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Hi all,

Just recieved an e-mail and have to sign some documents that basically says I will respect Bizz ethics of my company.

But searching the net I found my company is involved in cartel forming and fraud and many other bad things.

What do I have to write down in English that I will sign the agreement but under protest, knowing all the bad things they do?

Sorry I am a non Native English speaker

Your help is very much apreciated.


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How is "your" company involved in things that are not coming to "your" attention?

or do you mean the company you work for then?

If that is the case, who and under what authority is asking you to "sign" any document?

Very strange post Alex.

Please elaborate a little more..... & if you are being put in a situation where duress is being applied, pls. post & I am sure some of TV board members will come up with some solutions.


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Maybe higher management want to cover their ass in case middle/lower management bend the rules and they get caught out.

It's no big deal and you can just sign. By the time they ask you to be part of something to do with fraud etc you can resign if you wish, blow the whistle etc.

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I got the feeling that the company is trying to portray itself as having high ethics in order to get a right rating for a regulatory body like Stock Exchange. Having an employee to sign as having high ethics is one of the items in the do-gooder checklist. If the wordings in the letter put it in a way that you are supposed to uphold the ethics, then it is your ethics that is involved not the company. But if the letter covers the area of knowing of unethical conducts of the company and required to blow-whistle, then you would have a problem (But I don't think it falls under this category if the company is engaging in whatever you know of already. It is unlikely for the company to encourage you to open a can of worms).

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Sounds like another one of the many different types of forms a company will ask (require) a employee to sign to help keep the employee on the straight-and-narrow, and help ensure the employee marches to the same drum beat that the company wants to portray. Plus, it helps protect the company if the employee does something wrong, helps the company go after commercial or government contracts, and generally allows the company to wave the high ethics flag (whether their ethics are really high or really low). If you know the company is doing things that make you feel very comfortable, maybe it's time to be looking for a job with another company. I know, easier said than done.

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I would think twice about signing this under protest.

I guess that you are being asked to uphold the written ehtics of your company. Without seeing the ethics document I am pretty sure that it only contains the correct and proper business conduct. Given that you think your company is engaged in un-ethical practices I would suggest that you sign up fully to their proper codes of conduct.

If there is an investigation later and you are found to be mis-aligned to the corporte ethics policy and have admitted so in writing then the spotlight may fall on you.

Unless you have proof of the un-ehtical practices then you personally should be in the clear. If you later find proof pass it on to a higher party in writing.

If this were me and I was sure of the un-ethical practices, it would be time to switch companies.

Then again TIT and that is the reason I am not working in a corporation here.

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Most large companies try to from cartels ( monopolies ) Airlines are a good example , as for Fraud , well most also pay very little tax ,don,t know if Fraud but lets say colourfull Accountancy ,

Whatever the company in question is doing , as long as you are happy to take their money in way of salary , one should also be expected to back up the company and sign such a document ,

If the company is doing serious fraud and cartels , let the courts be the judges not the internet and media , and again your salary is from their profits so accept it or leave , but not good to take the high moral ground and still work there ,

Edited by ray08
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If your being asked to sign a statement that you will abide by company ethics' guidelines, it is only reasonable that they supply you with the document that spells out in writing what those ethics standards are. Once you have reviewed the document and agree to its principles, go ahead and sign, but attach the ethics guidelines to the document you are signing and note below your signature that you agree to the attached "exhibit A", company ethics guidelines. Initial both documents.

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