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I Want To Be Thai!

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I do think Khun Web Ninja is very optimistic and reading this and his other posts makes me fear he will be a likely target for scams and being taken advantage of, yet I wouldn't want to tell him to stop seeing the glass as half full. There are so many who only seem to find fault with Thailand and eventually become bitter and can no longer see the good. I don't know if his tune would change if he lived here, personally I do not believe those with good intentions are often rewarded in Thailand but I also don't think becoming xenophobic and paranoid Thailand is out to get you offers much rewards in life. But Success does seem reserved for only the most shrewd and street smart. Something about his posts reminds me of the story of Candide by Voltaire and the character Dr. Pangloss who believes he 'lives in the best of all possible worlds' right up to his death.

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Have you chaps noticed that the OP hasn't bothered to reply to ANYONE'S post? This is a classic example of a TROLL. I can picture this guy smiling and wringing his hands while reading all the posts from GENUINE forum members.

Check his website out.

It's hilarious.

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Just so everyone knows, NO I am not Trolling! YES I am for real!

And all this hateful talk about how Naive I must be? Well, You're the Haters not me, I'll just leave you to your own Misery rather than get involved in it with you. The FACTS are, I have been more places and done more things than most people in this World. If that makes you a little jealous of me, and makes you want to hate me for my experience, or if you think you have to put me down to make yourself feel better, then that is YOUR problem not mine.

I am writing this Post to get some information, that was my Request.

YES I am willing to Give up my US Citizenship in exchange for Thai Citizenship, but the way I look at it is if I want to live the Rest of my life in Thailand, married to a Thai girl raising a Family in Thailand Working in Thailand building a Life in Thailand, why would I need a US Citizenship? It didn't help me much serving in the US Military, I didn't gain any kind of Profound respect, or any decent Jobs as a Result of Serving Honorably in the US Airforce, so what is the point in staying in a Country that cares more about the people in Iraq than the Vets who lay Homeless Freezing on the Streets of the US every night? What is the Point of holding on to a Citizenship of the US when YO MTV Gangstas that sing about Killing people, are more respected than a Veteran of the US Military? Why should I care about holding on to a US Citizenship when in many Cities of the US they would rather hire an immigrant of another country over a US Military Veteran. (Search out Insourcing in America). Hundreds of Thousands of US Citizens are Homeless without food Clothing or Shelter, and are Hated by the Majority of the rest of Societies around here. This is something I should be proud to hold on to?

Thailand has what I want out of Life. I Love Thai Women more than any other type of Woman in the World, I have tried many Women of all different kinds prior to making this decision, so I know. Thailand has Style and Class, if you can't see it, then you don't value Thailand like I do. I am a Cook, Thai people Pride themselves on being some of the BEST Cooks in the entire World! The Most Artistic Garnishes in the World were created by Thai People.

I Love Thai Religion, I studied and Practiced Buddhism for more than 10 years. Buddhism is based on Compassion and Understanding which is Greater than the Hatred and Contempt that is written in the Scritpures of Christian and Muslim Religions.

Thai Dance Music often speaks of Love and Romance, where as American Dance Music speaks of Hating people, Killing people, doing Drive by Shootings, Robbing people, calling Women "Hos" and disrespecting Women, mostly thoughts of Hatred and Contempt.

Thai Customs are Polite and Respectful, "The Land of Smiles" illustrates how Thai people are taught to Smile at Strangers on the Street. In most US Cities if you smile at someone on the Street they will call the Cops on you or report you as the Bad Guy in some way. Hate is the previlent thought process for Americans in most places in the US.

I could point out dozens of other examples as how Thai Culture is BETTER than American Culture, but I feel like if I have to explain myself anymore than I already have, then I am addressing the wrong Audience.

I do appreciate the links that some of you provided to help me learn what I need to know. If anyone can get me closer to living in Thailand, and becoming a Thai Citizen, let me know.



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Just so everyone knows, NO I am not Trolling! YES I am for real!

And all this hateful talk about how Naive I must be? Well, You're the Haters not me, I'll just leave you to your own Misery rather than get involved in it with you. The FACTS are, I have been more places and done more things than most people in this World. If that makes you a little jealous of me, and makes you want to hate me for my experience, or if you think you have to put me down to make yourself feel better, then that is YOUR problem not mine.

I am writing this Post to get some information, that was my Request.

