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pudgimelon, I went there on a Sunday night so what the fVuck does that have to do with it. I'm a DAV and draw a pension so what, I don't work. I did not mean any idle threats either. I'm not drugged now and think it's a "fair bet" even for me being an older guy I could handle your sorry a$$.

I shouldn't have said that I wish this on anyone else and do appologise to the rest of the forum for this. I just can't understand how people can think the way they do sometimes. I'm feeling better and the wife is taking care of the burns on my back. I made the mistake of not watching everything in a place that I do not know and do not frequent. I have gone to Nana Plaza many times (mostly when I first got here) in the 2 and 1/2 years that I have been in Thailand but since married, don't go anywhere frequently. I do appreciate the kind words from most of you but this was not my intention to get. I only posted this for everyone to be aware that this stuff does happen.

Why make threats at all? Idle or no, why bother? Are you going to track me down, stalk me, jump me in some dark alley and pound me?

No? Then why bother making asinine statements like that?

Yes? Well, if you intend that, I'd like to point out to you that it's just as illegal as getting drugged and robbed, which would make you just as bad a person as the people you're complaining about in this thread.

Either way, making threats just says, "Hey, I know you're right Pudgi, but since I'm too much of an ignorant bastard to admit my own lapses in judgment, I'm just going to puff myself up like a big baboon and beat my chest in impotent rage."

All you're doing is just proving that you're frustrated about not having the intellectual capital to invest in a true debate using WORDS, and so you're just threatening physical violence to make up for your obvious mental shortcomings (and perhaps physical "shortcomings" too? :o )

Next time, take the money you would have spent in Nana, and go buy your wife a nice present. Then spend the day at home with her, "blowing off steam" by doing a jigsaw puzzle together, playing suffleboard, knitting, or what ever it is that people YOUR AGE should be doing. Leave the go-go bars to the unmarried schmucks who are ONE-THIRD your age.

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Pudgemelion you a ###### cccrrreeep,,I'd love ta kick the crap out of you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you probably a Thai................

It's so encouraging to see that you've taken the pacifist Buddhist philosophy to heart so well during your stay in Thailand. :o

Pudgemelion you a ###### cccrrreeep,,I'd love ta kick the crap out of you
Read my comments above about the stupidity of making physical threats in an online virtual TEXT conversation. It's just juvenile and only serves to highlight the fact that you can't cut it when it comes to a mental competition.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you probably a Thai................


the golden rule is when you go to questionable places
Nana? A questionable place? Isn't that EXACTLY WHAT I SAID!?!?!!?!?!

You AGREE with me you stupid dolt. Anybody who goes to a place like Nana is asking for trouble, why else would they need buddies to "watch their back"??

pudgemelion I hope you get a taiste,,, you sanktamonious goof

I learned plenty of life lessons already (when I was in my early twenties).

And that's the difference here. I LEARNED from those life lessons, and therefore I'll never "get a taiste" (as you spell it), because I'll never (again) set foot in a place where I'd need buddies to watch my back. A beer and sex just are not worth that kind of hassle.

If I need a drink, I'd much rather get a drink from my friend's refigerator while we play some cards, and if I need sex, I'd much rather get my kicks from one single, decent woman for the rest of my natural life. Going to "questionable places" (as YOU put it) and having to put up with stupid, evil people trying to take advantage of me, just doesn't seem worthwhile.

This guy is a retiree and he STILL hasn't learned that life lesson.

Sad. Truly sad.


> Yah right. You're trying to tell me that you go to Nana

> solely for "people watching" and the "atmosphere".

Actually.. yes. Quite frankly for me I can't see any other reason. Definitely not to go grab a girl. I mean suppose for argument's sake that they would actually look appealing then I'm still happily married thankyouverymuch..

> But don't try to tell me that there are "lots" of ex-pats who

> go to Nana with purely innocent intentions.

I could introduce you to some.

> And what kind of conversations are you going to have?

