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I have severe sinusitis and alergies most of my life and it is a lot worse living here. I am always blocked and have bad nasil drip in the back of my throat. I have trouble sleeping, I sleep on my side, but many times I wake up having breathing troubles. I have not had much help from medicines but read the sinusitis tread and will try some of the things mentioned.

My problem is the dentist. I need dental work, a root canal etc. I had to walk out on one last week. I canont lay back in the chair. I make them only go back 45 degrees [with much arguing from the dentists] and that helps draining a bit. When I am laid back with my mouth wide open the mucus doesnt drain and blocks the back of my throat and I can hardly breathe. I canot go back to the dentist till I can breathe. a doctor has given me several pills to take and the dont help at all.

other people must have the same problem. any ideas to help?




I suffer from sinusitis intermittantly, and when it's bad I can't sleep. I asked one of my specialists, and she prescribed Nasonex nasal spray. It works great for me, but may not work for you, as you are obcviously a more severe sufferer.

But if you haven't tried it, it might be worth a go. :o


Allergies, diet? Is there something you're eating here (less elsewhere) that could be aggravating your sinus problem? Some people have trouble with air conditioners. Not trying to be a know-it-all, just posing some ideas about what could aggravate or alleviate your condition.

Are there any specialists (allergy, ear-nose-throat) in Bangkok that could help?

Sounds like time for drastic action. :o

I sympathize with you, wouldn't want my sinus issue to be any worse than it is.


Allergies, diet? Is there something you're eating here (less elsewhere) that could be aggravating your sinus problem? Some people have trouble with air conditioners. Not trying to be a know-it-all, just posing some ideas about what could aggravate or alleviate your condition.

Are there any specialists (allergy, ear-nose-throat) in Bangkok that could help?

Sounds like time for drastic action. :o

I sympathize with you, wouldn't want my sinus issue to be any worse than it is.


Rhinitis, severe sinusitis and tooth pain. You have my sympathies. What a combination !! but perhaps the tooth pain is in part caused by the sinusitis ?

The fact that your problem is worse in Thailand, probably points to air pollution (traffic fumes) being a major factor here, and this is even more pertinent if you live in a big city or even large town - especially Bangkok. You can easily be allergy checked at any reasonable hospital. It's quick, cheapish, and painless, and would be a major help if any were found (don't be surprised if you have none). Irritation caused by traffic fumes is not classed as an allergy- it's a toxin.

The most important thing is to see a doctor straight away. Nobody can reasonably be expected to endure the pain you are in. I imagine you will be prescribed an antibiotic perhaps for up to 28 days, plus painkillers perhaps strong ones. In my honest opinion anti-histamines will be no good whatsoever although the older style ones may sedate you. However a steroid spray may be useful. Don't use the quick-fix decongestants for more than a couple of days or at all.

The following are strategies that need to be observed if you are to obtain relief in my opinion.

1. Avoid exposure to traffic fumes as much as possible. A mask would help a little, but ultimately avoidance is best. If poss don't go out for a week.

2. Rinse your nose with saline solution a couple of times a day. You can do it as often as you like. The saline solution I use is available at any pharmacist in a squeezy bottle.

3. Avoid strong air conditioning.

4. Rest, and rest more.

5. A steam tent now and then, likewise long steamy showers if poss.

If you wake up feeling ok, don't delay. go straight to a dentist, some are available on a walk in basis- perhaps try to liaise with the dentist b4hand, I'm sure he/she will understand. Personally I prefer a lady dentist as they genuinely seem better in my personal experience. Maybe it's a good idea to see a doctor and dentist in the same hospital so that things can be co-ordinated.

Finally, the best advice is usually given by the moderators, so give their advice precedence.

This is very nasty, but by being pro active, there will be respite and great relief.


I also suffer from sinus problems but mercifully not nearly as bad as yours. I recently read an article about a guy in the US who had tried everything and eventually had a surgeon remove the gunk that had been blocking his sinuses using a new technique. He felt like a new man as soon as he came round from the anaesthetic. It might be worth researching this and then looking for a good ENT surgeon who can do it in Thailand or elsewhere, if you are interested. It is pretty easy for them to see if that is the problem from an MRI scan but the procedure is delicate as they are cutting near the optic nerve, so you need to find the best person you can get. Best of luck.


