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---local Village Wins The Lottery---

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I visited a friend today for lunch with my girlfriend in tow. He lives out in Sanpatong at the end of the canal road to the right up towards the mountains. We had lunch at around 1pm and I had 2 beers. He is building a small house on his property so I helped him around the site for a bit until about 2:45pm when I decided to take off. This is when it got interesting….

On this trip to his house I was also planning on looking for some new running trails for the Chiang Mai Hash House Harriers to run on. So I headed out of his driveway and to the right out towards the hills, passed the local temple to a T junction in the road. I headed towards the right for about a kilometer and the road dead ended so I turned and headed back. As you probably know the roads in Chiang Mai have a habit of getting smaller and smaller the further from the city you drive. And here was a perfect example; only one car could fit on this country road at a time. No problem as I have driven like this before and the key is to drive slow.

So I am driving along and all of a sudden the girlfriend yells ahhhh!! HOY!!! Which in itself is a funny reaction but she does that every time something really surprises her. So BANG!! BOOM!!! KRSHH!! That is what a motorbike sounds like hitting the front of your bumper at low speed. I though ohh SH_T! Here we go! About 15 minutes earlier my friend and I were just talking about how tough it is to drive in areas like this with all the idiots having their afternoon shots of lao kao then pulling out from god knows where on the motorbikes.

So I get out and sure enough the guy is down. I had no idea if I ran him over or what happened. He flew out of a small soi to the left so fast all I saw was him hitting the truck and then going down. So here comes his drinking buddy running over quicker than the rush to Big C when they put the cooking oil on sale. First thing he does is check his friend, then starts to subtly kick out the motorbike tracks to hide the direction he came in; yeah, like that will work. The guy seems to be ok and is up and walking after a few minutes. I quickly get on the phone to my friend to have him come down with his wife. During this time the rest of the village of 50 shows up and out of the corner of my eye I see his drinking buddy pick up a small plastic bag that fell off the bike and toss it in the bushes. First thing that comes to mind is “whiskey”. And sure enough it was lao kao. So while the village idiots are scrambling to see if the guy has any serious injuries I go to grab the bag and put it near the truck, after taking a picture of its location first. We confront him about this and he says “he is not drunk because it is the afternoon; he only drinks in the evening!”

So here comes the Thai soap opera drama corp. Thank god my girlfriend was with me. They start blaming me for everything of course. My girlfriend starts to point out everything he was at fault for; trying to drive on the wrong side of the road for one, being drunk with whiskey on board, no license, no rego, the list went on. They blame me for driving to fast and for being a falang and they blame my girlfriend for siding with me. While she is keeping them busy I am taking loads of pictures of everything.

My friend arrives about 10 minutes after the accident. Not much he could do but it was comforting not being alone in this. Well, with everything going against this guy he decides he wants to call the cops. So I said “let’s dance”. Come to find out he is an ex-cop. Oops. The local police arrive and were very friendly, they checked out the scene and I guess because he was an ex-cop they decided to bring on a traffic cop to settle this. He must have been a friend of the “big policeman”. After waiting for 2 hours the guy shows up looks at m and says “falang gin beer”. Do you believe that! Shows up and says I am the one that is drunk, while the slur talking, squinty eyed, professional lao kao drinker throws his 10 baht bag of whiskey in the bushes!

Here we go: falang+accident=$$$

So it’s all my fault. He says I am drunk I say test me. He says it is my fault so we point out the guy was pulling out onto the wrong side of the road. Still my fault. The “big policeman” talks to his friend a bit more and they decide to hose me. I have first class insurance so they tell me to admit I was at fault and call my insurance company OR they will take me to the “bigger policeman” and I can deal with him. At this point my girlfriend wants me to just admit it, but “why would I do that? It’s not my fault”. I tell him “good, then take me”. I start to take a bunch more photos of everything; the truck, tires, tire tracks. The bike, driver, people around, everything! The “big policeman” starts to ask my girlfriend all kinds of questions about me and about her. Why am I here, what do I do, where do I come from. They ask her where is she from, why she is in Chiang Mai when her ID say Mae Sariang, where she goes to school; basically trying to intimidate her because it wasn’t working with me. I stand my ground and don’t budge.