> How interesting is it to talk to bargirl #175 about the same

> things you talked to bargirl #174 the night before??

You'd be surprised.

> Sounds really boring to me.

That's of course entirely possible and quite alright. Personally I find cricket and golf boring, especially when just watching someone else play it, but I readily accept that there are people who totally love it.




Why gang up on a guy that simply makes an observation? He is correct, in the fact, that if yourself in a situation where it may be possible for you to be compromised, then unfortunate things may come your way.

On the other hand, for those that chose to go out and look at the world going by, don't be judgemental of them.

There are only two things that you have to do in life. Breathe and take up physical space.

Getting out of bed in morning has risks. Walking out the door incurs more risks. Everything else is a matter of degree and how you decide to approach life.

BTW, how many posts here in this thread violate the Terms of Service Agreement you all read and agreed to abide by? You bunch of meanies! What ? You didn't read it?

> And what kind of conversations are you going to have?

> How interesting is it to talk to bargirl #175 about the same

> things you talked to bargirl #174 the night before??

You'd be surprised.

You're right, I probably am making a very broad generalization and that there may be some suprisingly intelligent and thoughtful bargirls working at Nana. I concede that possibility.

But there are also plenty of intelligent and thoughtful WOMEN in non-Western-oriented nightclubs, or restaurants, or coffee shops, or shopping malls, or bowling alleys, or theater/dance shows, or trade shows, etc.... So why go to Nana? Why put up with all the attending bulls--t (the touts, the "HEY FARANG!"-toothless skanks pretending to be bargirls and not bar-'fat-old-hags', the equally fat and useless sex-tourists, and the various scam artists, HIV+ drug-users, crooks, and other villians)?? Why put up with all that?

Seeking something of value in Nana seems akin to digging around in a pile of horse manure to find a quarter.

It just doesn't seem worth it.

I meant this a warning to people to be careful as this can truely happen to anyone.

Things sure have changed in the last 10 years. Prior to the mid-90s I was wandering around the three nightlife areas alone for years without so much as a padded bill.

Incidentally, do you speak Thai? Any reason they would think you were a tourist or new in town?

So while you may just be a "tourist" to the Social Fringe, those people LIVE there. And when you surround yourself with people who live outside the bounds of normal society, then you're pretty much asking them to f'ck you over.

:o Don't you fit this description as well, being a foreigner living in Thailand?


Geesh, I swear some of you people seem incapable of seeing the world in "shades of grey". Your view of the world is entirely "black and white".

If one person is right, then the other person MUST be wrong? And if one person is wrong then the other person MUST be right? Since when is that ever universally true??


His lack of self-awareness is truly amazing, isn't it?


Guys, Pudgi's basically a persistent, slightly verbose troll- he's 5% signal and 95% noise. Why else would he post ream after ream of ranting in response to just a few words of criticism or story? In fact, his buttons are fairly limited- if you post regarding:

1. alcohol

2. whores

3. teaching

then you attract the Pudgi monster. Treating him seriously only feeds the troll. Make fun of him, and he gets tired of it quickly (no sense of humor).



I can cleary understand pudgies view. :D I just don't agree with his conclusion. :o It appears to state that his view of the world is the only valid and logical view and everyone who disagrees is making a big (stupid) mistake.

I understand it's a safety issue. With all safety issues there are acceptable risk limits. In large corporations those limits are set by the company to promote and protect specific target interests. In a persons life those acceptable limits are set by the individual to allow the benefits they desire in their own life.

Pudgi, you should continue to be proud of what you perceive as virtues in your life. But ,please, don't expect that everyone will want to limit their lifes experiences to the same degree that you do.

If doing high risk things is a problem for any one in here. Going in/on a motor vehicle in Thailand is probably the most dangerous thing you will ever do in your entire life. Apporx 1 of every 2000 people in Thailand DIE!!! each year in traffic accidents. Can't tell how many serious injuries there are (probably greater than 1 in 500 of the population each year). I am sure this is much higher risk factor than going to ANY bar. So, if you are willing to get in a vehicle, you have no logical basis to say anything to anyone about doing dangerous stuff.

