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Any Other Stories Similar To This?


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Apologies to Stickman and Dana for stealing a snippet of Dana's post. :o


I see a kite festival in a park in BKK and wander onto the grounds. I see a bench. I sit down. There is a Thai mother with a baby on the bench. We exchange smiles and hellos. I smile and make baby talk at the child. I say something about the kites in the sky being suay maak. She agrees and says I speak excellent Thai. I say "Nit noy Thai." More smiling and head bobbing. An excellent day in Thailand and a fun time with a real Thai. What could go wrong? Presently she turns and points to herself and points across the field and says "Hong naam". She has to go to the bathroom. She holds the baby towards me. She wants to know if I will hold her baby for her while she goes to the bathroom. Of course I will. I am flattered and proud to be asked. She walks away. In her absence I have the best time making baby talk. People walking by look on approvingly. I try to look nonchalant as if Thais are always trusting me with their children. It's great to be involved with the real Thailand and with real Thais and I am thrilled to be included in a teensy weensy way in the fabric of the culture. After about twenty minutes mom comes back. I return her child. The mom holds out her hand and says "100 baht". "What for?" I say. She wants me to give her 100 baht for helping her go to the bathroom by looking after her child. As I rise from the bench and take the first step my knee nearly fails me so disoriented and disappointed am I by the experience. Thailand. Sometimes I feel sorry for Thailand. You wouldn't wish this on any country. Later I wondered if she pulled this routine on five farangs a day. Sometimes people like to email me and tell me that I am not sensitive to the culture and that there is lots I don't know about the Kingdom. Maybe I am one of the lucky ones.

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Wishful thinking Rooboy,

I can't imagine any Thai woman even one wishing to dump her poor little wretch...on you, and as for making googlie noises F.R.O. the only thing you make noises like that to...is your wallet!!!!!!!!!!! :o:D:D

Loved the chocolate ole son.. keep it coming.

Regards to the other half, mine would like to arrange messenger with yours at some stage.


Teach :D

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Something slightly similar happened to me although not in Thailand. We were on a job in Syria and ofcourse after work we went out looking for girls. We ended up in some guy's house and it turn-out his wife was the so-called prostitute. She had a baby too and was still breastfeeding so the guy sat with the baby in another room while the girl went to work.

Some people go a long way for money :o

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Sometimes I feel sorry for Thailand. You wouldn't wish this on any country. Later I wondered if she pulled this routine on five farangs a day. Sometimes people like to email me and tell me that I am not sensitive to the culture and that there is lots I don't know about the Kingdom. Maybe I am one of the lucky ones.

Wouldn't wanna wish what on any country?

A poorer person than you asking for money?

You wondered if she Pulled this on 5 farangs a day, why not 6, why not 10? In other words you have no idea, in fact you could have been the first one ever. You admit that you speak Thai NIT NOI, so she may have been asking for 100 Baht for a very good reason, you admit to having poor skills in Thai, so in fact you could be totally wrong. But as you are a farang i suppose you are right and she is wrong. Shallow <deleted>.

In a lot of countries where the people are not so rich you would get robbed by the woman with the baby or her man waiting in the shadows.

Is this post supposed to be a shocking story ?

I would have given her 100 baht for the baby anyway, whats so unusual about that, maybe you people that are so shocked at a person asking for a 100 Baht should go and live in Rio or Sao paulo. Try wearing a good watch to the park.

Jesus h Christ...Roo Boy,mate, you dig up nothing more shocking than this?

Roo boy, get your ticket back to Aus, you know that you are missing your social life and your mates and the beaches and the food and the cars that do not pollute the air. :o

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Hey Begs, hang on, this might get like that scene out of Airplane.. everyone lineing up to offer a slap.

I think he pasted the article from another forum rather than experiencing it himself

I had a pop coz I know the guy.



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Hey Begs, hang on, this might get like that scene out of Airplane.. everyone lineing up to offer a slap.

