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Alternatives To Bars On Windows

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Currently I rent a house in Bangkok that has bars or grills on all the windows. I’m looking to buy a house nearby and it of course has bars as do all the houses in the neighborhood. (Saphan Kwai area). I’m not crazy about these – the look, the obstructed view, etc.

What are the alternatives?

If I do have bars what are good sources of the best looking and least view & light blocking?

And what are the alternatives? Security systems? Integrated grilled windows?

Has anyone here taken off the bars?

And overall a good window resource would be appreciated. I’ll be replacing some windows and want some better screen options than what’s there.


The alternative is to get robbed. I have bars also, and the cheeky local builders (allegedly) still forced the window to see if anything was in reaching distance.

220 volt electrified bars are probably the best alternative.


Magnetic contacts on all windows hooked up to a really loud siren and if you have a lighting system, all the lights in and outside the house will come on immediately.

Also a perimeter laser beam is a good idea, never used one before but if it works would be good for before they get to a window. But needs to be slightly hidden so they cannot see when they jump over.


If I lived in a high crime area (meaning in a city) I think I would have some decorative wrought iron style grills made and mount them with hinges (the ones where the fasteners securing the hinges are hidden inside the hinge when the grill is closed) so that I could open them at my leisure to have the wide open look at times when I will be there and don't need to worry about intruders.


If I lived in a high crime area (meaning in a city) I think I would have some decorative wrought iron style grills made and mount them with hinges (the ones where the fasteners securing the hinges are hidden inside the hinge when the grill is closed) so that I could open them at my leisure to have the wide open look at times when I will be there and don't need to worry about intruders.


That sounds sane and sensible Chownah. The best of both worlds.

If I lived in a high crime area (meaning in a city) I think I would have some decorative wrought iron style grills made and mount them with hinges (the ones where the fasteners securing the hinges are hidden inside the hinge when the grill is closed) so that I could open them at my leisure to have the wide open look at times when I will be there and don't need to worry about intruders.


That sounds sane and sensible Chownah. The best of both worlds.

Yep, I'll go along with that :o

IF you decide that something is required it is VITAL that at least one set in each room can be released and opened from inside, just in case you need to make an exit in an emergency.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


My windows also have bars, but I seriously doubt they would stand a determined attempt to break in. Burglary alarms are in my view just as useless: nobody gives a sh_t about an alarm going off.

When I did some work on my house, I opted for laminated glass with double layers, a solid frame and I hope that this is at least as good as the bars and there is no obstruction.

More expensive, obviously, but then again I see it every day and that's priceless.

If I do have bars what are good sources of the best looking and least view & light blocking?

An alternative are bars made from stainless, considerably less visually intrusive than the cheap wrought iron affairs. They can be "almost" decorative if a little gaudy. We have these on the inside, and I really do not notice them any more.

As said above, have at least one set per room that can be opened from the inside in case of fire.

To be frank if somebody is absolutely determined to get in and is equipped accordingly then they will. Most burglars are opportunistic and a visual deterrent will cause them to pick an easier target.


I changed all my windows to upvc double glassing no bars that was over 5 years ago with no problems so far. They were expensive then but have come down in price since then. I also have good house insurance. I did not think it was safe to have bars on every window if you had a fire and they did not look very good.


Thanks all for the tips.

I agree with yorkman and others - the axiom "locks are to keep honest people out". In the house now there are bars but if you open the glass the screws that hold the bars in place have all their heads exposed. Within 5 min. with a screwdrive you have the bar off. With a medium duty bolt cutter I think in less than a minute. So 100% if you want into this house it's quite easy. And I'm sure the new one is the same. But I do assume if my house looks open it could invlite trouble.

So it's preception - of which my wife's will have to count and let's don't suggest logic... And I won't point out that come a fire we are trapped like rats since none of them open in or out.

I guess one perception you could have is stickers and signs saying there is an alarm system - which leads me to wonder if the stickers and signs are all that are needed and save the cost of the actual system

The Dr.'s idea was good as well is the laminated glass. Any ideas in Bangkok to get this?

Thanks all,

Call me "serving my time" but if you look at my moniker you know I'm not someone who wants to server that time :-)

The Dr.'s idea was good as well is the laminated glass. Any ideas in Bangkok to get this?

I can't point you to where in BKK you can get it, but if I can get it in Udon you surely can there! All the window people offer it as an extra cost option. Not much extra either, about a 30% uplift as I remember, so factored into the cost of the complete window it does not add much.

I have a very large arch window at the bottom of a flight of stairs and several patio doors so for pure safety reasons used it there. I don't want anybody tripping and going through plain glass.

As for whether this adds to burglar proofing, well yes it probably does, but I still prefer to give the perception that the house is burglar proof and hope they move onto an easier target.

There is no reason that you need be trapped like a rat in case of fire with burglar bars. One window per room where they are hinged or slide, padlocked with a key out of reach from outside, is all you need.


never put bars on me house....mainly coz dont like the look or feeling when inside.i did get a good alarm system so that if anyone enters the house then it makes a bloomin loud racket that would at least panic them slightly into hurrying up.i also have motion security lights outside and also have padlocks on all doors so they would have to at least go out windows and obviously break in thru windows.i keep no expensive valuables in the house and also have 6ft walls so not overly easy to carry a lot out.they would maybe get away with a few things.......old laptop,dvd player ...hopefully not the plasma,unless theres a few of them as difficult to get over the walls i hope.oh forgot to mention i have a english bull terrier...hes a recent addition and not bought for security purposes....also have samurai sword and tazor at hand.if some yabba'd up burglar wants to get in then he will but i hope the cost of what he could steal would be measurably less than cost of security grills over everything as no large cash or gold left in house.i also agree bars could be a fire hazard.and nearly everyhouse has access attainable through the roof tiles ,as every thai labourer knows!,as most houses have no secure loft space so there is no easy answer to security and thats why i suggest not leavin any valuables/large cash in the house so when it is your turn you dont lose too much and hope it doesnt happen too often.


Its true that a thief knows how to open your roof tile to enter your house that was 1 of the reasons I got my roof sprayed with insulating foam so now the tiles will not open. The upvc windows I installed is very good for insulating & keeping thief's out as they would have to break the double glassing to get in a lot of noise i think. Because I also have dark blue glass from the outside you can't see if there is any bars or not in the inside so I think most petty thief's just move on. As I said where I live we have been ok so far with no problems for the 5 years or so that I had them installed. If there was a time that it did happen then I am well insured. :o


PIR to outside lights, good insurance and a couple a non-poison eating Doberman's

Let the crims go next door :o

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