Sorry about your situation with you getting rolled. It has happened to me a couple of times around the world (although Thailand isn't one of those places). Terrible thing. Aside from living and learning how to be more careful in certain potentially hazardous situations (like driving or getting loaded around strangers) I still can't say I would do things VERY differently.

:D Coffee!!! :D


Kringle: Thanks for sharing your experience and hopefully you are all OK now and more the wiser. These situations happen all around the world and not just here in LOS, we all need to be aware of where we are and who we are surrounded by and more so when it is not our homeland. :D

Pudgimelon: It is one thing to share your point of view, but another to expect others to adhere to your standards. You show the same respect to others that you do for yourself and hence suspect that you are a troll - It appears that stalking girls in Malls is more your style! :o


You're making me cry with your threats and your angry emoticons. Stop it you big meanie![/sarcasm]

Dear me. Can we hazard a guess at mental age?

Don't go to Nana? Is that what your mum told you? Probably because you might bump into her there...


I just got an envelope today with my Thai license and one business card, nothing else in it but a name and a return address on the back of the envelope. Asked the misses to write him a letter thanking him and to ask exactly where he found them. Hopefully something will come of this and give me some more info to work with.

I am wrong to get abusive of anyone but it just sent me off the deep end when someone says things that it's like I deserved or asked for this to happen. I won't bother answering anything from the other poster as it's not worth my time. I had a friend take a picture of my back so that I could show just what these people did to me. I figure there had to be more than one involved to do this and transport me somewhere else. I really can't say what bar I was in last as I've never had this experience before. Might try asking the others on this forum if they can remember exactly where they were when it hapened or even exactly where they were when they woke up. It was a very big mistake and I have learned a valuable lesson from this. I am still a good person and my wife loves me and that's all that matters to me.



I could not understand the ones who would think of you as being wrong in this case.(if that's exactly what had happened) For those who had the queries, like me, were simply(I think) trying to get a clearer picture of what had happened. So we were just trying to understand more.(As you might see, trolls do sometimes appear here :o )

I for one feel very sorry for you. I hope you get well soon from any harms caused. I still think a report to the police would be good or unless you don't trust them(I won't blame you).

It was a very big mistake and I have learned a valuable lesson from this. I am still a good person and my wife loves me and that's all that matters to me.

Good for you mate - a very unfortunate thing that could happen to anyone - I sympathise. At least you cared enough to share it with others in the hope that it helps someone else...

Good luck to you Kringle.


A question that our "troll" never answered was where should a single guy go to in Bangkok..... be specific. Take a guy who is single, new to Bangkok, on his own, no friends, doesnt speak Thai etc.....

If he goes to a non-gogo or funny girl place will he be accepted by the Thais? Will he have a good time? Will people just look at him like he is a loser without friends? If he appraoches them will they react positively?

Or does he go to somewhere where he knows that "normally" he will be accepted, probably have a good time and a few people will make reasonable efforts at communicating in English!??

I think the main problem is that there isnt (or I havent found any) middle-ground places where a single guy can go on his own to have a good time? If these places exist please name them.


Hope you recover and I really do think that you should report this to the police as well as giving us the name of the bar where you last remember where you were.

where should a single guy go to in Bangkok..... be specific.  Take a guy who is single, new to Bangkok, on his own, no friends, doesnt speak Thai etc.....
This guy was not single, he's married. A married man should find another hobby. "People watching" (and getting hammered) in go-go bars is not the best way to treat a wife, even if she says she doesn't mind. A man should know better.

But to answer your question, there are so many non-gogo entertainment options that it would be a bit tough to specifically name a few.

I would like to point out that it's a bit narrow-minded to think that they only place (and the only way) a guy can "have a good time" is to sit in a bar drinking beer.

