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I'm Happy, Happy Content Living In Thailand

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I am very happy and content living is Thailand. any one else?

Started this thread as a respone to the "natering Nabobs of negativism". Spirew Agnew quote.

Been is LOS since late 2001, settled in CM, which I think is heaven on earth.

Have a comfortable residence, with most of the usual farang amenities, yup even indoor plumbing. Am fortunate enough to have an adaquate monthly retirement income, so money is usually not a problem, no visa problems. My life style here far exceeds what it would be in my native country (America). And have very good friends and neighbors.

If I travel abroad, or return to the States for a visit, when I return am always so happy to be HOME again.

A while ago started a thread about all the cynical angry TV members, was closed 'cause it turned into a slagging match.

Yeah, maybe some will accuse me of seeing life through rose colored glasses or through the bottom of a beer glass.

So ladies and gentlemen(which WE ALL ARE), let's behave ourselfs, think twice about slagging, it's ok to disagree with someone, do it politely!

Be thankful for what you have

said my piece, have at it!

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Yes, I'm happy or content here, by any reasonable definition. I got all excited about the retirement visa extensions in September, but it was much ado about nothing, after all. It just helped me to make a Plan B if things here get worse. But Plan A, as with cm-happy, is to remain in the Chiang Mai area indefinitely.


Yes I am very happy and content living is Thailand, 5years in 3 months, I have no wish to move on or go anywhere different, I am far better healthwise here also.

I am very happy and content living is Thailand. any one else?

Started this thread as a respone to the "natering Nabobs of negativism". Spirew Agnew quote.

Been is LOS since late 2001, settled in CM, which I think is heaven on earth.

Have a comfortable residence, with most of the usual farang amenities, yup even indoor plumbing. Am fortunate enough to have an adaquate monthly retirement income, so money is usually not a problem, no visa problems. My life style here far exceeds what it would be in my native country (America). And have very good friends and neighbors.

If I travel abroad, or return to the States for a visit, when I return am always so happy to be HOME again.

A while ago started a thread about all the cynical angry TV members, was closed 'cause it turned into a slagging match.

Yeah, maybe some will accuse me of seeing life through rose colored glasses or through the bottom of a beer glass.

So ladies and gentlemen(which WE ALL ARE), let's behave ourselfs, think twice about slagging, it's ok to disagree with someone, do it politely!

Be thankful for what you have

said my piece, have at it!

Nice! :o


As you are in CM and very happy, what is your feeling about the annual pollution problems facing CM. Does it effect you or are you out of the city center area. The seemingly annual forest clearing fires and attendant air polution also has generated lots of complaints the past few years. I have been to CM several times and agree therea are some pretty areas of the city and surrounding mountains. Also, whatever happenend to the Gymcana [sp] Club controversy. Wasn't some bigwig trying to take over the club and turn it into some sort of private resort or something?

As you are in CM and very happy, what is your feeling about the annual pollution problems facing CM. Does it effect you or are you out of the city center area. The seemingly annual forest clearing fires and attendant air polution also has generated lots of complaints the past few years. I have been to CM several times and agree therea are some pretty areas of the city and surrounding mountains. Also, whatever happenend to the Gymcana [sp] Club controversy. Wasn't some bigwig trying to take over the club and turn it into some sort of private resort or something?

I'm not pleased with the occasional air pollution problems. I'm outside of CC in the countryside, but but also am affected with the pollution. Have solved it by getting some Austin air cleans that are very effective for the house interior. Dont know or m aware of the Gymcana Club controversey.

I am very happy and content living is Thailand. any one else?

Started this thread as a respone to the "natering Nabobs of negativism". Spirew Agnew quote.

Been is LOS since late 2001, settled in CM, which I think is heaven on earth.

Have a comfortable residence, with most of the usual farang amenities, yup even indoor plumbing. Am fortunate enough to have an adaquate monthly retirement income, so money is usually not a problem, no visa problems. My life style here far exceeds what it would be in my native country (America). And have very good friends and neighbors.

If I travel abroad, or return to the States for a visit, when I return am always so happy to be HOME again.

A while ago started a thread about all the cynical angry TV members, was closed 'cause it turned into a slagging match.