The cops that first showed up go over to the motorbike driver to talk to him. I guess they tell him “when falangs think they are right they don’t change their mind. Falangs have money and you will lose”. I wasn’t going to change my mind and he was going to lose and the cops will lose face for trying to extort money from me with all the evidence on my side. The “big policeman” gets fed up and almost throws our ID’s at us and tells us to go. 6pm now and we jump in the truck and take off.

So in the end it turned out to be a pissing match and I guess after being so “drunk”, I ended up peeing more than him.

I wouldn’t recommended this in every situation but more often than not if you have an accident and it is clearly not your fault, you may be able to stand your ground and get off without having to pay. So much for the village that won the lottery!!! And I guess for you runners out there, I won’t be setting a run in that part of Chiang Mai anytime soon….


well , let not go into who is wrong or right ,

from what i see , when an accident happen . both party have some responsibility ,

while travelling on village road and country side . even in small town , be mind full that is common to have cars and bike going all kinda direction , as a driver , is our responsibility to be safe .. cos when an accident happen . nobody WIN . in a small accident the biker lose out .. aginst cars . but look it it this way , would be be happy if you are right , but someone poor guy drunk or not drunk ,., is dead under your cars with his guts all over our rim ..

first class insurance ? why not call your insurance guys . the last time an accident happen on my wife cars . to the guys 30 min to come down .. she have GOA insurance first class for her cars .. took the guys 30 min to come down ..

second .. you go over all the trouble for the smallest of thing . if you had called your insurance guys since is first class you would had save TONS of your times ..

anyway .. be safe NOT SORRY . life is but a short moment we have ..

and what it got to do with the village ??? gosh , what lottery ? that is kinda funny for you to say that .

and when you said you drink 2 beer ? is it 2 bottle ? 2 cans ? or 2 litre , 2 mug ? 2 glass .

2 beer is offen enough to let accident happen . so the police is not wrong when he say farang drink beer maybe cos he smell beer from you .

in my country . you lose your licence for just drinking 1-2 beer . ( 1 can ) also it would depend alot on what you drink the beer with which have different effect on different time of the day and of cos person ..

so the best advice is if you want to drink - be it 1 or HALF or 2 beer . DON"T drive .. so the less excuse other can find in you .

and when you say LOW SPEED . how slow are you talking about ..

on a high way i travel as fast a 150 km / hour . i got a ticket before for drive at 137km . 200 baht standard .

when i am in my wife town i drive like 40km - 50 km .. which i consider slight fast cos village road is full of kids and chicken and dog and all kinda possibility for a small or major accident .

so when you say slow what is your standard of slow ..


interesting story and great pics. Looks like you were hardly moving judging by the marks etc. Good job holding your ground. Definitely a lesson for those of us without much in the way of local connections.

BTW your girlfriend is a cutie.

Great post!!!


Ta22, where do I start? Your post is fundamentally wrong in so many ways. First you think the falang is wrong for being a falang "so the police is not wrong when he say farang drink beer" and thais don't drink lao kao??? Second you are bragging about driving dangerously. "on a high way i travel as fast a 150 km / hour . i got a ticket before for drive at 137km . 200 baht standard" Congratulations. Third, I should just admit it was my fault for being there? "you go over all the trouble for the smallest of thing . if you had called your insurance guys since is first class you would had save TONS of your times" And last but surely not least "in my country. you lose your licence for just drinking 1-2 beer" So why do so many Thai drivers drive without a license like this guy?

Ta22 it is people like YOU that make it dangerous for the rest of us to be on the road. Driving laws are there to protect ALL drivers and there should not be acceptions for race or blatant stupidity. So next time you are driving down the highway at 150 km/hr think of why there is a speed limit, and maybe, just maybe you won't have to tell the family of some poor soul why you could not stop in time.


TA22 Please take note of what MOBS as said I Dont know ether of you personaly, so I am looking at this totaly unbiased.

I have to make this point to you.

