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Us Embassy Interview Tomorrow

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My girlfriend has an interview tomorrow morning for a US tourist visa. Of course I'll be going with her to back her up. She has a good job she'll be coming back to (along w/ a letter stating so from her boss), money saved, letters from my family, house and condo ownership, and excellent English skills. Unfortunately even all of these things may not be enough! Who can say...? A Thai woman (teacher) I work with was given a tourist visa just recently to go to the US (her American boyfriend went to the interview w/ her) so I was able to ask them what went on. Basic questions: why do you want to go? Where will you stay? Who's paying? etc. It took all of 5 minutes.

Anyone else here have recent experience with tourist visa interviews at the US Embassy?

I think my gf will be ok, but I'm still a bit nervous...

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Spend a few hours rehearsing the interview with her.

Peper her with every conceivable question she may get so she has ready responses to all questions.

Any question that can be responded to with the answer "Why would I want to stay over in the U.S. and work as a waitress in a Thai restaurant when I have ...........in Thailand" is a clincher, in my view.

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She got the visa this morning! We were first in line and first to have an interview (window 10).

In her case, the interview was very simple. She presented letters from her employer and my father (along with a photo of her with my family when they visited Thailand). No questions as to "why" she wanted to go, or if she would return.

The official asked for me to sit down at first and then called me a few minutes later. He asked to see my passport, asked me if I lived here, and if I had a work permit (I did, I do, I do). He asked how long my gf and I have been together as well.

He then accepted her application.

It took about 10 mins.

On the otherhand, the Thai teacher I mentioned above had to present her teachers liscence, degree, letter from the school, and letters of support (even tho her Amer. bf was present) . She was also asked numerous questions (why do you want to go, etc)

Anyway...good luck to everyone applying. Get there early.

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frond, thats an amazing story and i can't believe it is true.

i've been here for 4 years, have a master's degree from a thai university, a work permit, and have been dating my Gf for 2 years. she has been denied a tourist visa 3 times. the last time, the thai (bitch) officer didn't even look at any of the documents, she literally took out the previous application and compared it to the one we were submitting. she then asked my GF 3 or 4 questions to see if they match the application (like WHERE are you going in the US!!) she then grilled me for a while and ended by saying "i can't take into consideration your situation" !! but she had also said that she couldn't be sure that i wasn't going back to stay and wouldn't keep her because i could earn more money in the US. I referred her to all of the info in the papers we submitted such as our affidavit and copies of my passport pages that showed EACH and EVERY year, for the four years I lived in Thailand and the one I lived in Hong Kong, that I return to the US in February and come back in May.

we had also travelled together abroad before several times.

does that mean i should apply again? I don't know. I don't have the work permit anymore and am going through that ludicrous process of getting another one because i changed employers.

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She got the visa this morning! We were first in line and first to have an interview (window 10).

In her case, the interview was very simple. She presented letters from her employer and my father (along with a photo of her with my family when they visited Thailand). No questions as to "why" she wanted to go, or if she would return.

The official asked for me to sit down at first and then called me a few minutes later. He asked to see my passport, asked me if I lived here, and if I had a work permit (I did, I do, I do). He asked how long my gf and I have been together as well.

He then accepted her application.

It took about 10 mins.

On the otherhand, the Thai teacher I mentioned above had to present her teachers liscence, degree, letter from the school, and letters of support (even tho her Amer. bf was present) . She was also asked numerous questions (why do you want to go, etc)

Anyway...good luck to everyone applying. Get there early.

Was this the first time she applied for a tourist visa?? great news

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My wife is going for her interview on november 2 not very long from now but she's going for an fiance/spouse visa according to some people I talked to i cannot go with her to the interview i cannot go anyway because i'd lose my job and i can't afford to do that.

I'll let my wife know she needs to go early What time did u arrive there??

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frond, thats an amazing story and i can't believe it is true.

i've been here for 4 years, have a master's degree from a thai university, a work permit, and have been dating my Gf for 2 years. she has been denied a tourist visa 3 times. the last time, the thai (bitch) officer didn't even look at any of the documents, she literally took out the previous application and compared it to the one we were submitting. she then asked my GF 3 or 4 questions to see if they match the application (like WHERE are you going in the US!!) she then grilled me for a while and ended by saying "i can't take into consideration your situation" !! but she had also said that she couldn't be sure that i wasn't going back to stay and wouldn't keep her because i could earn more money in the US. I referred her to all of the info in the papers we submitted such as our affidavit and copies of my passport pages that showed EACH and EVERY year, for the four years I lived in Thailand and the one I lived in Hong Kong, that I return to the US in February and come back in May.

we had also travelled together abroad before several times.

does that mean i should apply again? I don't know. I don't have the work permit anymore and am going through that ludicrous process of getting another one because i changed employers.

The posters GF qualified for a visa; probably with or without the boyfriend. You give us no information about your GF.

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fond: Was the official an American man or Thai man, you used the male article in your much appreciated report.

The letter from your father seems to be an important consideration.

Perhaps we should start to "make book" on the personalities of the interviewing personnel.

I know that if a Thai conducts my Thai's interview and a refusal issues, I will ask immediately to see an American Embassy Officer. I did this at the Australian embassy, and while I got a Thai "Embassy Officer (with what looked liked a gate pass as ID) that interview resulted in turning a rejection into an acceptance.

I would think that an active advocate role by a citizen of the country might just overtun an initial refusal. The stength of the relationship with the citizen and the strength of the citizens ties to Thailand seem the most compelling.