Yeah, maybe some will accuse me of seeing life through rose colored glasses or through the bottom of a beer glass.

So ladies and gentlemen(which WE ALL ARE), let's behave ourselfs, think twice about slagging, it's ok to disagree with someone, do it politely!

Be thankful for what you have

said my piece, have at it!

Well said. :o

As you are in CM and very happy, what is your feeling about the annual pollution problems facing CM. Does it effect you or are you out of the city center area. The seemingly annual forest clearing fires and attendant air polution also has generated lots of complaints the past few years. I have been to CM several times and agree therea are some pretty areas of the city and surrounding mountains. Also, whatever happenend to the Gymkhana [sp] Club controversy. Wasn't some bigwig trying to take over the club and turn it into some sort of private resort or something?
Last year was quite exceptional, but every year it does get very dusty for a month or two. However, I read that Sukumvit Road in central Bangkok has pollution levels even greater, all year! School children were only kept indoors for about a week last year. Most times of the year, the air quality is fine, especially with views of the mountains.
As you are in CM and very happy, what is your feeling about the annual pollution problems facing CM. Does it effect you or are you out of the city center area. The seemingly annual forest clearing fires and attendant air polution also has generated lots of complaints the past few years. I have been to CM several times and agree therea are some pretty areas of the city and surrounding mountains. Also, whatever happenend to the Gymkhana [sp] Club controversy. Wasn't some bigwig trying to take over the club and turn it into some sort of private resort or something?
Last year was quite exceptional, but every year it does get very dusty for a month or two. However, I read that Sukumvit Road in central Bangkok has pollution levels even greater, all year! School children were only kept indoors for about a week last year. Most times of the year, the air quality is fine, especially with views of the mountains.

been here 14 years happy enough ,going to uk in march first time in 11 years for 2 weeks ,i like wearing shorts and here in thailand you can do that all year round :o


We live on the beach in Cha Am, can't immagin it getting much better. Have only been in our condo for a couple of months but find it to be very pleasant place to live. Haven't needed air conditioning yet as we always have a breeze. The air is clean, it is quiet (except for the occasional dog), people are friendly, many restaurnts within walking distance (on the beach). Have good friends in the same condo.

Don't know where else I could find this at a price I would be willing to pay. Also own the condo legally. :o:D:D:D:D

I'm happy and enough, or I wouldn't be here.

Obviously. Same applies to me, and everyone else.

For some reason the OP got it in her head that everyone who isn't continuously in happy-teletubbies mood also when serious events happen around them, are therefore miserable sad gits who need to leave.

I am very happy and content living is Thailand. any one else?

Started this thread as a respone to the "natering Nabobs of negativism". Spirew Agnew quote.

Been is LOS since late 2001, settled in CM, which I think is heaven on earth.

Have a comfortable residence, with most of the usual farang amenities, yup even indoor plumbing. Am fortunate enough to have an adaquate monthly retirement income, so money is usually not a problem, no visa problems. My life style here far exceeds what it would be in my native country (America). And have very good friends and neighbors.

If I travel abroad, or return to the States for a visit, when I return am always so happy to be HOME again.

A while ago started a thread about all the cynical angry TV members, was closed 'cause it turned into a slagging match.

Yeah, maybe some will accuse me of seeing life through rose colored glasses or through the bottom of a beer glass.

So ladies and gentlemen(which WE ALL ARE), let's behave ourselfs, think twice about slagging, it's ok to disagree with someone, do it politely!

Be thankful for what you have

said my piece, have at it!

I just lived here permanently for 2 years allthough i been coming off and on for the last five, ceveral months per year. I love just about everything in my life over here. Sure, there are some small issues now and then when i will loose my temper and tell my wife how stupid these people are compared to people in my country, hahaha. Its always blowing over pretty quick and i go back to the rose colored glasses mode!

I love it here, but i realised that i am going back to my homecountry every second year (next summer) to get some other views and perspective and appreciate my life in Thailand even more when i come back!!

Nice thread btw, getting tired of all the winding around the forum. Lets not forget that people that live abroad choosed where they want to live. People living in their homecountry never choosed. They just settled in the place they where brought to!



