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Americans Single Males Returning To The Us From Thailand


Americans, "welcome home" OR "spread em"?  

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Inquiring minds want to know. Over the years, we have had many reports of American single males being harassed reentering the US at airport entry points. Some people saying "it's never happened to me!" think their anecdotal report proves anything. It definitely happens. Thailand travelers are definitely bothered more than the curve. This poll is to ferret this out (or not).

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Inquiring minds want to know. Over the years, we have had many reports of American single males being harassed reentering the US at airport entry points. Some people saying "it's never happened to me!" think their anecdotal report proves anything. It definitely happens. Thailand travelers are definitely bothered more than the curve. This poll is to ferret this out (or not).

I've not had a problem coming back from Thailand. However on return trips from other countries, I've run into various scenerios. Some of which have been quite invasive.

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Let's see...five times (from TH) through US Immigration/Customs the past two years...four OK (Portland), one bad (Seattle). MO: Middle-aged tan white man, traveling alone in SE Asia (mainly TH), light bags, big grin...

I usually declare "food" as I like to bring chili and curry seasoning packets and Heinz nam prik (for my fries!). They then check my bags...last time in PDX they just ran them through a (infrared?) machine. No biggie really.

There was one bad time in Seattle that I got the third degree: Many invasive questions (where do you work?, how can you afford to take a vacation?, where do you live?, what did you do in TH?, where did you go?, ever been in trouble with the law? etc., etc.). They ripped my bags apart, even x-ray'd a few things (package of bamboo place mats?). The guy was mostly polite, but very suspicious...kept me for an extra 40 minutes or so. I was the last person out...

My thought at the time: Welcome home to Amerika!

Now I just expect the worst, smile, and go on my way... :o Will be heading home soon for Christmas to visit Mom!


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One great thing about the US officers is that they make the Thai immigration people we have to deal with look like pussy cats!

I am not one to shy away from controversy; many times when I enter the US I feel I am entering a fascist police state. It feels better after I pass through the entry points though to go out for some Mexican food served by illegal aliens. Viva El Norte!

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i actually had one very nice officer, probably becoz he actually been to bkk, even knew what sukhumbit was and asked if i stayed in the area.

i dont know stats but i think very few go for kid stuff. now if i was a repeater to iraq or iran i could see them being very cautious.

but bkk, it s the nightlife sir...lol

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I travel back and forth a lot I would say 2/3rds of the time i am treated like i was just caught jumping the fence. They are very rude and always with the invasive questions by the gestapo in brown. Welcome to America your freedom starts once you I give you my approval.

They are under paid cop wannabe's. Most of them act like they were the kids who were picked on by the cool kids until their uncle Larry got them this job.

Then the next time through they are all smiles and welcome back sir. Then is starts all over again. I now always leave a pair of my grundies on top for them when they invade by luggage.

I just love 'em as you can tell!

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I have only passed back thru Seattle one time and the questioning was very intense. I think if I was not a Us citizen and had the same style of questioning I would be intimidated and probably a bit scared. By far more intimidating than any other border I have crossed. But not mistreated just questioned more than I am used to.

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There was one bad time in Seattle that I got the third degree: Many invasive questions (where do you work?, how can you afford to take a vacation?, where do you live?, what did you do in TH?, where did you go?, ever been in trouble with the law? etc., etc.). They ripped my bags apart, even x-ray'd a few things (package of bamboo place mats?). The guy was mostly polite, but very suspicious...kept me for an extra 40 minutes or so. I was the last person out...

My thought at the time: Welcome home to Amerika!

Now I just expect the worst, smile, and go on my way... :o Will be heading home soon for Christmas to visit Mom!


I have been asked questions upon my arrival, also. I have never understood why the questions asked were asked. But what's the point, I just answered this silly and foolish questions.

As an American, I believe Americans at airports (screeners, immigration officials) are the worst I've ever dealt with. They treat their own citizens (us) like garbage. These people tend to be uneducated, untravelled, and probably ware wanna-be cops, that could not be police officers. So, they take this lowing paying, brain-dead job - and bug us.

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What shocks me so far is that we haven't yet heard from the:

You asked for the bad treatment!

Have a look in the mirror!

You get the bad treatment you deserve!

Only scum and pervs get harassed!

I am respectable, so never had a problem, and never will!



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Well, don't lose hope yet Jingers, it may still happen. :o

I'm not a US citizen, but when entering I never had many untoward questions.

