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Living Costs

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This thread seems to have wandered off the point somewhat

May I remind you of the original posting

Been reading the Min wage postings and wondering if any expats are willing to give me a ball park number as to monthly living costs over there with or without G/F

Planning a move to HH next year on an O retirement visa and trying to do some sort of a budget.

Also considering medical insurance, is there such a thing over there, if so what sort of cost?


Now everyone seems to be arguing over whether things are cheaper in Los or home countries.

Robby wanted others' opinions as to living costs in Los

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This thread seems to have wandered off the point somewhat

May I remind you of the original posting

Sure it have.

I keep to my first reply if single and living alone. Then you can do it for 30K Baht.

But not much left over for night entertaiment and no imported food.

Girlfriend/wife/boyfriend,whatever, own car and motorbike,house and more entertainment included, then I will guess you need at least 65-80K.


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This thread seems to have wandered off the point somewhat

May I remind you of the original posting

Sure it have.

I keep to my first reply if single and living alone. Then you can do it for 30K Baht.

But not much left over for night entertaiment and no imported food.

Girlfriend/wife/boyfriend,whatever, own car and motorbike,house and more entertainment included, then I will guess you need at least 65-80K.


We can agree on that

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Well back from the Swim Club and today I stopped at Lotus for some small shopping and a " Burger instead of noodles"

The burger set was 80Baht. Home it is around 400 baht and up.

I also bought:

Bread 25 baht. Home it is from 70Baht up.

Milk 30 baht. Home 60 baht.

Yoghurt 10 Baht. Home 50 baht

Jam 30 baht. Home 80 baht.

Cornflakes 46 baht. Home 125 baht.

6pack Coke Light boxes 67 Baht.Home 400 Baht.

6pack Singha boxes 147 baht. Home 540 Baht.

Elle (magazin for Mrs.) 80 baht. Home 360 baht.

Potatochips 17 Baht. Home 120 Baht.

Well I shall admit that 10 times was overdue, but I feel safe if I keep it to around 5times.


As much as I hate to disagree, as a newcomer, but a burger set at Burger King in Chiang Mai last week cost me 129 baht (but it was double meat cheese bacon). They're always on sale in Texas, more like 200 baht for a set.

Bread back home often cost 89 cents (35 baht) for a pound and a half. Milk, less than $3 per gallon. Back home I drank countless cans of Coke Light, $2.16 with tax for 12 cans so a six pack cost 41 baht. This was as recently as 2002/2003.

Depends where you shop. Depends what you buy. And if you buy the sales specials.

I've rented the same luxury condo in Chiang Mai, 1260 square feet furnished, for over a year - guarded 24/7 covered parking, breathtaking views, etc. I pay 6,500 baht. Lights and water, 1300 baht. I bought the fastest domestically legal sportbike here for about $1,350 (which costs 3,000 pounds in England); my last new bike in Texas was the cheapest sportbike available, $4,000.

In summary, not counting my mild support for my live-in partner, I spend no more than my monthly salary of 25,000 baht (and I don't pay tax!). HOWEVER, visa runs, one trip home per year, and the occasional other holidays, run over 110,000 baht per year. My medical insurance (minimal BUPA at age 61) cost 9,000 per year. But a doctor visit to a real specialist MD costs 200 baht, including the nurse's fee. I got a partial denture for 3,200 baht in Chiang Mai (good job), and the dentist in Texas also wanted 3,200 - but he wanted that many DOLLARS!

I couldn't live on my pension back home. Here, I can almost bank it all.

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To sumarise so far....

Its generally cheaper to live in thailand than "farangland", how much cheaper depends on where you are from, where you live in thailand, and what lifestyle you want to live.

You would need something between 25,000 to 100,000 a month again depending on where you want to live and what life style you want.

Hope this helps :o

Cheers RC

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to unbiasbob:

I don't go to starbucks everyday, nor do I go bowling everyday. when I go to starbucks, I usually get a short coffee of the day which is 50 baht. and as for bowling, there was a time I used to go every weekday, the cost of 3 games was 100 baht.

I don't smoke, gamble, or take drugs. and my drinking is very minimal.

my lifestyle is pretty much the same as when I was in the states except I'm not working.

granted, there are a lot of people who couldn't do what I am doing. I know that for a fact.

but I also know that most people in the world live on a lot less than the 20k baht a month that I live on.

for a single old guy, 20k is plenty.

everybody is different with different priorities. my guess is that if you have a smoking habit or drink alcohol daily, you could not do what I do.

definitely, if you are into eating out at places like lemon grass or even mcdonalds, you could not live on 20k a month.

thank god I'm not into those things.

did you read the article on retirement vs. longevity?

last, but not least.... no, I don't just eat rice. hehehe. at my apartment complex, you can order a rice plate for 20 baht. I like thai food. ..that's another thing, I don't eat like it's the end of the world which helps me with the budget.

