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I Am A Stranger Here, Lie To Me And Cheat Me.

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Having recently stepped outside my usual Pattaya/Bangkok/local village circuit, and been the subject of minor but very irritating scams from a taxi driver/hotel/bus operator (i.e. every step of the way) in Surat of all places, I feel very angry that these practices can only continue with the connivance of the local police and TAT.

There is no excuse, it is just greed and theft, treating tourists (i.e. any outsiders) with total contempt, just objects to be held up by the ankles and have their pockets emptied, and symptomatic of an unstable, Mickey Mouse, third world country. And sadly as long as these things are accepted,that is exactly what LOS will remain.

Having recently stepped outside my usual Pattaya/Bangkok/local village circuit, and been the subject of minor but very irritating scams from a taxi driver/hotel/bus operator (i.e. every step of the way) in Surat of all places, I feel very angry that these practices can only continue with the connivance of the local police and TAT.

There is no excuse, it is just greed and theft, treating tourists (i.e. any outsiders) with total contempt, just objects to be held up by the ankles and have their pockets emptied, and symptomatic of an unstable, Mickey Mouse, third world country. And sadly as long as these things are accepted,that is exactly what LOS will remain.

Wanna share some details?


Actually forgot I was on the Bangkok forum, and was on

a thread about scams so thought I would stick my oar in, did not mean to start a new thread.

It started at Surat station, the taxi-driver told the g/f the only hotels were in the town (although there is one round the corner), got to the Bandon and a room was sorted for 650 bt, difficult to price provincial hotels and it was clean with new ceramic etc so I didnt see a problem. But later when eating, the g/f (being a bit suspicious) phoned the Bandon asking for a room and was quoted 350. She flew round there to have a go at the manager(owner?) who was full of apologies, refunded the difference, blamed the taxi-driver -- who apparently had also overcharged us 50 baht for the fare.

Then there was more nonsense with the Bangkok bus, while waiting we were told that we had the wrong tickets:- a Thai female was not allowed on the bus!! New one on me, were they afraid she'd corrupt the backpackers? So we were taken to the/a main bus depot and told this bus (which apparently did allow Thai females) was leaving in 15 minutes. After a succession of lies and shrugs the bus left 90 minutes later.

Like I said, all petty stuff, but what a way to treat people, and this is presumably what happens all day every day when you don't know the ropes.


There is no excuse, it is just greed and theft, treating tourists (i.e. any outsiders) with total contempt, just objects to be held up by the ankles and have their pockets emptied, and symptomatic of an unstable, Mickey Mouse, third world country. And sadly as long as these things are accepted,that is exactly what LOS will remain.

Wanna share some details?

yeah! why not have buttoned or zipped up pockets? :o

symptomatic of an unstable, Mickey Mouse, third world country. And sadly as long as these things are accepted,that is exactly what LOS will remain.
That's a bit silly. Tourists are ripped off all over the world. Thailand is not considered to be a third world country either.

Ever been on one of those blue and white tour buses that ply their trade all over the country - or orange ones for that matter? Ever wondered why they often only close the curtains on that side of the bus nearest to the curb? Where potential cutomers are stood waiting to get on.

Well - it's to hide the fact that the bus is full and it's standing room only.

Wouldn't want new passengers on the bus knowing that - would we!

And the Thais allow this to happen. Unbelievable.


Then don't put up with it. The word NO is easily said. Just do it politely and with deciseveness. And if it doesn't work, then say sorry, no money. That takes the wind out of the devil's sails fast.


After a few years of living here I've yet to find myself being really ripped off. Yesterday was out on the bike and suffered a blow out with the back tire in the middle of nowhere. Local stopped and gave the missus a lift to the nearest town while I managed to nurse the bike there. Found a bike shop and asked if they had a tube, not many shops carry tubes for 600cc trail bikes. The mechanic shot off on his bike and came back 20 mins later with a new tube and while he had the wheel off noticed the bearing was a bit worn. Made a tempory shim out of a beer can refitted everything and sent me on my merry way. The charge for a strange farang, middle of nowhere, 150baht!!!!!! yes 150 baht. A real rip off in a third world country eh.

