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Thai Elite Card & 5 Year Visa

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Well, it's Monday now and presuming you didn't purchase one over the weekend, does the new figure of (US$49,423.39) affect the detailed calculations contained in your OP?

I just got off the phone with a rep from Sunbelt and he said that for the next couple days, if the app was submitted, then could still get the 1M price. Money could be transfered by the end of the month but app submitted in the next couple days for the 1M price.

At US$ 50K...it would affect my thinking. That would be a little rich for me...30K it makes financial sense and worth the risk of the program going by the wayside (assuming at least that the 5-year visa stays in effect) but an additional 20K...it would probably not be worth it for me. I would press-on with non-imms if they were available in Oz or USA and if that became untennible, would return Stateside and visit often....at least until 50.

Thailand is nice in many ways but wouldn't sink 50k into a visa scheme with uncertain future (by the company's own reckoning).

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well i may.. but still makes me wonder.. very comfortable trip to UK (as long as you keep it short :D ) would fit easily in 2,000$ bill (slightly more for US,slightly less for OZ) .. C'mon you don't hate your home countries THAT much do you..

Also i find it hard to beleive, that ThaiElite visa allows you to park ur arse here for 5 years nonstop, without need for visa run/reporting, or any extra endorsments !!!>>now that would make IT BETTER than even Thai PR !! Are they Really THAT generous??!! Only a feedback from successful TE card holder may tell us !! Do they just stamp your passp. allowed to stay until...5years from now ?!? with no strings attached .. Think & ask.. i'm curious to know,if it's really Christmas :o

No, I don't mind trips back to San Francisco Bay Area, where I am from. It's one of the most beautiful places in the world. In my example, I made the point that from a financial point of view, the Elite card was viable IF it did away with the NECESSITY of making these trips a couple times a year. If I wanted to go back for a holiday, I still could but it would not be REQUIRED.

Well, as to the 5 year visa - that's what the program states in their own literature. Also, people who have posted who claim to be Elite card holders say they are very satisfied with the program...no negative comments from them. (Assuming they are legitimate card owners and not Elite Card employees pumping up the program to makes some sales.)

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I'm confused!! After searching about TV and Google, find that the visa associated with the elite card is a glorified tourist visa. Renewable every 90 days, up to 5 years,without having to leave Thailand but can renew at Thai Immigration offices. Sounds like a good deal to me, however, have read that price as of Jan 1, 2008 will increase to 1,500,000 B from the present 1,000,000 B, but even at more expensive price still seems attractive to me.

Here on Non-Imm "o" retiremetn multi reentry permit and usually go with the 800,000 B in bank account route. This usually is pissed away over the course of the year, so each time will import enough funds to top off Thai bank account.

Am wondering if I will be sacraficing anything or giving up any thing going with the Elite card glorified tourist visa if I give up my NON-Imm "o"/

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I'm confused!! After searching about TV and Google, find that the visa associated with the elite card is a glorified tourist visa. Renewable every 90 days, up to 5 years,without having to leave Thailand but can renew at Thai Immigration offices. Sounds like a good deal to me, however, have read that price as of Jan 1, 2008 will increase to 1,500,000 B from the present 1,000,000 B, but even at more expensive price still seems attractive to me.

Here on Non-Imm "o" retiremetn multi reentry permit and usually go with the 800,000 B in bank account route. This usually is pissed away over the course of the year, so each time will import enough funds to top off Thai bank account.

Am wondering if I will be sacraficing anything or giving up any thing going with the Elite card glorified tourist visa if I give up my NON-Imm "o"/

do you think that holding an Elite Card will prevent you "p*ssing away" THB 800k? will your expenses disappear having an Elite Card? if yes i'll get one too.


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Thailand is nice in many ways but wouldn't sink 50k into a visa scheme with uncertain future (by the company's own reckoning).

800k in a bank account is cheaper, of course only if the person qualifies for "retirement". that's basic arithmetic, not rocket science. and if you exchange the light bulbs in your home for power saving bulbs you practically live for free in Thailand (i think).


