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Bar girls & farangs


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Very well said.

I still don't know what the legless thing means??? :o

To be legless is to be full of booze ( legs don't work too well ) FOP to Bronco ( full of piss ) piss = booze. Strange language this English :D

Right. And there's nothing like that warm piss you get at Heathrow Airport to aid in sleeping on the plane! :D

nothing like a relly cold stubby of VB when you touch down anywhere. :D

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100% Agree.

I do note that the posts on this site that state anything about bar girls and what they do and why they do it are always a very popular read by the members.

My post '' Bar Girls are Good '' got over six thousand hits. I think we all know the most of the ladies in the BG trade are good people. There are some stupid people that get involved without taking caution or treat these ladies with disrespect that get screwed over by a BG but these few give the rest of the other girls a bad name.

Also I think there are some folk out there that look at it all through rose coloured glasses and I am sure they bilieve that the BGs get up each day with the sole purpose of pissing Farang's off. ''Wrong'' they go through each day as most of us do go to work and do the best job they can under the circumstances. There are some bad as well as good as we all know but no different to anywhere in the world.

They do a great job that is all there is to it. Its what made me visit Thailand for the first time!!!!!

Sorry about the grammar

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100% Agree.

I do note that the posts on this site that state anything about bar girls and what they do and why they do it are always a very popular read by the members.

My post '' Bar Girls are Good '' got over six thousand hits. I think we all know the most of the ladies in the BG trade are good people. There are some stupid people that get involved without taking caution or treat these ladies with disrespect that  get screwed over by a BG but these few give the rest of the other girls a bad name.

Also I think there are some folk out there that look at it all through rose coloured glasses and I am sure they bilieve that the BGs get up each day with the sole purpose of pissing Farang's off. ''Wrong'' they go through each day as most of us do go to work and do the best job they can under the circumstances. There are some bad as well as good as we all know but no different to anywhere in the world.

They do a great job that is all there is to it. Its what made me visit Thailand for the first time!!!!!

Sorry about the grammar

the negative posts come from guys like goose, why? because more than likely they got screwed over and are still smarting.

We all get stung at some stage in our lives, in one way or another, best just to get on with it.

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Guest IT Manager
  Schools In Hua Hin

Goosethai Posted on: Tue 2004-03-23, 14:34:40

Replies: 4

Views: 96  Hi

I send my daughter to the Somtawin Schook in Hua Hin it has a full English Coarse, most of the local Expats send there's too.

They have an open day on Friday. 

having a semi-literate patronising nasty minded judgemental bigot for a father, all of us here at thai visa hope your daughter makes full use of her schooling (especially the english coarse) and enters the adult world with a more open minded take on things than her blinkered and stupid father.

your comments were offensive (to say the least) to the country that you have chosen to make your home.

although i am not a psychotherapist i also think you have a deep seated hatred towards women in general and perhaps even some unresolved conflicts regarding the true nature of your sexuality.

OOOh it makes me so hot when you do that, Tax

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Guest IT Manager
So we have a weird c*nt calling himself Goosethai trolling the forum. Given what has occurred recently it’s only right to ask “Is this someone we all know under another name?”. I think this sad retard is a poster who having been ejected has returned to flame and provoke the forum.

I can only advise the scumbag that having been exposed and with a police warrant hanging over your balding cranium, rather than drawing attention to yourself as a complete plonker, you should crawl back under your rock.

Just for the record Lamphun..no it wasn't..

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So we have a weird c*nt calling himself Goosethai trolling the forum. Given what has occurred recently it’s only right to ask “Is this someone we all know under another name?”. I think this sad retard is a poster who having been ejected has returned to flame and provoke the forum.

I can only advise the scumbag that having been exposed and with a police warrant hanging over your balding cranium, rather than drawing attention to yourself as a complete plonker, you should crawl back under your rock.

Just for the record Lamphun..no it wasn't..

Duh !!

Not with you on this one. Do you know Goosethai ?

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Guest IT Manager
Hey! I'm half a Scot!

they used to have admin here was half Aussie (no legs)

LOL Rolling on the road laughing my legs off

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So we have a weird c*nt calling himself Goosethai trolling the forum. Given what has occurred recently it’s only right to ask “Is this someone we all know under another name?”. I think this sad retard is a poster who having been ejected has returned to flame and provoke the forum.

