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Wild Swans In Thai

Sao Jiang Mai

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Well would it make you a greater man by doing so ?

History itself had been a pot of blur .

you can find Wild swan in the wild

while i had spotted some in Maesot as well as bangkok . about 40 km ride out .

since everyone see good in a different way .

If someone say SUperman is Great . and when he grow up he want to be like superman .

Would you go tell him .. kIds , superman is Fake .. when you grow up chances is you end up in the cycle of labour work for some corp which pay you enough to keep you alive .. and when you grow old you just die .

well life interesting right

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Was having lunch at work when the topic of Mao Tse Tung came up and many of the staff were talking about what a great leader he was. So I want to get a copy of Wild Swans in Thai for them to read. Anyone knows where I can find one? Or if there is a translated copy? Thanks.

Not surprising. Thais like decisiveness. Outcomes seem less important to them.

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Nope, none in Chiang Mai...if anyone else has ideas I would be most grateful. And I hardly think you can compare Mae Tse Tung, leader of cultural revolution, syphillis-infector of virgins, murderer of millions...with superman! Not quite sure I followed that...

You may have to forgive Ta22 as he is intoxicated with love and in the throes pre-wedding ecstasy.


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er... Super man is a Comic hero is not real ..

well the trick is not to proof a man less greater but be a greater man then he is when you see a bad example .

tooth fairy & Santa is not real too if you wanna know

would it make you a greater man proofing other man less great ?

every Man have their good and bad .. you can't discredit every doing

Even bush .. have some good , not that i agree with most of his doing ,

this topic is going to spill like milk .. soon we will be talking and compare with movie .. harry potter , and soon it willl be god

:o Thanks Jxp :D:D yeh i am doped by love :D whahaha my wedding is on 2nd feb is you free do drop by ok :D

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I know for a fact that "Wild Swans" is translated to Thai (my wife read it...).

The ISBN is 974-472-832-9

Some info:



You can always try with Chulabook.com or

check with ethaicd.com if they can get it through their channels (should they not how it on their site...)

Edited by murv
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