Not everyone here is out to rip you off and you sure as <deleted> couldn't get that service in UK for a couple of quid!

After a few years of living here I've yet to find myself being really ripped off. Yesterday was out on the bike and suffered a blow out with the back tire in the middle of nowhere. Local stopped and gave the missus a lift to the nearest town while I managed to nurse the bike there. Found a bike shop and asked if they had a tube, not many shops carry tubes for 600cc trail bikes. The mechanic shot off on his bike and came back 20 mins later with a new tube and while he had the wheel off noticed the bearing was a bit worn. Made a tempory shim out of a beer can refitted everything and sent me on my merry way. The charge for a strange farang, middle of nowhere, 150baht!!!!!! yes 150 baht. A real rip off in a third world country eh.

Not everyone here is out to rip you off and you sure as <deleted> couldn't get that service in UK for a couple of quid!

Lot's of good people out there.

Unfortunatly, the average tourist meets the worst of the worst.

Gangs of tourist scammers are lined up to cheat them at every major tourist site.

From the limo con artists at the airport to the taxis/tuks parked near the hotels to the organized gangs of tourist cheats outside Grand Palace, etc..

It's relentless.

Thousands and thousands getting scammed every month and the victims are making reports on the web.

Thailand better clean up it's act as the word is spreading like wildfire on the internet these days.


Just a quick thought on this matter.

Rather than posting on TV, Most members here are aware that scams and rip offs exist and accept it as part of life here.

Would it not be more effective to

Write a series of letters to the Editor to your home countries major newspapers. Let the folks back home know what a rip off Thailand is. The power of the pen can be very effective! TAT may take notice.


I am not a stranger as such (been in Thailand for 5 years). I always leave Thailand every vacation and this time I went to China. What a difference...there was no mark up or two-tier pricing and the taxi drivers in Beijing put the meter on without asking. A real pleasant surprise.

My return to Thailand was a different story...

I have flown in and out of Suvarnabhumi many times and was aware of the hassles you get from limousine services and bogus taxi drivers upon arrival. Anyhow, knowing this I always go to the desk for meter taxis outside. However this time I was told by the lady with the coupons that taxis were fixed price only and the price was 1500 Baht to Pattaya ! Aware that this was both untrue and that I was being given a grossly inflated price I decided to follow this up and went to the airport information desk and spoke to the police where my complaint was met by a shrug of the shoulders and I was told to take the bus.

Extremely pissed off I left the airport on foot and stopped at the Novotel and asked the concierge if he could call me a taxi. His phonecall for a meter taxi was also met with the same response (1500 baht).

By now I had dug my heels in and there was no way I was prepared to pay the ridiculuous price the taxi drivers were asking at the airport. I continued walking and hitched a ride out to the edge of the airport in a songthaew with a group of Thai airport workers. Finally I manged to hail a cab and go to Pattaya with the meter on... the final price 650 Baht !

This time it has really got to me. Coupled with the the horrendous beating I saw inflicted on 2 farang in Pattaya (their white T-shirts were no longer white but completely red with blood) and the other rip-offs (songthaew drivers and bar staff refusing to give you your change) has made me decide that my time here is coming to an end.

Feelinfg extremely disillusioned.

Thailand...you're welcome to it !

Extremely pissed off I left the airport on foot and stopped at the Novotel and asked the concierge if he could call me a taxi. His phonecall for a meter taxi was also met with the same response (1500 baht).

By now I had dug my heels in and there was no way I was prepared to pay the ridiculuous price the taxi drivers were asking at the airport. I continued walking and hitched a ride out to the edge of the airport in a songthaew with a group of Thai airport workers. Finally I manged to hail a cab and go to Pattaya with the meter on... the final price 650 Baht !

how are you planning to invest the saved amount? a condo in Monte Carlo?

I am not a stranger as such (been in Thailand for 5 years). I always leave Thailand every vacation and this time I went to China. What a difference...there was no mark up or two-tier pricing and the taxi drivers in Beijing put the meter on without asking. A real pleasant surprise.

