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Prosecutors Vow To Arrest Thaksin Upon His Return To Thailand


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Maybe the game plan is:

Try to arrest him upon his return. Hope he tries to escape so he can be shot. All nice neat, tidy and legal

Noooo, don't make a martyr out of a criminal!

Martyrs are only remembered by their hard core followers and forgotten by the world. How many IRA hunger strikers' names do you remember.

Now if this had been in the Russian Mafia's hands, they would just kill one of his children :D and tell him to go away or they would shoot the rest of his family.

But I am just a guest in this country, watching and laughing while reading Thai Visa, :o .... AND trying to spot the moving goalposts as they try to ship most of us "Farangs" out of their country. :D

Who spotted the article in the Bangkok Post Business section that one of the "Shin" companies was going to install 4 million cheap 1,250 Baht dishes and receivers a year, 80% up country, and beam not only Thai TV "free to air" but their own programmes as will. Sounds like the film "V ( for Vendetta)" with the orders from the Great One beamed into everyones home.... Taksin will save a fortune on new DVDs at the next election :D

Cheap attempt at attenuating ASTV's intrusion with a similar and popular campaign that has begun quite a while ago in Thaksin territory. ASTV also does the same for it's US based viewers.

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folks are dreaming if they think you can run a country like thialand with some form of coruption, or any other country for that matter

No dream here. Thailand runs very smoothly, for the rich. Golden rule: He with the gold makes the rules. It's good to be rich.

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Wary Prem 'not keen' on meeting Potjaman

Prem Tinsulanonda is not keen on talking to Potjaman Shinawatra, the wife of ousted PM Thaksin, according to a source close to the Privy Council President. His Si Sao Thewes residence came under the spotlight again after Potjaman returned to Bangkok on Jan 8. Some believe she wanted to call on Prem to clear the way for the return of her husband. But the source said no contact had been made between Potjaman and Prem, who was not keen to meet her. "Prem has yet to meet Potjaman or even talk [with her] on the phone. Certainly, he doesn't let her meet him in person because he is in a neutral position,'' the source said.

"Prem has not forgotten that, especially the three-hour demonstration in front of his residence and verbal attacks against him,'' the source said, referring to the protest rally in July last year by the group which supported Thaksin.

Continued here:


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Wary Prem 'not keen' on meeting Potjaman

Prem Tinsulanonda is not keen on talking to Potjaman Shinawatra, the wife of ousted PM Thaksin, according to a source close to the Privy Council President. His Si Sao Thewes residence came under the spotlight again after Potjaman returned to Bangkok on Jan 8. Some believe she wanted to call on Prem to clear the way for the return of her husband. But the source said no contact had been made between Potjaman and Prem, who was not keen to meet her. "Prem has yet to meet Potjaman or even talk [with her] on the phone. Certainly, he doesn't let her meet him in person because he is in a neutral position,'' the source said.

"Prem has not forgotten that, especially the three-hour demonstration in front of his residence and verbal attacks against him,'' the source said, referring to the protest rally in July last year by the group which supported Thaksin.

Continued here:


Prem is right on track here with not wanting to meet her. I have yet to decide if Pojaman wants to get something tangible or just to be seen meeting Prem.

I would not want to meet her. Oh the devil’s wife is knocking at the door!

Good point about the lawn party too!

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Wary Prem 'not keen' on meeting Potjaman

Prem Tinsulanonda is not keen on talking to Potjaman Shinawatra, the wife of ousted PM Thaksin, according to a source close to the Privy Council President. H Certainly, he doesn't let her meet him in person because he is in a neutral position,'' the source said.

Continued here:


Re Prem's neutrality,to quote the great Daley Thompson, I haven't laughed so much since my Gran caught her tits in the mangle.

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If the people who have the power dont communicate in some way (and do a deal), we can expect a bumpy ride. There are some pretty bad characters on both sides of the fence here and if they are given a free reign it is fair assume that it wont be good for the majority of ordinary people.

It may even be that a deal wont work this time as there are still all the people who voted for the opposition and who are not going to be repesented in any deal making smoke filled room. Wonder how long until the demos kick off?

