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Telephone Scam


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First. I know. It is my own fault. I let greed over ride common sense. So, if you feel the need to kick me, go ahead. I deserve it.

But there is a lesson and a warning here none-the-less.

A man, speaking very little Thai and claiming to need money approached me wanting to sell his very nice (Nokia N73) hand phone at a very good price. After inspecting the phone and deciding that it did work and was apparently a good deal, I told him to wait while I went to the ATM. (Now you can start laughing).

When I got back I gave him the cash and took the phone.

Later, when I went to get a new charger for it, I was shown the insides of the phone I 'bought'. It was essentially empty. The case was there, but not much else.

The guy had switched phones on me while I was at the ATM.

I should have double checked the phone before I gave him the money. I should have remembered an old adage, 'If it seems too good to be true, it probably is'. I should have done many things, but I didn't.

What I can do is try to warn others that this scam is now going around here in Chiang Mai, but may be moving around as it is unlikely this guy(s) will want to stay in any one place very long.

Be cautious. Don't be greedy. Keep your head. What else can I say?

Good luck.

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And they have gorgeous kids together....

But anyway, get this, even speaking Thai I got taken once on a 'The Royal Palace is closed' scam in BKK once. SOmetimes you just get so relaxed n friendly and forget there are major a-holes out there stalking the nice ppl and start a-chatting and you move fwd when ti would be better to stay and wait and consider b4 you draw any conclusions. I sooo go taken even while speaking Thai to the guy that duped me. Such a long story, but All I can say is that I got engrossed in the story and I'm a talker. And not skeptical enough by nature. So often I am, but like Nieeenke says, sometimes they catch you with your guard down. Oh, well, chalk it up as a X,000 baht lesson for ya. I hope it was X,000 or less. And not XX,000! Thanks for the heads-up though. Good to know. If I see the guy I will make his life a major pain for him.

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