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i have known that certain woman from surin khmer border regions believe in some form of black magic...i have heard from my x girlfriend from surin that she had a magic tattoo(invisible to me) to lure me...or attract me to her...we,re finished now...

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I offered her 50,000 Baht if she could make my Boss fall sick requiring Hospitalisation before January 27. She had nearly 2 months to acomplish this, and did not get a result. She has been informed of this and sadly has missed the 50,000.

50,000 Baht seems a bit steep; you could probably hire someone to break both his legs for less than that. :o

My beautiful wife, here in Sydney, just got off the phone with her Sister in Surin. Her niece has been stricken with a curse....similar to the one that befell her other niece some years ago. Crying for no reason, sleeping all the time, headaches.

"Take her to the clinic" I said.

"no, doctors will only give pain killers for the headache. She will go to have the curse removed tomorrow"

"bullshi*" said I, " she needs medical help"

This was not accepted at all. There is a black magic practician in the village that has has-it-in for my wife's family.


(sounds like a case of severe depression to me...)

I am just sooo angry!!!!

(she is 16 YO)



Its been alot of gossip about my wife here in Norway, since she's from Surin she can do magic. A lady came and visit her, and complaining that her husband wanted her in the bed too much. My wife has try to tell everyone many time that she cannot do and do not belive. That time she get a little pissed of, and mixed some spieces and gave to the lady. I called the husband, he's a friend of mine. The day after she mixed the spieses in he's dinner, after an hour he said was feeling strange, and when they was going to bed, he dropped on the floor and rolling around, and he did the same thing next evening about bedtime.

The next day the lady called and ask if my wife could do something, and get madly angry when my wife told her that we pulled her leg.

Now thai lady really think she has magic power, and a lady ask her to make a little heartattack on another man. Whatever she tell we make a joke no thailandy her belive, cause everyone in Surin messing with black magic. Several has warn me about going to lower Isan, they say its very dangerous. :o


Blimey..............................I'll have to contact someone to see if they can cast a spell on my locals to make them dip their 'ands in their pockets. :o


Be very careful today everyone.................................................................... :o

just look at the calender :D

:D double post..................................better lie low for the rest of the day :o

hi there yurisan,

r u between 18 & 30yo, no heavier than 110lbs & adventurous.

if so, pm me, i may be able to help.

cheers........ :o

Dear members,

I would be very much appreciated to know where i can find black magic in Surin to secure my relationship with my husband as he will be leaving me .How to go from Bangkok to Surin? Which transportation is most convenient? railway or car?Actually i would prefer to go to temple in Surin to seek a monk's help but will it works? As i am a little bit afraid that black magic might cause my husband insane or he can't concentrate in his career then it will be a problem for me too. A ny info about the location and address ?I am looking forward to hearing from you guys . Thank you very much in advance. kop kun ma ka! BTW, what should i bring along with me? His hair, nail, photo and what else?


hi col,

i recommend apromax, aka as the 'happy pill'.

any psychiatrist should be able to prescibe that for her.

cheers mate....

My beautiful wife, here in Sydney, just got off the phone with her Sister in Surin. Her niece has been stricken with a curse....similar to the one that befell her other niece some years ago. Crying for no reason, sleeping all the time, headaches.

"Take her to the clinic" I said.

"no, doctors will only give pain killers for the headache. She will go to have the curse removed tomorrow"

"bullshi*" said I, " she needs medical help"

This was not accepted at all. There is a black magic practician in the village that has has-it-in for my wife's family.


(sounds like a case of severe depression to me...)

I am just sooo angry!!!!

(she is 16 YO)


  • 4 weeks later...

At last I can make a positive input to this thread.

I have had a lot of test done on me in the past week, Barium Swallow,endoscope,biopsy and as published on the Medical forum I have been diagnosed with an 80% chance of haing cancer of the gullet. I am still waiting for the final result.

Well, yesterday evening, my wife and her friend took me to see what I thought was the local Witch doctor. As I have a pretty open mind on these things I thought I'd give it a go.

We arrived at the village, about half hours drive from Surin in the direction of no-where, and were confronted with a huge crowd of people, waiting to see this alternative practitioner. All in all the were 50 to 60 people before us.

