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Whole Grain Noodles?


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....my wife does a Thai food business here in U.K. Today I have just ordered a high output noodle steamer.I would like to ask you if you think it would be worth me adding whole grain noodles to our menu.What do whole grain noodles taste like.We are changing from stir fried noodles to steamed noodles as the healthier option although I have yet to see wholegrain sold else where but it might be o.k. to give customers the option.......what do you guys think? and any other foods you think we should sell it would be nice to hear your feedback.

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....my wife does a Thai food business here in U.K. Today I have just ordered a high output noodle steamer.I would like to ask you if you think it would be worth me adding whole grain noodles to our menu.What do whole grain noodles taste like.We are changing from stir fried noodles to steamed noodles as the healthier option although I have yet to see wholegrain sold else where but it might be o.k. to give customers the option.......what do you guys think? and any other foods you think we should sell it would be nice to hear your feedback.

The King would like all to eat brown rice and (I presume) whole wheat noodles - unfortunately white rice etc is seen to be just too 'high class' to overcome the bias. Wouldn't poison myself with white rice or white bread personally.

You could possibly call it a tribute to the King for his 80th birthday!?

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First of all I'm still a newbie at this myself. I'm trying to change my diet around because of minor problems with the heart, which my doctor said could turn into a major problem if it continues this way. My diet now consists of mainly whole grains, fish, seafood, vegetables, fruit, and the occasional chicken. Within these categories I'm now looking for ways to vary my diet. I've been eating brown rice off and on, for the last couple of years. Now I've acquired a taste for it.

I'm in Canada, and you can certainly get whole wheat noodles, which I've tried a few times with a spaghetti sauce and I actually prefer the taste to the regular Durham wheat. I haven't tried it yet, but I found out last week I can get brown rice noodles at the supermarket. I've also seen whole wheat Soba noodles in Japanese supermarkets and on their menus. Just wondered if anyone has seen anything similar in any of the eating establishments in Thailand. Will be heading to Thailand with my wife for a visit in a few months. We'll be eating out a lot and I have a feeling it's mostly all white rice and noodles at most Thai restaurants. I haven't really looked for whole grains in past visits, so at least from what I'm being told, it can be bought at the supermarkets over there. Good to know, because one day we may decide to live there.

I'm not trying to take away from those who prefer white rice and noodles, but it's kind of nice to be able to have a choice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hard to find healthy whole grain alternatives when dining out in Thailand.

Probably the best bet is not to eat rice or noodles if you so concerned and just eat meat of fish plus vegetables.

I disagree that Thai food tastes better with white rice.

I have converted my lady to using whole grain rice with our food and providing you get good quality whole grain rice i think it actually tastes better once you get used to it.

The high incidence of diabetes can be in part attributed to eating jasmine rice all the time along with other factors like sugar in everything lack of exercise and high alcoholic intake.

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Hard to find healthy whole grain alternatives when dining out in Thailand.

Probably the best bet is not to eat rice or noodles if you so concerned and just eat meat of fish plus vegetables.

I disagree that Thai food tastes better with white rice.

I have converted my lady to using whole grain rice with our food and providing you get good quality whole grain rice i think it actually tastes better once you get used to it.

The high incidence of diabetes can be in part attributed to eating jasmine rice all the time along with other factors like sugar in everything lack of exercise and high alcoholic intake.

Hi Tolley,

I agree with everything you said above. There was also a medical study, reported by the BBC a while ago, that white rice (and also white potatoes), could contribute to fatty liver, which can eventually lead to major problems down the road. After getting an ultrasound, I was diagnosed by my doctor a few years ago, with having fatty liver. Already I'm falling apart at the seams. :o At least I'm lucky enough to get a second chance to "try" and turn my diet around. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Some time back I bought a bag of brown rice. My wife told me I wasted my money because brown rice tastes bad. She fixed the brown rice one time then the bag disappeared. She refused to eat it. I think her turkeys ate the rest of that bag.

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Some time back I bought a bag of brown rice. My wife told me I wasted my money because brown rice tastes bad. She fixed the brown rice one time then the bag disappeared. She refused to eat it. I think her turkeys ate the rest of that bag.

My wife is the exact opposite. She tried it, liked it, and now we hardly ever have white rice at home. We've had red rice from Thailand, black rice from California, brown sprouted rice from Japan, black sprouted rice from China, and brown basmati rice from India. As long as it's whole grains, we love em all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have to agree about the whole grain bit. I've lived in Thailand for 20 years, and everywhere you go in the suburbs, all you get is jasmine rice. That's not a complaint -- just a fact.

But some years back I switched to brown rice. Hate to stand on a soap box, folks, but it leaves jasmine rice for dead in every way, especially taste. Problem is, few places serve it. (If I don't cook my own, I buy it at Tops supermarkets, where I usually get my evening tucker when I go to work).

Brown rice (and other whole grain stuff) just seems to have so much more flavour. I still like jasmine rice -- it's great. But give me brown rice any time. More-ish and very satisfying.

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The wife and I now live in the USA for money reasone and she has now decided that she wants to eat brown rice most of the time.I really do not have a problem with this buuuuuuuuuuut.I love eating jasmin rice everyday.You would think that the wife would have the problem but noooooooooo.So the way that we have begun to do this for both of us ,and the kids is to make a 50/50 mix.It seems to be working.The kids are starting to like the brown rice more,and me too.It has a nutty taste to it.Not just the rice taste.Well more later on this.

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