I've got nothing against the occassional night out, heck I used to be quite a club rat, but I just think it's rather boring to limit my options so much.

Doesn't this hypothetical guy have any other interests or hobbies? Why not seek out a group of like-minded Thai guys to hang out with and enjoy this hobby? For example, I enjoy playing cards and seeing movies. It took a little searching, but I found a group of guys who play weekly and I hang out with them on a regular basis. They don't speak English very well, but that's OK, because we all understand how the game is played. Also, I see one to two movies every week (depending on what's playing), and I'm slowly getting my girlfriend to look at movies like a film buff (grading the quality of the film, etc...).

On nights out, back when I was single, I'd hit places like Ratchada Soi 4, RCA, Mystique, etc.... A lot of times, I'd be the only Westerner in the bar, but I never felt out of place. I'm a big fan of Thai pop music, so I'd get a kick out of sending requests up to the band, and watching them react with shock to see a request for a Thai song (my Thai handwriting is quite good) from a Westerner. Quite often people would invite me to drink with them, in fact, if I want to be left alone, I definitely would not go to a bar because too many people want to hang out with me and I'd never get any peace.

Your concerns about people looking at him "like a loser without friends" and "positive reactions" and "normal acceptance", seem a bit odd to me. Thai people aren't three-headed fish-alien carnivores. They aren't going to bite your head off for approaching their table to chat. Why do you fear them? They are just normal, regular people out to have a good time.

Here's a tip: instead of looking at and judging people by ethicity, try looking at them by "type". Think about all the different "types" of people that would hang out in your favorite bar back home and then try to match the Thai people you meet up with a similar type. For example, a group of guys could be "office-buddies" or "sport-buddies", a friendly girl could be "the crazy barfly" or "the purse-sitter", etc....

I think the main problem is that there isnt (or I havent found any) middle-ground places where a single guy can go on his own to have a good time?  If these places exist please name them.

I think you need to broaden your definition of "good time", you're missing out on a lot.

And I think you need to get over your fear of Thais. They are just normal people and quite easy to get along with. Look at it this way: If you hang out in Eurotown (Sukhumvit/Silom), people will treat you with the same rude attitude they show to every farang tourist (if they even notice you). If you try out some of the mostly Thai hang-outs in the suburbs, you'll get treated like a superstar. You'll be the most popular guy in the bar and everyone will want to hang-out with you.


Good luck with your recovery Kringle, sounds like a traumatic experience.

To the people who are just adding unhelpful comments you don't desrve to be on this forum, it's a serious posting and serious thing that is being discussed here, the man was the victim of a crime, he doesn't need to be the victim of your insults too. It doesn't matter if he was in Nana or not, I know of a person drinking in Khao San Road who was drugged recently, it's out of order to put the full story here, but he did come out of it safely in the end and awoke somewhere near the airport the next day.

Nana, Khao San, or any tourist area this could happen to you, perhaps in non tourist areas as well, what I do think is important is you try to go back when you feel up to it, recognise the bar, and have it reported, as this situation with drugging people could continue to go on unchecked otherwise and somebody could end up getting seriously hurt.


I came home at 7am this morning and my girlfriend preceded to start beating on me. Punches to the face, stomach UGGGHH. I said stop hunnie,


What she said? "I was out with kringle and we got drugged and robbed, he got cigarette burns and we lost money, woke up on the street, my ass hurts, his doesn't, sorry baby I am just getting home". She said, "oh sweetie are you alright?" "Yeh baby, I'm ok..."

Kringle, I am sincerely sorry about what happen to you but I had to use your story, thanks man.

Here's a tip: instead of looking at and judging people by ethicity, try looking at them by "type". Think about all the different "types" of people that would hang out in your favorite bar back home and then try to match the Thai people you meet up with a similar type. For example, a group of guys could be "office-buddies" or "sport-buddies", a friendly girl could be "the crazy barfly" or "the purse-sitter", etc....

You are right, let me start by looking at your "type". I can wrap it up in one word:

[word deleted, and warning level raised...]