How can you freely admit to driving at speeds that are totaly irresponsable putting yourself and others at risk,

and at the same time saying that Mobs just admit that he was wrong, Because he had Insurance and Non Thai.

It looks like a very low speed accident from the pics

I have seen the standard of driving in Tailand, and its doubtfull that more than 1% would pass a test in the west.

I keep telling my Thai lady, If they came to the UK and drive like that Expect to live for 1 day maybee 2

So next time you think its ok to speed THINK WHAT IF and maybee just maybee you could save your life or that of another inocent party. Just because you can aford the 200 Baht fine? Life is cheap with people like you around.


Another Thai cutting the corner.

Think he's learned anything from this?

Nope, he'll be at it the moment he gets a new front wheel.

They cut corners, almost get killed dozens of times, over and over because of it, years later they still do it.

Add booze to that lazy and stupid driving habit and you've got your prime candidates for Darwin Awards.


:o half way while i am typing a reply on the way back to chiangmai my Edges GPRS die on me .

i wonder where would i start , alway enjoy a finger work out .. beside the fact that is alway full of type . so do pardon me for that .

let start with 150 , well i Totally agree that driving at 150 is dangerous , and would not advice just anyone to do it .

i did advance driving lesson . and many condition need to be consider before you drive at high speed .

ROad condition , weather condition , tire condition ,brake condition ,braking distance . is it after meal or before meal ? usually human is less responsive after meal + 2 beer is even worst . cos blood from your body is channel to your stomach to digest your food . which is more dangerous or have a higher chances of getting into accident ,

on some road i do travel at high way but not usually . most trip which i travel i spend more time then most people .

1. never travel fast if the road is pack or with other cars ,

2. if your cars is heavy it would have a longer braking distance - over speed of cos .

3. No racing please if youw ant to race go to a track .

4. do not risk anyone life doing so ( yours is you to consider )

5. be all alert and alway slow down when you are not sure

6. don't do it at Night with poor lighting condition .

7. tire usually heat up after 20 min into drive . which give you better grab on the road .

8. if it raining know about hydro blading effect .

9 .centalfigal ( might be a typo here )effect

10.your cars , how well you can control it .


do consider all this before you consider driving above 120 km.

follow a good 2 second rule keeping your distance is the most basic of driving . which mean if you are travelling at any speed. take a point which the car infront of you passes .. and country two slow second before you reach that point .

as you go faster . the rule expand itself .

when i travel fast i usually take a 5 sec rule . ( best is no cars )

ALWAy slow down on any Possible junction - be it . dirt track or road junction .

after all this i got to say i agree that . driving at high speed is a big responsibility .

even with knowledge you are still putting yourself at risk .

- there is still many more thing to know about travelling at high speed .

like tire line , velocity caculation , size of your steering wheel , engine brake , clutch braking . drift, suspension , and many more .

I'm SOrry If i give the wrong idea that Driving at 150 is SAFE , and is without responsibilty and is EASY .

SO please be advice that if you see a FAST cars . on the road , Slow down , and keep left . and let him or her passes .

i was rather Happy when i was Fine by the traffic police , cos i know their keeping the road safe . for others,

i was fine between the Lampang and lamphun road . in the mountian . :D

WHen i drive i alway apply defencsive driving rule .

1. SLOw down if NOT SURE

2. SLOW down on every junction

3. Slow down and let other Fast CARS passes you

4. Full blind spot Check . turning your head to see the blind spot instead of using the mirror ( blind spot is about 30-45 degree behind your head )

5. try to keep a stable speed . let say 80-100 on high way and 110 - 120 for over taking - if you are a 70 - 90 driver keep LEFT .

6. There is NO lucky driver that get away from accident only one that protect himself during driving . and in control staying away from any possible danger

7. Keep the 2 second distance RULE in Mind Never tailgate any cars if you going above 30 KM

8. Anything can happen on the Road , from jumping animal , to a bird hitting your windscreen of a passing truck which falling stone . to tire burst ,

9. 1-2 hour after Meal . we are less responsive so do keep your speed down .

10 . Drink don't drive . ( 3 hour - 6 hour ) depend on your Body weight , amount you drink .

i am lucky that my Wife drive so usually when i drink she do the driving and i try to keep a look out for her .