My return to Thailand was a different story...

I have flown in and out of Suvarnabhumi many times and was aware of the hassles you get from limousine services and bogus taxi drivers upon arrival. Anyhow, knowing this I always go to the desk for meter taxis outside. However this time I was told by the lady with the coupons that taxis were fixed price only and the price was 1500 Baht to Pattaya ! Aware that this was both untrue and that I was being given a grossly inflated price I decided to follow this up and went to the airport information desk and spoke to the police where my complaint was met by a shrug of the shoulders and I was told to take the bus.

Extremely pissed off I left the airport on foot and stopped at the Novotel and asked the concierge if he could call me a taxi. His phonecall for a meter taxi was also met with the same response (1500 baht).

By now I had dug my heels in and there was no way I was prepared to pay the ridiculuous price the taxi drivers were asking at the airport. I continued walking and hitched a ride out to the edge of the airport in a songthaew with a group of Thai airport workers. Finally I manged to hail a cab and go to Pattaya with the meter on... the final price 650 Baht !

This time it has really got to me. Coupled with the the horrendous beating I saw inflicted on 2 farang in Pattaya (their white T-shirts were no longer white but completely red with blood) and the other rip-offs (songthaew drivers and bar staff refusing to give you your change) has made me decide that my time here is coming to an end.

Feelinfg extremely disillusioned.

Thailand...you're welcome to it !

You paid how much to get to Pataya from the new airport, 650 baht by taxi, you were had big time. The luxury coach runs from the airport bus station and is only 106 baht. I'ld go back and demand a refund if I were you!

how are you planning to invest the saved amount? a condo in Monte Carlo?
you'll might wonder what is wrong with people having the time to post rubbish one-liners like this all the time ...
how are you planning to invest the saved amount? a condo in Monte Carlo?
you'll might wonder what is wrong with people having the time to post rubbish one-liners like this all the time ...

Its called humour :o

It obviously went right over your head.

After a few years of living here I've yet to find myself being really ripped off. Yesterday was out on the bike and suffered a blow out with the back tire in the middle of nowhere. Local stopped and gave the missus a lift to the nearest town while I managed to nurse the bike there. Found a bike shop and asked if they had a tube, not many shops carry tubes for 600cc trail bikes. The mechanic shot off on his bike and came back 20 mins later with a new tube and while he had the wheel off noticed the bearing was a bit worn. Made a tempory shim out of a beer can refitted everything and sent me on my merry way. The charge for a strange farang, middle of nowhere, 150baht!!!!!! yes 150 baht. A real rip off in a third world country eh.

Not everyone here is out to rip you off and you sure as <deleted> couldn't get that service in UK for a couple of quid!

I got a puncture while driving the father-in-laws pick up truck north of Khao Yai. The spare tyre was secured under the truck but the jack, spanner and tool for removing the spare were missing. 2 Thai guys came over to help me. Seeing i had no tools one of them got on the phone and called a friend who rushed out with the tools on his motorbike. They changed the tyre without letting me get near, (didn't want me getting dirty). My wife offered them some money for their help, they took 100 baht and gave the rest back saying it was too much! Perhaps they felt sympathy because the truck was ancient or perhaps Thailand is full of lovely people if you look in the right places.


It's worth noting that tourists get ripped off one way or another in every country, including the USA...

I was a little lost in an unfamiliar and rather empty soi very late at night a month or so back, and a kind soul talking with his friends outside a building took pity on me and gave me a motorcycle ride to a street where I could pick up a regular taxi- completely out of the kindness of his heart!

Extremely pissed off I left the airport on foot and stopped at the Novotel and asked the concierge if he could call me a taxi. His phonecall for a meter taxi was also met with the same response (1500 baht).

By now I had dug my heels in and there was no way I was prepared to pay the ridiculuous price the taxi drivers were asking at the airport. I continued walking and hitched a ride out to the edge of the airport in a songthaew with a group of Thai airport workers. Finally I manged to hail a cab and go to Pattaya with the meter on... the final price 650 Baht !

how are you planning to invest the saved amount? a condo in Monte Carlo?