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I'm confused!! After searching about TV and Google, find that the visa associated with the elite card is a glorified tourist visa. Renewable every 90 days, up to 5 years,without having to leave Thailand but can renew at Thai Immigration offices. Sounds like a good deal to me, however, have read that price as of Jan 1, 2008 will increase to 1,500,000 B from the present 1,000,000 B, but even at more expensive price still seems attractive to me.

Here on Non-Imm "o" retiremetn multi reentry permit and usually go with the 800,000 B in bank account route. This usually is pissed away over the course of the year, so each time will import enough funds to top off Thai bank account.

Keep in mind my op...that I have about 8 years to go before I would qualify for a "retirement" visa. Therefore, until then, I have ongoing visa acquisition/run costs plus my general living expenses in Thailand. Therefore, in my situation, the Elite program may make sense as it simplifies and legitimized my visa situation AND it doesn't really cost me any more money that would not be spent anyway. It is just paid all at once, rather than spread out over the next 8 years.

If one was closer to 50 or already 50 of course, the program would not make sense unless one just wanted VIP immigration treatment or the golfing and other services. At that point, the only annual visa costs would be the B 1900 for the yearly extension. The B 800,000 in the bank is not a visa cost as it is just living expenses that will be drawn down and spent living in country.

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I'm confused!! After searching about TV and Google, find that the visa associated with the elite card is a glorified tourist visa. Renewable every 90 days, up to 5 years,without having to leave Thailand but can renew at Thai Immigration offices. Sounds like a good deal to me, however, have read that price as of Jan 1, 2008 will increase to 1,500,000 B from the present 1,000,000 B, but even at more expensive price still seems attractive to me.

Here on Non-Imm "o" retiremetn multi reentry permit and usually go with the 800,000 B in bank account route. This usually is pissed away over the course of the year, so each time will import enough funds to top off Thai bank account.

Am wondering if I will be sacraficing anything or giving up any thing going with the Elite card glorified tourist visa if I give up my NON-Imm "o"/

do you think that holding an Elite Card will prevent you "p*ssing away" THB 800k? will your expenses disappear having an Elite Card? if yes i'll get one too.


To answere your question Mr. Naam. No of course not, my living expenses will remain the same with or without an elite card.

But why are you running off on tangents?

The question I posed will I be giving up any thing by going the glorified tourist visa route as per elite card by giving up my current Non-Imm "o" with multi reentry permit? yes, I will be giving up the fun of annually going to immigration to renew the NON-Imm "o" anything else? Renewing every 90 days, not a problem have to go to immigration anyway to do 90 day address reporting.

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This could be a viable course of action for some people. For Australians and EU citizens, their consulates/embassies seem much more forthcoming with non-imm multi visas. But in the USA, for some reason, it's like pulling hen's teeth to get these. However, even taking this course of action, it assumes that things won't tighten-up world-wide in the future. Plus, don't forget, I am talking about an under-50 applicant.

Whether the USA is awkward about them or not is immaterial.. Its about going where they are easy.

Even if one chose this option, financially, for me, the Elite card is still somewhat competitive. A trip annually to someplace that will issue a non-imm to someone in my situation (and that I wouldn't mind visiting for a few days to a week) will cost US4 3000-4000. So doing 8 of these till I'm 50 would be US$ 24,000-32,000. Right in the ballpark of the Thai Elite Card cost. Plus with Elite, you get fast track at the airports and some other en sundry services. Plus, again assuming the program stays in existence in basically the same form) I can continue with this even after reaching 50. No more annoying annual renewals as I get older and feebler.

So getting one of these every 15 months you would have to budget for more like 6 of these ???

I would imagine a short flight to Sri Lanka (that is if they still issue non imm B multys with a basic invite letter) would run you 1000 - 2000 tops for a week.. I wouldnt be surprised if you could do a run to Oz for a walk in non imm O for almost the same. So to me your looking at much more like 6 - 12k USD to see you through to retirement stage AND you still have your money working for you producing interest.

Of course things may tighten (though I am pretty confident that non imm B's will still be possible somewhere) but then again no one really knows how the elite may pan out either.