I sympathise with you and your severity of symptoms make mine look mild and not worth bothering about! Anyway I did suffer quite badly for about 2 years and then I watched an Oprah episode where her Dr Oz showcased the "neti pot". Its an Aladin's Lamp shaped pot which you fill with salty warm water and literally pour through one nostril until your sinus cavity fills and then the water will pour out your other nostril. It sounded weird and somewhat gross at the time, despite viewers touting it as a miracle cure to their sinus problems and Dr Oz saying that it is the ONLY cure for sinus and allergy problems as anything else just tackles the symptoms not the root cause.

Needless to say I finally got round to trying it (using a miniature teapot actually as I couldn't find a Neti pot sold in stores) and I felt relief from Day 1, clear sinus frequently from day 4 and to date not 1 blocked nose to keep me awake at night or bothered during the day!

As I said my symptoms do not resemble the severity of yours, but perhaps Google Neti pot and do some research....

Good luck :o

I sympathise with you and your severity of symptoms make mine look mild and not worth bothering about! Anyway I did suffer quite badly for about 2 years and then I watched an Oprah episode where her Dr Oz showcased the "neti pot". Its an Aladin's Lamp shaped pot which you fill with salty warm water and literally pour through one nostril until your sinus cavity fills and then the water will pour out your other nostril. It sounded weird and somewhat gross at the time, despite viewers touting it as a miracle cure to their sinus problems and Dr Oz saying that it is the ONLY cure for sinus and allergy problems as anything else just tackles the symptoms not the root cause.

Needless to say I finally got round to trying it (using a miniature teapot actually as I couldn't find a Neti pot sold in stores) and I felt relief from Day 1, clear sinus frequently from day 4 and to date not 1 blocked nose to keep me awake at night or bothered during the day!

As I said my symptoms do not resemble the severity of yours, but perhaps Google Neti pot and do some research....

Good luck :o

Think I'm going to invest in one of these neti- pots. What advantage would they have over straight sluicing with a squeezy bottle ?. Anybody know?

This week we (me and my girlfriend) decided to leave Bangkok,within a year, as I believe my health is suffering just too much. I got a straight A1 on health checks last week, up until that point I'd sort of gone along with the idea that maybe I was a little weak or just unlucky. The truth is the atmosphere here is foul. This to me is the only real cure for any Bangkokian, all else is damage limitation really.


Think I'm going to invest in one of these neti- pots. What advantage would they have over straight sluicing with a squeezy bottle ?. Anybody know?

Apparently when you sluice or jet water up you are not filling the entire cavity whereas when you lower your head over a basin and "pour" from the pot the entire cavity is filled and the water must break through in order to pour from the other nostril......

Its actually quite amazing when the water finally breaks through.

Another little none homeopathic remedy for instant but temporary relief (excuse the pun here) is masturbation. I kid ye not! IF your nose gets blocked and you want to clear it instantly, search a little lower..... :o


I missed the clues : constant post nasal drip and being bunged up- I'd hazard a guess then that you primarily have severe rhinitis. There is often a knock on effect to the sinus in that drainage outlets from the sinuses become blocked. This can lead to trapped fluid and swollen membranes in the sinus cavity and from there on to infection, as we know, sinus pain trumps all else, so naturally we focus attention on this area.

I can not totally vouch for the following as I am not a doctor, but I believe what follows is accurate. I'd be interested if it strikes home:

The nasal membranes effectively become irritated due to the presence of a virus, bacteria, corrosive toxin, or some otherwise harmless substance, eg, pollen, which the immune system wrongly perceives as an invader. The swelling that results is in no small part due to the immune reaction, and mucous production is also increased often profusely. In the worst case scenario, the nose can become chronically blocked, as in your case, because the swelling is so severe. When the swelling is so bad, there is the constant danger of reagitation by almost any cause, even a whiff of smoke, so the condition never seems to clear up.

Common causes:

1. Germ - Rhinovirus (a cold) or a bacterial infection.

2. Allergic Rhinitis - hayfever or perhaps mold or dust mites.

3. Non Allergic Rhinitis - chemical cause, eg, smog, cig smoke.

4. Vaso motor - an increasingly common syndrome related to allergic reaction and constriction of nasal openings due to changes in weather, smog and any of the above.

5. Blockage - by a polyp (rarely dangerous) or previous trauma damage.

All treatment is generally based on avoidance where possible. Some people report good results with anti histamines, but this is very variable. In bad cases local costicosteroids can be used without long term effects, and of course, where a swab indicates unusual bacterial activity then low dose broad spectrum antibiotics are a legitimate treatment option ( and are most useful I must say). Decongestants are very effective, but using them for more than a few days could have a rebound effect.

