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My luk kreung son is now 2 years and 6 months old and is looking to get into the modelling profession for magazines, etc. He's done a little print work already and is eager to do more. Anyone with any connections for magazines or other media looking for handsome young little ones?

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My luk kreung son is now 2 years and 6 months old and is looking to get into the modelling profession for magazines, etc. He's done a little print work already and is eager to do more. Anyone with any connections for magazines or other media looking for handsome young little ones?

So..... he's 2 1/2 years old and he's 'looking' and 'eager' is he?

Or is it you who is 'looking' and 'eager'.

You wannabe luk kreung parents are unbelievable.

Why don't you buy a pedigree dog and show him?

...and let the kid have a normal life, for God's sake!! :o


My daughter did a soap commercial a year or so ago. We didn't get paid a cent & had to provide our own transport. :o

Sorry - no contacts other than those competitions inside magazines. :D


All a bit of a lark really. Duaghter enjoyed herself immensley on the days outing. :D

My luk kreung son is now 2 years and 6 months old and is looking to get into the modelling profession for magazines, etc. He's done a little print work already and is eager to do more. Anyone with any connections for magazines or other media looking for handsome young little ones?

So..... he's 2 1/2 years old and he's 'looking' and 'eager' is he?

Or is it you who is 'looking' and 'eager'.

You wannabe luk kreung parents are unbelievable.

Why don't you buy a pedigree dog and show him?

...and let the kid have a normal life, for God's sake!! :o

You sound resentful, I feel compassion; let's be friends!

My luk kreung son is now 2 years and 6 months old and is looking to get into the modelling profession for magazines, etc. He's done a little print work already and is eager to do more. Anyone with any connections for magazines or other media looking for handsome young little ones?

So..... he's 2 1/2 years old and he's 'looking' and 'eager' is he?

Or is it you who is 'looking' and 'eager'.

You wannabe luk kreung parents are unbelievable.

Why don't you buy a pedigree dog and show him?

...and let the kid have a normal life, for God's sake!! :o

You sound resentful, I feel compassion; let's be friends!

I have raised two beautiful Leuk kreung daughters, and the furthest thing from my mind was to put them in front of cameras to earn a few bucks.

The elder daughter is a happily married and my 'baby' daughter has just obtained a first class degree from a top UK university. Both are well adjusted, loving daughters and I couldn't have asked for more.

Resentful? If you ever met them you would know that I only have love and happiness.

Please don't use your kids to indulge your private fantasies. Let them have a normal life.


Sorry Sunrise, but I have to agree with Mobi.

I have 2 beautiful Leuk kreung daughters too and your post does rather sound like you want to earn some money out of your child.

Perhaps that was not your intent, I hope not, but that is the way it reads I am afraid. A 2 1/2 year old cannot possibly be "looking to get into the modelling profession for magazines", c'mon.......

I hope you just phrased this badly :o


OK, I'll level with you. I'm lazy. I mean honestly really really lazy. The last thing I want is to drive from Hua Hin up to Bangkok to go some cattle call for toddlers. My wife is interested and said to me, "why don't you ask on TV if anyone has any contacts?" I said I couldn't do it, that it will only get negative comments from negative people. She said, "just go ahead and do it." I was right.

Actually, against my wishes, we went up to Amarin Publishing on the date of the mock election and spent a wonderful day there shooting a little pirate scene for the Feb. Real Parenting mag. I hate to admit it, but it was fun for all of us. They are such wonderful people there working at Amarin and it is so paranoid of some of you to assume that exposure to these rather creative office girls a couple times a year is going to psychologically damage the kid!


Not exactly a young one, but my teenage son was approached by an agent and got some modeling jobs in the Kingdom. But understand that "attractive" or "beautiful" luuk khreung kids are a dime a dozen these days. Pay is fairly modest unless you hit the lottery and snag a TV commercial gig. In the end, for very young children it is an ego trip for the parents. For older kids like my son, it was an easy way to make 500 baat for an easy hour of work to be spent in the clubs the next weekend evening.