Alot of people ( thai or farang ) feel that Drinking . after meal is great enjoyment , i myself enjoy drinking beer alot . LEO is my Fav brand now .

but the effect of Acol . after food really slow down our respone time . by making this post my agenda is not to find someone to step on or prove anyone wrong . but act as info exchange for anyone who is interested of cos .

Ever feel sleepy after eating your food ? that is digestion working . as blood is drain into your stomach from your brain to help digestion which need large amount of heat . in fact 1/4 ( the figure might be slightly off since i study about this like 10 years ago ) of what we eat is channel into digestion itself .

If i am assuming you Took 2 Bottle of Beer . that would be too much beer for driving . is your risk . so keep it safe .

As a driver you Sould be the One spotting the accident and danger , but from your Post seem like your wife is the one that Noitce the accident . instead of you . is not a Fun event when an accident happen . so be happy that nobody is Hurt .

But i do agree that Some Thai ( NOTE not ALL THAI but Some ) ride and drive dangerously .

PArtly of their lack of knowledge of driving and also the know how to control their bike or cars .

in fact . not alot of people have Good driving lesson ( both thai and farang )

There is no idiot or silly when accident happen , There is just people being that is hurt physcially or financilly.

by putting yourself in a TIME wasting pissing Game is really the last thing you want .

- My suggestion for anyone is Call your Insurance guys and say you got into an accident ,

see if any party is Hurt , explain for everyone to clam down , and wait for insurance guys to come .

Best is if you can settle upfront . the front fender of the honda bike cost only 200 baht . if it the old dream version is only 80 baht . you would have save more on petrol going around and wasting your time. but that is not the point on how one handle problem as i am not there , i am sure you handle it the way you think is best to you .

And i got to say it again that When accient happen both party have some responsibility by finding blame is not helping your problem . maybe you feel that when problem happen someone is to be blame , but in the East when problem happen . is best finding answer then finding who to blame for it .

you Know that many thai drive without licence , so - what i suggest is you be extra careful - i alway keep my disatnce if i see any cars i am unsure of or is loaded with people on their truck ( cos i worry if he brake suddenly and some of them fly off his ear truck and i run over them ( defencsive driving rule )

you need not call the Thai a Professional lao kao drinker . since you did had some ( 2 ) beer too .

The accident happen between YOU , so it got NOTTHING to do with the Village . in some way . i feel that by saying about the lottery is like mocking thai to me .

YOu do not know me neither you have meet me so Don't judge me and say is people like me that made the road dangerous .

your happiness or sadness got notthing to do with me . i been here a while . and i am still learning each day to get along .

After all we are Guest in this country .

please - Here we go: falang+accident=$$$ <---- This is so classic Please grow up from this childish thinking

Many farang who come to this country . love THAILAND . Cos is cheap and lifestyle is much better then the country we are IN . some choose to stay for LOVE , what ever the Reason . please don't high nose your view on THAI . THAI are Great people . just cos you handle your problem badly and wasted your time . don't made every thai bad .

my wife got into a accident just 2 week ago during new year eve , on a Cross junction . some cars run the Rear of out Truck Vigo . cos we brake to let a tricycle ( old man rikshaw ) cross the road .

The lady who ramp the side truck . is very agressive . and the moment she got down all she do is point finger and say we are wrong to brake suddenly . my wife just keep quite and stay really clam .we went down to see if anyone is hurt , she take the phone . call the insurance guys .

30 min we waited for the insurance guys , the lady that ramp the side truck , spend that 30 min explaining and calling everyone she know , and her relative all came down . kinda fun really for me, we have truck loaded with food which we are on our way back for a BBQ to welcome the new years .

anyway after 30 min of talking she got tired . and i went to buy some drink for everyone ( ice lemon tea ) 12 people total plus the lady and her relative who ramp my car . Vigo is not as strong as i think .. as the lady truck only suffer a head lamp damage . and have a dented side truck 3-4 inches deep . the insurance guys , came down . we talk about it . and everything is claim by insurance plus her head light .

