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Bar girls & farangs


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Take a farang:    

On his first trip to Thailand with his pockets busting with Euro's Dollars, Pounds he encounters a beautiful Thai girl who works in a Bar.

She comes from Issan, Bangkok or the South and he cannot believe how such a beautiful girl is so compassionate towards him.

During the 2 weeks of talking dibberish (something to do with Singa beer in excess) he promises to keep in touch at any cost.

Back home he show's all his mates the beach photo's of his prize catch. everyone is amazed!

On his second trip back to LOS he can't remember her name never mind what soi she worked in, oh mai pen lai.

So he goes out and repeats the entire process over again, another bar another beautiful girl half his age, a 2 week dream  all over again, showing no concern and no respect for his new found love, not forgetting back home he would have problems dating the 65 year traffic warden!

So now the farang after a total of 4 weeks holiday in 2 years becomes an expert in the culture and needs of Thai ladies.

Can you understand why the "Bar Girls" treat the typical fanang with the same content as the farang treat them.

As my daughter say's "Girl Power"


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It's a shame all the tour operators use Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samuii etc...If the tourists flew independently and travelled to many other places they wouldn't come in to contact with 'Bar girls'.

'Bar girls' must represent less than 1% of the female population and unfortunately that's what the majority of tourists see. I do believe it's immoral for these girls to do this work but seeing the peer pressure that goes on in their villages it's understandable.

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My point Palace1 was:

The Bar Girls wether they work in Bangkok,Phuket or Pattaya become accustomed to the Farang attitude so tend to adopt a simliar attutude towards them in return,  hey, I to not blame them, who would.

Maybe when the farang attitude changes towards them, then maybe the girls who work (most hate it) in the bars will change.

Without them Thailand would still be beautiful but not as prosperious, and no one can denie that.


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From what i have seen, every girl is different, weather she works in a bar, abeauty salon, or a hotel. as far as bar girls go the longer a girl works in a bar the more her attitude changes towards farangs, because of the way she has been treated. Treat everyone with respect no matter what they do for a living, and you will get treated the same.
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I couldn't agree more!  

Especially to the comment:

'So now the farang after a total of 4 weeks holiday in 2 years becomes an expert in the culture and needs of Thai ladies.'

These sorts of people really piss me off!  There's nothing worse than some people who know next to nothing about the country I grew up in patronising me and claiming to be the expert of 'what Thailand needs' or 'what Thai ladies are like'.  I've had the misfortune of meeting some of these so-called (s)experts who hardly emerge from the bar scene when they are in Thailand!  The worse thing was when they start talking rubbish to my (farang) partner while doing their nudge nudge wink wink routine about my relationship with him; which really annoy the #### out of him as well.  

In a way, one can understand why the bar girls lie a lot and never really take what a tourist say so seriously (as sevinnow describes above).  Had I been in the same situation as them, I would probably be the same (although I hope I wouldn't).

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I'm glad someone on this board is sensible. My fiance has family that has come from their northeastern village to Pattaya to work in a bar. Some people might ask why. They have to understand that with a limited education you realy only have three choices. Stay home work on a farm, have a very limited future, go to Bangkok, work in a factory making blue jeans 16hrs a day, or work in a bar, and maybe just maybe meet a nice guy, fall in love and have a bright future if your lucky.

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Another fact regarding the number of bar girls working in farang/tourist areas....only 10 percent of Thai bar girls/brothel workers/masseurs etc work in the tourist sector (Bkk/Hkt/Patt) the remaining 90 percent are visited exclusively by Thai clientele. The point is.....umm I forgot :o
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Agree very much with Sevinow..I regularly visit a Patpong bar with my GF..to chat with her friends and watch the Muay Thai...But the most entertaining part is actually watching the farang customers...how they watch the girls on stage...how they quibble over a few baht for the bar fine etc etc  :o Great entertanment!!

But to be honest, I was that guy sitting at the bar a few months ago... :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got to agree with you D80, the people who just treat

those ladies like shit get everything they deserve and

then wonder why they can't find a decent thai lady

and all the ones they find rip them off !!

Manners cost nothing, use them !  :o

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Huskster, very true in my village that veiw is very much accepted.     The elder's do not totally understand what life is about in Pattaya/Phuket/bangkok cos they have never been there, they just enjoy a simple retirement taking care of siblings and the money daughters and grand daughters send them.........who can blame them!

Life will go on and on and all the "never understand that" people of the western world are totally irrelevant to the daily life of the village, hope it never changes.




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Nothing wrong with a 65 year old Traffic Warden with BAD EYE SIGHT, it's the one's with good eye sight who would snub the average farang, who goes in search of a "Bar Girl" in LOS.

But to be serious, these girls act on instinct not a forum for farang's with up-dated PC's and they have no say in this subject..........wow would it not be fun to hear they point of veiw on some of the loser's who cry wolf on this subject!

Again my hat goes off to the Bar Girls who are in the driving seat of the Tourist Farang.

As a one once told me...." Make hay while the Sun Shines"




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  • 2 months later...

At last!. A string of posts by really nice guys who advocate respect for Thai ladies, what ever they do for a humble living.

Of course many of them will take every penny you got. If you are daft enough to let them..... Only those who know what is like to have NOTHING (and no handouts from the State as we are fortunate enough to get in the UK) can appreciate where those Girls are at!.