Its just 2 different viewpoints, I think many like to bash the Elite system because they cant imagine someone might spend a million baht to provide ease of use, I can understand for some its fine but I just dont quite see it as a value proposition. Its close tho, they could probably sell me on the visa and immigration only (no use for golf or spas) option at 1/2 mil and I might bite on that. Tho it seems they are going the other way and its soon to be less services (golf and spas) and 1.5mil so even less value to me.

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But why are you running off on tangents?

The question I posed will I be giving up any thing by going the glorified tourist visa route as per elite card by giving up my current Non-Imm "o" with multi reentry permit? yes, I will be giving up the fun of annually going to immigration to renew the NON-Imm "o" anything else? Renewing every 90 days, not a problem have to go to immigration anyway to do 90 day address reporting.

you referred to the 800k in the bank CMH and did not mention anything about the annual extension. as far as the "fun" of annual extension and 90 days reporting is concerned... i'm missing that fun because i'm doing neither.

but that's besides the point. saying good bye for good to 1 or perhaps 1½ million Baht for evading the fun of the annual extension comedy at immigration is in my (not so) humble view a financial luxury which can be avoided at much lower cost.

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So getting one of these every 15 months you would have to budget for more like 6 of these ???

I would imagine a short flight to Sri Lanka (that is if they still issue non imm B multys with a basic invite letter) would run you 1000 - 2000 tops for a week.. I wouldnt be surprised if you could do a run to Oz for a walk in non imm O for almost the same. So to me your looking at much more like 6 - 12k USD to see you through to retirement stage AND you still have your money working for you producing interest.

Its just 2 different viewpoints, I think many like to bash the Elite system because they cant imagine someone might spend a million baht to provide ease of use, I can understand for some its fine but I just dont quite see it as a value proposition. Its close tho, they could probably sell me on the visa and immigration only (no use for golf or spas) option at 1/2 mil and I might bite on that. Tho it seems they are going the other way and its soon to be less services (golf and spas) and 1.5mil so even less value to me.

Maybe it's just me, but a trip to Sri Lanka, even if only every 15 months, is not my idea of fun. Oz would be another story. I doubt I could take a mini-vacation to Oz for a week for US$ 2000. The flight alone would be almost that much. Then figure around 100 per nite for room and another 100 per day for food, transportation, and misc and it starts to add up quick.

Also, at retirement, it should be possible (this all assumes the program survives) to avoid the B 800,000 in the bank routine (or whatever higher amount is required 8 years hence). Therefore, avoiding the opportunity cost of putting that money in a low/no interest bearing Thai bank account.

Assuming one could pay the money for the program without much difficulty, it really hinges on how long one expects to stay in Thailand. If one intends to stay 5-10 years (continous) then it makes quite a bit of sense. Lots of visa costs and stress avoided. Also, it's a lifetime thing, so one could stay a few years, go back home for work or whatever, and then come back anytime and resume living in LOS with minimal hassles.

For what it is worth, the official application for membership states that if the Elite program is cancelled due to government action, unused membership fees will be refunded. This is defined as basically the services that cost the program actually money (golf rounds, massages, limo rides, etc.) that have not been used by a member will be refunded. Government officials have publically stated that such refund costs are one factor that has to be considered in whether to continue with the program or not (suggesting that if the do in fact can the program, they would refund some amount of fees to members).

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Its always the same degenerate negative whiners who spend their time trying to figure a cheaper way of living in thailand

well lets look at this multi o visa

those who cannot afford to go back to say the uk, always have some excuse, that they globe trott or they make much too much money, but in reality they choose this method because they do not have the required documents to stay in thailand and therefore have an agency to fill in the blanks at a cost of 30,000, which is only a temporary stay for 90 days then out of the country you guys have to go, and the cost just keeps on creeping up, trips here, trips there, well it will cost alot more than 200k baht a year going to sri lanka, bali etc etc and WHO THE hel_l WANTS TO HOLIDAY IN SRI LANKA!!!!!

