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Them Roads Are A Death Trap


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13 dead and 1000 injured in one month! Insane.

Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Road accidents kill 13 in one month

PHUKET: Between June 20 and July 20, 13 people died in accidents on Phuket’s roads, according to the latest statistics from the Wachira, Thalang and Patong government hospitals.

Of the 13 dead, 12 had been riding motorcycles, while one was in a car, Ampaipan Pawawattananusorn of the Phuket Provincial Health Office reported.

In the same period, 963 people were hurt in crashes involving motorbikes. Another 49 were injured in cars and 31 were injured while on bicycles or on foot.

Official figures for the year to July 20 show 104 deaths of people on motorcycles and 11 of people in cars, with 7,436 people injured, of whom 6,586 were on motorbikes.

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Ummm...I think we may have a problem here. I don't recall seeing too many police out on patrol, ever. Phuket must increase their police presence around the island. Not just for traffic monitoring and enforcement, but as a deterent for crime. Phuket Town at night is void of police, and it's quite unsettling. I don't feel too safe after watching a late movie.

I think its time to buy an armored Hum-V.

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13 dead and 1000 injured in one month!  Insane. 

It's not the roads' fault - it's the idiots riding and driving on them. It's also the goverment's fault for not having stricter driving tests and laws, or having enough police to enforce those laws. But what can we do about it? Just drive slowly, carefully, look out for the idiots coming at you from any direction, minibuses overtaking on the left (using the bike lane), bikes driving on the wrong side of the road, bikes coming out of side roads without looking, bikes with no lights (back or front) at night time, etc, etc.

Do not relax when you are driving - assume every bike in front of you will do something stupid, leave lots of room. End of sermon.

P.S. Do Thais have perfect eyesight? Why don't I see any wearing glasses while driving?

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Them roads are a death trap because of all the meat-wallets on bikes spitting in the face of common sense and rational thought.

What can we do about it? Nothing. Mai ben rai. My destiny has already been chosen. Jak, the self-medicated bus driver fleeing away from the scene will be the last thing I'll see while I'm dying on the pavement.

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13 dead and 1000 injured in one month!

The traffic deaths have actually decreased the last 3-4 years. Usually it was more than 200 people who died on the roads annually in Phuket.

Them roads are a death trap

Nothing to do with the roads, but absolutely with the brain behind the steeringwheel!


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You honestly think the roads have nothing to do with it? Whether they're narrow, cracked and pot holed, ridiculously angled, gravelled or wet; the roads do play a part in the accidents.

The roads are a death trap not only because of the drivers who roam upon them, but also due to their design and deterioration.

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Sure better roads will help. But every time I head out to the main road I feel it’s a lot of people who could learn a lot with the logic of this old English saying:

Don't go near the water until you learn how to swim.


One road that is extremely dangerous when wet is the road out of Patong to Kathu. On the far side of the hill (mountain?) it gets very steep and one day I was in my truck, following a bike at about 10 kph when it was raining and the bike started to skid. The rider fell off and all her shopping fell onto the road. So we stopped and the g/f and I helped the old lady. While we were doing this, another bike - again going very slowly - started to skid and the rider jumped off. The road surface is just too smooth and oily. The rain makes it almost unnegotiable. It needs to be re-surfaced with rougher tarmac. Better that, than spend money on an astronaut!

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Sure better roads will help. But every time I head out to the main road I feel it’s a lot of people who could learn a lot with the logic of this old English saying:

Don't go near the water until you learn how to swim.


One road that is extremely dangerous when wet is the road out of Patong to Kathu. On the far side of the hill (mountain?) it gets very steep and one day I was in my truck, following a bike at about 10 kph when it was raining and the bike started to skid. The rider fell off and all her shopping fell onto the road. So we stopped and the g/f and I helped the old lady. While we were doing this, another bike - again going very slowly - started to skid and the rider jumped off. The road surface is just too smooth and oily. The rain makes it almost unnegotiable. It needs to be re-surfaced with rougher tarmac. Better that, than spend money on an astronaut!

A lot of bike owners ride around on bald tires. New tires with a good tread will prevent such slippage as will avoiding sharp turns or movements.

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A lot of bike owners ride around on bald tires.  New tires with a good tread will prevent such slippage as will avoiding sharp turns or movements.

Oh yes, I know. But this bit of road - just before the new dual carriageway that goes to some major traffic lights - is unbelievably steep, AND bends to the left. It may even be at 45 degrees of slope. It would also help if the road was cambered so people could go down it faster, and lean into the bend so they wouldn't fall off. But I can't remember ever seeing ANY bends (or "curves" as the Thais like to call them!) that are cambered correctly.

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