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Two Tourists In Pai Shot By A Police Officer


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After 425 posts ( but didn't read all of them) I'm missing something:

1. Where is the vision, report from the girl's Thai boyfriend, Fuen, about what happened ?

I read the views from the bar owner, the girl, as well as the version of the policeman/killer, but nothing from him ? :o ....he was walking a few steps behind the Canadian girl and unfortunate friend when the shooting and killing took place.

2. Was he heard or interviewed by English speaking reporters ? surely he must speak some English, being the boyfriend of the Canadian girl.

Anybody ?


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Hmm relying on FACTS surfacing about police shooting tourists in cold blood is a dream. WAKEY WAKEY, the entire government/country has it in their best interests to cover this up and release untruths, cops murdering people is going to hurt tourism. This happens, and it will never be truthfully released, until the day someone catches one of these on video ala Rodney King style. Funny there is a thread going with all kinds of people talking about how safe Thailand is...... unbelievable.



That is sooooo true, both police and locals will going to hide it under the carpet as fastest as they can..no ones gonna talk about it..By the way if you ask some locals there all they can tell you was Farang Baah maak, som nam na..

Guys, try to stay on the ground. Do you really think a Canadian Embassy would just say "oops, one citizen less in the list" and forget about it? What you are doing here is gossipping and guessing not to say inventing, based on as little as almost no information. That is as unprofessional as what you blame Thais for being.

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Here is the front page news from Calgary, the city Leo was from. http://calsun.canoe.ca/News/Alberta/2008/0...757907-sun.html

The Calgary man shot to death by an off-duty Thai police officer is being touted as a hero for defending a female friend. Carly Reisig said she was punched in the face by the attacker moments before the fatal shots were fired. In an interview with a Thai newspaper from her hospital bed in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Reisig, 24, said Calgarian Leo John Del Pinto was shot twice -- once in the face and once in the chest -- after coming to her aid. "I just want everybody to know Leo saved my life by giving his own and he's a hero in my eyes," Reisig said. The pair, along with Reisig's Thai boyfriend Fuen, were walking from one bar to another in the small town of Pai, in northern Thailand, when a man suddenly approached them and punched her in the forehead.

"Leo shouted at him, 'You can't hit her!' and pushed him away from us," Reisig said. "Then the man went to his motorbike and got his gun and Leo tried to get it away from him. "They had a struggle for the gun, then the man got control of the gun and stepped back and shot Leo directly in the face. "Leo fell to the ground and the man pointed the gun at his heart and fired a second shot. "Then he turned around to me and aimed for my heart and shot me in the chest." Reisig then blacked out, with a bullet lodged in her chest, just 2.5 cm from her heart. "When I came to, I saw Leo lying dead on the road beside me," she said. "I can't believe my best friend is dead and I've got a bullet right beside my heart."

Reached at the family's home in Chilliwack, Reisig's mother Suzanne said, despite previous reports, her daughter was not pregnant. Suzanne said Carly had been in Thailand for about a year, travelling and teaching English, and Del Pinto had joined her a few days before his death. "It's very upsetting," she said. "She's very upset. She saw her friend killed and she's been shot, it's a very terrible situation."

Suzanne said Reisig is still listed in critical condition and she didn't know when her daughter would return to Canada. Del Pinto family spokesman Ross Fortune said the family is hoping Leo's body will be returned to Canada as soon as possible.

"We are hoping by the end of this week, but depending on flights it may not be until next week," he said. Fortune added the family is taking some solace in the fact Leo died protecting a friend. "That is the type of person he was," he said. "Obviously the family is devastated, regardless of the circumstances, but they are very proud of the fact their son is a hero and they certainly regard him that way."

Sgt. Major Uthai Dechawiwat, 37, was arrested and charged with premeditated murder. Thai officials suggested to media there Dechawiwat was trying to break up a fight between the couple when his gun went off during the struggle, a charge Reisig flatly denied.