When leaving (or flying internally) I get the extra security check these days, no biggie. Most of the time I arrive with a couple Thai female collegues who also don't get a lot of hassle. (People go through immigration separately..) It's strange though that they DONT get the extra security check, even though we travel together. Doesn't appear particularly smart to me.

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Inquiring minds want to know. Over the years, we have had many reports of American single males being harassed reentering the US at airport entry points. Some people saying "it's never happened to me!" think their anecdotal report proves anything. It definitely happens. Thailand travelers are definitely bothered more than the curve. This poll is to ferret this out (or not).

:D There is often a certain smile that comes across the face of customs/immigration inspectors when they learn that you just departed from Bangkok. They seem to automatically assume that you must have been there for a booze and sex vacation. I don't see that as often as I used to since I have now passed my 60th birthday.

In general I find most of the customs/immigration are usually polite. There are however certain ones who seem to enjoy finding ways of harrasing travelers. It is definately true that those coming from Asia and Thailand are the ones they like to pick on.

Yes, I've had my run-ins with them in 40 years or so of entries. I guess it's becoming less frequent lately, maybe just because of my age.


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I always figure I'll be thoroughly searched....but ever since I stopped growing a beard they haven't........also I've been through it so many times that I just sort of relax and try to pretend that the ridiculous questions they are asking is because they are so ignorant and I get myself into a sort of gentle compassionate mode of helping these people to see the truth about life!!!

One time they asked my (sort of suspiciously) why I didn't bring anything back with me.....I told them to look at my passport and count how many times I had been over there....then I told them that I leave Asia in Asia and I leave the US in the US because it is more fun that way and makes the difference between the two more interesting......they seemed to be impressed with this answer.....so as you can see if you just relax and pretend to be philosophical about things it seems to put them at ease.

Works for me!!!


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Well at least they don't call us FARANG.

Nice try. :o Well, maybe it'll work.

Chanchao, we are talking about returning US citizens and single male ones specifically.

I'm single, male and go through US immigration a lot.

Actually I probably go through US immigration a lot more than most Americans.

Excuse me for crashing your party with on-topic first hand experieces.

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I answered that they've always been curious, because I can't recall being mistreated, and I'm sure I'd remember that. Maybe once (more likely in the UK or Ireland) I was asked what I do in Thailand, and I replied "I live there permanently and teach there," and there were no further questions.

The distinction could be made between career employees of Customs, Immigration, and the poorly trained renta-a-cops. But if any of them hassle you, it counts as harassment. And I doubt my name or passport are shown as former IRS or as former anti-war protester.

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Through 2001 and 2002 I was travelling back and forth between Thailand and Los Angeles quite frequently. I'm sure I fit the profile as a potential drug runner as a 30 year old single male with a British passport coming in on Visa Waivers every month or two from Thailand and with a passport that had several Burmese and Laos stamps in it as well.

However, I was treated with suspicion only slightly, and not enough to be offensive, just very thorough going through my passport and asking lots of questions about where I would be staying and why was I entering the US and why was I going back and forth. I had my carry on bag searched only once and the guy was polite and friendly as soon as I started chatting in a polite and friendly way. He found some golf course brochures in my bag and I told him I was visiting a friend in the US who was a golf course designer and brought them for him, did he play golf etc? His search was still thorough, but he took nothing else out of the bag once he'd taken the brochures out and we'd started chatting about golf, he just kept rifling through the bag. This was also before I'd picked up my suitcases and I was never asked to get my suitcases to have them searched.

I will add that my appearance is very neat and tidy at all times. As Thai girls say to me, "You look very clean" If I had long hair, tattoos, wore tie dye shirts and flip flops I'd probably have received different treatment

After 9/11 it all changed and my passport was only checked to see if it had empty space for the stamp! Guess they had higher priorities than blue eyed Brits at that time.

Flying out of LAX 2 weeks after 9/11 the place was deserted with minimal security. Flying out again a month later the lines for security snaked all the way through the airport and out into the road. After 4 hours in line I got to the metal detector, walked through and it started bleeping. I looked around at the guard for instructions on where to stand for the search and he just waved me on!

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PB, I believe lots of people are never bothered by the goons. But lots of us have been. Bottom line, lets spell it out, is that they are clearly trained to consider travelers to Thailand as high risk to be sex criminals. This isn't exactly news or a controversial theory, but it is very unpleasant to be so accused.

Obviously if they have a large plane landing from Bangkok, they won't have time to harass EVERYONE on that plane. But dollars to donuts, they will surely be harassing some of us.