the retirement visa, well doesnt apply here, as the guy is still young and without the nazal hair to thrill many of the asian lovelies

in the end the choice is down to how long one wants to stay in thailand, how much money one has to spend on settling down in thailand for 5-10-15-20 years

as probably not one of you guys replying on this thread are paying any income taxes to the thai government but are residing for more than 6 months out of 12 months a year, then whatever choice people make should be the best option for each and every foreigner as all of us are saving bucket loads of cash each year

all of us staying in thailand are making use of its lax taxation collection systems on foreigners, the cheap way of life etc etc

so who cares how people stay their course in thailand as long as they are enjoying their lives

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well i may.. but still makes me wonder.. very comfortable trip to UK (as long as you keep it short :D ) would fit easily in 2,000$ bill (slightly more for US,slightly less for OZ) .. C'mon you don't hate your home countries THAT much do you..

Also i find it hard to beleive, that ThaiElite visa allows you to park ur arse here for 5 years nonstop, without need for visa run/reporting, or any extra endorsments !!!>>now that would make IT BETTER than even Thai PR !! Are they Really THAT generous??!! Only a feedback from successful TE card holder may tell us !! Do they just stamp your passp. allowed to stay until...5years from now ?!? with no strings attached .. Think & ask.. i'm curious to know,if it's really Christmas :o

the 5 year visa has a 90 days reporting for which 1900 baht is paid, for this visa the members no longer have to leave thailand, all the member has to do is pop down to the immigration office and have it extended

the 5 year visa is renewed every 5 years, and also will be renewed if you have your passport stolen or replaced

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those who cannot afford to go back to say the uk, always have some excuse, that they globe trott or they make much too much money, but in reality they choose this method because they do not have the required documents to stay in thailand and therefore have an agency to fill in the blanks at a cost of 30,000, which is only a temporary stay for 90 days then out of the country you guys have to go, and the cost just keeps on creeping up, trips here, trips there, well it will cost alot more than 200k baht a year going to sri lanka, bali etc etc and WHO THE hel_l WANTS TO HOLIDAY IN SRI LANKA!!!!!

the retirement visa, well doesnt apply here, as the guy is still young and without the nazal hair to thrill many of the asian lovelies

in the end the choice is down to how long one wants to stay in thailand, how much money one has to spend on settling down in thailand for 5-10-15-20 years

so who cares how people stay their course in thailand as long as they are enjoying their lives

Hampstead...you seem to see my reasoning. If it was easy for me as an American to get a multi-entry non-imm O visa from someplace back home, and there was some assurance this would continue for the foreseeable future, then maybe I would not consider the Elite program. But it seems that the trend is for more restrictions for people in my particular situation. Like I have said...the financials for me work out to basically paying in advance or over time. The amounts work out to be more or less the same, and the longer I stay in Thailand, I start to come out ahead financially.

Also, the peace of mind factor knowing your visa situation is all sorted out and sure, let me admit it, the VIP treatment at the airport would be a nice ego boost, is nothing to sneeze at either.

Now if I can just make a decision before the porported price hike goes into effect :o

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well i may.. but still makes me wonder.. very comfortable trip to UK (as long as you keep it short :D ) would fit easily in 2,000$ bill (slightly more for US,slightly less for OZ) .. C'mon you don't hate your home countries THAT much do you..

Also i find it hard to beleive, that ThaiElite visa allows you to park ur arse here for 5 years nonstop, without need for visa run/reporting, or any extra endorsments !!!>>now that would make IT BETTER than even Thai PR !! Are they Really THAT generous??!! Only a feedback from successful TE card holder may tell us !! Do they just stamp your passp. allowed to stay until...5years from now ?!? with no strings attached .. Think & ask.. i'm curious to know,if it's really Christmas :D

the 5 year visa has a 90 days reporting for which 1900 baht is paid, for this visa the members no longer have to leave thailand, all the member has to do is pop down to the immigration office and have it extended

the 5 year visa is renewed every 5 years, and also will be renewed if you have your passport stolen or replaced

The question I posed will I be giving up any thing by going the glorified tourist visa route as per elite card by giving up my current Non-Imm "o" with multi reentry permit? yes, I will be giving up the fun of annually going to immigration to renew the NON-Imm "o" anything else? Renewing every 90 days, not a problem have to go to immigration anyway to do 90 day address reporting.