"There was never a fight, that is not true," she said. "John was my ex-boyfriend, but still my best friend, we had nothing to argue about."

I am wondering what Leo would have done if he would have gotten the gun.

Don't get me wrong, I AM on Leos side. Only to show how wrong was his reaction in this moment.

Run, Knee down and beg - although the lesser prefered style of the male species is more approbiate - even if he get executed.

But then bystanders won't shut up and stay quiet.



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After 425 posts ( but didn't read all of them) I'm missing something:

1. Where is the vision, report from the girl's Thai boyfriend, Fuen, about what happened ?

I read the views from the bar owner, the girl, as well as the version of the policeman/killer, but nothing from him ? :o ....he was walking a few steps behind the Canadian girl and unfortunate friend when the shooting and killing took place.

2. Was he heard or interviewed by English speaking reporters ? surely he must speak some English, being the boyfriend of the Canadian girl.

Anybody ?


Well if I was Fuen, I would be hiding under a bed somewhere, or over the Burmese border.

I have no doubt that when this went down he didn't make himself known to the cop.

Anything he says now will be either out of fear, or soon to be last words. The mudering cowardly cop is certainly interested in meeting Fuen.

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After 425 posts ( but didn't read all of them) I'm missing something:

1. Where is the vision, report from the girl's Thai boyfriend, Fuen, about what happened ?

I read the views from the bar owner, the girl, as well as the version of the policeman/killer, but nothing from him ? :o ....he was walking a few steps behind the Canadian girl and unfortunate friend when the shooting and killing took place.

2. Was he heard or interviewed by English speaking reporters ? surely he must speak some English, being the boyfriend of the Canadian girl.

Anybody ?


I think he was with her at the hospital when she was interviewed and confirmed what she said, from memory adding that they wanted a good lawyer

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Tragic indeed. Besides a few who feel Leo had somehow totally disrespected Thailand, I just don't see it. I must be missing something, somewhere. From what I read from those few, the very fact he is a foreigner, makes him guilty, regardless of what he was doing. :o


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I have been in this country for several years and along with my Thai wife have noticed that it's slowly turning to <deleted>.

It is certainly getting worse, but the longer you remain here the more you see and the more you understand the way it works, and it ain't pretty.

Thailand has some very real and dangerous social problems it has to face in the near future. Forget the fantasies about "Buddhist social fabric" and other such nonsense, if you can't read the signs the way Thailand is going, you're in for a real shock.

Sadly I am coming to the same conclusion, just take the case in today's Bangkok Post (assuming they have the facts correct this time) of the children in Trang that pelted a passing train with rocks and bottles. This is the same behaviour that is endemic in the UK today and, while only perhaps an isolated incident, is an indication of how a country seems to readily take on the bad traits of another culture whilst ignoring the good.

yes like wearing baseball caps back to front and trousers 18 inches too long with the ass dragging on the floor ! ,.westernisation at its best ! :o . its on the way Edited by mikethevigoman
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My condolences to all. But for all their drunkenness, none of this would've happened.

Its believed they had been drinking.........according to reports. Drinking what? We KNOW they were drunk do we??

True but COME ON! How many fights have you seen in the streets of Thailand where someone is under the influence and how many sober? Were they at temple? And when reports say "drinking", in this context it is understood to mean alcohol(including the cop), not lemonade. My speculations are based on the general consensus of available information being reported and human nature. I don't know the facts but I guarantee you that if alcohol wasn't involved, there would be no story to report. Anyone agree/disagree?

Stuff alcohol someone has been killed by an idiot that should not be a cop or carry a gun.

I drink alcohol and have not got angry enough to do anything like this cop so don't judge people by having a drink.

This copper is sick.

I have been to Thailand three times and am going again in March 2008. You can have a good time without this shit.