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'I want a royal audience'

Ex-PM will prostrate himself before King; rejects conditions for return

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra expressed his desire yesterday to seek an audience with His Majesty the King after he returns to Thailand in a few months.

"I want to go back to Thailand very much. And I expect to return home in a few months," Thaksin said.

"The first thing I will do when arriving in Thailand, if granted royal permission, is to have an audience with His Majesty the King so that I can prostrate myself at his feet," he told a group of Thai journalists in the United Kingdom.

Thaksin said he would not allow anyone to set conditions for his return and dismissed rumours he would be allowed back to Thailand only if he promised to stay away from politics.

The ex-PM added he would pay respects to the body of the late HRH Princess Galyani Vadhana like his wife Khunying Pojaman, who returned to Thailand recently to face corruption charges.

Thaksin, a co-defendant in the graft cases, has rejected accusations by his detractors that he is not loyal to the monarchy. He was also accused of lese majeste when the military overthrew his government in September 2006.

He was speaking to the reporters covering the Thai national football team's training at the Manchester City Football Club, which is owned by Thaksin. After the interview, Thaksin went to watch the match between his team and West Ham United.

In his media interview in Manchester, Thaksin denied allegations his wife Pojaman returned to Bangkok for political reasons and to influence the formation of the PPP-led coalition. He said she wanted to be close to her children.

Thaksin said he would devote his attention to the development of education and sports.

People Power Party secretary-general Surapong Suebwonglee yesterday dismissed speculation that Pojaman was involved in the allocation of Cabinet seats among the six coalition partners. "The speculation is groundless because the negotiations on ministerial appointments have not started yet," he said. He said linking Pojaman to the Cabinet line-up was a fabrication.

He quashed a rumour that a non-partisan figure might be appointed to the position of defence minister, saying every coalition partner was focusing on by-elections now rather than job assignments.

- The Nation


"The first thing I will do when arriving in Thailand"

will be to be arrested.

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PPP Deputy Secretary-General affirms ousted premier will return

People’s Power Party Deputy Secretary-General Nopadol Battama (นพดล ปัทมะ) affirmed that ousted Prime Minister Doctor Thaksin Shinawatra will return to the nation as he proclaimed in a recent press conference.

Mr. Nopadol also dismissed rumors that Dr Thaksin expressed the urge to enter the monkhood as a type of penance to the kingdom. He said that the former premier has never mentioned expressed such a desire but did avow to return to Thailand in April.

Mr. Nopadol said such a rumor was probably started to encourage confusion on the matter and exploit time of political uncertainty.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 22 January 2008

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Thaksin expressed the urge to enter the monkhood

:o Laugh of the Day

Well after finishing your laugh, try considering Thai history for there is a precedent.The corrupt murderer. Thanom Kittikachorn, was forced into exile after ordering troops to fire on unarmed civilians in 1973.He returned to enter the monkhood in 1976 and was welcomed by reactionary elements.This prompted unrest on the part of the student community given Thanom's central role in the murders of 1973, and the story which followed including the Thammasat horrors is well known.Interesting that feudal elements, corporate Thailand and Bangkok middle class were broadly supportive of the 1976 repression -sounds familiar, but that's another story.

Anyway point is that it's not unknown for disgraced leaders to return home for a spell in the monkhood and subsequent rehabiltation.

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Thaksin expressed the urge to enter the monkhood

:o Laugh of the Day

Well after finishing your laugh, try considering Thai history for there is a precedent.The corrupt murderer. Thanom Kittikachorn, was forced into exile after ordering troops to fire on unarmed civilians in 1973.He returned to enter the monkhood in 1976 and was welcomed by reactionary elements.This prompted unrest on the part of the student community given Thanom's central role in the murders of 1973, and the story which followed including the Thammasat horrors is well known.Interesting that feudal elements, corporate Thailand and Bangkok middle class were broadly supportive of the 1976 repression -sounds familiar, but that's another story.

Anyway point is that it's not unknown for disgraced leaders to return home for a spell in the monkhood and subsequent rehabiltation.