Despite the incredible pain that may be encountered, both rhinitis and sinusitis are considered low grade in that they tend to be self limiting, however they are associated with infections in other parts of the respiratory tract, and rarely ,chronic sinusitis may lead to brain ailments through sepsis and bone problems. In addition there is also a knock on effect to another part of the respiratory tract system. Bacterial infection, or even just rises in bacterial levels, can lead to malaise, headache, nausea, low grade fever, etc.

There are more powerful treatments options which your doctor may talk about.

Generally recovery is swift as soon as the agitating factor is avoided, and a good treatment regime is established on a continual basis,eg, avoidance, maybe nasal rinsing and a suitable antihistamine is my preferred option.

In a way it would be more fortunate if you do have an allergy as then allergy shots might cure you of it as a once and for all solution.

Because allergy sufferers often look puffy, pained and tired, people often assume that perhaps they have a weaker immune system. I believe this is a complete myth, and indeed it may that their immune system is in fact overly strong.

Some people report good results using natural medicines, acetylcysteine, danzan, and xylitol are examples.

As far as I'm aware rhinitis is not a marker for any serious condition.

Regarding your tooth, well we all know that can only be resolved one way.

In your case medical attention is really important, low grade or not, you must be in awful pain and there is no reason why this should be.

Note : it is up to you to impress upon the doctor how bad you feel, otherwise he'll just pack you off with the standard para, and anti histamines. At least have an xray of the area to establish the degree of sinus blockage.


thanks for everybody's help. I sure need it.

I live in Pattaya by the way. I found a great dentist trained in the states with perfect english who understands my problem and is going to work with me. that being said i am going to follow much of the advice given here.

yes i have allergies, dog, cat, mold, dust, dust mites etc. unfortunately i have a dog for the last 5 years and a cat for 6 but i am going to keep them out of the bedroom from now on. I ride a motorcycle and that is why it has gotten worse in my guess. I think i will start wearing a mask and see if that helps

I have been to doctors here but they just throw medicine at me, none of which helps and none of which is mentioned on either of these two threads. I will try each and everyone that has be mentioned here and see if one helps.

I will try the neti pot if i can find one here [if anyone knows where to get one in thailand please let me know]. I used the water pick one in the states that helped a bit but the neti pot sounds better

I will also try the steam tent

as moldy rightly pointed out i am handling the doctors wrong. i will try and find the best specialist i can and lean on them till i get the proper treatment and not just a bagfull of pills as i have gotten to date

thanks for all the help and i will keep checking for any further suggestions


thanks for everybody's help. I sure need it.

I live in Pattaya by the way. I found a great dentist trained in the states with perfect english who understands my problem and is going to work with me. that being said i am going to follow much of the advice given here.

yes i have allergies, dog, cat, mold, dust, dust mites etc. unfortunately i have a dog for the last 5 years and a cat for 6 but i am going to keep them out of the bedroom from now on. I ride a motorcycle and that is why it has gotten worse in my guess. I think i will start wearing a mask and see if that helps

I have been to doctors here but they just throw medicine at me, none of which helps and none of which is mentioned on either of these two threads. I will try each and everyone that has be mentioned here and see if one helps.

I will try the neti pot if i can find one here [if anyone knows where to get one in thailand please let me know]. I used the water pick one in the states that helped a bit but the neti pot sounds better

I will also try the steam tent

as moldy rightly pointed out i am handling the doctors wrong. i will try and find the best specialist i can and lean on them till i get the proper treatment and not just a bagfull of pills as i have gotten to date

thanks for all the help and i will keep checking for any further suggestions


Hi Jimmy. I think it's really about lifestyle change then. That's not easy but surely it's better than sinusitis for prolonged periods. There are a lot of factors at play here. It could be you don't so much as have a serious allergy, but lots of small ones each putting the boot in so to speak.

So maybe go for moderate steps first as I'm sure you don't want rover cast out in to the big bad world, eg, yes a few dog no go areas, disposal of any cloth likely to harbour fur, etc, and a good hoover of the house (while you are not in it).

This might allow your membranes to heal sufficiently well that in time you can be a little less concerned about what you come in to contact with, at least for short periods at least.

The motorbike - well there it is in the main, time after time traffic pollution comes up. In Bangkok a big majority of street level workers have chronic URTI. Pattaya must have reasonable air quality but not on a highway and I'd hazard a guess that at times you may be stuck behind a tuk-tuk, or belching bus, so I'd say a real mask is now an essential. I'm going to follow my own advice and see where I can get one. anybody know ?

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