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The debate on all of this has wandered down the predictable paths of suggestion, suspicion, guessing and hearsay, such is human nature. But what is truly interesting however is that there have been over 38,000 views of this topic and that suggests a large percentage of people whose future in Thailand or their decision to move here may be influenced by the legal outcome of the event.

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i also doubt that this reporter who works also for 'news papers' like the Sun give us a 'well-balanced' report. he makes a living of selling 'stories'

Yes, clearly an on-the-spot reporter with an eye to his word count is going to be less reliable and less furnished with anything factual than someone posting deductions from a Patong Beach internet and computer games caff.

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Why is it that we never hear about a one-on-one fight with Thais? It's always a gang-on-one or a gun. Isn't Muay Thai supposed to be a fighting art? The degree of cowardice in many Thai men is truly Amazing... :D

I don't believe the cop's story... but I wouldn't bet against him getting off scott free. This is, after all, A Mess in Thailand :o

No substance, no balls.

Yeah sure,

but please do not say things like "THIS IS THAILAND".

I come from Italy, and in my country Plocie KILL people quite often, and then construct any kind of obviously made-up defense. And judges, legal dooctors, all of them most of the times collude with the police.

In UK, if I don't go wrong, a brazilian guy has been shot in the head in the tube not long ago. And the responsibles? Have they been punished?

And in USA? Awwwwww here I could write a novel about police and unjust violence!

Police is reflection of power, anywhere. And wherever men are legally endorsed to carry and USE guns, such kind of accidents happen. It is not Thailand. The guy is a farang, so maybe something will move. At least.

Carlo Giuliani, shot in the face by a police man in the G8 riots in north italy. The policeman has been released BECAUSE HE SHOT IN THE AIR, AND HIS BULLET BOUNCED ON A FLYING STONE!!! Not even in Thailand they would have such fantasy!



:D and I'm sure you know the full story behind that one. I don't think the cop in Pai was of the mind he was saving the masses from a bomb.

It's shameful the amount of learned expats on here who seem to condone the cop's actions. Just hope you don't end up in the same innocent/non-innocent situation. Bit tough to be all smug when faced with real life scenarios without the comfort of keyboard and monitor.

RIP lad :D

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Hmm relying on FACTS surfacing about police shooting tourists in cold blood is a dream. WAKEY WAKEY, the entire government/country has it in their best interests to cover this up and release untruths, cops murdering people is going to hurt tourism. This happens, and it will never be truthfully released, until the day someone catches one of these on video ala Rodney King style. Funny there is a thread going with all kinds of people talking about how safe Thailand is...... unbelievable.



That is sooooo true, both police and locals will going to hide it under the carpet as fastest as they can..no ones gonna talk about it..By the way if you ask some locals there all they can tell you was Farang Baah maak, som nam na..

Guys, try to stay on the ground. Do you really think a Canadian Embassy would just say "oops, one citizen less in the list" and forget about it? What you are doing here is gossipping and guessing not to say inventing, based on as little as almost no information. That is as unprofessional as what you blame Thais for being.

Actually... I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO FAITH IN THE CANADIAN EMBASSY IN BANGKOK, they are incompetent, unhelpful and useless... not to mention I have never seen an actual Canadian citizen working there. Just look at their initial treatment of the tsunami victims, it wasn't until there was media pressure that they acted accordingly. I myself have been LIED to by embassy straff (a lawyer no less), of course not Canadian... but if they are in a position like that they have no business making up answers that can hurt Canadian citizens just because they want you to go away. I almost lost my work permit and year visa because of their lies which would have cost me my job and who knows how much money an time.

The only thing going for this situation (Canadian man murdered by a cop) is the large amount of international interest. Without that this case would be swept under the rug as fast as you can blink. But since it has become international we might actually see something done about it. Im hoping for the best.