And the next PM of Thailand who was far more than broadly supportive of the 1976 events and massacre and for that matter the 1992 massacre has been well rehabilitated although as Giles found out it is better not to mention his name and 1976 publically. There are many ironies, contradictions and down right horrors in Thai politcs and the very small tent that encompasses the few players in the game. An enlargement of the tent by a dramatic factor is long overdue, as is a safe forum where these events can be discussed openly.

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On the thing about court cases and monkhood. The issue is this: Mr. Thaksin says he never did anything wrong and it is all lies. Even to agree to a conviction or go into the hood as an act of responsibilty goes against the I am totally innocent line. He wants to come back totally exhonerated.

On the other side, he is seen as clever in what he did but wrong and corrupt and that there is evidence to show this. They want it to go through court and see at least one or two guilty verdicts and some reparation.

How do you square this circle? And lets be real it wont be about the evidence and a beyond reasonable doubt or on the preponderance of the evidence decision by totally independent and/or unbribed judges etc. That is far too risky for all. Court must be entered with a known verdict in advance :o But there is the problem. And the way the game has developed sees 14 million people give or take who see Mr. Thaksin as right and 14 million give or take who see him as corrupt and wrong, which in itself presents the major players on both sides with their headaches. The stakes have been pushed through the roof.

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Interesting that feudal elements, corporate Thailand and Bangkok middle class were broadly supportive of the 1976 repression -sounds familiar, but that's another story.

I think you need to clarify that as it was surely not the corporate types or Bangkok middle classes who lynched those students. The bloodthirsty mob was drawn from the same sources TRT/Thaksin/Samak get their voters from.

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Interesting that feudal elements, corporate Thailand and Bangkok middle class were broadly supportive of the 1976 repression -sounds familiar, but that's another story.

I think you need to clarify that as it was surely not the corporate types or Bangkok middle classes who lynched those students. The bloodthirsty mob was drawn from the same sources TRT/Thaksin/Samak get their voters from.

Nobody is I think suggesting many middle class people were actually involved in the massacre, but very many were supportive.The actual participants were the police, village scouts, Nawaphon and Red Gaurs - organisations brought into existence, nourished and financed by the feudal elite and its lackeys.In any case as Pasuk/Baker have demonstrated the Village Scout movement had extended its involvement to urban areas by 1976 and had much active middle class support due to the movement's very high level patronage.

We know Samak was a cheerleader at the time, and that's why many of us can't stand him.

Quite how you manage to invoke Thaksin/TRT in the 1976 massacre requires a somersaulting kind of logic that I am afraid defeats me.I suppose you mean that the murderers in 1976 were mainly working class as were many of the TRT.So what? The vast majority of Thais come from that background.

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People’s Power Party Deputy Secretary-General Nopadol Battama affirmed that ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra will return to the nation as he proclaimed in a recent press conference.

Nopadol also dismissed rumors that Thaksin expressed the urge to enter the monkhood as a type of penance to the kingdom. He said that the former premier has never mentioned expressed such a desire but did avow to return to Thailand in April.

Mr. Nopadol said such a rumor was probably started to encourage confusion on the matter and exploit time of political uncertainty.

So, now apparently there was some substance to the rumor denied by Thaksin's lawyer, who also incidentally is assigning blame for the rumor to a temple abbot. Nice one, Noppadope.....

Meanwhile, the exiled former prime minister had a yearning to enter the monkhood when he wanted to return to Thailand late last year, Phra Phrom Vajirayarn, the abbot of Wat Yannawa in Bangkok, said yesterday.

"Thaksin wanted to be ordained as a way of showing his respects to His Majesty the King on his 80th birthday," the abbot said.

The abbot confirmed rumours on Monday that Thaksin would like to become a monk once he returns to Thailand.

The abbot said Thaksin had two temples in mind.

The first one was Wat Nongwaeng in Khon Kaen, in the Northeast. He used to go through a ritual to remove bad luck at this temple when he was fighting his asset concealment case in 2001. The other temple was Wat Rongtham Sammakhi in Chiang Mai, his hometown.

"But because of changing circumstances, Thaksin could not carry out the plan," the abbot said.

The abbot denied Thaksin would be ordained at his temple, but said he was close to the former premier's family who often visit the temple.

"I don't think Thaksin will enter the monkhood for the time being," he said.

