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My luk kreung son is now 2 years and 6 months old and is looking to get into the modelling profession for magazines, etc.

awesome..when I was 2 I was looking into forex and derivatives markets, I really had my mind made up early..hahaha.

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I'll repeat again that my experience at Amarin was characterized by interaction with wonderful Thais on a beautiful Buddhadasa-inspired campus. You people are reading something into this that just isn't there.

I highly recommend that folks pick up a copy of Real Parenting magazine, that's what we are discussing here. Or any of the kids and parenting mags available in Thailand. Kids are a very important part of Thai culture and this suggestion that no kids should appear in editorial photos and all photos of kids should be removed from all publications is absurd. I wish the culture I came from had more interest and respect for children.

The kid on the cover of this magazine has to belong to somebody.

Thanks, Dr. Burrito. A simple answer to a very simple question! You are my hero!

I have to say that my wife has learned a lot about farangs from this thread; and she thought some of my friends were uptight. After reading some of the responses from humorless depressives on TV she's changed her mind.

:D:o couldnt agree more

Most kids would love to see themselves on TV or in a magazine, If they want to do it what’s the problem.


Everything you do and expose your child to affects WHO they are. Having a few snaps taken on one fun "family day with turtles and water and beautiful garden oh did I mention the turtles again :o " is not the problem. Its the intrepid rolling out for castings and new portfoilio shoots that really does the damage. When a child is told that they have a casting for say the Nestle milk brand, and then they DONT secure it, they will ask why or worse they will hear why. "Too short, not caucasian enough or Thai enough, looks too old/young" whatever the reason (and valid in a business marketing sense) changes who your child is. Children at age 2-8 are of a unique and critical stage of development. At this age it is not what your conscious remembers that is important, so the child may very well remember the turtles, but their subconscious may remember how proud they made their parents, based on not who they are or what they can do but on what they look like. Self esteem is a fragility that needs handling with care, and self esteem is developed in the youngest of childhood years.

For the past decade I have counselled women who work or who have worked in the sex industry throughout Europe. There is a phenomenal weighted majority of those women (I don't counsel men) who were required to "perform" (gymnastics, modelling, acting, dancing)in their young childhood and felt adoration and pride and ACCEPTANCE the most when doing this. Especially daughters from their fathers. Most certaintly their parents were confident they were doing no harm and loved their child so much in order to take the time for their "gift". The result from the sub conscious however is very different yet very clear. I am not enough for WHO I am, and cannot just BE because adoration, pride and acceptance comes from being the prettiest, the loveliest and worse still the one who always does as they are told. Thats exactly the same feeling the woman gets aged 25 being selected for a porn flick, or from an escort agencies books. She WON that round, she must be the best. She is happy and confident in the "game" even though it makes her sad.

Of course not ALL child models or actors end up involved in the sex or drug industries. Many don't, and most childhood performers rarely make it to adult success. At the end of the day it is all about intention and judgement. What are you trying to say when you take the steps to put your child in a magazine? Why does it give you more pleasure to see that than say teaching them to throw a ball or hike in a new forest or invent a new card game? There are always further reasons for our actions, and as parents its important to discover these before they affect our children.

Yes there is a NEED for child representatives in the media. Rather than bash the parents who choose this route it would be more useful to arm the parents with knowledge (via opinions and advice) and then help them steer clear of the worst of the photographers/companies, and support them to give their child a whole-child childhood.

Disgust, adoration, jealousy, envy, disdain or contempt have no use at all. Constructive advice leads to greater knowledge. Knowledge is Power!

You can only DO better if you KNOW better.

And dont forget there is only one beautiful child in the world - and every mother has it.


After careful consideration and wise counsel from TV members of the pros and cons of exposing my dear son to the likes of Amarin Publishing, I've decided to stick my son in a high elevation structural steel welding program and just pray he doesn't get into the sex industry like all those poor European women do.


thaiclan, I couldn't have put it better myself.

It is stange how the "pro" camp always comes out with flippant, juvenile comments every time a well reasoned argument, based on actual knowledge and experience is posted, expressing the opposing view.

C'est la vie! :o

But understand that "attractive" or "beautiful" luuk khreung kids are a dime a dozen these days. Pay is fairly modest unless you hit the lottery and snag a TV commercial gig. In the end, for very young children it is an ego trip for the parents.

I totally agree with you there Johpa. Theres so many average looking farangs in Thailand these day's spawning beautiful children and too many parents looking for an ego trip.

I was sitting in the garden of my village the other week when a friend of the misses drove past with her 2 children, the father is an American and Lek then explained to me that he shows more affection to the girl because she has a ''good nose'' where as the boy supposedly has the flat monkey nose that the Thais find asmusing. I'd expect this sort behavior from the Thais because this as we know is what they do, But to hear that this farang father rejects his child because of his Issan features and takes the same attitude made me feel like smacking him on the nose and reminding him how lucky he is. I fortunately still haven't met the bloke. :o

But understand that "attractive" or "beautiful" luuk khreung kids are a dime a dozen these days. Pay is fairly modest unless you hit the lottery and snag a TV commercial gig. In the end, for very young children it is an ego trip for the parents.

