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John Kerry/john Edwards

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John Kerry and John Edwards arrive at a McDonalds during a campaign swing through the Midwest. In her excitement at seeing the two candidates, an employee accidentally spills coffee on Kerry’s hand.

Within minutes Edwards had filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against McDonalds while .... you guessed it .... Kerry was busy writing the incident up for his fourth Purple Heart

Quote From John Kerry: "I’m not French, I just look like a surrender monkey”. :o

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John Kerry and John Edwards arrive at a McDonalds during a campaign swing through the Midwest. In her excitement at seeing the two candidates, an employee accidentally spills coffee on Kerry’s hand.

Within minutes Edwards had filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against McDonalds while .... you guessed it .... Kerry was busy writing the incident up for his fourth Purple Heart

...and Bush didn't go into the McDonalds because he had heard it was dangerous, so he had his family arrange for an alternative source for lunch...

...and Cheney can't go into a McDonalds anymore... just seeing the pictures of french fries on the wall give him chest pains...


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John Kerry and John Edwards arrive at a McDonalds during a campaign swing through the Midwest. In her excitement at seeing the two candidates, an employee accidentally spills coffee on Kerry’s hand.

Within minutes Edwards had filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against McDonalds while .... you guessed it .... Kerry was busy writing the incident up for his fourth Purple Heart

...and Bush didn't go into the McDonalds because he had heard it was dangerous, so he had his family arrange for an alternative source for lunch...

...and Cheney can't go into a McDonalds anymore... just seeing the pictures of french fries on the wall give him chest pains...


Contrary to what you think, Bush DID go into McDonald's, but only after letting his aides run personal checks on every single employee of the establishment, and then sending all employees with Middle Eastern-sounding names (like Gomez, Suare, Ylläppää etc.) to Guantanamo on unspecified terrorist charges.

However, when he heard that the practice of baking bread actually came out of the Middle East, he quickly changed his order into an apple pie, and had the cashier write the receipt in Roman numerals since he had heard that the figures commonly used in the West actually were invented by Muslims as part of an evil plan to eradicate the God-given freedom of lead-poisoning the planet with a motorized vehicle.

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Reading all this, talking about food, I could be crying in my brezel.

But seriously, GWB found a strong and converted supporter, see for yourself:

"I'm voting Republican in 2004. 

The Democrats left a bad taste in my mouth."

  -- Monica Lewinsky

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