When I see a beautiful, little young girl being towed along by a great big fat ugly (and possibly smelly) Farang, I feel quite sick!. Imagine what it must be like to be poked by them...UGH!

Surely, there are not enough BHTs in Thailand to compensate them for that disgusting experience.......I know, I know not all Farangs are fat, ugly and smelly. Me for one!!!!!

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>>>It's a shame all the tour operators use Bangkok, Pattaya, >>>Phuket, Koh Samuii etc...If the tourists flew independently >>>and travelled to many other places they wouldn't come in >>>to contact with 'Bar girls'.

I'm afraid your way out of date with this statement, There is nowhere in Thailand that you can get away from the so called "bar girls". bless their little black hearts

As most members on this site will know I am working on a film shoot here in Thailand, and we are miles off the beaten track in the north, we have 34 single males plus extras working here at any one time, two weeks after starting work a Thai bar opened in the area, I have met 12 different ladies here in the last 3 weeks.

Where do they come from and why?

To service a clientel, so you find a new destination and they will find you

Its called "chasing the dollar" back home

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I'm glad someone on this board is sensible. My fiance has family that has come from their northeastern village to Pattaya to work in a bar. Some people might ask why. They have to understand that with a limited education you realy only have three choices. Stay home work on a farm, have a very limited future, go to Bangkok, work in a factory making blue jeans 16hrs a day, or work in a bar, and maybe just maybe meet a nice guy, fall in love and have a bright future if your lucky.

The choices are very very limited. There's no social benefits whatsoever. Get money or starve. When their only assets are physical attributes, can you blame them ?

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Guest IT Manager
I was once asked by a  bar lady "why I not find nice farang?"

My answer was..."Nice farang don't go to gogo bars for ladies!"

Did she mean why don't you find one or why can't she?

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  • 5 months later...
The choices are very very limited. There's no social benefits whatsoever. Get money or starve. When their only assets are physical attributes, can you blame them ?</font>

I blame them, dirty little scrubbers, one gave me the worst case of crabs ever seen in my regiment....

But what a night!!


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it nice to see a positive thread on the subject.

my wife and i have alot of bg friends, some of them are full of crap and still try and give me the old nudge nudge wink wink routine. but on the whole they are great fun, they have great personalities, they respect our marriage.

we have girls who take care of our house when we go away, they never bring people back. or take the p**s, or steal.

i don't understand the pure contempt that some people have towards them.

maybe as said before some ignorant guy bar fines a girl, treats her like a house cleaning sex slave whilst banging everything, and then gets annoyed when the girl turns on him and stitches him up. (i know alot of men who've done this, som nam na)

i have to say there are some evil bg's also out there who understandably put guys off.


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Working inthe tourism industry you will see that most of the o/s companies canonly sell the well known names/places inThailand ie: Pattaya, Samui, Phuket and Chiang Mai. Their brochures are almost sickening......beautiful photos next to hotel promos......get the idea......the hotel is next to the filthy lake at Chaweng and is a two star shocker but the photograph is of a beautiful palmfringed beach.

This is how they work. Absolutley misleading people into believing they will get their "holiday of a lifetime" they wish to have. More foll them also fo rgetting sucked in. It is amazing how little they know about Thailand before coming here so I guess they get whats coming to them for not doing their homework.

If yo utry to market a tour of Isaan, they say 'where is that' and then go on to say 'oh no that would not sell'. It is market driven and the companies dont relaly do much to promote lesser know venues.

So when people come to Thailand they see a lot of the bar scene inalmost every location and belive that this is how it is all over.

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While I can relate with many of the positive comments on this thread (after all, who wouldn't want to leave the 400-baht-a-day paddyfield lifestyle for the chance of a fairytaile existance with a rich Westerner), there's so many cases where "survival" turns to "greed", and all the negative aspects that go with it.

It's a two sided coin, no doubt about it - It takes a*seholes to make a*seholes.

I knew a girl working in a restaurant who decided to take the dive and start working in the farang bar scene. One year on, she's nothing like the person she was back then.

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You know, I've been in thailand a long time.I'm not going to reiterate the demographic that my wife and I occupy , but what I will say is that thailand is full of all sorts of different people and relationship situations.I just wish people would celebrate the diversity of Thai society, chill out and realise that everyone is different and just trying to find a little happiness in their own way.As someelse stated, we're all people, flesh and blood.

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You know, I've been in thailand a long time.I'm not going to reiterate the demographic that my wife and I occupy , but what I will say is that thailand is full of all sorts of different people and relationship situations.I just wish people would celebrate the diversity of Thai society, chill out and realise that everyone is different and just trying to find a little happiness in their own way.As someelse stated, we're all people, flesh and blood.

well put.

there are some exceptions though.

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Dudes....if she is like a dog..do it on the paper...

If she is like a cat...do it in the kitty litter..

If you treat them like a hag...u get the rag.

The college age female at time can be interesting but of course..it is not the same thrill of the moment...

Actually the Cocktail waitresses are fun.. it is dark... and and the end .. you really don't care.

Do have to agree... seeing a fine young Thai BABE.. with an "Crafty Older Gent" is a bit much.. Oh..the wonders of the Pfizer riser.. TRT has :D not outlawed that yet.... :o

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