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i also doubt that this reporter who works also for 'news papers' like the Sun give us a 'well-balanced' report. he makes a living of selling 'stories'

Yes, clearly an on-the-spot reporter with an eye to his word count is going to be less reliable and less furnished with anything factual than someone posting deductions from a Patong Beach internet and computer games caff.

dear mr. journalist,

no reason for being ironic here.

yes, i think he is quite a little bit sensation-seeking, and compering this case immediately with the kanchanaburi killing he give a judgment allready.

quote "... another police "loss of face" execution."

there is no questioning if the report from the girl is really the truth, is taken as fact, unproven.

hey but there are so many question why jump the police man on random on here, out of the blue? why he has his gun left on the motocycle? where was this artist fuen? and so on.

just read that. try to be in a neutral position without anyprejudice


that is far far away from any form of "well balanced" report as someone called it. at least for me, but okay there are maybe a lot of differences of a cultural, national, educational and generational background that determinds your opinion of is it 'well balanced' or not.

i call it onesided boulevard journalism and is it not the last ultimative and impartial genuine truth as a few people take it here.

it's just the view of the other side and should be also put under questioning same as the police story.

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A truly shocking case.

"Leo just said, 'Nobody hits her' and he pushed (the man) and he fell down. When he got back up he had a gun."

Leo shouted at him, 'You can't hit her!' and pushed him away from us. Then the man went to his motorbike and got his gun

A discrepency in her story. Minor, but lawyers look for these kinds of things to discredit witnesses.

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...and this event will haunt him in his dreams forever. and yes the shooting was wrong and must get a punishment for it but not from a jury like someone of you.

okay, maybe i am wrong the future will show it.

Yes you are wrong. The only thing that might haunt the murderer in his dreams will be his incompetence in missing Carly Reisig's heart by an inch. ....Get real.

okay, i see you know a lot about the police and so, how thai police man buy his fancy gun from his first corruption money and so. and later is willing to kill, unscrupulous. and than at night time when the police man is in his 'typical' behaivior of getting drunk and ready to jump on a random person in favour of 'painted' face farang woman just to perform a execution on her ex boyfriend. why he have his gun on his motobike and not on his belt? is that typical or a-typical?

how you can be so sure that the police officer in that case is a cold blooded murderer and didn't just had a weak minute of freak out with tragical results he will ever regret?

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Calgary Sun

8 January 2008

Would you hesitate travelling abroad after a Calgary man was shot to death in Thailand?




Calgary man called hero

The Calgary man shot to death by an off-duty Thai police officer is being touted as a hero for defending a female friend.

Full Story

Woman Says Pal Saved Her

Front page photo


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What you have missed is that bail is automatically granted to police charged with any crime except murdering other police or somehow causing grave offence to a senior policeman or other very influential Thai. They are allowed to use their position as surety and don't need to post any cash or assets. The police know perfectly well that none of the three shots were fired by accident and they don't share our outrage at this heinous crime against foreigners with no influential connections. None of that wouldn't have entered into their thinking in recommending bail to the court. What they were thinking about is how to cover up this embarrassing crime which might cause trouble for the station commander and other colleagues and how to prevent any more nasty facts surfacing about their activities as a result of the unwelcome spotlight on their small precinct. The best way to do this is close ranks and let the killer roam around freely intimidating witnesses and concocting his story. You have seen this over and over again if you have been here for any length of time. Ask Chalerm how it is done by a top practioner. He may soon be in charge of the police again, so his view is particularly relevant......

Arkady, it is a pleasure to read a poster who understands how things work in Thailand. Another point to make is that often the police officers, as well as Amphoe officials, are stationed to the more isolated smaller towns like Pai in response to misdeeds elsewhere. Although with all the money that has flowed into Pai over the past decade, Pai may now actually attract some bureaucrats, but not for the best of reasons.

And yes, the ex-pat community, as well as the entire Thai nation, should be more concerned about Chalerm than this isolated incident.

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how you can be so sure that the police officer in that case is a cold blooded murderer and didn't just had a weak minute of freak out with tragical results he will ever regret?