It's worth noting that tourists get ripped off one way or another in every country, including the USA...

I was a little lost in an unfamiliar and rather empty soi very late at night a month or so back, and a kind soul talking with his friends outside a building took pity on me and gave me a motorcycle ride to a street where I could pick up a regular taxi- completely out of the kindness of his heart!

Of course in the US the police and legal system would do something to help you, unlicensed taxis would be kicked out of the airport, the gem scam would be busted, establishments that had double charging based on race would be in serious trouble....oh yes, fair comparison.

There are people who want to rip you off everywhere, but was has always surprised me about Thailand is that the government de facto condones it.

It's worth noting that tourists get ripped off one way or another in every country, including the USA...

I was a little lost in an unfamiliar and rather empty soi very late at night a month or so back, and a kind soul talking with his friends outside a building took pity on me and gave me a motorcycle ride to a street where I could pick up a regular taxi- completely out of the kindness of his heart!

Of course in the US the police and legal system would do something to help you, unlicensed taxis would be kicked out of the airport, the gem scam would be busted, establishments that had double charging based on race would be in serious trouble....oh yes, fair comparison.

There are people who want to rip you off everywhere, but was has always surprised me about Thailand is that the government de facto condones it.

symptomatic of an unstable, Mickey Mouse, third world country. And sadly as long as these things are accepted,that is exactly what LOS will remain.
That's a bit silly. Tourists are ripped off all over the world. Thailand is not considered to be a third world country either.

Thailand is considered a mid-level developing country. If I remember my world politics course correctly, the term "third world" as you state it, is actually gone. The 1st world was the US and its allies, the second world was the USSR and client states. The third world, was for countries in Asia, South and Central America, and Africa that were not major world powers or economic engines (i.e. Japan). So, Thailand was one, though now it is a mid-level developing country.


I think Bangkok, as a major city and the surrounding areas has a nasty reputation for rip-offs and scams. Yet away from there Thailand, like the break-down poster's mentioned, is quite benign and friendly.

With BKK and the like being the way it is you've got to have your wits about you, being 'street-wise' is becoming more and more of a pre-requisite these days...

And for sure Thailand is still a third-world country, when you can turn on the taps and drink the water (in all of Thailand) etc then we can start thinking about it being a developed nation.

After a few years of living here I've yet to find myself being really ripped off. Yesterday was out on the bike and suffered a blow out with the back tire in the middle of nowhere. Local stopped and gave the missus a lift to the nearest town while I managed to nurse the bike there. Found a bike shop and asked if they had a tube, not many shops carry tubes for 600cc trail bikes. The mechanic shot off on his bike and came back 20 mins later with a new tube and while he had the wheel off noticed the bearing was a bit worn. Made a tempory shim out of a beer can refitted everything and sent me on my merry way. The charge for a strange farang, middle of nowhere, 150baht!!!!!! yes 150 baht. A real rip off in a third world country eh.

Not everyone here is out to rip you off and you sure as <deleted> couldn't get that service in UK for a couple of quid!


Very pleased to read of your positive experience draggons, but I don't see the logic in your conclusion that, ergo, all contrary opinion and criticism of Thailand is therefore null and void. I've experienced decency and honesty from a Pattaya baht bus driver, a Bangkok taxi driver, and (back to Pattaya) from both the police and the tourist police. If you want to talk about value for money, I once called a vet out because the dog was sick, and his fee for the call-out, diagnosis and injection (which was 100% successful by the way) was 60 baht!!! Not bad eh.

The vast majority of people are honest and decent, the problem is these long-running tourist scams, some of which have been noted in travel guides for nearly 20 years and are still operating with no interference from any government agency.

As regards a third world country, well people living in tin shacks and working 60/70 hours a week for less than US$40, in a state riddled with corruption. I am quite happy to say that is a third world country.

Which also explains the low prices.


What about: I checked my brains at the airport , Lie To Me And Cheat Me, I won't notice anyway."? :o

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