I can only advise the scumbag that having been exposed and with a police warrant hanging over your balding cranium, rather than drawing attention to yourself as a complete plonker, you should crawl back under your rock.

Just for the record Lamphun..no it wasn't..

Duh !!

Not with you on this one. Do you know Goosethai ?

Are you Goosethai ?

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Guest IT Manager
100% Agree.

I do note that the posts on this site that state anything about bar girls and what they do and why they do it are always a very popular read by the members.

My post '' Bar Girls are Good '' got over six thousand hits. I think we all know the most of the ladies in the BG trade are good people. There are some stupid people that get involved without taking caution or treat these ladies with disrespect that  get screwed over by a BG but these few give the rest of the other girls a bad name.

Also I think there are some folk out there that look at it all through rose coloured glasses and I am sure they bilieve that the BGs get up each day with the sole purpose of pissing Farang's off. ''Wrong'' they go through each day as most of us do go to work and do the best job they can under the circumstances. There are some bad as well as good as we all know but no different to anywhere in the world.

They do a great job that is all there is to it. Its what made me visit Thailand for the first time!!!!!

Sorry about the grammar

the negative posts come from guys like goose, why? because more than likely they got screwed over and are still smarting.

We all get stung at some stage in our lives, in one way or another, best just to get on with it.

I suppose over the 12 months or so of lurking, posting, administering being banned from and now back to strolling around, one sees the sides of life from all angles, and sees that each person has issues to deal with. Whether its' burnt and angry after a BG interaction or happily ensconced with a friend for life that one trusts to the nth degree, each of us, and each of them re different.

I suppose what I really feel is that if we come here and just natter about the stuff that hurts, share a thought for the good bits and ask questions about the bad, seeking some form of answer to the eternal question "why ever did I do it?", we all have something to add, and we have all had a good experience to share.

The part that stings at times, is that there will always be those who grieve for the lost relationship, that they "thought" was perfect, but was a house built on shifting sand. The lesson of course, if you look at the paucity of reason which is a hallmark of many "recently burnt" posters, is that the pain hasn't gone, they come across as rude, ignorant neoliths. In fact they are people badly stung, and that saddens me.

Fact is, the longer you live here, the more partners you have/hold/reject or who reject you, the greater the likelihood you will get browned off about it, but if you maintain your perspective, the loss is a learning thing, and you can't help but grow forward. Eventually the right person becomes part of your experience, and you suddenly realise the blow-offs were just a test, and you get a grip on a life where you aren't wondering how many of your mates have had your wife for a night. You get over it, or you find a partner out of that scene. That in itself is a great lesson.

I suppose to Goose, I would say, look forward to the time when you place a greater value on your partner, than the bar-fines and drinks and find a way to see women in Thailand as something else than available if the price is right. Maybe even seek company elsewhere than supporting someone else's effort get wealthy on the back of the young lovelies with lust and loot on their minds, and good luck.

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Bar girls rock they are the best hookers on the planet if you idoits fall in love with hookers serves you right you old stupid pot bellied fools your ugly balding social lepers back home so shut the f..k up about bar girls they are your saving grace to getting your end away with a young women.

You make me laugh. Pattaya is full of folk in a hansom man dream world. You have money they have pussy. No genuine love is present. this mostly is the case for young hansom guys like me too.

Rock on the old farts of Pattaya. Keep it real grandad

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Bar girls rock they are the best hookers on the planet if you idoits fall in love with hookers serves you right you old stupid pot bellied fools your ugly balding social lepers back home so shut the f..k up about bar girls they are your saving grace to getting your end away with a young women.

You make me laugh. Pattaya is full of folk in a hansom man dream world. You have money they have pussy. No genuine love is present. this mostly is the case for young hansom guys like me too.

Rock on the old farts of Pattaya. Keep it real grandad

not another expert.

do you come from the same inbred trailer park as goosethai

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Bar girls rock they are the best hookers on the planet if you idoits fall in love with hookers serves you right you old stupid pot bellied fools your ugly balding social lepers back home so shut the f..k up about bar girls they are your saving grace to getting your end away with a young women.

