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Snow In Bangkok?


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Feelin pretty down about the lack of snow in Bangkok...... really takes away from the Christmas spirit. Where would be a good place to go? Respond or pm me any help is appreciated. Feelin homesick :D

I do not know where you can go. There is no snow in the UK as yet. Very cold though, possibly to cold for snow.

I am feeling LOS sick lol.

If, in the event of it snowing, I will pack some in my suitcase, and bring it to you, on my return to LOS on the 31st December.


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Feelin pretty down about the lack of snow in Bangkok...... really takes away from the Christmas spirit. Where would be a good place to go? Respond or pm me any help is appreciated. Feelin homesick :o

Maybe in the noses of some superstars?

Or if I shake my head a lot snow if falling on my T-Shirt.....

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It is a little warm here not as hot as home this time of year.

I miss watching the poms turning lobster red on the beaches, then watching them shopping for the lightest shirt possible so it does not hurt so much. :o They look like they would glow in the dark. Here it is Russians and Germans, and they don't seem to get quite so burned.

Christmas means different things to different people. :D

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Christmas means different things to different people. :o

True that.

To those homesick if it gets this worse why don't you go home for this holidays and get ya butt some freezy? Hate to see people being miserable esp. at this time of the year.

Edited by legag
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Feelin pretty down about the lack of snow in Bangkok...... really takes away from the Christmas spirit. Where would be a good place to go? Respond or pm me any help is appreciated. Feelin homesick :o

My Thai wife loves snow. Me I just don't care for it, it's cold. Living in the southern US we just don't see it much.

But think cold thoughts, get a snow cone. find a pretty lady to be snowed by, get some dandruff and let it snow down on your dark clothing, speaking of hair get old and have a little snow around the edges or get that complete snow on the crown look, get snowed under by work at your office, get a little glass globe and shake it to watch the snow swirrel around inside, go to Nepal, watch old movies such as Ice Station Zebra, find a walk in cooler and hang out there till chilled and there might be a bit of frost by the vent.

I gotta go get the ice shovel and clear the driveway...........not.

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Feelin pretty down about the lack of snow in Bangkok...... really takes away from the Christmas spirit. Where would be a good place to go? Respond or pm me any help is appreciated. Feelin homesick :o

Go out to Dream World park about Klong 3+ on the Rangsit-Ongkarak Road.



Its actually pretty good. Or at least it was when I went there in 2000. A pretty big hanger full of snow with an area to play in the snow and a ramp to sledge down.

Be aware that its an extra fee to go in Snowworld on top of the entry fee to DreamWorld. When I was there it was an extra 600 Baht per person. I went with my GF and she nagged and pleaded and whined to go in and I warned her over and over she'd hate it and that if I did pay she'd better not ask to leave after a couple of minutes. She promised she wouldn't and that she loved snow.

You can guess what happened. When you go in they give you boots and a jacket then you go through a kind of airlock system. We got through that into where the snow was and within 30 seconds she said she wanted to leave! I forced her to take one sledge ride down the slope then she just stood by the exit door huddled up and refusing to move until I agreed to leave.

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My eldest told me it was -6 back home this morning and snow on the hills.

Scotland might have a white one again this year.

As for me I'm staying in the warm climes, down to Singers with the missus to spend chrimbo and see in the bells with the mates.

Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year to all.

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