Nice to read some good news for a change. We do need some more success stories.

This place seems to be a veritable minefield and the more experienced hands among

us could certainly pass-on some tips to having a more peaceful, happy time here. :o



I am very happy and content living is Thailand. any one else?

Started this thread as a respone to the "natering Nabobs of negativism". Spirew Agnew quote.

Been is LOS since late 2001, settled in CM, which I think is heaven on earth.

Have a comfortable residence, with most of the usual farang amenities, yup even indoor plumbing. Am fortunate enough to have an adaquate monthly retirement income, so money is usually not a problem, no visa problems. My life style here far exceeds what it would be in my native country (America). And have very good friends and neighbors.

If I travel abroad, or return to the States for a visit, when I return am always so happy to be HOME again.

A while ago started a thread about all the cynical angry TV members, was closed 'cause it turned into a slagging match.

Yeah, maybe some will accuse me of seeing life through rose colored glasses or through the bottom of a beer glass.

So ladies and gentlemen(which WE ALL ARE), let's behave ourselfs, think twice about slagging, it's ok to disagree with someone, do it politely!

Be thankful for what you have

said my piece, have at it!

Gosh darrnit, ya got me a little teary eyed there CM,

Very uplifting and positive, Thanx,

Be thankful for what you have, yes indeed, that's a great place to start :D


I came here about the same time as cm-happy and had all these grand ideas about touring asia using Thailand as a base station. I took a couple of holidays but always felt like i wanted to be back in thailand instead.

Where i live there is almost no pollution, no hassle and smiling faces everywhere. Why would i even consider living somewhere else?


cm-happy, can you tell a bit about what is nice about living in Chiang Mai? I haven't been there. It's supposed to be a bit cooler and good for people who like mountains is that right?

I'm happy and enough, or I wouldn't be here.

My philosophy on life has always been to stick with what makes you happy. I'm not saying there aren't better countries in the World to live but Thailand is very very close to the top of the list.

Lived here eight years now and loved virtually every minute.


I live in Chiang Mai and have lived here for four years now before that in bangkok for another year. The word is living which I do here not surviving which is what I did in the USA. We are very happy and content, we have a six month old daughter and I have the time to spend with her and watch her grow.


More or less, most people are seeking happiness. I see it as a journey, a process, not a destination. So Thailand is a stage to play out our lives and seek our bliss. But I don't see how you ever arrive at a place called happiness. Think about the peak moments in your life. In my view, those are the only moments people are truly happy. The other stuff people are talking is more like the feeling of an animal feeling well fed.


I will always be thankful and happy with what Thailand has given me and allowed me to do. Not everyone gets to follow their dreams and actually live them out, and I'm positive that without Thailand I wouldn't have been able to either.


I came here about the same time as cm-happy and had all these grand ideas about touring asia using Thailand as a base station. I took a couple of holidays but always felt like i wanted to be back in thailand instead.

Where i live there is almost no pollution, no hassle and smiling faces everywhere. Why would i even consider living somewhere else?

Pretty much the same as me mate.

Thailand was going to lead to Laos and India at the start of a few years off work, but after a few months here I was enjoying it so much I didn't want to leave. I'm now married with a son and living in a small moo baan well away from the typical tourist areas.

I'm 10 minutes from the beach, can see the local mountain from the back of my house across views of rice fields and even a little bit of old forest amongst the rubber plantations. I've learnt to ignore next door's dogs when they go ape, my meditation practice is going very well with the lack of distractions (only Thai television!) and I take each day as it comes. I like the Thai easy-goingness and try to learn from it rather than trying to still live my goal-orientated, money-career-success-driven Western life. Well, mostly I do anyway :-)

I don't think a day goes by without me learning something about myself, my wife, my son, or where I live. Which is great :-)


I manage to be pretty well contented here in Saudi Arabia - its all about state of mind.

Some people can never be happy.

I'm only thankful that I'm not always pining to be somewhere else.

How many times do we read here on TV some guy complaining that he has no life where he is and can only be happy in Thailand.

We all have a life and our life is where we are. Make the best of it, wherever you are.

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