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To haha,

Encouraging to see that at least a few people have figured out that a very comfortable life-style, one that doesn't deprive themselves of all pleasures as biasedbob would have you believe, can be had in Thailand at a very modest cost. You are correct in guessing that most of the people who require so much more are those that haven't adapted to living here and require all their foods and drinks from overseas.

Enjoy the stress-free life, haha, and the longevity that goes with it.

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Well why don't we continue this discussion and I will tell you about an aussie guy living in Cambo. His rent is 2500 baht all inclusive at a guest house. He lives in a tiny windowless room similar to a prison cell in size, if that. His expenses consist of the occassional short time, 120 baht, and transport consisting of a 5 baht cart ride. He doesn't need Starbucks or anything western. I'm 100% sure this guy does not spend 10,000 baht in a month. So for all you people who think you're living on the cheap here in LOS, be it 20k or 30k, eat your heart out because cambo provides the cheapest of living as this guy proves. And he doesn't have to make visa runs

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Well why don't we continue this discussion and I will tell you about an aussie guy living in Cambo. His rent is 2500 baht all inclusive at a guest house. He lives in a tiny windowless room similar to a prison cell in size, if that. His expenses consist of the occassional short time, 120 baht, and transport consisting of a 5 baht cart ride. He doesn't need Starbucks or anything western. I'm 100% sure this guy does not spend 10,000 baht in a month. So for all you people who think you're living on the cheap here in LOS, be it 20k or 30k, eat your heart out because cambo provides the cheapest of living as this guy proves. And he doesn't have to make visa runs

Heck, a REAL prison cell would be even cheaper ... why spend even the 10K?

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I'm 100% sure this guy does not spend 10,000 baht in a month. So for all you people who think you're living on the cheap here in LOS,

I can live on less than that, and have.

If I swich my air off elecs about 500 bht a month, own bore hole so no water costs, own one house and car so dont have to pay them, if we all eat together the whole family can eat for 150 bht a day(shared), we have to go into the village twice a day on buissiness, so any bits and bobs we need can be bought then, and the petrol comes out of the company, oh and the mother-in-law ownes a shop so we buy most things trade, I recon about 4-5000 if I really try(with cigs and whisky).

I have a pretty good buissines here now, but its been a strugle sometimes, trying to grow it, and still not 100% finnished, so we have had times where we have had to live on next to nothing. It does'nt mean I'd want to do it all the time though :o

Cheers RC

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Well why don't we continue this discussion and I will tell you about an aussie guy living in Cambo. His rent is 2500 baht all inclusive at a guest house. He lives in a tiny windowless room similar to a prison cell in size, if that. His expenses consist of the occassional short time, 120 baht, and transport consisting of a 5 baht cart ride. He doesn't need Starbucks or anything western. I'm 100% sure this guy does not spend 10,000 baht in a month. So for all you people who think you're living on the cheap here in LOS, be it 20k or 30k, eat your heart out because cambo provides the cheapest of living as this guy proves. And he doesn't have to make visa runs

What a mind-numbing, boring life. If I were to go that route it would be in a saffron robe and a shaved head. At least it'd have some "enlightenment" attached with it.

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He doesn't need Starbucks or anything western.

The above sentence is the most revealing part of that entire post. He doesn't "NEED" those things. :D

He may not need those things nor do I 99% of the time, but to live in a window-less hovel and have the occasional "short-time"...might as well be a Monk. :o

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Haha, good for you son. Three words I try to live by, simplify. simplify, simplify. What you own owns you.

You will still be posting on this form long after some of us are gone.

Keep up the stress free life. :o

Costs too much to log-on

Simplify by selling the computer - will provide three months living-expenses.

Except that none of this is 'living'.

If anyone wants to spend nothing - then become a stret-sleeper in your own country. Why come out to SE Asia and descend into poverty when there are far more opportunities to do so in Oz, UK, US, wherever your point of origin.

This thread started with a guy wanting to know what the average costs would be for an ex-pat, not how the cheap charlies can save an extra fifty cents.

And to be legal in LOS you need to demonstrate your source and amount of funds. If you don't meet these simple standards, why shout about it - one day you may regret saying such things out loud, as your visa is cancelled.