- The Nation

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Thaksin to return home in May: Wife

The wife of deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Wednesday that her husband will return home from self-imposed exile in May to face corruption charges.

Pojaman made the statement when appearing before the Supreme Court on charges that she used her husband's political influence to buy prime Bangkok real state from a government agency at a third of its estimated value.

- The Nation

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Interesting that feudal elements, corporate Thailand and Bangkok middle class were broadly supportive of the 1976 repression -sounds familiar, but that's another story.

I think you need to clarify that as it was surely not the corporate types or Bangkok middle classes who lynched those students. The bloodthirsty mob was drawn from the same sources TRT/Thaksin/Samak get their voters from.

Nobody is I think suggesting many middle class people were actually involved in the massacre, but very many were supportive.The actual participants were the police, village scouts, Nawaphon and Red Gaurs - organisations brought into existence, nourished and financed by the feudal elite and its lackeys.In any case as Pasuk/Baker have demonstrated the Village Scout movement had extended its involvement to urban areas by 1976 and had much active middle class support due to the movement's very high level patronage.

We know Samak was a cheerleader at the time, and that's why many of us can't stand him.

Quite how you manage to invoke Thaksin/TRT in the 1976 massacre requires a somersaulting kind of logic that I am afraid defeats me.I suppose you mean that the murderers in 1976 were mainly working class as were many of the TRT.So what? The vast majority of Thais come from that background.

Can I apologise for adding a further thought rather late in the day.I should have made the further point that a significant element in the TRT leadership were idealistic young students at the time and clearly on the side of the angels during the 1976 horrors.I also want to re-emphasise, just so there is no misunderstanding, that the brutal bloodshed, although perpetrated by brainwashed proletarian goons, was instigated and financed by the the feudal/military reactionary elite (the kindred spirits and in some case the same people that launched the 2006 coup).Sorry to say that your post on mature reflection could be interpreted as an almost devilish twisting of truth of which Goebbels would have been proud.

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Noppadol affirms deposed PM not to return to Thailand to be ordained

Lawyer of the Shinawatra Family, Noppadol Pattama, affirms ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra will not return to Thailand to enter monkhood, but will work for the society and end his political role.

Noppadol says his client wants to work for the development of education, sports, as well as human resources. The ex-premier will definitely travel to Thailand in May this year to create reconciliation in the society and live with his family, the lawyer says.

As for the arrest of a suspicious man in front of the Shinawatra Family’s residence, Noppadol says security officers arrested the man to safeguard members of the ex-premier’s family who survived assassination attempts many times before. :o

- ThaiNews

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Interesting that feudal elements, corporate Thailand and Bangkok middle class were broadly supportive of the 1976 repression -sounds familiar, but that's another story.

I think you need to clarify that as it was surely not the corporate types or Bangkok middle classes who lynched those students. The bloodthirsty mob was drawn from the same sources TRT/Thaksin/Samak get their voters from.

Nobody is I think suggesting many middle class people were actually involved in the massacre, but very many were supportive.The actual participants were the police, village scouts, Nawaphon and Red Gaurs - organisations brought into existence, nourished and financed by the feudal elite and its lackeys.In any case as Pasuk/Baker have demonstrated the Village Scout movement had extended its involvement to urban areas by 1976 and had much active middle class support due to the movement's very high level patronage.

We know Samak was a cheerleader at the time, and that's why many of us can't stand him.

Quite how you manage to invoke Thaksin/TRT in the 1976 massacre requires a somersaulting kind of logic that I am afraid defeats me.I suppose you mean that the murderers in 1976 were mainly working class as were many of the TRT.So what? The vast majority of Thais come from that background.

Can I apologise for adding a further thought rather late in the day.I should have made the further point that a significant element in the TRT leadership were idealistic young students at the time and clearly on the side of the angels during the 1976 horrors.I also want to re-emphasise, just so there is no misunderstanding, that the brutal bloodshed, although perpetrated by brainwashed proletarian goons, was instigated and financed by the the feudal/military reactionary elite (the kindred spirits and in some case the same people that launched the 2006 coup).Sorry to say that your post on mature reflection could be interpreted as an almost devilish twisting of truth of which Goebbels would have been proud.