:D Pretty much answers Cm-happy's question !! If he gives up his residency here, he'll have to repeat the same extention jumps 4 times a year, instead of current 1 !! Quadruple annual costs , BUT he'll feel VIP all the waay :o

Even thou i'd imagine that prvong that one's VIP holding tourist visa wouldn't be too glorious, if one would need to get some things done >>like driving licence//bank account (where at least "non-immi" status IS required !!)

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So the increase to 1.5m means that 1.5m in the market only has to earn perhaps 100k or about 7% to cover the visa costs.

However, if I was more asset poor, cash rich rather than the other way around, I think I'd go ahead with it at 1m. Why, after renewed thought this last week, I think It might be sensible and if I was liquid, it wouldn't be a big drain on cash. The benefits might be variable and it may not be guaranteed but I think the visa will continue and that is what I would be buying it for. If Thailand ever does get its act together on tax or they clamp down even more on annual visas then it would be so much easier to have all that crap taken away.

Had it been visa only (or with very limited extra benefits or a choice) and about 250k to 500k then I would have had one already. One outstanding worry is the rumour of an annual fee. If that were perhaps 50k or 100k then the very reason to have the card goes out of the window. No-one seems to know whether this would apply retrospectively.

Of course, if you are anywhere near 50 then it is all unnecessary anyway as 800k in the bank will do nicely. However, I recall a story of a retired German doctor who had a pension of 300k a month or something plus loads of cash who was refused a retirement visa extension because he was too sick. Perhaps the Elite card would have gotten him out of that hole ?

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Its always the same degenerate negative whiners who spend their time trying to figure a cheaper way of living in thailand

well lets look at this multi o visa

those who cannot afford to go back to say the uk, always have some excuse, that they globe trott or they make much too much money, but in reality they choose this method because they do not have the required documents to stay in thailand and therefore have an agency to fill in the blanks at a cost of 30,000, which is only a temporary stay for 90 days then out of the country you guys have to go, and the cost just keeps on creeping up, trips here, trips there, well it will cost alot more than 200k baht a year going to sri lanka, bali etc etc and WHO THE hel_l WANTS TO HOLIDAY IN SRI LANKA!!!!!

I actually would quite like to go to Sri Lanka.. I have never been and if t wasnt for the troubles I would have just for a look.. Last year I went to india and had a blast, really good fun, I may return to travel the northern hill stations and see the old colonial places next year.

And I can assure you a trip for bali need not cost 200k.. My brother has a home there so I dont pay hotels (but they are so cheap as to be a small aspect) but a full month for me and my GF is <80 acting like tourists buying tat etc.. I spend far more living a month in Thailand than I do living a month on bali so going there for a month saves me money !!

as probably not one of you guys replying on this thread are paying any income taxes to the thai government but are residing for more than 6 months out of 12 months a year, then whatever choice people make should be the best option for each and every foreigner as all of us are saving bucket loads of cash each year

all of us staying in thailand are making use of its lax taxation collection systems on foreigners, the cheap way of life etc etc

I would love to pay some taxes here.. But I refuse to work here. You dont really expect the well of to work in this environment do you ??

So when Thailand wakes up and provides a system where I can pay some taxes (and presumably declare some form of residency) what can I do.

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we all live a great life and we all pay NO TAXES

Well, we do pay VAT on everything we buy; some of us also pay taxes on the corporations that own our houses, and those with cars or motos pay annual registration fees (taxes). So the government gets its bite out of us foreigners too. Still, we are all here of our own free will and are free to leave if we so desire.

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One outstanding worry is the rumour of an annual fee. If that were perhaps 50k or 100k then the very reason to have the card goes out of the window. No-one seems to know whether this would apply retrospectively.

