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hello,quick rundown to see if any one any ideas...firstly hes a 1 yr old english bull terrier.

since i come back ,from a few days holiday, he seems different.someone looked after him by feeding him and water etc at the house and he spent most of the time in enclosed large garden as usual.since coming back he seems tired all the time,sleeps a lot more than usual...before he was happy to spend most of his time outside and watching passers by and yapping at neighbours dogs.

he did have his yearly injections a few weeks ago and might understand if he had side effects but that was ages ago now.

he is still eating normally.

he likes to be near us more now...like all the time and sleeps a hel_l of a lot and not bothered to be outside now.seems like he missed us but why the sleeping..hes only a yr old.he seems fairly healthy apart from this.....been a few days now like this ..like an old man already!

anyone any ideas...ive had dogs before and cant put my finger on this one.thanks.

maybe he has a doggy bug and might recover on his own in a few days more???

sorry posted same twice as computer went down when posting first and i didnt know if posted or not so sent again!!!sorry mods dont know how to delete one,if you can do then please do for me.

hello,quick rundown to see if any one any ideas...firstly hes a 1 yr old english bull terrier.

since i come back ,from a few days holiday, he seems different.someone looked after him by feeding him and water etc at the house and he spent most of the time in enclosed large garden as usual.since coming back he seems tired all the time,sleeps a lot more than usual...before he was happy to spend most of his time outside and watching passers by and yapping at neighbours dogs.

he did have his yearly injections a few weeks ago and might understand if he had side effects but that was ages ago now.

he is still eating normally.

he likes to be near us more now...like all the time and sleeps a hel_l of a lot and not bothered to be outside now.seems like he missed us but why the sleeping..hes only a yr old.he seems fairly healthy apart from this.....been a few days now like this ..like an old man already!

anyone any ideas...ive had dogs before and cant put my finger on this one.thanks.

maybe he has a doggy bug and might recover on his own in a few days more???

sorry posted same twice as computer went down when posting first and i didnt know if posted or not so sent again!!!sorry mods dont know how to delete one,if you can do then please do for me.

Could pe P;Off Rob, i had a boxer that sulked if id left him !,. id suggest taking him for a long walk/run on the beach or similar,followed by chicken off a barow on the way home ,.that should swing it, it wont be an illness i doubt, only my opinion,...
hello,quick rundown to see if any one any ideas...firstly hes a 1 yr old english bull terrier.

since i come back ,from a few days holiday, he seems different.someone looked after him by feeding him and water etc at the house and he spent most of the time in enclosed large garden as usual.since coming back he seems tired all the time,sleeps a lot more than usual...before he was happy to spend most of his time outside and watching passers by and yapping at neighbours dogs.

he did have his yearly injections a few weeks ago and might understand if he had side effects but that was ages ago now.

he is still eating normally.

he likes to be near us more now...like all the time and sleeps a hel_l of a lot and not bothered to be outside now.seems like he missed us but why the sleeping..hes only a yr old.he seems fairly healthy apart from this.....been a few days now like this ..like an old man already!

anyone any ideas...ive had dogs before and cant put my finger on this one.thanks.

maybe he has a doggy bug and might recover on his own in a few days more???

sorry posted same twice as computer went down when posting first and i didnt know if posted or not so sent again!!!sorry mods dont know how to delete one,if you can do then please do for me.

Could pe P;Off Rob, i had a boxer that sulked if id left him !,. id suggest taking him for a long walk/run on the beach or similar,followed by chicken off a barow on the way home ,.that should swing it, it wont be an illness i doubt, only my opinion,...

thanks for advice...i thought he might be a bit angry/sulky but why the extra sleeping...well over 16 hours in a single day......bull terriers normally full o beans.hes been out for walks and cheers up then but when back at the house hes all sleepy and boring :o ...dont wanna play.maybe hes getting older but hey hes only 1..my other dogs didnt calm down till well past 2/3 yrs old.just to mention he gets chicken everyday anyway and extra treats.

maybe hes confused as to what happened as always sleeps in our bed and air con on allnight and when we was away he had to stay outside..had dog bed ...not hard floor.