After all, why would a Thai want to stay in the U.S. and work in a Thai restaurant when they can lvie with a farang in Thailaing and enjoy the "good life". The embassy official has to be convinced the farang is truly tied to Thailand for the long term, not just some farang who will be returning to the U.S. upon the end of a tour to a better job, with the Thai g/f going to live with him there as well.

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My wife is going for her interview on november 2 not very long from now but she's going for an fiance/spouse visa according to some people I talked to i cannot go with her to the interview i cannot go anyway because i'd lose my job and i can't afford to do that.

I'll let my wife know she needs to go early What time did u arrive there??

This type of interview should be scheduled for a specific time frame I believe.

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My wife is going for her interview on november 2  not very long from now but she's going for an fiance/spouse visa  according to some people I talked to i cannot go with her to the interview  i cannot go anyway  because i'd lose my job and i can't afford to do that. 

I'll let my wife know she needs to go early  What time did u arrive there??

This type of interview should be scheduled for a specific time frame I believe.

So they will give her a time to arrive??

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This type of interview should be scheduled for a specific time frame I believe.

So they will give her a time to arrive??

I believe so. Even my wife tourist visa interview had an assigned window some years ago. Believe immigrant interviews are also given by set time.

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"The posters GF qualified for a visa; probably with or without the boyfriend. You give us no information about your GF. "

we submitted all of that info: money in the bank (almost 200,000), my bank accounts both here and in the us, letter from her employer, letter from her mom stating how she helps her mom (old lady) take care of her aunt (old lady) who has cancer, letter from the aunt, her mom also takes care of a kid whose mother has to work and has no time for him, her mom wrote a letter about this kid too (that my GF helps her take care of the kid), letter from the kids parents too, copies of things like her health club membership to show she has ties here and that it is better for her to live here than work as a slave at some resaurant somewhere in NY, letters from me explaining our relationship, invitation emails from my mother inviting her to stay with her in New York.

what more do you suggest? i can't help that she is 29 and pretty and doesn't make a lot of money. there aren't many opportunities here. but ######, if we are to believe what they say about our benevolent dictator (that is a a great business man) even HE could make more in the US.

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She got the visa this morning!


Would you mind telling us the type of visa. I am curious as my wife also recently got a US tourist visa - I was surprised that it was a 10 year multi-entry. We've just returned from US and I confirmed at the immigration desk that she can visit any time over the next 10 years. Just wondering if this is standard.

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"The posters GF qualified for a visa; probably with or without the boyfriend. You give us no information about your GF. "

we submitted all of that info: money in the bank (almost 200,000), my bank accounts both here and in the us, letter from her employer, letter from her mom stating how she helps her mom (old lady) take care of her aunt (old lady) who has cancer, letter from the aunt, her mom also takes care of a kid whose mother has to work and has no time for him, her mom wrote a letter about this kid too (that my GF helps her take care of the kid), letter from the kids parents too, copies of things like her health club membership to show she has ties here and that it is better for her to live here than work as a slave at some resaurant somewhere in NY, letters from me explaining our relationship, invitation emails from my mother inviting her to stay with her in New York.

what more do you suggest? i can't help that she is 29 and pretty and doesn't make a lot of money. there aren't many opportunities here. but ######, if we are to believe what they say about our benevolent dictator (that is a a great business man) even HE could make more in the US.

But you had not told us that you submitted the info. Of your 12 posts I find 11 that are almost total negativity in format so must ask if perhaps your presence may have been a negative factor for her? From one of your posts it seems you must be thinking of leaving and perhaps marriage so would think perhaps the officials also were thinking that?

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She got the visa this morning!


Would you mind telling us the type of visa. I am curious as my wife also recently got a US tourist visa - I was surprised that it was a 10 year multi-entry. We've just returned from US and I confirmed at the immigration desk that she can visit any time over the next 10 years. Just wondering if this is standard.

AFAIK it is.

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lopburi, you are right. i am getting tired of this place. nothing to show for my four years here except a shrinking brain. the fiance visa is a way for my GF to get into the US. whether we get married or she leaves within three months is still under consideration. I will aim to go back to the states by february next year, unless I get kicked out before that!

also, i'm sorry if i seemed accusatory in my last post. i didn't mean to. you were right and i was just trying to supply the info. the question was rhetorical (unless you have a good answer!). i just don't know what else i could have done without lying. it seems that some people will just never have the opportunity to "qualify" for a tourist visa. but i was very surprised to read the other writer's posts because I can't figure out what was so substantially different between the situations.

there was no friction at the last either of the first two interviews. the first one, i answered two questions like 'what is your name and why are you going to the US" and then asked to sit down. the second one, I didn't go to i just waited in the waiting room. the third time there was no friction until the end when it was clear that she had made up her mind. and i just used some of her words that she scolded (loud enough for the whole waiting room to hear) other applicants with. like one chinese guy whose english was not so good and she yelled at him a lot. to another thai lady she said in thai "why can't you answer the question that I asked you?" two or three times. so i said that to her because she had no responses to my or my GF's questions.

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As you found out it can be uneven and there is no 'right or wrong'. It is all taken together and sometimes it comes out crap. The fact is that a large number of visa applicants have no intent to return so it makes it hard for all. Kind of like military when one makes it bad for all.

You (like many) do not seem to be of the nature to adapt to the culture here (at least in your working years) so would suggest you consider making the change now rather than later and get yourself established in the US and then apply for fiancee visa (being in Bangkok you have no reason for such a visa). I would not waste more time here if you are between jobs and not happy. If the marriage takes place and you both work in USA you can afford to help family and still get a leg up on the future.

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