However, I recall a story of a retired German doctor who had a pension of 300k a month or something plus loads of cash who was refused a retirement visa extension because he was too sick.

Any annual fee would apply to NEW members only.

If true, must be more to the German story...if he had that much monthly income and was sick...he would have been a great customer for all the hospitals in Thailand. He must have been on death's door...like many I see in Pattaya and they still seem to get extensions. Maybe he was one of those HIV+ Germans who expressed a wish to take revenge on the working lasses of the Kingdom and was therefore denied an extension for this purpose.

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One outstanding worry is the rumour of an annual fee. If that were perhaps 50k or 100k then the very reason to have the card goes out of the window. No-one seems to know whether this would apply retrospectively.

However, I recall a story of a retired German doctor who had a pension of 300k a month or something plus loads of cash who was refused a retirement visa extension because he was too sick.

Any annual fee would apply to NEW members only.

If true, must be more to the German story...if he had that much monthly income and was sick...he would have been a great customer for all the hospitals in Thailand. He must have been on death's door...like many I see in Pattaya and they still seem to get extensions. Maybe he was one of those HIV+ Germans who expressed a wish to take revenge on the working lasses of the Kingdom and was therefore denied an extension for this purpose.

Well the simple fact is, with the Elite being a private company, thats already stiffed CNN for 300 million, that already lied many times (property ownership, remember that old chestnut), thats already cut down membership advantages to current members, that already put caps on spa and golf, that already stopped the unofficial perk of allowing some privileges to family members (I mean, do you really walk through fast track and make your missus go through the plebs route ??) etc etc etc.. Well you never really know what they will or wont do ?!?! I mean, say someone bought that card to go golfing 2 times a week, now he cant can he ?? what rights does he have ??

Plus I just feel leary about handing over a million to a company that racks up millions in advertising and then refuses to pay.. Shows their true colors doesnt it.

As to the possible German, tho I find the story a little unusual, there are laws stating you cannot renew a visa if you have some diseases, not only HIV etc but IIRC TB (which is getting more common in Asia) and others (maybe even Hep?).. Maybe the Elite could have helped him.

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The question I posed will I be giving up any thing by going the glorified tourist visa route as per elite card by giving up my current Non-Imm "o" with multi reentry permit? yes, I will be giving up the fun of annually going to immigration to renew the NON-Imm "o" anything else? Renewing every 90 days, not a problem have to go to immigration anyway to do 90 day address reporting.

:D Pretty much answers Cm-happy's question !! If he gives up his residency here, he'll have to repeat the same extention jumps 4 times a year, instead of current 1 !! Quadruple annual costs , BUT he'll feel VIP all the waay :o

Even thou i'd imagine that prvong that one's VIP holding tourist visa wouldn't be too glorious, if one would need to get some things done >>like driving licence//bank account (where at least "non-immi" status IS required !!)

I can only speak for myself! Yes, 1900 B every 90 days to renew elite card tourist visa. quadrupling annual costs. In consquential for the peace of mind involved.

About the driving license and bank account; not sure if NON-Imm is a REQUIREMENT. did both when first arrived here with only 90 day tourist visa from Thai consulate in NYC. Driving license, paid my fees, took test, got 1 year license and a 5 year one(had non-imm at the time) afterwards when 1 year one expired. Bangkok Bank no problem to open an account. Cannot do on-line banking with account opened with tourist visa. Account opened with NON-imm can do on-line banking. Either way it doesn't really matter to me if I can do on-line banking or not.

Other elite card benefits don't care about except perhaps being able to fly through passport control when returning home from abroad.

But am wondering what happens if I'm abroad when its time to renew for 90 day thing and cannot renew at a Thai immigration office. Would also need to have re-entry permit? If elite card good for 90 days then would I be able to get multi re-entry pemit good for a year or need to get a new one every time I renew the 90 day tourist one?

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But am wondering what happens if I'm abroad when its time to renew for 90 day thing and cannot renew at a Thai immigration office. Would also need to have re-entry permit? If elite card good for 90 days then would I be able to get multi re-entry pemit good for a year or need to get a new one every time I renew the 90 day tourist one?