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A few months ago 4 of my American friends came to visit for a month, all single males in their mid 20s to early 30s. The immigration officer when they returned was very rude to them from what they told me, went through every single picture in their cameras, asking how old all the Thai people in it were and other rude questions. They had no naked pics or shots of gogo bars or stuff like that, just the kind of normal pictures you take traveling anywhere, but the officer was still very rude to them. Haven't had a problem yet myself, but if I do next time I won't be surprised.

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Inquiring minds want to know. Over the years, we have had many reports of American single males being harassed reentering the US at airport entry points. Some people saying "it's never happened to me!" think their anecdotal report proves anything. It definitely happens. Thailand travelers are definitely bothered more than the curve. This poll is to ferret this out (or not).

How will this poll "ferret this out" when it does not compare entering from other countries other then Thailand? Maybe add the question have you ever entered the US from another country other then Thailand? other then another Asian country?


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Inquiring minds want to know. Over the years, we have had many reports of American single males being harassed reentering the US at airport entry points. Some people saying "it's never happened to me!" think their anecdotal report proves anything. It definitely happens. Thailand travelers are definitely bothered more than the curve. This poll is to ferret this out (or not).

How will this poll "ferret this out" when it does not compare entering from other countries other then Thailand? Maybe add the question have you ever entered the US from another country other then Thailand? other then another Asian country?


This is Thaivisa. Yes, of course it happens to people coming from other countries as well. It isn't a scientific or pure poll, of course. (So sue me?) We have certainly seen evidence that alot of us have had sour experiences at the airports.

However, if you are implying that it isn't totally obvious that the goons don't pay special attention to travelers from certain countries, which INCLUDE Thailand, well, I think that is just being naive or uninformed.

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I've only once had a problem, that was at JFK - Not specifically related to Thailand, but rather a sting of questions about where I had been in general - because I have two passports the visas didn't 'tie-up'.

But you know how it is at JFK, those guys start with a bad attitude regardless of who you are or where you have been.

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The U.S. Immigration and Customs are trained to key in on many things. I do not know all of the things that they are trained look for but I have (through observation and many reentries into the U.S.) noticed that they are particularly sensitive to certain things.

Odd or suspicious behavior- You are being watched from the time you exit the plane until you talk to an immigration officer. If you throw a large item in a trash can or go into the bathroom with your carry-on luggage you may be “under suspicion”. This may lead to your be detained and questioned further.

Incongruous answers to questions or packing in your suitcase- The officers are trained to know what is normal for a person returning from a 3 week trip to Asia. If you are packing 2 laptop computers or other items or lack of items that are not “normal”, you are inviting attention. Additionally, the answers that you give the first officer that asks you a few brief questions must match the answers to the officer doing the final check. They are keeping of track of what you tell them.

Hidden items- In addition to the look of the items in your bag, the officers are especially interested in hidden items. They will feel around in your luggage for hidden compartments or other signs hidden items. I have gone straight thru with medicines that were in the “gray” zone because the were on top of everything in plain sight.

Nervous or confrontational behavior- The officers are paying attention to those passengers that are “overly chatty” or give explanations that are “too long”. These are signs of nervousness and are a reason for further investigation. An acquaintance was very confrontational on one reentry into the U.S. He claimed that he was then put on a list and was questioned in detail for over an hour every time he reentered the U.S.

Keep in mind that the what the average traveler is experiencing when they go through U.S. immigration. The average traveler is tired and just wants to do what is necessary to have the officer send them on their way. If you want to go on your way, just be an average traveler.

You may also warrant special attention if you enter at a place or time when the officers have nothing to do. They may harass you out of boredom or just for the entertainment. Do not react, just suck it up and cooperate because you have no rights at that time. Your recourse is to call your congressional representative’s office and lodge a complaint after you have cleared immigration and customs.

Think about what you are doing and be polite.



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For the record, the worse experience I ever had was coming from the Dominican Republic, but they noted all the Thailand stamps as well, so there is really no way to have a pure analysis of exactly why they do what they do. But it is common knowledge that Thailand is on the LIST.

Don't kid yourselves, the country you are coming from is a BIG factor in the harassment decision.

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like crap, they treat me like a uni-bomber, i have no rights, they take my time, and look at me like an alien, tottaly not treat me with respect, this is what it feels like to be american? <deleted>, feels like raping me lol, anyways, way too much security and they should simmer it down, especially if we are american, if foreigners by all means go all out on them, but not us......

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Just a trustful looking guy I guess

You think so? Or maybe you are just lucky.

Many of us have been treated like crap for no good reason whatsoever. And for those of us who have been messed up by these guys, it can be understandably kind of a radicalizing experience.

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