The Witch was in her room praying( or as I thought, counting her money) Then a hush descended as the door opened, and to my utter amazment, out stepped this beautiful 14 year old girl.Each audience with her lasted about two minutes, as she touched each person lightly on the spot giving them trouble. Apparantly, thousands of people have been healed by her touch alone. Plenty of patients ( that's the only way I can put it) brought bottles of drinking water to be blessed by her ( us included)

All in all it was a very gratifying experience, as you could see these people actually believed in her. Apparantly though, I was the first Farang she had blessed. Why? Because they do not know about her, or is it more likely Farangs on the whole put it down to stupid hogwash?


Since most people have no idea what is actually happening, the profession must attract lots of charlatans.

I have no idea how to spot them out.

Also exposing charlatans does not equates with providing scientific explanation to genuine practice, though many westerners are happy with supremacy of their methods after uncovering a couple of tricks by a con artist.

Since most people have no idea what is actually happening, the profession must attract lots of charlatans.

I have no idea how to spot them out.

Also exposing charlatans does not equates with providing scientific explanation to genuine practice, though many westerners are happy with supremacy of their methods after uncovering a couple of tricks by a con artist.

Any chance of a translation into English?

Any chance of a translation into English?

I'll type slowly for you:

When observing black/white magic rituals most people have no idea what exactly is going on, they observe only external, visible activities. That opens lots of opportunities for various charlatans to simulate actual ceremonies.

Most people would have a hard time differentiating between a real magic ritual and a fake one.

Also there are people who are convinced that every magic ritual can be scientifically explained. That is a big stretch. This superior attitude develops after exposing only a couple of charlatans and fake stigmatas. There's still a vast body of supernatural experience that science has never touched. Things like Naga fireballs or Phuket vegetarian festival trance.

Since most people have no idea what is actually happening, the profession must attract lots of charlatans.

I have no idea how to spot them out.

Also exposing charlatans does not equates with providing scientific explanation to genuine practice, though many westerners are happy with supremacy of their methods after uncovering a couple of tricks by a con artist.

Any chance of a translation into English?

Good luck ,mate. Worth a try aint it?



  • 1 year later...

You say you're scientifically minded but a Christian as well? Beliefs like eating forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden and Immaculate Conception are just as bizarre to me as Thai voodoo.

My beautiful wife, here in Sydney, just got off the phone with her Sister in Surin. Her niece has been stricken with a curse....similar to the one that befell her other niece some years ago. Crying for no reason, sleeping all the time, headaches.

"Take her to the clinic" I said.

"no, doctors will only give pain killers for the headache. She will go to have the curse removed tomorrow"

"bullshi*" said I, " she needs medical help"

This was not accepted at all. There is a black magic practician in the village that has has-it-in for my wife's family.


(sounds like a case of severe depression to me...)

I am just sooo angry!!!!

(she is 16 YO)


I would take it seriously and respect your wife's family's concerns. Whether you believe it's all codswallop or not is beside the point. Your wife's family is obviously very worried.

About 34/35 years ago, in Laos, my wife hired a married couple as servants. They seemed fine until we started getting stories that he was a "mor pee", had the power to curse people and was boasting about it to the others. The household were really worried and my wife wasn't sure what to do about it without inviting reprisals. I remember bringing the man upstairs, speaking very politely to him, perhaps with some sympathy (as mor pees can get locked in and become victims of their own powers), and told him that, as a Christian, I also had these powers and could counteract his; nevertheless, as the family were upset, I'd have to ask him to go. He agreed and I'm sure we compensated him and his wife well. I don't know why he started boasting so soon after their arrival. He must have known it would put the wind up everyone. Perhaps it was intentional, a way of extorting money from us. If so it worked, though I don't remember him asking me for money.

Even many (most?) well educated people in Thailand and Laos believe in mor pees, pee porbs and the like and they are afraid of them. People in the West have a scientific education, but it may be best to leave a corner of your mind open to the fact that strange things happen. And even if they don't we have to accept that others think differently from us and have no doubts whatsoever that what they believe is really and truly the way things are.


Can I politely inform you that one of the posters on this OLD thread above, probably wasted valuable time with all this <deleted>' Mumbo-Jumbo

and is now dead!



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