Come on, for kids that age just about anything new is fun, and they will like the attention.

I wouldn't bother myself, really, unless somone had a clear and present offer but really why the need to flame the original poster in such a vicious way?


there was this american guy who was mc at a new year party at a well known hotel in cm last year, he couldn't stop talking about his 2-3 year old who had been in the background of a tv commerical, even when people said "we don't give a sh....", he continued .... my god, I just feel sad for such people, and even more sad for the poor kid.

OK, I'll level with you. I'm lazy. I mean honestly really really lazy. The last thing I want is to drive from Hua Hin up to Bangkok to go some cattle call for toddlers. My wife is interested and said to me, "why don't you ask on TV if anyone has any contacts?" I said I couldn't do it, that it will only get negative comments from negative people. She said, "just go ahead and do it." I was right.

Actually, against my wishes, we went up to Amarin Publishing on the date of the mock election and spent a wonderful day there shooting a little pirate scene for the Feb. Real Parenting mag. I hate to admit it, but it was fun for all of us. They are such wonderful people there working at Amarin and it is so paranoid of some of you to assume that exposure to these rather creative office girls a couple times a year is going to psychologically damage the kid!

Not negative people. You were wrong. Only concerned parents (thus far) have responded.

If it was fun for the kid fine, a one off, but a 2 1/2 year old "looking to get into the modelling profession for magazines" and are "eager to do more" . They just don't do it do they?. See your original post.

So, why do you want the contacts to do it again and again if you are , as you said, really really lazy?? That, I am afraid, comes across as the believable bit.

Try again...... :o

OK, I'll level with you. I'm lazy. I mean honestly really really lazy. The last thing I want is to drive from Hua Hin up to Bangkok to go some cattle call for toddlers. My wife is interested and said to me, "why don't you ask on TV if anyone has any contacts?" I said I couldn't do it, that it will only get negative comments from negative people. She said, "just go ahead and do it." I was right.

Actually, against my wishes, we went up to Amarin Publishing on the date of the mock election and spent a wonderful day there shooting a little pirate scene for the Feb. Real Parenting mag. I hate to admit it, but it was fun for all of us. They are such wonderful people there working at Amarin and it is so paranoid of some of you to assume that exposure to these rather creative office girls a couple times a year is going to psychologically damage the kid!

Not negative people. You were wrong. Only concerned parents (thus far) have responded.

If it was fun for the kid fine, a one off, but a 2 1/2 year old "looking to get into the modelling profession for magazines" and are "eager to do more" . They just don't do it do they?. See your original post.

So, why do you want the contacts to do it again and again if you are , as you said, really really lazy?? That, I am afraid, comes across as the believable bit.

Try again...... :o

As I've clearly said, it's my wife who wants the contact numbers. Hopefully, I'll be out flying the plane or taking the boat out while she's braving BKK traffic. I'd say there's a good chance I'll end up sacrificing a day or two. Oh well. Life goes on. My father was an actor and as has been suggested it would be fun on an ego level to show him a mag with his only grandson's picture in it. The little tyke is featured in a brochure for a new Hua Hin development.

Obviously, there was a bit of humor in the original post. Sorry, some folks are out seeing child abuse whereever possible.


I'm really embarrassed that my wife is going to wake up to ask if anyone responded to her request. It's hard to explain to Thais why we farang are so negative and mean-spirited all the time. Well, I guess that's why we moved here in the first place, isn't it?

Obviously, there was a bit of humor in the original post. Sorry, some folks are out seeing child abuse whereever possible.

Not abuse.

Just inappropriate, short sighted and self gratifying parenting.

First it was the kid who was dead keen to do this.

Now it's the wife's fault. Oh dear !


And now it's to boost Granddad's ego :o

I'm really embarrassed that my wife is going to wake up to ask if anyone responded to her request. It's hard to explain to Thais why we farang are so negative and mean-spirited all the time. Well, I guess that's why we moved here in the first place, isn't it?