Head shot, heart shot, (almost) heart shot.

Doesn't sound like a weak moment to me.

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Sincere condolences to the bereaved family. Having seen many crazy farangs for 4 years in Thailand I am sometimes sceptical about there account of certain events, not anymore.

About 3 years ago myself and a friend were having a late night swift one ,at about 02.30, in a rather tame go go bar. There was us 2 and a thai customer,who was getting all the attention from the 4 young dancers.

When we looked more closely we could see the customer was a policeman in a white t shirt and brown pants(undercover). The pretty young girls smelt our wallets and paid less attention to the policeman and more to us. This understanderbly enraged the copper to a point where he put his hand on his hip above his gun. A gesture we brushed off unwisely.

The next moment one of the dancers said' you go now'. Turning around to see who we had offended it was a shock , to put it midly, to see the copper's revolver now on the table in front of him.

Believe me adrenalin leaves a hel_l of a stain in your shorts. Walking out we tried not to make eye contact but the to$$er was laughing his arse off at us and waving his finger in a gun gesture.

Still having a little testosterone in us we sat quietly outside finishing our beers. About 10 minutes later the c..t walked, sorry fell out, to his car with his crown whisky in hand.

The worrying thing about all this is that stories like these will be occuring tonite.

If the policeman is guilty of murdering the canadian and trying to murder his friend the leader of this country should urge for the death penalty in the same way Thaksin did for the immigrant workers who killed the welsh girl in Samui

Send a message to everybody, policeman must answer for their crimes. The next BIB will think twice before murdering innocent people

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What you have missed is that bail is automatically granted to police charged with any crime except murdering other police or somehow causing grave offence to a senior policeman or other very influential Thai. They are allowed to use their position as surety and don't need to post any cash or assets. The police know perfectly well that none of the three shots were fired by accident and they don't share our outrage at this heinous crime against foreigners with no influential connections. None of that wouldn't have entered into their thinking in recommending bail to the court. What they were thinking about is how to cover up this embarrassing crime which might cause trouble for the station commander and other colleagues and how to prevent any more nasty facts surfacing about their activities as a result of the unwelcome spotlight on their small precinct. The best way to do this is close ranks and let the killer roam around freely intimidating witnesses and concocting his story. You have seen this over and over again if you have been here for any length of time. Ask Chalerm how it is done by a top practioner. He may soon be in charge of the police again, so his view is particularly relevant......

Arkady, it is a pleasure to read a poster who understands how things work in Thailand. Another point to make is that often the police officers, as well as Amphoe officials, are stationed to the more isolated smaller towns like Pai in response to misdeeds elsewhere. Although with all the money that has flowed into Pai over the past decade, Pai may now actually attract some bureaucrats, but not for the best of reasons.

And yes, the ex-pat community, as well as the entire Thai nation, should be more concerned about Chalerm than this isolated incident.

I mean what type of country would have the likes of Chalerm in the position they are touting for him?

His son executed a police officer in front of witnesses, then did a runner then found not guilty.

The rest of the clan have been involved in trouble from Phuket in the south and all stations north.

Really - which other modern civilised democracy who wanted a place on the world stage would allow this ilk to a position like that?

It will be really great for the whole of Thailand when the sons appear on the party list.

Decent countries should deny the whole family visitor visa's if they ever want to go there - they need the loss of face badly

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how you can be so sure that the police officer in that case is a cold blooded murderer and didn't just had a weak minute of freak out with tragical results he will ever regret?

Head shot, heart shot, (almost) heart shot.

Doesn't sound like a weak moment to me.

These morally lost apologists disgust me almost as much as the Thai's doing to covering up - it is some deep seated inferiority complex they have they have to toady and grovel?

A weak moment indeed - I think the name "permanent disorder" may be apt and he is a care in the community chap on the run from his mental health worker in the UK

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Calgarian died defending friend from Thai officer

Gwendolyn Richards, Calgary Herald

Published: Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A Canadian woman who was shot in Thailand says her best friend was protecting her when he was killed by an off-duty police officer.