But you can't ignore that the same idealistic young students who saw their friends brutally tortured and killed now chose Samak, the inquisitor, as their dear leader.

I'm not sure about alleged middle class support for 1976 crackdown. Samak has always been popular with urban "proletariat" but it's possible that middle classes were on his side, too (if middle class even existed as we know it today). The main beef they had with students was alleged lese majeste. Farmers were drawn in mostly because they were manipulated, they didn't know the real nature of student protests. That's where I draw analogy with TRT - bring in hundreds of thousands of brainwashed supporters, tell them they are doing it for the King (or Thaksin, in the TRT's case), and voila - you have a violent mob. Nation reporters had a preview themselves.

I'm not saying this is exactly the same replay with the same actors. Chamlong was on the wrong side at that time, now he is anti-Thaksin (I don't know what he thinks of Samak and his latest adventure).

What is similar is feudalistic nature of recruitment into this kind of peoples army. I have no explanation why former October people are involved in this now. Sell outs? Using Samak to their own ends? That might backfire as they can't get rid of him easily.

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I am not sure but don’t monks give up their wealth? Perhaps that may have been one of the(this is a bad idea) reasons it did not happen. Giving up what he really worships just did not set well.

Can anyone verify this for me please?

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I am not sure but don’t monks give up their wealth? Perhaps that may have been one of the(this is a bad idea) reasons it did not happen. Giving up what he really worships just did not set well.

Can anyone verify this for me please?

May I politely point out that you could have asked ask a Thai of frankly any reasonably informed foreigner - almost anyone would know -about the rules applying to a temporary ordination into the monkhood.Most Thai Buddhist males at some time are ordained into the monkhood to make merit, to study scriptures and to prepare for a responsible moral life.Monks naturally have no wealth or significant belongings according to Buddhist precepts but those ordained for a relatively short time are not expected to give up their secular wealth while they are monks (though of course having no access to it while in the monkhood).It doesn't look as though Thaksin willl enter a monastery on his return but whether he does or not, his wealth is not relevant nor would he be obliged to dispose of it.

I agree it takes time to become familiar with the Thai world even though even well informed travellers would be familiar with the elements described above.Probably some humility is in order before spouting off on all kinds of subjects when one is clearly still learning the basic fundamentals.

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Interesting that feudal elements, corporate Thailand and Bangkok middle class were broadly supportive of the 1976 repression -sounds familiar, but that's another story.

I think you need to clarify that as it was surely not the corporate types or Bangkok middle classes who lynched those students. The bloodthirsty mob was drawn from the same sources TRT/Thaksin/Samak get their voters from.

Nobody is I think suggesting many middle class people were actually involved in the massacre, but very many were supportive.The actual participants were the police, village scouts, Nawaphon and Red Gaurs - organisations brought into existence, nourished and financed by the feudal elite and its lackeys.In any case as Pasuk/Baker have demonstrated the Village Scout movement had extended its involvement to urban areas by 1976 and had much active middle class support due to the movement's very high level patronage.

We know Samak was a cheerleader at the time, and that's why many of us can't stand him.

Quite how you manage to invoke Thaksin/TRT in the 1976 massacre requires a somersaulting kind of logic that I am afraid defeats me.I suppose you mean that the murderers in 1976 were mainly working class as were many of the TRT.So what? The vast majority of Thais come from that background.

Can I apologise for adding a further thought rather late in the day.I should have made the further point that a significant element in the TRT leadership were idealistic young students at the time and clearly on the side of the angels during the 1976 horrors.I also want to re-emphasise, just so there is no misunderstanding, that the brutal bloodshed, although perpetrated by brainwashed proletarian goons, was instigated and financed by the the feudal/military reactionary elite (the kindred spirits and in some case the same people that launched the 2006 coup).Sorry to say that your post on mature reflection could be interpreted as an almost devilish twisting of truth of which Goebbels would have been proud.

But you can't ignore that the same idealistic young students who saw their friends brutally tortured and killed now chose Samak, the inquisitor, as their dear leader.