Sorry to hear about your big night out Kringle.. I just came back from Bangkok yesterday, I must say, I really do not rate the place at all. Give me Phuket anyday.

Good luck with your recovery Kringle, sounds like a traumatic experience.

To the people who are just adding unhelpful comments you don't desrve to be on this forum, it's a serious posting and serious thing that is being discussed here, the man was the victim of a crime, he doesn't need to be the victim of your insults too. It doesn't matter if he was in Nana or not, I know of a person drinking in Khao San Road who was drugged recently, it's out of order to put the full story here, but he did come out of it safely in the end and awoke somewhere near the airport the next day.

Nana, Khao San, or any tourist area this could happen to you, perhaps in non tourist areas as well, what I do think is important is you try to go back when you feel up to it, recognise the bar, and have it reported, as this situation with drugging people could continue to go on unchecked otherwise and somebody could end up getting seriously hurt.

Khao San is just as sh-tty and seedy as Nana. I wouldn't bother with either place. They both suck.

These kind of attacks don't happen "anywhere". They happen specifically in places that cater to tourists. Why? Because those places feature a "social fringe industry" (yes, even Khao San is filled with freelancers) that cater to a particular "type" of tourist.

That "social fringe industry" attracts all sorts of lowlife and scum who prey on tourists like hyenas.

So if you want to put yourself at risk for those types of attacks, then by all means, head over to Nana or Khao San and drink yourself stupid.

Geesh, sometimes I wonder about people. If you were back in your home country, you wouldn't go into a strange bar in a seedy neighborhood and get absolutely plastered. Would you? No. Because you know it's not safe to let your guard down around complete strangers, epecially strangers who might not have your best interests in mind.

And yet these same people go to a sex-tourist area like Nana and get completely stupid drunk (and/or fail to protect themselves properly by keeping an eye on their drinks), and then act "shocked" when they wake up the next day stripped of all their valuables. What did you expect??? Did you think you were as safe as Disneyland??

Wake up and realize that your "Farang-Aura" doesn't make you invulnerable from harm. Common sense should tell you to avoid places like Nana. And if common sense isn't telling you that, it's because you stopped listening to it a long time ago.

Khao San is just as sh-tty and seedy as Nana.
I wouldn't say quite as bad, but I see your point, plenty of prostitution and drugs and crime in both places.
That "social fringe industry" attracts all sorts of lowlife and scum who prey on tourists like hyenas.

My friend is a tourist, so quite expected he goes to a tourist area when he goes out for a drink. I think it's hard to always avoid tourist areas, as this covers a large part of the nightlife scene in Bangkok for many people, especially if they cannot speak thai or are out on there own.

head over to Nana or Khao San and drink yourself stupid.
in a seedy neighborhood and get absolutely plastered

My friend wasn't absolutely plastered either, just had a few changs, and got drugged. You don't have to be plastered and drunk to be the victim of getting drugged and crime. That's a stupid thing to say.

These attacks could happen anywhere, obviously more likely to happen in places like sukhumvit, patpong etc. but as I say, hard for farang to come here and totally avoid all areas where there are prostitutes and related crime. Not everybody feels comfortbale or even knows about going up to bars in Rachada soi 4, especially if they are new to the country. So they go to tourist areas, get drugged, get robbed, and then people like you say it's all there own fault for going to these areas in the first place?

Apart from acting superior and not really contributing anything to this conversation I don't see your point. Where do you suggest all farang go when they come to Bangkok? And if all farang start going to your places like Rachada soi 4, won't those areas also become tourist areas with that "social fringe industry" soon following them? And when the "social fringe industry" catches up with all these farang at their new hangouts, what then? Should they all run off to another all Thai bar area?