No need for re-entry permits or anything like that. You only need to do the 90 day reporting if you are in the country for 90 days uninterrupted. If you tend to fly in and out fairly regularly, as I do, then it's simply a moot point. The next time you fly in, you get another 90 day stamp from scratch. A travel pattern like that of course means that I never have to pay any 1,900 baht fees. In that sense it sort of works like a series of 90 day visa-exempt entries and exits, akin to how some people used to stay here before the 3x30day rule was introduced last year.

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About the driving license and bank account; not sure if NON-Imm is a REQUIREMENT. did both when first arrived here with only 90 day tourist visa from Thai consulate in NYC. Driving license, paid my fees, took test, got 1 year license and a 5 year one(had non-imm at the time) afterwards when 1 year one expired. Bangkok Bank no problem to open an account. Cannot do on-line banking with account opened with tourist visa. Account opened with NON-imm can do on-line banking. Either way it doesn't really matter to me if I can do on-line banking or not.

Where I am they definately do matter.. Banks are being VERY tough about giving out accounts to anyone without a non imm.. Also driving licenses wont get issued on tourist visa's here (may be different elsewhere)..

I actually thought an elite card would work as its 90 days, but never thought about the tourist visa implications.. Surely those elite folks could have a word on your behalf, we all know how Thailand works.

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stiffed CNN for 300 million,

that already lied many times (property ownership, remember that old chestnut), thats already cut down membership advantages to current members, that already put caps on spa and golf, that already stopped the unofficial perk of allowing some privileges to family members (I mean, do you really walk through fast track and make your missus go through the plebs route ??) etc etc etc.. Well you never really know what they will or wont do ?!?! I mean, say someone bought that card to go golfing 2 times a week, now he cant can he ?? what rights does he have ??

As to the possible German, tho I find the story a little unusual, there are laws stating you cannot renew a visa if you have some diseases, not only HIV etc but IIRC TB (which is getting more common in Asia) and others (maybe even Hep?).. Maybe the Elite could have helped him.

As to the CNN debt...this was an issue way back but it was more an internal controls issue. It was never an issue that the Priviledge Card Company stiffed CNN but how the company was going to pay this bill and if the employee was authorized to approve this expenditure (and, this being LOS, if there was any tea money involved). From my understanding and recollection of the matter, CNN was not complaining that they had been stiffed but that internal audits found this expense and now the company had to pay it. I am sure the company and CNN came to some sorted out the matter.

Like most companies, they often hype or over promote their services. The did, of course, did initially promote the land ownership scheme (maybe through some type of holding company structure with Priviledge CArd Company) but this was soon dropped when it was clear that the Thai government was not going to amend the laws to permit this benefit.

The golf and spa privileges currently stand at 2 uses per month for each benefit. The annual physical is limited to 1x per year. These may be cut in future but for now, that is where this stands (if this is a factor in someone's purchase decision).

As to the airport privileges, immediate family (wife, kids) can accompany a card holder through the diplomatic line. It is friends and other business associates that have been curtailed. Maybe this would be a good marketing tactic and your other well-off friends or business associated see you using the diplo line may spur them to join.

As to the sick German, Elite would NOT have helped him as the membership material clearly states that for the visa privilege, the member must otherwise quality for entry into the Kingdom to the get 5-year visa. So if the German did not qualify for entry for some reason, Elite would not have helped him.

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Where I am they definately do matter.. Banks are being VERY tough about giving out accounts to anyone without a non imm.. Also driving licenses wont get issued on tourist visa's here (may be different elsewhere)..

I actually thought an elite card would work as its 90 days, but never thought about the tourist visa implications.. Surely those elite folks could have a word on your behalf, we all know how Thailand works.

Their promotional material states that they will assist members in expediting things like WPs (if needed) and drivers licenses. Take if for what it's worth...maybe the company MD calls the head of the local land transport dept and smooths the way for the issuance of the driver's license for the member with the "Elite" tourist"visa (if the member already qualifies, e.g. has an international license or valid foreign license).

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