I'm not sure about alleged middle class support for 1976 crackdown. Samak has always been popular with urban "proletariat" but it's possible that middle classes were on his side, too (if middle class even existed as we know it today). The main beef they had with students was alleged lese majeste. Farmers were drawn in mostly because they were manipulated, they didn't know the real nature of student protests. That's where I draw analogy with TRT - bring in hundreds of thousands of brainwashed supporters, tell them they are doing it for the King (or Thaksin, in the TRT's case), and voila - you have a violent mob. Nation reporters had a preview themselves.

I'm not saying this is exactly the same replay with the same actors. Chamlong was on the wrong side at that time, now he is anti-Thaksin (I don't know what he thinks of Samak and his latest adventure).

What is similar is feudalistic nature of recruitment into this kind of peoples army. I have no explanation why former October people are involved in this now. Sell outs? Using Samak to their own ends? That might backfire as they can't get rid of him easily.

Agree, in 1976 the middle class was a very small body of people and completely different (maybe more petty bourgeoisie) from the middle class of today which numbers in the millions across Thailand. The small middle class back in 1976 were obviously scared of the domino effect as Vietnam had just been united and the last US troops were seen quite publically and dramatically fleeing onto helicopters, so it is quite fair to assume that the small middle class did broadly support the 1976 crackdown. As you point out there was back then manipualtion. This in fact had an effect across classes, which of course all nationalistic proopganda does, and sad to say but just like the drug war the 1976 crackdown had broad majority support across the class spectrum. Use of manipulative propoganda is also not unique to Thailand and even today in advanced Western countries we see nationalistic propoganda used on an almost daily basis.

Interestingly if one goes to Rachadamnoen Avenue and finds the lesser known and poorer elements of the October people, one can not only hear the stories of exactly what Samak's role in 1976 was (which you wont hear in the media or any academic institute) but also the largely negative assessment of those October people who went on to better things. Sell outs is one polite way of putting it. The lesser known October people are also critical of the Junta. In fact it is quite nice to actually talk to people who seem to have a balanced opinion on what is what in Thailand.

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Noppadol affirms deposed PM not to return to Thailand to be ordained

Lawyer of the Shinawatra Family, Noppadol Pattama, affirms ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra will not return to Thailand to enter monkhood, but will work for the society and end his political role.

Noppadol says his client wants to work for the development of education, sports, as well as human resources. The ex-premier will definitely travel to Thailand in May this year to create reconciliation in the society and live with his family, the lawyer says.

As for the arrest of a suspicious man in front of the Shinawatra Family’s residence, Noppadol says security officers arrested the man to safeguard members of the ex-premier’s family who survived assassination attempts many times before. :D

- ThaiNews

Really? And even since the coup they kept walking around in public, going back and forth, left the country AND CAME BACK as they pleased, all this while people were trying to assassinate them??? :D

Such statements are made ONLY to get sympathy from the public before judicial matters start heating up for them, meanwhile they clearly have no shame in saying their lives are endangered in their own city or country they say they love soooo much. :o

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Noppadol affirms deposed PM not to return to Thailand to be ordained

Lawyer of the Shinawatra Family, Noppadol Pattama, affirms ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra will not return to Thailand to enter monkhood, but will work for the society and end his political role.

Noppadol says his client wants to work for the development of education, sports, as well as human resources. The ex-premier will definitely travel to Thailand in May this year to create reconciliation in the society and live with his family, the lawyer says.

As for the arrest of a suspicious man in front of the Shinawatra Family’s residence, Noppadol says security officers arrested the man to safeguard members of the ex-premier’s family who survived assassination attempts many times before. :D

- ThaiNews

Really? And even since the coup they kept walking around in public, going back and forth, left the country AND CAME BACK as they pleased, all this while people were trying to assassinate them??? :D

Such statements are made ONLY to get sympathy from the public before judicial matters start heating up for them, meanwhile they clearly have no shame in saying their lives are endangered in their own city or country they say they love soooo much. :o

I hope an air conditioner doesnt make a loud noise on an aircraft when Mr. T returns. Anyone remember that one?

Now talking about assaination attempts, now what exactly did happen to the key witness in Thailands northern hinterlands in a case against shin corps.

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