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I agree with you Stroll and women do that too. Get stuck in a relationship which is bad for them because they can see how it could be, but isn't and in all probability, never could be what they want.


DAY 32

Ning did come with me last night to answer Head Snakes questions (which she did but I didn't and don't yet have time to type the answers) however, I helped her read the posts since hers and she spotted the word 'Lazy' somewhere and gave me a fat lip for revealing that information. Funny, it's okay to say that she's an ex prostitute.

Anyway, she got very bored very quickly after that so we got a couple of beers with a sub I got from my boss and went home for a bath and the most romantic night we've had in quite a while.

There's loads to say about yesterday in fact but I can't really talk now.


P.S. Polly, that comment about using me as a 'stop gap' and somewhere to stay was something I pitched to her during an arguement last week and she reminded me that she would be staying with her sister in Bangkok if she hadn't met me and asked if she wanted me to go.

However, I know I don't know everything. I caught her on the phone yesterday to somebody.

Funny, it's okay to say that she's an ex prostitute

What you write has some interest, but why are you doing it?

Why are you happy to admit in public that your partner is a former prostitute. Do you do it because you are a troll and you like to see your name in print, or do you do it because you are bored?

Are your eyes totally closed to the existance of woman in Thailand who are not prostitutes or former prostitutes.

Do you not see that what you write merely helps to perpetuate the misguided perception of Thai woman which many foreigners have?

Do you not feel even a slight urge to grow up just a little?

Funny, it's okay to say that she's an ex prostitute

What you write has some interest, but why are you doing it?

Why are you happy to admit in public that your partner is a former prostitute. Do you do it because you are a troll and you like to see your name in print, or do you do it because you are bored?

Are your eyes totally closed to the existance of woman in Thailand who are not prostitutes or former prostitutes.

Do you not see that what you write merely helps to perpetuate the misguided perception of Thai woman which many foreigners have?

Do you not feel even a slight urge to grow up just a little?

Do you have the need to hide behind an alias when you post a slightly aggresive post?

However, I know I don't know everything. I caught her on the phone yesterday to somebody.

Just as well she is going soon. You do not trust her and you are getting paranoid. It could have been her sister on the phone, or her father.



Your story is quite fun and have made me addicted to it. I found it really similar to the story that had happened with my cousin but he was a lot younger than you. But his experience might be a bit worse than yours cos he was theathened to be killed by the girl's Man. (She was a mistress of some mafia in Khonkaen) She told my cousin a lie about everything like her career, her status and that she was from a rich family cos she ever drove BMW325i. :D Unfortunately, I had no chance to at least share his experience with you before it started to be messed cos I just found your story a fews day ago.

But congratulation anyway, that finally, it seems like you are in charge of everything now.

Keep writing!!! I'm sure at least your experience would be really useful for those who are about to consider to have a deep relationship with someone they don't actually know.

Anyway, I hope this mess would finally be happy ending. I'm cheering you up!!! :D

Good Luck,

Fan of your story :o

Funny, it's okay to say that she's an ex prostitute

What you write has some interest, but why are you doing it?

Why are you happy to admit in public that your partner is a former prostitute. Do you do it because you are a troll and you like to see your name in print, or do you do it because you are bored?

Are your eyes totally closed to the existance of woman in Thailand who are not prostitutes or former prostitutes.

Do you not see that what you write merely helps to perpetuate the misguided perception of Thai woman which many foreigners have?

Do you not feel even a slight urge to grow up just a little?

I am continuing this thread for reasons that are different to the reason I started it, and those reasons are because for starters, I am doing something that allows me to be creative which is in demand.

It's also a way of proving sceptics wrong about bargirls but also showing that one shouldn't get to emotionally involved.

Read Omloveyou's comments.

Lastly, Thaivisa is my spare time and to an extent my social life.

Am I wrong to do this just because you yourself, and many others would not be so open?


DAY 33

This story is unlikely to go past day 34.

I have learned a lot, and during the past month, Ning has been the staple that has held me together through some painful times involving family, friends in Bangkok, money, job and self deprecating anguish.

Britmaveric is right to make the comments he did.

One thing I love about Thailand and my fellow expats is that I am among mostly like minded people.

I have had a painful, complicated and very unfair life but I have never lost a child or been through a divorce, and I have never battled cancer or seen my best friend blown to bits and I have never lost a wife or fiancee to another man or been cleaned out of all my money and belongings by a woman who I had trusted.

So these are things I will have to respect and remember when I'm wallowing in misery, sentiment and self pity over the next few days - but I do want everybody to know that it's not all over Ning - a girl I'd known just over a month.

It's because the companion I've had over the past month, the young, feisty woman who has been a distraction from this that and the other, will have gone, leaving me in the apartment and the town we had shared together and all the memories that went with it, but mostly - all the other things that have happened and are about to that I didn't but will have to go through aone after being used to not being alone after years of not wanting to be alone.

I was more in love with the idea that I could have met my significant other than I was in love with Ning herself as a person - but as a person I became and still am very fond of her indeed and I will miss her painfully.