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This thread started with a guy wanting to know what the average costs would be for an ex-pat, not how the cheap charlies can save an extra fifty cents.

I would think that to be truly informed, he would want to know both sides of the coin. I believe that this thread has shown that, although it seems to frequently denigrate into an essay on class warfare. The same as he may scoff at the idea of staying in a very inexpensive apartment, he may just the same scoff at people that, "spend 4,000 baht and didn't buy anything really". Knowledge is power and I would hope that the point of the thread is impart as much knowledge as possible. Is one life-style inherently "better" than the other? No.

To summarize, one can spend as little as 10,000 baht a month or as much as 1,000,000 baht a month. The choice is so poetically, "up to you".

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Enjoyed reading this thread and can't resist adding my "two cents" worth.

I live "up-country", outside of Kolat with my Thai wife. I have a house, pick-up truck, couple of motorcyles (none of which are "fancy", but nice enough for me and very comfortable).

UBC TV connection 1,500 Baht per month

Internet connection 1,200 Baht per month

Electric 1,500 to 2,000 per month (yes I have air con)

Cell phone <500 Baht per month

Petrol costs: have to average here, but 2,000 Baht per month

Car/motorcycle insurance/registration 2,500 per month.

One year visa fees (I chose to use a BKK lawyer for help) 2,500 per month

(note: I don't have medical here, but I think it is a good idea and am checking in to that)

Anyway, that's about 12,200 per month.

My wife has her own business, but in addition to that I give her 10,000 Baht per month for whatever (because I want to and can).

I "give" myself 10,000 Baht per month for whatever.

On my "budget" of 40,000 Baht, that leaves about 8,000 Baht for whatever else.

I live very well (in my mind) on this budget, although it is always EASY to spend more if you have it. That's true no matter what country you live in.

I also know several "Falong's" in the area, and I have seen some live on less, and certainly some are living on more (because they have it).

Anyway good luck to the original poster and anybody else out there who loves it here.

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He doesn't need Starbucks or anything western.

The above sentence is the most revealing part of that entire post. He doesn't "NEED" those things. :D

He may not need those things nor do I 99% of the time, but to live in a window-less hovel and have the occasional "short-time"...might as well be a Monk. :o

A monk doesn't really have the choice of nipping down the road for a BJ though, does he.

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This thread started with a guy wanting to know what the average costs would be for an ex-pat, not how the cheap charlies can save an extra fifty cents.

I would think that to be truly informed, he would want to know both sides of the coin. I believe that this thread has shown that, although it seems to frequently denigrate into an essay on class warfare. The same as he may scoff at the idea of staying in a very inexpensive apartment, he may just the same scoff at people that, "spend 4,000 baht and didn't buy anything really". Knowledge is power and I would hope that the point of the thread is impart as much knowledge as possible. Is one life-style inherently "better" than the other? No.

To summarize, one can spend as little as 10,000 baht a month or as much as 1,000,000 baht a month. The choice is so poetically, "up to you".

Hey listen, I'm the guy who spent 4k on nothing last week. And I mean I went out, bought a few beers, had dinner and not much else. I am not a free wheeled spender, I am a keen yow supreme. You gotta realize that cash can fly out of your hands here and these cheap charlie budgets are not realistic. I would view some of lop's postings on this subject. He is very clearly a realist. The cheapos cannot expect to waste away over here on their 20k budgets forever. They will fall into an abyss

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You gotta realize that cash can fly out of your hands here and these cheap charlie budgets are not realistic.

The cheapos cannot expect to waste away over here on their 20k budgets forever. They will fall into an abyss

So then the people posting on their less-than-extravagent finances are just living imaginary lives?

and at the same time, the ones that have been doing it for YEARS are... what? lying? or just waiting to fall into that "abyss" any day now?

Perhaps you would sound less pompous if you could find less derogatory terms to describe those that live on less than a B10,000/day. If you spend a hefty sum monthly, good for you... but you might sound more "rich" (in character anyway) if you didn't see the other side in such a demeaning, condescending light.

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I am amazed that due to my Budget of 30,000 baht per month, judging by other postings, I am believed to be either a liar, living in fantasy land or a cheap Charlie.

A few people who are aquainted with real life in Thailand back me up.

Because of these postings, I have analysed my monthly spend.

Basic food costs (family 4) electric, water, fuel for motorbike, pack cigs per day, I beer per day, telephone, Ubc works out at 9000 per month.

Approx 9 days every 3 months will go to Pattaya and spend 15 to 20,000.

That accounts for half my budget.

This leaves me with 15000 per month to spend as I wish.

This means that I am able to improve my standard of living even more.