I totally agree with you there Johpa. Theres so many average looking farangs in Thailand these day's spawning beautiful children and too many parents looking for an ego trip.

I was sitting in the garden of my village the other week when a friend of the misses drove past with her 2 children, the father is an American and Lek then explained to me that he shows more affection to the girl because she has a ''good nose'' where as the boy supposedly has the flat monkey nose that the Thais find asmusing. I'd expect this sort behavior from the Thais because this as we know is what they do, But to hear that this farang father rejects his child because of his Issan features and takes the same attitude made me feel like smacking him on the nose and reminding him how lucky he is. I fortunately still haven't met the bloke. :o

I'm not sure that having our son in Real Parenting is an unhealthy ego trip. For one thing, any one can get in their magazine. They have real trouble finding parents that will take the time to come in. They just don't get that many photos sent in by parents willing to put out the effort. It's not like people are lining up to do it; it's certainly not for the money!


The thing with the 'pro's' is that you lump every kid that has been on telly or in a mag as going to have severe problems later and the parents are the ones pushin pushin all the time relentlessly.

If you want to end the arguement just come by my house and check out my well adjusted kids and ask my son himself if he wants to do it again and why, see for yourself.

The only thing we have left to do is find a school that does not mind him leaving a few hours early each week and come a little bit later than the rest of the kids in the mornings. Particulalry on the days when he has been up all night filming.

What age does the 'pro' camp recommend counselling should start to ward off the urge to join the sex industry ??


As stated "Disgust, adoration, jealousy, envy, disdain or contempt have no use at all. " It doesn't take much of an IQ to work out that not all child performers end up as sex workers - especially when the fact has been written for you to read.

I sincerely and completely hope that your young child does not get any adverse effects from being a performer - and I really mean that. Coming to your house today would make no difference whatsoever. Any damage or negative development patterns would only manifest in adolesence and/or adulthood...and by then its too late.

But really. Good luck with your decisions and all the best for your kid :-)

The thing with the 'pro's' is that you lump every kid that has been on telly or in a mag as going to have severe problems later and the parents are the ones pushin pushin all the time relentlessly.

If you want to end the arguement just come by my house and check out my well adjusted kids and ask my son himself if he wants to do it again and why, see for yourself.

The only thing we have left to do is find a school that does not mind him leaving a few hours early each week and come a little bit later than the rest of the kids in the mornings. Particulalry on the days when he has been up all night filming.

What age does the 'pro' camp recommend counselling should start to ward off the urge to join the sex industry ??

The thing with the 'pro's' is that you lump every kid that has been on telly or in a mag as going to have severe problems later and the parents are the ones pushin pushin all the time relentlessly.

If you want to end the arguement just come by my house and check out my well adjusted kids and ask my son himself if he wants to do it again and why, see for yourself.

The only thing we have left to do is find a school that does not mind him leaving a few hours early each week and come a little bit later than the rest of the kids in the mornings. Particulalry on the days when he has been up all night filming.

What age does the 'pro' camp recommend counselling should start to ward off the urge to join the sex industry ??

Great parenting that smart bloke. In my pesonal opinion it is bad form to engage children into anything that will affect their schooling. Kept awake all night filming!! Trying to get the school to accept your child will be late so they can have a lie in!! I'll tell anybody to their face that is a poor way to educate a child and it is sh*te parenting.

Whats the flipping sex industry got to do with this discussion?? Good parenting, education and happy family circumstances will enable all our children to a good start in life. Lets not forget that a vast majority of the girls and boys in the sex industry do so because they live in absolute desperation and poverty.


I bet Lukey was not in advertising as a youngster, you can tell cos nothing gets past him...no development problems there.

Still waiting for the bus to drop my kid off.

I bet Lukey was not in advertising as a youngster, you can tell cos nothing gets past him...no development problems there.

Still waiting for the bus to drop my kid off.

Congratulations Smart Bloke! You win a Cadburys Cream egg! I could'nt think of anything worse than to subject an innocent child to the Aholes of the television commercial industry. Whatever happened to Martial Arts, Football, Swimming etc?

Good luck to your kid Squigle. You sir are a dreamer.


..A good friend of mine has a 29 year old luk kreung daughter who is porn star in Europe. She earns millions and loves the job. And yes she was a child model. What's so terrible about the sex industry - if there wasn't one in Thailand, there would be 50% (at least) less luk kreungs here.


Yes...just take a look at what a fine football career can do for you....Sammy Newman !!!

It's ok, he is home now, not as late as last night. Just getting his dinner ready and then he can learn his lines for tomorrow before bed time.


we aren't really moving anywhere with this thread & as the op has received several recommendations for agents in Bangkok this can now be closed.

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