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Ex Gf Cry For Help Via Msm

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Had some disturbing messages from my Thai ex GF via Microsoft messenger today.

My exGF has a Thai squirrel as a pet. He escaped a few days ago and disappeared. No big deal as he's done it before and comes back in a day or two.

He came back again yesterday. Only this time he had company. 3 large street rats.

The squirell and the 3 rats ate together out of the food bowl and because the squirell has free run of the house the rats have been enjoying free run of the house along with him. All of them playing together and enjoying the house.

I told my ex-GF to throw the rats out. She said, "They scare me!"

I told her to get a cat to get rid of the rats but she's scared the cat will kill her pet squirell.

Bit stumped now to be honest.

Any advice from any pied pipers on Thai Visa?

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r u a troll? she is your X remember that, delete the number mate.

Not a troll. This is genuinely a summary of the conversation she had with me today.

Just when you think you've heard it all they come up with something totally out of left field!

Put the squirrel somewhere safe, lay down some rat poison, remembering to hide the squirrel's bowl, so the rats will miss thier food and then eat the rat poison?

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I don't see why this is your problem if she is your ex. Could she be just attention seeking or wanting to get you over there on some pretext?

Maybe the squirrel needs a mate and is gang banging the rats,get him/her a friend,catch the rats and BBQ them,rats are yummy,squirrels too,another thread about roasted rats here not long ago. :o

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A squirrel coming home with three rats as playmates? Sorry, I don't think so. I thought Thai girls had moved on from sick buffalos to credit card debt and bank loans but obviously the rural instinct lives on.

Be careful if you do an eradication job yourself you might get some local Thai hood coming round "Pardon me are yew de doity ex boifren dat killed my rat?"

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Maybe the squirrel needs a mate and is gang banging the rats,get him/her a friend,catch the rats and BBQ them,rats are yummy,squirrels too,another thread about roasted rats here not long ago. biggrin.gif

Squirrels? No, the meat is all stringy and tastes like goldfish :o

Edited by Phil Conners
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I thought Thai girls had moved on from sick buffalos to credit card debt and bank loans but obviously the rural instinct lives on.

5555. just what I thought :D

it is a ratty situation. :o

It's all nuts if you ask me. Plus the Suizzer might be a bit upset if she kills it's buddies. Good excuse for attention though. Beats my child has no food.

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r u a troll? she is your X remember that, delete the number mate.

ЬФеуб he ain't troll, whle BS to TV on cooas too mutto ? Kapish, comrado ?

In Human language : is it possible to be polite and nice to fellows? He asked for advise - you got noting to say than do say a thing - will look smarter

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Must be all the bored people out there today then after a laugh.

Squirrels and rats don't get along anyway,time to call the exterminator.The thing is confused maybe will start an animal reassignment program,who knows?

Why would an ex gf call him anyway about such a weird thing?Hasn't she got neighbours? Family? Friends? Theyreallrubbish do you have a past history with the squirrel?LOL nothing more to say.

Edited by Momo8
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Had some disturbing messages from my Thai ex GF via Microsoft messenger today.

My exGF has a Thai squirrel as a pet. He escaped a few days ago and disappeared. No big deal as he's done it before and comes back in a day or two.

He came back again yesterday. Only this time he had company. 3 large street rats.

The squirell and the 3 rats ate together out of the food bowl and because the squirell has free run of the house the rats have been enjoying free run of the house along with him. All of them playing together and enjoying the house.

I told my ex-GF to throw the rats out. She said, "They scare me!"

I told her to get a cat to get rid of the rats but she's scared the cat will kill her pet squirell.

Bit stumped now to be honest.

Any advice from any pied pipers on Thai Visa?

Get her to take a pic of the rats and squirrell with her handphone cam and send it to you. I hope you do know the squirrell personally.

That pic will be worth its weight is squirrell feed with National Geographic or some nature lover society!

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Obviously your gf is not telling the truth--she got rid of you, so she does know how to get rid of rats!!

Sorry, I couldn't help it.

The squirrel needs to go back in his cage. He needs to go to the vet, since disease could be a problem. You might want to post your problem on the pet thread. There are traps for catching the rats which can then be released far, far from home.

Best of luck to your ex.

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He came back again yesterday. Only this time he had company. 3 large street rats.

OK, you've broken up with your g/f and you haven't quite got around the idea that she has a few new lovers, but there is no need at all to call them rats.

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Generally speaking rats are smaller than squirrels. I say generally. Put rat poison in a small wooden box with a hole the size of a baht or a little smaller the rats will be able to access the bait.

Rats can access small holes the squirrel is limited to the bone structure of its head.

Ater that I would recommend getting a short haired pussy to maintain the area.

Start with a small one it will become friends with the squirrel and when it grows up it will be able to maintain the non rat status.

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Thanks for all your replies.

I'm going to ask for a picture. Be amazing if its true.

I've known this girl for 10 years. We broke up years ago but still talk every week or so. She's never asked for money, either when we were together or any time after the breakup

My gut feeling is that she's exaggerating something she saw to entertain me with a story

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Maybe she was just lonely.

She is a bit lonely, but the main thing is that she's telling me a story to try and entertain me and make me laugh. I thought it was funny and inventive so I shared it.

A few people have seen the humour, but I'm shocked how many people are "serriut too mutt" and think its part of a scam to get money.

And what's even more saddening is the people who think that exes shouldn't talk to each other.

That's really sad that so many are so defensive, paranoid, humourless and bitter.

Not every relationship ends in bitterness. Not every Thai woman is eternally scheming.

Lighten up guys!

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May I suggest a large calibre weapon or a good double barrelled shotgun?

Lure the rats towards you using a shrill squeaking noise (this is best done by attatching a large bench vice to your testicles and increasing the pressure utnil the rats hear the correct frequency), the rats will think you are a potential mate , the squirell will ignore this and assume you are just a larger rat.

As the rats approach you will have to stand upright leaning your head to one side and start to increase the squeaking also adding a slight shaking motion with your behind, the rats w ill respond with a similar motion. At this point you must then keep quite still, any false move could trigger a "mass copulation" which is to be avoided at ALL costs.

The rats will then rear upwards and its precisely at this point you raise up the gun, give one final "squeak" tha rats will momentarily be in a state of euphoria and then you swing the gun down butt first crushing the first rat, the second rat will panic but this will take it about 3.76 seconds a s a rats brain cannot process information a s quickly as your own, in these few seconds you should have time to swing the gun round, lower it gently, gaze into his big "puppy rat" eyes, utter the words "you dirty rat you" give it both barrells, although one may do it its always beter to be safe than sorry and I have seen some very nasty gnaw mark scars left by a half dead rat.

This should eliminate the problem and your ex g/f will be able to live an almost normal life althoug there may always be a relapse and similar "treatment" may be necessary.

Glad I could be of help.

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…a story to try and entertain me and make me laugh…humour…

I am moving this topic to the forum “Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life” where it will no doubt be better appreciated for its humour.



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