I suggest you explain to your wife that us mean spirited negative farangs do not approve of a mother who wishes to massage her own ego at the expense of a little child who is far to young to know what he wants.


I have to agree with Mobi, and plus you have to be careful that this "pushing" and need for your offspring to be in the limelight doesn't roll off into other areas of your child's development. Let them be kids!

My farang daughter was asked to do a commercial for a well known international brand along with another farang boy (3 years ago). At the time she was 2 and I said no as she already wasn't happy being such an attention receiver in Thailand because of her looks even at that young age. Anyway our friend's little boy was older (6) and they agreed to do it. They told us after they wished they hadn't. Unlike in the UK where there are rights about how long a child can work without a break etc this production (despite being an international brand) just kept filming and asking for a new take even though the little boy was way past amused and verging on tears. My friends were devestated that they had put him through that when they thought it would be fun. Yes it was fun for the first few takes but after being told to hold the product and do this or that one more time for the 50th take is just too much for a child on so many levels. At the least they are bored or irritated and at the worst you are knocking their self esteem that they just can't do something right.

If you take your child onto castings they will hear that they don't have the right look, aren't tall enough short enough fat enough...whatever it is. Basically you are asking your young child to be measured for competition. Keep them home and amongst family where they can learn they are just enough as they are. Then they will have the confidence to go out and soar aka Mobi's post.


thaiclan, nice to see we agree on child rearing, even if we differ on the rights of motorcyclists :o


Your family, your decision.

I dearly suggest to not let a bunch of negative Farangs on a forum get the better of you. I saw the OP phrasing for what it was, a humorous way of phrasing it. (And now even after you've stated it was an attempt at humour, people are STILL flaming you. )

I think that's sad, but fortunately it's your family that nobody else has any say over. Just let them be and move on to other ways of finding information. Frankly if this is something the Mrs likes to do, then let her do the footwork.


I think some responses are a tad harsh.

My son is nearly 2 years old, and it has been mentioned before that he is very photogenic. If done right, then what harm would it be to spend a few hours here or there having some pictures taken.

Here is a link to a lady in Phuket who runs a very professional set up: http://visionmodel-thailand.com/



Well, my son and daughter have both done a TV commercial for a major brand each.

My sons commercial was done over 3 days and we ALL had a ball, except for the early mornings. At 3yo he was provided with transport to and from, a personal assistant to look after his every need, she brought him trays full of drinks of various flavours and descriptions to choose from whenever he looked thirsty and an umbrella for shade.

He had a sleep break when required and the crew sat around waiting for him to wake up.

He was paid very well for it, for Thailand I believe and I put that cash away for him to grow.

My daughters was a one day shoot from memory inside in a studio and she was much younger and still treated very well, she was even provided with a body double for the nudey shots.

I had no problem with it, they had no problem with it and I loved seeing my kids on TV, in supermarkets and a couple of magazines. His grandma upcountry and the entire clan sat around the TV waiting for it to come on the first night it was due for show. It brought a lot of fun and joy to many, including my son who laughed uncontrollably when he saw himself on telly.

Whats more, we have a copy of it all on disc, plus the product packaging and the magazines for them to look at one day when they are adults.

We have not followed it up anymore, apart from attending a couple of screenings over the last 2 years that we were invited to attend.

Both times they were approached by an agent in a shopping mall and asked to attend a screening for these particualr commercials and they got picked.

Dont over analise it and if they want to do it again, let em. I told my son if he wants to do it some more he can and he can get the money to buy a go-kart....or 2, one for daddy also.

Sorry Sunrise, but I have to agree with Mobi.

I have 2 beautiful Leuk kreung daughters too and your post does rather sound like you want to earn some money out of your child.

Perhaps that was not your intent, I hope not, but that is the way it reads I am afraid. A 2 1/2 year old cannot possibly be "looking to get into the modelling profession for magazines", c'mon.......