Geeesh! The original poster makes an apology, and Fudgeyass not only refuses to accept, but continues to bash the guy with utter nonsense. True enough guy, Nana and places similar to that should be avoided. But to continue stating about other areas being "safe" you're nuts! Bangkapi Mall is a prime example. Your stomping grounds. Fired shots from rival schools, young woman killed. Safe, eh? Guess she was the idiot for standing on the corner waiting for a bus. Sidewalks ready to collpase up and down Lad Prao. Guess if you fall into one, we shall blame you and you only. Hey, you know the sidewalks are dangerous, but you walked anyway.

Nothing wrong with knowing the locals, I do agree with that. But, if you're going to become Thailike and begin practicing, "Thainess," ya best start cheating on your wife. After all, it's common and infidelity seems to be part of the nature here. By the way, a man can divorce his wife for adultery, but not the other way around. If you're gonna be Thai, by God, do it.

Sure, my arguements are utter <deleted>. Just like your are <deleted> and make no sense whatsoever. Lay off the guy! He was only warning others. Thank God theres only one Fudgeymelonass.

And if all farang start going to your places like Rachada soi 4, won't those areas also become tourist areas with that "social fringe industry" soon following them?
Why is that necessarily true?

I don't see a huge "social fringe industry" following tourists around in places like Martha's Vinyard, Williamsburg, Yellowstone, Aspen or the Grand Tetons. Sure, there are still some unscrupulous people who milk tourists in those places, but it is not inevitable that drugs, prostitution and crime will follow tourist everywhere.

Unless, of course, those tourist are BUYING those products in those areas. So if a bunch of farang started showing up in Rachada Soi 4 or other "Thai" areas, it would really depend on how they behaved themselves. If they started walking around asking every girl "how much?", they'd either make themselves very unwelcome or they might start attracting those kinds of girls to that area.

But if a freelancer went to Rachada because she heard it was starting to become a "farang" area, but upon arrival, she got an icy reception from both the Thais AND the farangs hanging out there, then Rachada would probably stay relatively clean of all attending bullsh-t that follows a "social fringe" industry around.

I think it's hard to always avoid tourist areas, as this covers a large part of the nightlife scene in Bangkok for many people, especially if they cannot speak thai or are out on there own.

Its not that hard. Nor is it impossible to find relatively "safe" places to go in Eurotown. Nana and Khao San aren't the only tourist options available, and certainly not the only places to find a drink.

Personally, I can't understand why someone would travel halfway around the planet only to hang out with people EXACTLY like the people back home.

I walk into Thai-only bars all the time. Nobody ever gives me a problem. I understand that a tourist might fear unknowingly going into a bad bar, but going to Nana or Khao San doesn't seem like a solution to that problem! Since everyone knows that Nana and Khao San are "bad areas" where "bad things happen" it seems to me that knowingly walking into a bad area isn't exactly an ideal solution to the "how do I find a good bar?" problem.

Seems to me that the average tourist would be better off rolling the dice and randomly picking a Thai bar to hang out in. That way they are almost guaranteed to avoid the touts and BGs who flock to the tourist areas. And if you're looking for a safe night out, it seems prudent to avoid the people most likely to drug your drink.

So they go to tourist areas, get drugged, get robbed, and then people like you say it's all there own fault for going to these areas in the first place? 

Why am I a bad guy for pointing out the fact that everyone seems to agree with here. I haven't heard one person come on here and disagree with me about the main point that I'm making. Nobody here has tried to make the claim that Nana is as safe as Disneyland.

So my main point is that if you don't want to get drugged. Don't go to places where these types of criminals are KNOWN to hang out.

Speaking of which, why is this guy going to Nana if he has a wife? And don't give me any "for the atmosphere" crap. That's a line of horsesh-t and everyone knows it.

A married man should be at home keeping his wife happy or going out with his wife and keeping her happy. A married man should not be "going solo" to go-go bars.

It's bad karma, and from the looks of it, karma has already bitten him on the ass. He should take the hint, grow up, and STAY HOME with his WIFE.

Then he wouldn't have to worry about somebody spiking his drinks, would he?

You never heard of the expression "get appetite outside and eat at home"?

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