You make me laugh. Pattaya is full of folk in a hansom man dream world. You have money they have pussy. No genuine love is present. this mostly is the case for young hansom guys like me too.

Rock on the old farts of Pattaya. Keep it real grandad

It sounds like a BG broke his heart.

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Great quote, Nice to know you have not been taken in by the helpless fools that scribble here. I sometimes think I am the only one. Becarefull though as they will stop your posting's.

Its not only the helpless fools that scribe here that have taken on one of these hookers as there partner (Wife he he) I would say some of the Admin and Moderators also as they are very protective of the (BG's) Prostitutes to the non <deleted>+*ed up.

Lets here somemore Montana.

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Bar girls rock they are the best hookers on the planet if you idoits fall in love with hookers serves you right you old stupid pot bellied fools your ugly balding social lepers back home so shut the f..k up about bar girls they are your saving grace to getting your end away with a young women.

You make me laugh. Pattaya is full of folk in a hansom man dream world. You have money they have pussy. No genuine love is present. this mostly is the case for young hansom guys like me too.

Rock on the old farts of Pattaya. Keep it real grandad

It sounds like a BG broke his heart.

Mercy your sure talk ugly, would you kiss your mother with that nasty mouth(if you knew who she was)?

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Great quote, Nice to know you have not been taken in by the helpless fools that scribble here.  I sometimes think I am the only one.  Becarefull though as they will stop your posting's.

Its not only the helpless fools that scribe here that have taken on one of these hookers as there partner (Wife he he) I would say some of the Admin and Moderators also as they are very protective of the (BG's) Prostitutes to the non <deleted>+*ed up.

Lets here somemore Montana.

Helpless fools, eh? What gives you or your pal Montana and that other ######, goosethai authority to pass judgement on anybody - jerkwad. Just 'cause some BG reamed your pocket and maybe gave you the drip we gotta hear this crap... :o

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Helpless fools, eh? What gives you or your pal Montana and that other ######, goosethai authority to pass judgement on anybody - jerkwad. Just 'cause some BG reamed your pocket and maybe gave you the drip we gotta hear this crap

Wrong sunshine.

What gives me the right to pass judgement, what gives you the right to make assumptions, never had the drip (condom) never been burn't, pay the money and kick the slags out, sunshine.

Sunshine its not BG Its Prostititute, OK loser.

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Helpless fools, eh? What gives you or your pal Montana and that other ######, goosethai authority to pass judgement on anybody - jerkwad. Just 'cause some BG reamed your pocket and maybe gave you the drip we gotta hear this crap

Wrong sunshine.

What gives me the right to pass judgement, what gives you the right to make assumptions, never had the drip (condom) never been burn't, pay the money and kick the slags out, sunshine.

Sunshine its not BG Its Prostititute, OK loser.

Fock You, Pal...

You one those "born again" types that figures he's got all the answers and everyone else has to live their lives and have the same values you do? HuH?

What's your old lady doin' when you ain't around...better check for "Jody" when y'all get back. Bet you'll be surprised...jerkwad :o

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Fock You, Pal...

You one those "born again" types that figures he's got all the answers and everyone else has to live their lives and have the same values you do? HuH?

What's your old lady doin' when you ain't around...better check for "Jody" when y'all get back. Bet you'll be surprised...jerkwad

Boon mee

Boon mee so much hostility, you must have married a BG there I will be nice wont say she is a prostitute, OK, think of all those nights before you, he he.

My girl will be working in her bank, yours is probably on her back.

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Fock You, Pal...

You one those "born again" types that figures he's got all the answers and everyone else has to live their lives and have the same values you do? HuH?

What's your old lady doin' when you ain't around...better check for "Jody" when y'all get back. Bet you'll be surprised...jerkwad

Boon mee

Boon mee so much hostility, you must have married a BG there I will be nice wont say she is a prostitute, OK, think of all those nights before you, he he.

My girl will be working in her bank, yours is probably on her back.

The only bank your old lady's working is a sperm bank for the boys down in Klong Tooey takin' up the poop chute....

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