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Is there anyone on Phuket that shares the same passion for hovercraft as me? I have build 4 small hovercraft since moving here. Almost all the local Thais have never heard of a hovercraft nor seen one before, I find it hard to believe since the hovercraft have been around since 1945.

I would like to build an ocean going hovercraft but feel the the project needs more hands.

So if you are interested and have time on your hands please be known.



Question: Who certifies the safety/ worthiness of these vessels? Due to the close proximity of the pilot tp the engine, the decibel level must be awfully high fpr him/her. Does the pilot have tp wear special hearing protection?

Question: Who certifies the safety/ worthiness of these vessels? Due to the close proximity of the pilot tp the engine, the decibel level must be awfully high fpr him/her. Does the pilot have tp wear special hearing protection?

He wants to build a hovercraft good for him :o why be picky, Im sure the pilot will be one of the people who helps build the thing, certifies Safety ?? :D this is Thailand I doubt if they would care if you sat on the engine. Up Too you :D:D


I had a few problems when I went down the marine office to register these hovercraft. The amount of paperwork involved is staggering, anyway the hovercraft was checked for safety and passed easily. It is registered as a jet-ski not a boat. I believe that this is the only country in the would to do this. "That's Thailand". As far as hearing go's they are as loud as a long tailed boat, but the crash helmet blocks most of the sound out. I was asked the other day by one of the locals

is that a machine made for sucking up shells
. :o

jetski. Wouldn't have thought that, but it's logical when you think of the only similar things they have around here.

The hearing thing was because I remember how painful my time on those boats they have in the everglades . Thanks for settling my curiousity. :o


The lift engine is a lawnmower 5.5 hp Honda.

The trust engine is 13 hp Honda. Top speed over sand is 40 mph with one person we fly the hovercraft down at cape yamu when the tide is low .Cost for two engines works out at 30,000 Baht. Other materials about 80,000.The crafts are fitted with lanard kill switches for both engines and tachometers.The crafts are off foam marine ply and Fiberglas. Learning to fly one is simple after a few lessons. Same old story the more you fly the better you become.Parts are from Thailand except the split tapers and the props.


I’d be interested, but I have to finish my house building project first. I spotted your ad in the Gazette, but didn’t want to respond because, for at least the next few months, I’d be in that “time wasters” category that you mentioned in your ad. In the mean time, though, I’d like to try it out. What is your rental rate? I’m a pilot, but I assume you must have a checkout procedure before turning customers loose with your craft. Is that one in the center of your picture a 2 place for checkouts?

I’m building on the bay, and have enough land to launch either a hovercraft or an amphibian aircraft, and I have a shop being built that will be large enough to build either. I’ve already checked out in the SeaRey, which is a great little plane, but i was planning on looking into this flying hovercraft kit, also. It‘s made by Universal Hovercraft, and flys in ground effect up to an altitude of about 12 feet.




Yes it would be great to build a hovercraft that fly's in ground affect. But I am not sure what the local laws would be to operate one of these crafts. Universal hovercraft have a great reputation for the hobbyist. But the planes lack information and can be hard to understand sometimes. The 10f is a great hovercraft for fist time builders . I have posted a pic of one that I made this year.

Thanks for all the the interest in the hovercraft its nice to know that I am not only the expat on the island with the same interests.



I went out to Cape Yamoo yesterday to have a look, and I can report that the OP has done a nice job building his hovercraft. The location is a beautiful shallow bay, and the facility is right on the water. Unfortunately when I got there it was high tide and the craft require low tide, so I was unable to give it a try. At low tide one could go up the coast toward Ao Po. I plan to try again, but I'll check a tide table first, before I go next time. The OP mentioned that he intends to acquire a 4 place hovercraft that can travel over water in the near future.

I went out to Cape Yamoo yesterday to have a look, and I can report that the OP has done a nice job building his hovercraft. The location is a beautiful shallow bay, and the facility is right on the water. Unfortunately when I got there it was high tide and the craft require low tide, so I was unable to give it a try. At low tide one could go up the coast toward Ao Po. I plan to try again, but I'll check a tide table first, before I go next time. The OP mentioned that he intends to acquire a 4 place hovercraft that can travel over water in the near future.
Under some misunderstanding.

These crafts can travel over water but waves restrict your speed.These crafts are built to take two adults on smooth waters. They can take one person over water quite easily with wave heights one foot high. But we prefer to use mudflat's and sandbars to give a more exhilarating ride. It is true that we will get bigger crafts in the near future so we are not restricted by tide times and low speeds.

70 HP crafts should do the trick.

Since a hovercraft is powered by wind, it is best to fly on not so windy days. We had a great time today testing one hovercraft that we have just fitted a new engine too.

Here is a pic of the craft that we hope to get very soon.

Hope to see you lolare when the tide is right.


Is there anyone on Phuket that shares the same passion for hovercraft as me? I have build 4 small hovercraft since moving here. Almost all the local Thais have never heard of a hovercraft nor seen one before, I find it hard to believe since the hovercraft have been around since 1945.

I would like to build an ocean going hovercraft but feel the the project needs more hands.

So if you are interested and have time on your hands please be known.

=phuket hover craft post1727593. i have time on my hands for a project like yours .engineer to trade . and spent a small amount of time on small hover craft . in millom cumberland , mainly on th\e rubber skirts did a little piloting please call 089 8724450 yaimar
Is there anyone on Phuket that shares the same passion for hovercraft as me? I have build 4 small hovercraft since moving here. Almost all the local Thais have never heard of a hovercraft nor seen one before, I find it hard to believe since the hovercraft have been around since 1945.

I would like to build an ocean going hovercraft but feel the the project needs more hands.

So if you are interested and have time on your hands please be known.

How much noise do these machines make? If it is as loud or louder the a JetSki please stop right now.


Is there anyone on Phuket that shares the same passion for hovercraft as me? I have build 4 small hovercraft since moving here. Almost all the local Thais have never heard of a hovercraft nor seen one before, I find it hard to believe since the hovercraft have been around since 1945.

I would like to build an ocean going hovercraft but feel the the project needs more hands.

So if you are interested and have time on your hands please be known.

How much noise do these machines make? If it is as loud or louder the a JetSki please stop right now.


As already stated these crafts are not as lout as a long tailed boat.They have been inspected by the marine office for safety and have past all regulations. Please contact the marine office as to there safety record and decibel level and you will find that they pass with flying colours. As always trying to bring a new sport to to Phuket there will always be someone trying to oppose it. This sport operates in a remote area of Phuket with no residents around to oppose the noise levels.

So please tell me who are you to say "stop it right now".

If you don’t like it you can always do the " Funky Chicken Dance" .

It works for me!


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