It's going to be very difficult indeed but as she said to me herself.

"You need to be strong more, that why you are not my style, I like a man not care about anything and not take life seriously too much. You are too good for me and if you are too good you will only get hurt more."

What is strength anyway?

Some of us could look back at our lives and wonder if we were really strong to take all the shit we've had in life - or we could equally say we were really weak to take all the shit we'd had in life.

That's something else I put to her once... Maybe I'm stronger than she thinks in the sense that I have never given up on life and got into drugs or let alcohol get the better of me.

And yes, if I'm run down and upset enough, I do cry - but it's better that than bottling up al that emotion and smashing your girlfriends fukcing face in like many men in the western world do because they can't show emotion.

And maybe I am a <deleted> for making a chapter of my life public property, something she has also wondered.

And maybe I'm not... Maybe I've just got the guts to be myself and to be honest and share my experience.

It all depends on who you are and from which angle you ae viewing it, but to those of you who are bored of viewing it - don't worry, the show is almost over.

And maybe I am a <deleted> for making a chapter of my life public property, something she has also wondered.

And maybe I'm not...  Maybe I've just got the guts to be myself and to be honest and share my experience.

...but do you have the guts to go back to your own country, to get a proper job, to establish a career, to get a life, to gain a bit of self-respect and to start earning the respect of others.

There's a big wide world out there boy: winners go out and take what they want from it; only little people stay at home and complain all the time about their bad luck.

There's a big wide world out there boy: winners go out and take what they want from it; only little people stay at home and complain all the time about their bad luck.

A Fair point , but GS is NOT at home , he IS in the big wide world.. :o

There's a big wide world out there boy: winners go out and take what they want from it; only little people stay at home and complain all the time about their bad luck.

A Fair point , but GS is NOT at home , he IS in the big wide world.. :o

...then maybe he needs to go back home for a long re-think :D


I tried back home and I'm trying out here.

I'm fighting like mad for an enjoyable life instead of surrendering to the boring and often miserable life of those back home.

Surely if I was that much of a weak loser I'd be satisfied with life in the U.K. doing a job I don't enjoy and spending all my spare time in the pub.

Re-Think? Thinking is certainly not something I need to do more of.

I do however need to keep myself as optomistic and robust as possible otherwise Thailand will screw me up as it has done others.



I have to admit that I will be very dissapointed when this thread ends. I'm glad you ignore the detractors on this thread that don't understand why you are posting on it. Let me know when your book comes out. I want to get a signed copy when it does.

My wife never was a bargirl, but coming from a family of dirt poor rice farmers, she understands the economic reasons why women resort to such a profession. When I told her about this thread, her only comment was that you should find another woman not because she was an ex-bargirl, but because she doesn't do work around the house.

I'm sure you will be able to find another woman in LOS. As a farang, you will have many choices. I hope you don't go back to the U.K. as it sounds to me as though you are making a much better go of life where you are right now.

Good luck and keep on keepin on. :o


I have to admit that I will be very dissapointed when this thread ends. I'm glad you ignore the detractors on this thread that don't understand why you are posting on it. Let me know when your book comes out. I want to get a signed copy when it does.

My wife never was a bargirl, but coming from a family of dirt poor rice farmers, she understands the economic reasons why women resort to such a profession. When I told her about this thread, her only comment was that you should find another woman not because she was an ex-bargirl, but because she doesn't do work around the house.

I'm sure you will be able to find another woman in LOS. As a farang, you will have many choices. I hope you don't go back to the U.K. as it sounds to me as though you are making a much better go of life where you are right now.

Good luck and keep on keepin on. :D

Thankyou for that. :D

Comments like that keep me strong and make me feel that I am doing something that is right and that is appreciated.

This in a way has, I suppose been a type of therapy for me and I haven't been in close proximity with any friends who I have been able to discuss this with - and by doing it this way I have been able to talk to only those who with to listen or respond.

Ning leaves tomorrow back to Lampang (up north) where she will visit her grandma who's having (from what I can gather) her appendix out this afternoon.

She doesn't think she will ever settle and believes it's just not in her nature and that she is too strong for many men.

Strong women bring out the weakness in me but I've always been attracted to strong women bevause weak women I find difficult to respect.

I have a horrible feeling that I may never see her ever again but I sincerely hope we stay in touch and that we can end up good friends.

She popped in to see me half an hour ago to give me some of the money she recieved at the bank today.

Earlier she took all my laundry to the cleaners and tonight she wants to take me out for a nice meal.

She knows her faults but a black heart isn't one of them, and no matter who you are or what you do - if your heart is in the right place then you're ok in my book.

I told her that and she looked at me a bit funny and informed me that her heart was in her ribcage, same as mine. :o


I do believe one thing that you are a good person and you deserve better than that. But if you think you love her so much, I would just wish her was a better person for you then.

Good luck,

Fan of your story


I'm enjoying the "ride" Scamp , seems things will change for you soon.