i even invite her and her relative to my wedding next month . now i have new friends in Utadati

took us about 1 hour . -

every country would have different traffic condition , is best we Adjust to the country and drive safely , not every rule and law we learn from our country can be apply 100 % . DO you have a Thai licence ? i hold a international licence which is valid lifetime . not sure about you .

oh yeh .. i almost forget . i think you need to hold valid licence if you need to claim insurace . not your local driving licence . which some insurance agency do not accept . so be careful about this . cos having a amercian or UK licence . unless is international . do check out about this . i am sure some guys would have info on this

anyway i am just naturally frank .

feel free to correct me if i am wrong .

feel free to suggest or advice me .

sorry for the long text i offen get carry away as i enjoy typing

:)would reply more when i got more time as i am only back in chiangmai for a few days to finish up a project :D


Gee, I'm convinced now. I was wrong. Sorry. My fault. If only I was an experienced driver I could have driven faster, thus, by shear luck, I could have beat him to the intersection and avoided an accident.


after reading this, i feel like i just watched a movie with full of drama and excitement. like something between matrix and the titanic. good post. nice pictures, good plots. way to go mobs. sounds like good script for a hollywood blockbuster.

on a more serious note. good that you came out without paying a dime.


:o this is really fun ,

i do enjoy the movie martix alot whah a

i am not there when the accident happen . so i do not know hwo is at fault

but from what you said .. if both party is drinking . i think both party have some responsibility .

Exp do not give you a green card to drive Fast .. and like i said there is NO LUCK . in driving .

i don't drive FAST usually so tell me you never go beyond speed limit before ?

some choose to keep it a huge secret but i just follow the traffic . i seldom check my speedometer either when i drive .

Accdient happen . if it happen it happen is not like a game . seem like you think i am stepping on you badly . i am sorry if you think so .


happy new years tigerbeer : ) how have you been


Great story. Every couple of months another friend or acquaintance meets with strife on the road and not too many have the nuts or wherewithall to stand their ground.. +1 for the farangs, scoreboard now only -1,785,368

on a more serious note. good that you came out without paying a dime.

That is, assuming he got all of the particulars of the motorcycle rider.. Otherwise he'll be paying for the damage to his truck out of pocket, or via his lost no-claims discount.


In general, westerners handle situations like this by focusing on issues--who is at fault, what is the evidence, what the law says--while Thais (and Asian peoples in general) take a more relationship-oriented approach, making a big show of concern for others' well-being and establishing and reaffirming the relative positions of everyone in the social hierarchy. Thus Ta22's story about turning a traffic accident into a social occasion. I'm not saying that one way is right or wrong, but it's interesting to observe, especially when the two worlds clash, or crash.

By the way, the original post makes no mention of money, so the insinuation that anyone--let alone a whole village--was out to win a "lottery" is probably unjustified, and frankly comes off as a rather bigoted remark, especially as part of a story where everyone but the poster is described as dumb, conniving, ridiculous.

In general, westerners handle situations like this by focusing on issues--who is at fault, what is the evidence, what the law says--while Thais (and Asian peoples in general) take a more relationship-oriented approach, making a big show of concern for others' well-being and establishing and reaffirming the relative positions of everyone in the social hierarchy. Thus Ta22's story about turning a traffic accident into a social occasion. I'm not saying that one way is right or wrong, but it's interesting to observe, especially when the two worlds clash, or crash.

By the way, the original post makes no mention of money, so the insinuation that anyone--let alone a whole village--was out to win a "lottery" is probably unjustified, and frankly comes off as a rather bigoted remark, especially as part of a story where everyone but the poster is described as dumb, conniving, ridiculous.

Maybe it's just one of those events you need to experience so as to appreciate the OP's perspective. The only thing overtly stereotypical I find in this discussion is the regurgitation of irritating hackneyed statements like "Thais (and Asian peoples in general) take a more relationship-oriented approach" Ever do business with asians? More often than not, the last thing on the person's mind is building a relationship.

Would it surprise you to know that many business transactions in the west are based upon relationships of some form or other. Ever hear of entertaining clients etc.? Or is that type of relationship excluded because it's not "asian"?