I think he pasted the article from another forum rather than experiencing it himself

I had a pop coz I know the guy.



Teach my remarks are aimed at the Author of the "Shocking story". :o

But the bonus is, I get to have a pop at ole RooBoy at the same time. :D

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Such or similar tricks are not unknown....and not only in Thailand....

I am sure, if you look more carefully, you will see a difference between this woman's behaviour and other mothers, who have children, but do not rent them to tourists....

Begs Posted on Sun 2004-08-29, 00:53:31

In a lot of countries where the people are not so rich you would get robbed by the woman with the baby or her man waiting in the shadows.

Is this post supposed to be a shocking story ?

I would have given her 100 baht for the baby anyway, whats so unusual about that, maybe you people that are so shocked at a person asking for a 100 Baht should go and live in Rio or Sao paulo. Try wearing a good watch to the park.

Jesus h Christ...Roo Boy,mate, you dig up nothing more shocking than this?

Begs is right.

You were lucky, after 20 minutes the mother (really the mother?) came back, asking for the child and for 100 baht. Is this your shocking story?

There are known cases, where the 'mother' did not come back.....

Ask any orphanage for more informations....

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You were lucky, after 20 minutes the mother (really the mother?) came back, asking for the child and for 100 baht. Is this your shocking story?

There are known cases, where the 'mother' did not come back.....

Ask any orphanage for more informations....

There are many children in orphanages in Thailand.

For many reasons but the lack of responsibility from quite a few Thai men is a big factor.

As far as I have seen, the girls try to help, to take care of the children, whatever it means for them.

As far as the men are concerned, well, I do not really have such a nice opinion,...

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. We were on a job in Syria and ofcourse after work we went out looking for girls.

Some people go a long way for money :o

Seems like some people go a long way to spend money also. :D

True; although not entirely by choice since we were working there.

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I will be back up to Pattaya Orphanage next week when i go back home. The people there do a fine job, it can get a bit emotional at times when you have to put the Kids back in their cots, and they are crying for attention. :o

But in many ways they are a lot luckier than Kids that live with abusive parents in the home enviroment.

I am also a childrens homes product from the UK. :D

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Hey Begs, hang on, this might get like that scene out of Airplane.. everyone lineing up to offer a slap.

I think he pasted the article from another forum rather than experiencing it himself

I had a pop coz I know the guy.



Teach my remarks are aimed at the Author of the "Shocking story". :o

But the bonus is, I get to have a pop at ole RooBoy at the same time. :D

No worries- as the RB would say

Teach :D

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On a general note, it is, and continues to get increasingly difficult to express sympathy for the beggar children ( I know this should belong in another thread just started but the theme is the same) and the so called mothers thereof but, so much overkill. It is after all an industry like so many alternates but I digress. My little ditti relates to the border kids during the monthly cycle. More than once when agressively approached by these kids have I been insulted, spat at and even kicked for not coughing up the cash when hassled. Pity notwithstanding, they no longer play on sympathy preferring thuggish tactics to generate their pimps income. Personally any donations from me go via father Joe.

Other than that, no-one has ever left their baby with me....they know I'm partial to the taste. :D:o


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I am also a childrens homes product from the UK.  :D

So, now we know Begs,... :o:D

Yes, I am very lucky, I was fortunate to have been in Childrens Homes, I have seen life from many angles.

I was not a mummys boy like a certain poster I will not name, I have seen life from many different angles and I always root for the underdog.

Maybe you noticed that already. :D

Whenever i see a farang moaning about how they are hard done by in Thailand i wanna laugh at them, they have the option to leave, they can go back to the place they left from.

The Thai's that are hard done by in Thailand do not have that luxury, they stay here not by choice but because that is the hand that life has dealt them, i am sure they would prefer to go to the West and have to opportunities that westerners have, but life is not like that. Sometimes the spoilt westerners see things in poor countries that they are shocked at, like bargirls and beggars, (although in london a beggar can pull over 1000 Pounds a week at waterloo station), but it does not stop them from coming, or staying. They have a choice though.