In an interview from her intensive care bed at Chiang Mai Ram Hospital, Carly Reisig said she was walking home Saturday night with her friend, Calgarian Leo Del Pinto, when a man approached them and punched her in the face.

"Leo just said, 'Nobody hits her' and he pushed (the man) and he fell down," Reisig said. "When he got back up, he had a gun."

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Font:****Del Pinto, 25, tried to disarm the attacker, she said.

"The man got control of the gun, pointed it at Leo and shot him in the head and chest."

He then turned to her.

"He pointed it directly at my heart and shot" about an inch away from her chest.

Reisig said she looked over and saw her friend dead on the ground, with blood everywhere, then blacked out.

She awoke in the hospital, choking on the blood that filled her lungs.

The 24-year-old was later rushed to a hospital in Chiang Mai, about four hours away from the rural town of Pai, where the incident occurred.

On Monday, Sgt. Uthai Dechawiwat was charged with premeditated murder and attempted murder, but was allowed to walk free while the case is under investigation after promising not to tamper with witnesses.

Del Pinto's family is calling on the Canadian government to pressure authorities in Thailand to fully investigate the case.

"We believe this is a cold-blooded killing and we want this person brought to justice," said Del Pinto family friend Ross Fortune.

Del Pinto's parents and twin older sisters question the validity of Thai officials working on the case and have been "aggressive" with Canadian officials to pressure the Thai government to get the straight story of how the tragedy unfolded.

No official answers to their questions have been forthcoming, Fortune said.

Reuters reported that witnesses told police Dechawiwat had been asked to stop a fight between Del Pinto and Reisig.

Reisig said the pair had not been fighting.

Dechawiwat turned himself in after what he said was an accident.

"Since he has surrendered after the shootout, we let him go free after informing him of charges of murder and attempted murder," Pai police chief Wanchai Suwanrirkate told Reuters.

The family is reeling from reports the police officer may have been out on bail for another incident.

"We obviously feel some frustration and anger with this individual if that is the case," said Fortune, who is engaged to one of Del Pinto's sisters.

Del Pinto had arrived in Thailand three days before the shooting.

Reisig didn't see him for the first two days after he arrived, but they met up on Saturday night.

"I was really excited to see him because he's my best friend," Reisig said.

The friends had known each other for about three years.

"I love him," she added, breaking down in tears.

As they walked home from a bar they were talking about how different their lives have been, hers in Thailand, his in Canada.

Along with a painful recovery, Reisig faces a future without her best friend and questions that have no obvious answers at this point.

"We had no weapons on us. We were just two kids walking down the road, so happy to see each other. Someone took away everything," she said.

"He said nothing. There was no reason for it."

Across the Pacific in Chilliwack, B.C., Reisig's parents are also struggling, and find themselves caught in a quagmire of questions with no one to turn to for answers.

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Font:****"We haven't found out a lot of stuff yet," said Reisig's mother, Suzanne, who first learned what happened when she got a phone call from Reisig in the hospital.

"She told me she was in the hospital and that she had been shot and that Leo had been killed," Suzanne said.

Since then, the family has received no help. They contacted the embassy in Thailand and were given a case number and also spoke with a woman at the consulate.

The Department of Foreign Affairs said they are aware a Canadian citizen was shot.

"Officials in Bangkok are offering consular assistance and are also in contact with local authorities," said ministry spokesman Bernard Nguyen.

But consular assistance is only offered after it has been requested, he explained.

Suzanne Reisig says she wants answers.

"I want to know what happened. Why did this policeman shoot this innocent couple? They weren't arguing. Even if they were, since when does a cop just start killing people? Tourists that were minding their own business."

She said the toughest part is that her daughter is so far away.

"She's in shock. This has been very traumatizing for her. She's by herself," Suzanne told the Herald.