I sincerely doubt that the first priority of any asians involved in a vehicular incident is to embark on a relationship building exercise. Last crash I saw, my very Thai friend wanted to clock the twit that had rammed his bike. He sure as he11 didn't say hey bro let's go have a beer and build a relationship and maybe hug each other. Another one of my thai friends was driving me home last month and rammed into another thai bike that cut him off. Know what he did after they stopped? He proceeded to yell at the driver. I did ask him if he felt better to which he replied, that I should shut up or walk home. I'm lucky I didn't suggest he start working on relationship building, as we were 10kms from my place.

And yes it can be like someone has won the lottery. get out into the boonies and you'll understand. No, not everyone is dishonest, but it's the same thing as happens in the west when all sorts of people magically appear claiming whiplash subsequent to a minor fender bender.

The OP is lucky in one respect in that that the ex cop wasn't carrying a gun and he didn't end up with a couple bullets in him like that poor kid did the other day. Unless of course you consider that part of the relationship building concept too?

In general, westerners handle situations like this by focusing on issues--who is at fault, what is the evidence, what the law says--while Thais (and Asian peoples in general) take a more relationship-oriented approach, making a big show of concern for others' well-being and establishing and reaffirming the relative positions of everyone in the social hierarchy. Thus Ta22's story about turning a traffic accident into a social occasion. I'm not saying that one way is right or wrong, but it's interesting to observe, especially when the two worlds clash, or crash.

By the way, the original post makes no mention of money, so the insinuation that anyone--let alone a whole village--was out to win a "lottery" is probably unjustified, and frankly comes off as a rather bigoted remark, especially as part of a story where everyone but the poster is described as dumb, conniving, ridiculous.

Maybe it's just one of those events you need to experience so as to appreciate the OP's perspective. The only thing overtly stereotypical I find in this discussion is the regurgitation of irritating hackneyed statements like "Thais (and Asian peoples in general) take a more relationship-oriented approach" Ever do business with asians? More often than not, the last thing on the person's mind is building a relationship.

Would it surprise you to know that many business transactions in the west are based upon relationships of some form or other. Ever hear of entertaining clients etc.? Or is that type of relationship excluded because it's not "asian"?

I sincerely doubt that the first priority of any asians involved in a vehicular incident is to embark on a relationship building exercise. Last crash I saw, my very Thai friend wanted to clock the twit that had rammed his bike. He sure as he11 didn't say hey bro let's go have a beer and build a relationship and maybe hug each other. Another one of my thai friends was driving me home last month and rammed into another thai bike that cut him off. Know what he did after they stopped? He proceeded to yell at the driver. I did ask him if he felt better to which he replied, that I should shut up or walk home. I'm lucky I didn't suggest he start working on relationship building, as we were 10kms from my place.

And yes it can be like someone has won the lottery. get out into the boonies and you'll understand. No, not everyone is dishonest, but it's the same thing as happens in the west when all sorts of people magically appear claiming whiplash subsequent to a minor fender bender.

The OP is lucky in one respect in that that the ex cop wasn't carrying a gun and he didn't end up with a couple bullets in him like that poor kid did the other day. Unless of course you consider that part of the relationship building concept too?

You don't seem to understand what I meant. Being relationship-oriented doesn't mean making friends. It means building your strategy for dealing with a situation based on your power and status relative to the others involved, rather than in relation to an objective "rightness." It has nothing to do with being nice or not pursuing one's material self-interest. It's just a way of looking at how to get what you want.

Ever do business with asians? More often than not, the last thing on the person's mind is building a relationship.

i am sorry that most biz you in or come acorss had been trying to rip you off . but don't assume one case for all .

being Smart sometime kill the alex good EQ help more then HIgh IQ sometime


You should have called your insurance especially with 'the whole nine yard' type of insurance you have.

Insurance co., are getting fed up with these 'irresponsible' bikes and believe me (it happened to me) thay make them pay (they have connections too)... you could have a new bumper !

But I agree as soon as the guy gets a new wheel he will cut corners again (that's what they are good at around here) until he hit a big Benz and rot somewhere ...

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