he gets treated better than any other dog i know.....im sure he thinks he is the king of thailand,my mrs treats him better than me ,thats for sure.ta

dogs sleep 10-12 hours a day

yeh he slept at least that before but now seems more like 16 hours or more a day......for months he used to wake up before us and want to go outside so we let him out and he would stay outside for hours and even when we sit inside he used to like to stay out now hes not interested ....only just recently changed....thats why was concerned,also he seems more lethargic and a look in his eyes as if sick.do dogs get virus like humans do sometimes,im thinking hes just sick a little and will have a bit more energy soon.ive owned dogs for years so am used to there ways but with him ive noticed a quick change in his ways.....im not overly worried as he is eating ok but hes not acting like a 1yr old dog,,he seems like an old dog where he dont want to do too much and walks more slowly whereas he used to charge everywhere before...remember hes a bull terrier........nutters normally haha. :o


Tattoorob, NEVER underestimate you own gut feeling! If you have strongly the impression that there is something wrong with your dog, go to the vet!

Based on what you write three thing pop up in my mind:

1) He became depressed during the period he was alone. Dogs do not understand that, with certain breeds such as the boxer, steffies, pitbulls, English and French bulldogs, bullterrier, etc. who tend to become quite attached to the owner and needs more personal attention. Each time I have a dog/breed like that in boarding at LuckyDogs, I NEED to spend private time with these dogs, just by sitting with them while softly talking and petting them. If I don't they really become quite depressed. And dogs that become stressed like that are way more vulnarable to develop disease, whether that is a new bug they pick up, or an lingering bug in their body that has been there already, but has been kept in check by their immune sytem and has a chance to multiply due to the stress (what a sentence again ). The latter is in fact point number 2.

2) Your dog has been depressed and a lingering bug got the chance to multiply. I'm thinking in the direction of blood parasites, such as the one from the ticks.

3) It certainly can be a side-effect of the vaccines! These side-effects can become visible immediately after the jabs, but also within a month up to 3 months.

Therefore, if I were you I would take your dog to the vet and would do a full blood test: red and white blood cells, platelets, liver and kidney, AND a SNAP test to check for antibodies against E.canis, a tick disease. Have also his feces checked.

If the SNAP test is positive your dog suffers tick disease, but if it is negative tick disease isn't ruled out yet. It still is possible, if the platelets show they are (very) low, maybe combined with low hemoglobin (red blood cells).

If only the liver enzymes (SGPT) are elevated than it is very possible a side-effect of the vaccines. I had a dog several months ago that develped a major problem approximately a month after his yearly booster with sky-rocketing liver enzymes (normally below 89, with him it went up to 1100!). Although, he was under veterinary treatment all the time, it was the homeopathic remedy that pulled him through. Nonetheless, the vaccine has caused an auto-immune disease in the spleen, making him having problems with his platelets.

I hope your dog will be back to normal quickly,



just to add to nienke, this is a common thing when dogs come back from kennels also,

they spend a lot more time barking, or on guard against strange things, and so they have to catch up on sleep... stress causes tiredness... if he was outside all the time as opposed to indoors like when u are home, then he probably spent more time barking and chasing (not sleeping as much at night, etc.) , we had a boxer that after camping out for a night, she spent the whole night 'guarding' so slept the next week much more....

but could be a million things or just coincendance... did he lose weight also (could be more physical work out since out doors all day...)...


just to add to nienke, this is a common thing when dogs come back from kennels also,

they spend a lot more time barking, or on guard against strange things, and so they have to catch up on sleep... stress causes tiredness... if he was outside all the time as opposed to indoors like when u are home, then he probably spent more time barking and chasing (not sleeping as much at night, etc.) , we had a boxer that after camping out for a night, she spent the whole night 'guarding' so slept the next week much more....

but could be a million things or just coincendance... did he lose weight also (could be more physical work out since out doors all day...)...


thanks everyone......you could be right there bina as he probably didnt get much sleep for 3 days as used to our bed and aircon.....when outside he always barks at neighbours dogs and watches people go by so probabaly really knackered and didnt get any long sleeps in.....that would explain why he cant be bothered to go outside much as hes fed up with it and wants some quality sleep.....but i will keep an eye on him and if he dont cheer up soon i will shoot him :o ................only jokin but hope he gets back to normal soon.


I do hope the situation resolves for you, keep us posted, I would agree with Nienke about the jabs paragraph as a couple of pugs I have, have had side affects long after the jabs.


thanks for any advice given.....he seems to be cheering up and gettin back to normal so maybe was exhausted from sleeping outside for those 3 days .....whatever he seems more energy and back to wanting to stay outside more and not such an old man.ta

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