Reisig has been in Thailand for about a year, travelling around. Originally from Chilliwack, she was living in Vancouver before she made the trip to Asia.

She and Del Pinto met in Vancouver, Suzanne said.

While Suzanne hadn't met Del Pinto, her daughter had talked about him.

"He was just a very polite, well mannered, non confrontational. . . . One of the nicest people she had met."

[email protected]

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It's 'funny' how so many of these cowardly attacks on foreigners here in Thailand invariably involve a young attractive female(s):

1. Jomtien beach last year. Two very attractive young single women shot dead in what was essentially a summary execution. A young Thai male was set-up for the hit. Motive - robbery - even though their mobile phones and personal valuables remained intact.

2. Kanchanaburi - three years ago. Again another two young westerners shot dead by a vicious piece of scum - a policeman - for no good reason. Shot - execution style - in the road like dogs.

3. Katherine Horton - strolling along the beach - alone - talking to her mother on her mobile and again viciously attacked by two young fishermen thugs. Sexual motive.

4. Japanese female tourist 'robbed' and murdered at Sukothai a few months ago.

5. Last year - a lone Thai female had the temerity to spurn the drunken advances of three drunken off-duty policemen in Saraburi. They persued her outside the hotel and cut her arm off in their crazed and drunken fury for defying their advances.

6. Kirsty Jones - Chiang Mai - murdered - prime suspect - a local Chiang Mai policeman.

7. Two western women viciously attacked whilst sat in a tuk-tuk in the Banglamphu area a couple of years ago. Both spent several weeks in hospital recuperating from their serious injuries. No reporting of this in either the Post or the Nation.

8. Sherry - Ann - Duncan case - Bangkok - about sixteen years ago - was reportedly a mia noi - and killed by a very influential Patpong madam - Sherry-Ann was purportedly having an affair with her husband. Bangkok police again implicated in the murder.

Edited by bulmercke
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I don't think any of the involved parties are telling the whole truth. While the cop's story is obviously ridiculous, the girl's story that they were quietly walking and minding their own business only to have a Thai man jump out of the bushes and start punching her face for no reason doesn't seem likely either.

It was mentioned somewhere that the girl had painted her face? Probably wrong color of the day which might have upset the policeman.

I know monday is yellow shirt wearing day but no clue what's the deal with face paint. Sometimes you see thai women on the street with white paint or cream on their face but I've never seen any other color. Maybe the girl had painted her face yellow who knows.

Best to send Andrew Drummond to investigate this angle.

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...and this event will haunt him in his dreams forever. and yes the shooting was wrong and must get a punishment for it but not from a jury like someone of you.

okay, maybe i am wrong the future will show it.

Yes you are wrong. The only thing that might haunt the murderer in his dreams will be his incompetence in missing Carly Reisig's heart by an inch. ....Get real.

okay, i see you know a lot about the police and so, how thai police man buy his fancy gun from his first corruption money and so. and later is willing to kill, unscrupulous. and than at night time when the police man is in his 'typical' behaivior of getting drunk and ready to jump on a random person in favour of 'painted' face farang woman just to perform a execution on her ex boyfriend. why he have his gun on his motobike and not on his belt? is that typical or a-typical?

how you can be so sure that the police officer in that case is a cold blooded murderer and didn't just had a weak minute of freak out with tragical results he will ever regret?

You are so outrageous I dont even know where to begin, reading your posts is like listening to fingernails screeching down a chalkboard.

Freak out in a weak moment?! MURDER is not a weak moment! 3 well placed bullets is not a weak moment! My god you are one of those people that would forgive and forget anything and desperately find ways to explain away anything wouldnt you? I assume people like you do this to make yourselves feel better and safer in a "not as nice" world than the one you think you live in. If you can explain everything away than there really aren't any bad people in the world, just misguided or scared freaked out people that sometimes make mistakes.. oops! I am extremely curious how easily you would make excuses and forgive someone that murdered your own wife or daughter?

