It is psychologically not physical addictive (though psychosymatic physical effects maybe felt) and stopping using is not too difficult with some short term counselling. However due to the criminalisation of drug manufacture and underlying mental health issues people do end up in trouble psychologically through ecstacy use. And people do die. Roughly 20 per year which is a quarter of those who die from peanut consumption. When you consider the vast numbers of people who use e this is very very small.

130,000 people die each year as a direct result of smoking and 30,000 from alcohol in the UK.

If you want E's you have to go out and get them, you have to make an effort. The myth of drugs being available everywhere is just that; a myth. You have to know the people generally. It is not that easy to just buy drugs (outside of a few drug markets in major cities). But people do make the effort and always will. Therefore people will always try to fill that market. Those 2 lads have just ruined their lives for a bit of money. But make the punishment fit the crime.

The poster who want to behead them with blunt swords need to have a look at their self. Its people like this who allowed facism to take hold. Actually wanting to torture and kill and being open about it!! Boy are you one sick puppy!!

I know drugs ruin lives, I have been working to help the victims, who have all been willing victims I would add. They may have been running from areas in their lives that are worse but I have yet to meet the person who didn't know that heroin or crack was a very good way to end up in trouble. But killing dealers doesn't work, nor does imprisoning them for 50 years. There is always someone willing to take the risk through poverty, greed or exploitation. And its only the small fry who get caught. Perhaps if the top guys were targeted a long sentence would be more appropriate but it would not stop it as the market will always want the product.

There is a very good argument for legalisation and control that would take forever to type. However Angry and sadistic of Tunbridge Wells would not have any fun thinking of tortures for the dealers then. Maybe we could start sharia law on people who drop litter.

Another point this addictive personality thing that people often drop into the debate. THERE IS NO PROOF!!!!

The poster who want to behead them with blunt swords need to have a look at their self. Its people like this who allowed facism to take hold. Actually wanting to torture and kill and being open about it!! Boy are you one sick puppy!!

So true.


Thank you sgunn65 for your contribution.

But would hope to remind you the intention of this poster who posted:

want to behead them with blunt swords
which was meant sacarstic. I hope not all members here misunderstood it, although at least a few obviously did.

I understood the sarcasm (eventually) but some didn't and loved it; talking about them. They are much scarier than E pushers! (And who would you rather PARTY with?)

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