As I've said previously I have been married to my Lovely wife for over 7 years , an ex-BG.

When I met her she was Headstrong , still is , and seems similar to Ning in many ways. But I believe that my wife has turned into a far stronger person and character over the years. She still can get crazy , I admire that trait and wouldn't have it any other way. But the free spirit and untidyness , IMO, are not strong qualities, they should fade with added responsibilties.

Suonds like a crock of sh1t perhaps but strong qualities are caring for others, as in kids or yourself. People can change , but if you see a 50 year old man/woman still with those traits, the last thing that comes to mind is " What a strong person!"

Anyway Scamp , an old but true statement I used to hear from my Mum was "What's for you won't go past you!

You never know what or who is next.

BTW my wife is still a free spirit , only last night she decided to try sleeping on the left side of the bed for the first time.... :o

Chin up!


Yes, chin up, Scampy, you will have the time to explore your new environment in Hua Hin and beyond, sounds like you've started making friends there already.

Best of luck!

There's a big wide world out there boy: winners go out and take what they want from it; only little people stay at home and complain all the time about their bad luck.

A Fair point , but GS is NOT at home , he IS in the big wide world.. :D

...then maybe he needs to go back home for a long re-think :D

Hold on a minute... he is at home ..... :o

totster :D



I take my hat off to you..... this has been rivetting..... right from the start and I (and I guess many others) have been through very similar situations..... but you articulate things better (i would have used more expletives!)

One of the tough things about being out here is that there are no "real mates" like back home that know you for years...... and what are the chances of bumping into someone in the Irish pub who would want to listen to all your moaning and groaning (humorous as it is!!).

So it looks like this is your place to let it all out...... now learn from your experiences and move on......

how about a girl from 7/11.........? I aint kidding either...!

I have had a painful, complicated and very unfair life
So have a lot of people Scamp, the people that make it are the ones that recognise that and move on to improve their situation. The people that <deleted> up are the people that use it as an excuse to not try to be happier in the future. At some point you need to decide what road your going to take, being 30, you might want to decide pretty quickly. :D

You say your going to spend your time

wallowing in misery, sentiment and self pity

OK, do it, see what you have at the end of it. Alternatively if you want to take your mind of Ning and the shit things in your life, throw yourself into work, the business you want to set up, a hobby, anything other than the above.

By the way, slightly off topic but an idea, you say the net costs 2 baht a minute to use down there, and I expect the Scamp being the Scamp has checked every place and it's a standard price. Can't you try to check the costs and profits invloved with setting up a net shop for 1 baht a minute? Perhaps a high speed jobby as well, located in the right place, could do well?

I have learned a lot, and during the past month, Ning has been the staple that has held me together through some painful times involving family, friends in Bangkok, money, job and self deprecating anguish.
And before Ning when you dealt with all this stuff? Who was the staple then? Same person who has been the staple in the last month, YOU Scamp. Have a little confidence in yourself, your strong enough and you can make yourself stronger.
still am very fond of her indeed and I will miss her painfully.

She's only going for 3 months right?

She doesn't think she will ever settle and believes it's just not in her nature and that she is too strong for many men.

Think she's too lazy and stroppy for most men. :o I haven't heard about her doing anything strong over the last 33 days. I've heard she strops, she complains, shes lazy, she lies, and no doubt can turn on the waterworks at a drop of a hat.

Excellent postings as always, that Mohammed guy sounds like a right t.w.a.t so don't let the likes of him get you down. Took a lot of guts to write this on the internet, especially after everyone see your pic and you become less anonymous. I hope you can use some other those guts on life outside the net and do well for yourself.


not so sure if your business idea is a good one bkkmadness :

there's plenty of places with 1 baht a min on hi-speed internet or even less in bkk.(30 baht for an hour doesn't seem to be v rare either)

not so sure if your business idea is a good one bkkmadness :

there's plenty of places with 1 baht a min on hi-speed internet or even less in bkk.(30 baht for an hour doesn't seem to be v rare either)

Not sure if it's a good idea myself, just something he might want to look into for his friend. He's not in BKK that's why I suggested it, he's in Hua Hin and he says it's all 2 baht a minute there, so assuming it's around 100-120 baht an hour. Maybe the small shops there are charging that rate because they can get away with it, but I think if the BKK places can afford to charge 1 baht a minute and make money then maybe providing the same service and price down there might be worth looking at and feasible.

DAY 33

"You need to be strong more, that why you are not my style, I like a man not care about anything and not take life seriously too much. You are too good for me and if you are too good you will only get hurt more."

What is strength anyway?

I don't know why it is that women want this type of man. The dangerous type . You can see them on the Cops Television show. An attractive woman standing in the door of a mobile home, in her underwear, sporting a black eye, and protesting "He didn't mean it, He really f*ckin' luvs me you know". Strange quirk in many a females mental make-up. Don't take it personal, and for the female readers and defenders of female virtue, I am not saying all women are this way. Not at all... but a lot are.

:o Coffee!!! :D

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