All in all I end up with a standard of living that suits me. I do not have to watch every Baht.

I have a great time, have plenty of money and a relatively healthy lifestyle.

What more do I want?

Anybody that reads this thread will realise that monthly cash requirements vary greatly from person to person. But don't believe that just because some are living on a lower budget that they are in cloud cuckoo land or living at the poverty line.

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I am living in Phuket, have bin here for two years, working, and living with my Thai girlfriend. She is a regular girl, with a normal job (12 000B/month salary) our monthly spending is something like this:

Rent, Electricity, Water, Cable TV 10 000,00

Food 10 000,00

Car, Insurance, service Bought New 14 000,00

Gasoline 3 000,00

Motorbike (bought New) 2 500,00

Restaurants/entertainment etc 10 000,00

Clothes, other 10 000,00

Health insurance 2 persons 7 000,00 Full comprehensive coverage

Total 66 500,00

Our house is a two bedroom with 3 A/C, hot water, partly furniture, near Phuket Town, my car is two year old Tiger pick up (five year car loan, 200 000B down payment), and my girlfriend bought her motorbike new Honda Dream 125 (bought over 36 months payment).

We go out to eat, drink party 2-3 times a week, but mostly not to typical tourist places like Patong.

Additional will saving to “the old days”, vacation to Europe once a year, and when we have kids this will go up as well,

But this is a good life, we feel we can afford most of the things we want, and compared to the average Thai in Phuket we make 15 to 25’ a month we could probably spend less.

If you live a regular life, with a job, friends, etc you can live well from 60 to 80’ a month.

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undefinedPerhaps you would sound less pompous if you could find less derogatory terms to describe those that live on less than a B10,000/day. If you spend a hefty sum monthly, good for you... but you might sound more "rich" (in character anyway) if you didn't see the other side in such a demeaning, condescending light.

Thank you Sriracha John. I've been "biting my tongue" concerning "unbiasbob" and his very unkind words. And using the word "unkind", I am being polite. Glad he has so much money, makes me wonder why he came here? I can only assume it was for similar reasons of other "poorer" folks than him. Oh well.

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Thank you Sriracha John.  I've been "biting my tongue"  concerning "unbiasbob" and his very unkind words.  And using the word "unkind", I am being polite.

you are the "richer" person to be in such control and voice your opinion with civility... :o

And you're "richer" too, John, for taking down that non-politically correct avatar! :D

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Rent, Electricity, Water, Cable TV..........10 000,00

Food...................................................10 000,00

Car, Insurance, service Bought New......14 000,00

Gasoline...............................................3 000,00

Motorbike (bought New)........................2 500,00

Restaurants/entertainment etc..............10 000,00

Clothes, other.....................................10 000,00

Health insurance 2 persons....................7 000,00

How many peolple usually (i mean in their country) spend the same amount of money what they have to pay for the rent ...... for clothes "and" entertainment "and" food.......??

It's up to them what they do with the money.

In Germany my list WOULD look like this (when i use an expat-calculation):


Rent, Electricity, Water, Cable TV .........65 000,00

Food.......................................................65 000,00

Car, Insurance, service Bought New.....14 000,00

Gasoline................................................10 000,00

Motorbike (bought New)..........................5 000,00

Restaurants/entertainment etc..............65 000,00

Clothes, other.........................................65 000,00

Health insurance 2 persons...................20 000,00

Uhm..........................about................309 000,00

in Euro or US $ ..........about...................6 000,00 a month..... !!!

D4mn......i think i'm rich..........


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I think a lot of you guys are overdoing it a little bit. All the guy wanted to know was approximately what it would cost, on average, to live in LOS so he can access what his chances are, and how difficult it would be. He doesn't need a course in economics, or all the negative "cheap-charley" wise cracks. If we're going to help each other..... then lets HELP each other.

I've been coming to Thailand for over ten years, and costs have gone up a little, but nothing compared to our home countries. I've done a lot of looking around, talked to a lot of people, and I have come to the conclusion that 50,000 baht a month will keep you, and a lady, very comfortably, barring any unforseen mishaps like accident, or sickness but that's what the bank account is for. If you love your lady, wife, or otherwise, and respect her, then you won't be whoring around like you did before you met her. If you intend to settle down and live the life like a couple then that amount will be plenty.

If you're going to be out every night with a different bar girl, drinking to excess, smoking a carton a week, (as I used to), then NO amount is predictable, so just figure out what kind of lifestyle you want to live, and where you want to live it and go from there. There's enough accurate information on this thread already for someone to make a reasonable assessment of living costs.

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