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Vaser Liposuction In Bangkok


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Has anyone heard of high definition vaser lipo ? It helps people who are not too fat ,to slim and tone up the tummy for that 'lean' abs and waist. Anyone knows which clinic or hospital in Bangkok offer this treatment??



that's sounds interesting i tried to do a search on google but couldn't find much, does anyone knows anything about it?

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From the Vaser web site:

The VASER System uses ultrasound energy to break up and emulsify fat, leaving surrounding tissue - such as nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue - relatively intact.

RELATIVELY intact? :o

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...
Vaser is the older version of the Smart-lipo (Laser lipolisi) and this one is quite used and common in Bangkok lately. It is also approved by FDA.

Do you know of any place that does Vaser?

Phyathai Hospital had VASER Liposuction already.

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  • 1 year later...


Its my first visit to this forum. So let me introduce me, i am Dr Amit Gupta, from Delhi, India. I am regularly doing VASER for my patients, and we remove even upto 10-15 litres of fat in single sessions. Let me be honest, VASER is way ahead of conventional or smart lipo in terms of results and comfort if properly done. It has major advantages as compared to conventional lipo, Firstly there is no tearing effect, so it is less painful. secondly it is excellent for thighs, buttocks and for scarless breast reduction, since the fat here is very fibrous, and the physiology of VASER allows the fat to liquify the fat more easily. It is great to make a 6-pack abdomen and muscle kind of appearance.

When we consider as to why this has better results , it is simple, it is just pure science

VASER energy heats up the skin from inside. Any heating effect causes tightening of collagen fibres on the skin, leading to a contraction kind of efeect, so in reality, borderline tummytuck cases can easily be treated by VASER,a d do not require the tuck procedure. Secondly since the fat liquification procedure is done by the sound waves, the liposuction that is done is less forceful, and less tearing causing less apin and numbness.

It is less bloody, since the sound energy does not damage blood vessels. the liposuction canula that are used are blunt in nature, so it is easier to go very superficial in the skin layers, without risk of damaging the skin, therefore the skin shaping is much better.

We can easily remove close to 20- 25 pounds of fat in a single surgical session, which is realy cost effective

I have some pictures of my patient, which i could share if the forum wants



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smartlipo is not the only form of laser assisted liposuction. So far I havent come across any actual studies or scientific studies that conclusively proves it purported skin tightening benefits (personally though I do believe it would somewhat help and is less damaging to surronding tissues).

Vaser has been around for a while and is just 1 form(brand) of UAL. There are a few that use vaser in BKK.

Both tools in the right hand could produce excellent results and vaser more so in the wrong hands could burn right through ur skin. Vaser can however treat an area faster as laser is a much slower more labour intensive process.

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I'm curious about the effect of fat-removal (via such a method as Vaser), and whole-body health improvement.

I'm am overweight -- obese, I believe -- and of course my doctors for years have been recommended weight loss for the benefit of my overall health.

My understanding (though, to be honest, I don't know where I heard/read this) is that it's not so much the fat around my abdomen, it's the fat that correspondingly is in my organs, such as my liver, that affects my overall health. I've assumed that the extra fat cells around my abdomen do result in more work for my circulatory system, but thought that moreso, it was the organ fat that was most threatening.

If I were to reduce (remove the excess) fat around my abdomen via Vaser (or another laser method), is it really just a vanity issue addressed, or does it significantly benefit my overall health?

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I'm curious about the effect of fat-removal (via such a method as Vaser), and whole-body health improvement.

I'm am overweight -- obese, I believe -- and of course my doctors for years have been recommended weight loss for the benefit of my overall health.

My understanding (though, to be honest, I don't know where I heard/read this) is that it's not so much the fat around my abdomen, it's the fat that correspondingly is in my organs, such as my liver, that affects my overall health. I've assumed that the extra fat cells around my abdomen do result in more work for my circulatory system, but thought that moreso, it was the organ fat that was most threatening.

If I were to reduce (remove the excess) fat around my abdomen via Vaser (or another laser method), is it really just a vanity issue addressed, or does it significantly benefit my overall health?

Depends.. if you take away there a lot and then start to diet and excercise you might start to burn the fat around the organs faster. I have heard that any weight decrease (if your obese) is good. But like you said the fat around the organs is more important for your health. It might just give you more motivation to go on with a diet if you already have results. But i do wonder a bit how it will look because you wont look fat at the belly but for instance your face and chin and legs might still be fat same as the arms.

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Liposuction removes only subcutaneous fat, not fat around the organs.

In addition, if diet and activity levels aren't changes, the fat that is no longer stored in the area that had the liposiction will simply be stored in other fat cells elsewhere in the body. So there is no net gain health-wise at all. You will be just as obese as ever, just with it somewhat redistributed.

It's not worth doing except for roblems localized to just one area of theb ody in someone who is already at, or nearly at, normal weight.

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