I would love to see how many of the posters here would manage a family with no money. I would Take away your money and your jobs first, then give you a few rai of farmland up country and a buffalo, see how you get on. That i would love to see.

I bet you would be crying to leave Thailand and go back to the dump you came from after 2 days toil in the field!

Oh, but what about the wife and the 3 children? Lets face it, westerners are spoilt, and until you have been poor, you will never be able to understand Poor peoples ways as long as you have a crack in your ass.

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On a general note, it is, and continues to get increasingly difficult to express sympathy for the beggar children ( I know this should belong in another thread just started but the theme is the same) and the so called mothers thereof but, so much overkill. It is after all an industry like so many alternates but I digress. My little ditti relates to the border kids during the monthly cycle. More than once when agressively approached by these kids have I been insulted, spat at and even kicked for not coughing up the cash when hassled. Pity notwithstanding, they no longer play on sympathy preferring thuggish tactics to generate their pimps income. Personally any donations from me go via father Joe.

Other than that, no-one has ever left their baby with me....they know I'm partial to the taste. :D:o


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Whenever i see a farang moaning about how they are hard done by in Thailand i wanna laugh at them, they have the option to leave, they can go back to the place they left from.

Right, although those guys moan everywhere. Probably wishing they were back in the womb with mommy.

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I guess what i find 'shocking' about this story is a mother leaving her baby with a stranger in a park. Though how this relates badly on Thailand i dont know,there are a lot of stories in the farang papers every year about mothers abusing their children.

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I am also a childrens homes product from the UK.   :D

So, now we know Begs,... :o:D

Yes, I am very lucky, I was fortunate to have been in Childrens Homes, I have seen life from many angles.

Begs, I agree. I grew up the same way. Nothing to be ashamed of. I'm grateful for the lessons I learned. I turned my pain into more compassion for others.

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Probably wishing they were back in the womb with mommy.

Quite a few of us/them wish that, I guess.

And quite a few of us/them post in this forum.

Probably more than you/we think,...

On those chilly winter mornings, a nice warm womb sounds pretty inviting! :o

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I am also a childrens homes product from the UK.   :D

So, now we know Begs,... :o:D

Yes, I am very lucky, I was fortunate to have been in Childrens Homes, I have seen life from many angles.

I was not a mummys boy like a certain poster I will not name, I have seen life from many different angles and I always root for the underdog.

Maybe you noticed that already. :D

Whenever i see a farang moaning about how they are hard done by in Thailand i wanna laugh at them, they have the option to leave, they can go back to the place they left from.

The Thai's that are hard done by in Thailand do not have that luxury, they stay here not by choice but because that is the hand that life has dealt them, i am sure they would prefer to go to the West and have to opportunities that westerners have, but life is not like that. Sometimes the spoilt westerners see things in poor countries that they are shocked at, like bargirls and beggars, (although in london a beggar can pull over 1000 Pounds a week at waterloo station), but it does not stop them from coming, or staying. They have a choice though.

I would love to see how many of the posters here would manage a family with no money. I would Take away your money and your jobs first, then give you a few rai of farmland up country and a buffalo, see how you get on. That i would love to see.

I bet you would be crying to leave Thailand and go back to the dump you came from after 2 days toil in the field!

Oh, but what about the wife and the 3 children? Lets face it, westerners are spoilt, and until you have been poor, you will never be able to understand Poor peoples ways as long as you have a crack in your ass.

My heart bleeds for ya Begs, so stereotypical, can you see the pattern forming??

On one hand you have some posters who vent some of their frustrations on a forum where it does little harm...

On the other hand you have Begs, who goes looking to attack said people and anyone else who might not agree everything is perfect, Begs labels us all as moaners, whingers, hard done by, etc etc, which is the true evil?? :D

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