Ever regret? Do you know ANYTHING about Thailand? The police have killed thousands. Do you really truly believe they actually regret it? The only thing they regret is if they are punished, then they regret getting caught. I GARAUNTEE this cop is regretting missing the womans heart by 2 CENTIMETERS! If she had died the lies the police have put forward would be accepted as fact and there would be NO repercussions to the murders. But since she has survived (TOO BAD FOR THE COP) there is now someone to discount the police lies and justice might be done. If she is lucky.


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Andrew Drummond, the reporter of The Nation article and the interview of Carly Reisig does work for a lot publications particularly in the UK. His stories show up in the Daily Telegraph as well as the Sun. Most foreign correspondents here do business reporting but Drummond is one of the few that do human interest stories mainly involving Brits. From what I have seen of his work his reporting and research are pretty top notch and he is not scared to report stories that some people here might not like. He has received several death threats in the past and was badly beaten up while doing a story on the Pattaya mafia.

Yes, I agree with that. I don't know him personally. But look at the difference in the reports. I mean even if you think he's tarting it up, the quotes speak for themselves versus the other weak rubbish passing as journalism.

There was a post above a few pages back that said Drummond is sensationalist. I can't mention the poster's name due to forum rules - how "convenient" - but I wonder if that poster is friends of Boyz, Boyz, Boys - the place where Drummond really made his mark over the death of some kid nearby? I don't know - I just 'wonder'. Anyway, whomever, they nearly chased him out of the country and yes I recall he reported death threats too. Who knows..

But let common sense be the judge here. Why isn't there more 'real' news reporting? People are just scared I reckon. Oh, by the way, in case you didn't know - one of the banned occupations here for a foreigner is 'domestic' journalist - has to be a Thai. Now why is that you ask?

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...and this event will haunt him in his dreams forever. and yes the shooting was wrong and must get a punishment for it but not from a jury like someone of you.

okay, maybe i am wrong the future will show it.

Yes you are wrong. The only thing that might haunt the murderer in his dreams will be his incompetence in missing Carly Reisig's heart by an inch. ....Get real.

okay, i see you know a lot about the police and so, how thai police man buy his fancy gun from his first corruption money and so. and later is willing to kill, unscrupulous. and than at night time when the police man is in his 'typical' behaivior of getting drunk and ready to jump on a random person in favour of 'painted' face farang woman just to perform a execution on her ex boyfriend. why he have his gun on his motobike and not on his belt? is that typical or a-typical?

how you can be so sure that the police officer in that case is a cold blooded murderer and didn't just had a weak minute of freak out with tragical results he will ever regret?

This does happen like the Chiang Mai traffic cop who in the heat of the moment shot dead a motorist who insulted him but, like him, they are expected to turn the gun on themselves immediately afterwards when they realise the awfulness of what they have done. This guy was deliberately looking for trouble with the foreign couple and did his best to make sure both were dead after his "momentary lapse of self control" was over. Since he was allegedly out on bail for another offence, it would be interesting to know what other tragic incidents he is currently spending a lifetime regretting.

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It's telling that Reisig said she had her face painted up. This is a bit like taking your shirt off in a public place here in Thailand or acting in what would otherwise be perceived - by Thais - as acting and/or behaving in an abnormal or un-natural manner i.e. not seen to be complying by the unwritten rules that govern and maintain Thai society.

You will draw attention to yourself.

This is a jungle - and if you are different or are perceived as being different then you've got to be dealt with - you are a natural target - everyone will understand this!

This is a conformist and feudal society. There are few outward expressions of 'individual' behaviour or character. Emotions - feelings - actions are deliberately hidden and subdued.

Undoubtedly, these poor unfortunate westerners may have been unwittingly and inadvertently drawing attention to themselves - and from the wrong murderous quarters!

I hope the Thai cop hangs from the balls for this dreadful crime.

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