I hope you just phrased this badly :D

I have two 'look kreung' daughters. The elder one(5) is very eager to be a model/singer/dancer and I don't stand in her way.

I know "little sunrise07" and heard him say that he loved his modelling.

Why do some posters think it's about the money? Couldn't be farthest from the truth - sunrise07 and myself have a monthly income of over 1 million baht( oh no I'm sounding like Bendix!).

Not boasting but to show it's not about the money.

My friend's daughter is a professional model and loves it. I think that there's nothing wrong with that career as long as they attend bi-weekly mettings at NA.

When I was younger, my parents refused to have me do modeling for advertising firms. I would have been very happy if they had let me, put the cash into a bank account and given it to me when I was 36. Us beautiful people should make the most of our good looks :o

I would have been very happy if they had let me, put the cash into a bank account and given it to me when I was 36.

In a perfect world..... :o and definately not a day before - even though all of us knew everything at the age of 18 and one day.


You know, I really appreciate all the comments on this thread and many of them have changed my philosophy towards child-rearing. I've had a complete reversal on this modelling issue. I don't want him being spoiled and hanging out with Bangkok hi-so and god-forbid Thai-Chinese people. Mobi is exactly right - modelling is about ego, ego, ego no matter how you look at it. My son desperately needs to be involved in more humbling work.

Anyway, we started him today working with a masonry crew on a construction project down the road. He'll be doing manual labor working 12 hours a day mixing mortar and carrying bricks. I do feel a sense of shame regarding previously exposing him to the dangers of the modelling industry and I'm now proud of his new life. He will start kindergarten in a few years and will probably have to cut down on the hours of manual labor, but at least a good work ethic and proper manly values will have been instilled by then. If he doesn't excel at school, we'll take his little butt out of there and commit him full time to the rigors of manual labor. I'll have no pansy girly modelling world around my little man!

Does anyone have any contacts for structural steel contractors in Bangkok that might be interested in hiring a 2 1/2 year old boy who can get into tight places that a 40 kilogram Burmese teenager couldn't dream of squeezing?


or how about not having him work at all & enjoying a childhood of play & freedom, plenty of dress up & make beleive games a child with imigination can do without the need for a professional camera crew :o

Sorry Sunrise, but I have to agree with Mobi.

I have 2 beautiful Leuk kreung daughters too and your post does rather sound like you want to earn some money out of your child.

Perhaps that was not your intent, I hope not, but that is the way it reads I am afraid. A 2 1/2 year old cannot possibly be "looking to get into the modelling profession for magazines", c'mon.......

I hope you just phrased this badly :D

I have two 'look kreung' daughters. The elder one(5) is very eager to be a model/singer/dancer and I don't stand in her way.

I know "little sunrise07" and heard him say that he loved his modelling.

Why do some posters think it's about the money? Couldn't be farthest from the truth - sunrise07 and myself have a monthly income of over 1 million baht( oh no I'm sounding like Bendix!).

Not boasting but to show it's not about the money. Money corrupts - the more you have, the more you want.

My friend's daughter is a professional model and loves it. I think that there's nothing wrong with that career as long as they attend bi-weekly mettings at NA.

When I was younger, my parents refused to have me do modeling for advertising firms. I would have been very happy if they had let me, put the cash into a bank account and given it to me when I was 36. Us beautiful people should make the most of our good looks :o

I agree with other posters, it's absolutely shameful sending a 2 year old in front of the cameras irrespective of whether it's to satisfy, need, greed, ego or whatever.

or how about not having him work at all & enjoying a childhood of play & freedom, plenty of dress up & make beleive games a child with imigination can do without the need for a professional camera crew

Now where's the fun in that.. :o

Or do you seriously believe that having a camera crew around is in any way different for having any other set of people around to a 2-3 year old?

I really cannot understand why this topic seems to make people want to spew such negativity. I do have some thoughts on that, though..

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