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5 Good Things About All This Rain This Week


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it makes for a nice night sleep with the cooler air

(gives me an opportunity to use my Canadian Duvet)


it isn't snow


huh ..... :D

4. :D

5. :D

that's all I got

my daughter thinks there's not enough rain since the school isn't closed :D:o

what about you guys, any ideas?


Edited by gisele
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1. Free bike wash.

2. An excuse to wear my pimpin poncho!

3. No more worrying about my plants dying from too much heat.

4. I managed to do the long overdue house cleaning/ arranging stuff.

5. Inspires me to do my Thai Language Sefl study at home coz i got too much time to kill.

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1. I get wet from actual rain-water and not just sweat! :o

2. I sleep better without the need for fans or AC :D

3. I have a great excuse for not going to the gym. :D

4. I stay longer at school and get more work done whilst waiting for the rain to stop. :D

5. People look more amusing when they're wet. :D

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1. I can sit inside my car (sexy sound of raindrops on the roof).

2. Good oppertunity for delivery of Pizza or KFC.

3. Not many motorbikes on the road.

4. Nice to stay "warm and dry" at home.

5. Call friends in Europe to brag about temperature.

I do wish for snow, I do wish for colder weather.. Sorry just woke up now..

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1. I can sit inside my car (sexy sound of raindrops on the roof).

2. Good oppertunity for delivery of Pizza or KFC.

3. Not many motorbikes on the road.

4. Nice to stay "warm and dry" at home.

5. Call friends in Europe to brag about temperature.

I do wish for snow, I do wish for colder weather.. Sorry just woke up now..

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