YES I am willing to Give up my US Citizenship in exchange for Thai Citizenship, but the way I look at it is if I want to live the Rest of my life in Thailand, married to a Thai girl raising a Family in Thailand Working in Thailand building a Life in Thailand, why would I need a US Citizenship? It didn't help me much serving in the US Military, I didn't gain any kind of Profound respect, or any decent Jobs as a Result of Serving Honorably in the US Airforce, so what is the point in staying in a Country that cares more about the people in Iraq than the Vets who lay Homeless Freezing on the Streets of the US every night? What is the Point of holding on to a Citizenship of the US when YO MTV Gangstas that sing about Killing people, are more respected than a Veteran of the US Military? Why should I care about holding on to a US Citizenship when in many Cities of the US they would rather hire an immigrant of another country over a US Military Veteran. (Search out Insourcing in America). Hundreds of Thousands of US Citizens are Homeless without food Clothing or Shelter, and are Hated by the Majority of the rest of Societies around here. This is something I should be proud to hold on to?

Thailand has what I want out of Life. I Love Thai Women more than any other type of Woman in the World, I have tried many Women of all different kinds prior to making this decision, so I know. Thailand has Style and Class, if you can't see it, then you don't value Thailand like I do. I am a Cook, Thai people Pride themselves on being some of the BEST Cooks in the entire World! The Most Artistic Garnishes in the World were created by Thai People.

I Love Thai Religion, I studied and Practiced Buddhism for more than 10 years. Buddhism is based on Compassion and Understanding which is Greater than the Hatred and Contempt that is written in the Scritpures of Christian and Muslim Religions.

Thai Dance Music often speaks of Love and Romance, where as American Dance Music speaks of Hating people, Killing people, doing Drive by Shootings, Robbing people, calling Women "Hos" and disrespecting Women, mostly thoughts of Hatred and Contempt.

Thai Customs are Polite and Respectful, "The Land of Smiles" illustrates how Thai people are taught to Smile at Strangers on the Street. In most US Cities if you smile at someone on the Street they will call the Cops on you or report you as the Bad Guy in some way. Hate is the previlent thought process for Americans in most places in the US.

I could point out dozens of other examples as how Thai Culture is BETTER than American Culture, but I feel like if I have to explain myself anymore than I already have, then I am addressing the wrong Audience.

I do appreciate the links that some of you provided to help me learn what I need to know. If anyone can get me closer to living in Thailand, and becoming a Thai Citizen, let me know.



Dear Sir.

Can I humbly suggest that you book yourself into the nearest Psychiatric institution? You are SORELY delusional and a REAL danger to yourself.

Have a nice day, though!

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If you give up your US citizenship and the IRS decides you did so to avoid paying taxes, you will be a citizen in the eyes of the IRS. Caching.

assuming this often heard but completely unfounded rumour is correct (which i know is not!) i wonder how the IRS will collect taxes from a former American citizen who has taken up residence in Thailand.

by the way, quite a number of very wealthy Americans exist who gave up their citizenship in order not to pay taxes on their worldwide income. two of them i know personally and none of these two has less than three different passports/citizenships :D

edited to make german grammar better understandable :o

Edited by Naam
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The guy was in the USAF for and extended period of time. Honorably discharged in 1991. Wonder why he elected to be discharged or did the AF elect to discharge him(section 8).

I find this interesting, you try to take something which is GOOD, such as my Service in the USAF and my HONORABLE Discharge and turn it around into a negative Thought of Hatred and Contempt. This pretty much shows us where YOUR mind is Focused.

But to answer the question, I got out of the US Airforce in 1991 because I wanted to have more Control over my Life. I put in for Embassy Duty in Bangkok, they didn't give it to me, so I got out, so I could try to figure another way to go to Thailand. I also put in for Embassy Duty in Manila, Japan, and other places in Asia, but after having a bunch of Remotes in Asia already, they wanted me to stay in the US mainland for a while. I didn't like that idea, so I got out of my own Choosing, I wasn't forced out. In fact they really wanted me to stay. In a time when they were offering people bonuses to get out, they wanted ME to stay. But I wanted more control over my own life, that's why I got out.

It must be easy for you to put those who did something down, I wonder, did YOU ever do even Half as much as I did for YOUR Country? You seem to think you are better than me in so many ways, it just makes me wonder where all that comes from? For one who focuses on trying to make ME look like I might be crazy, it seems more Crazy for me to see YOU trying to think with so much Hate towards someone you barely even know. Looks to me like it is YOUR mind that isn't right huh?

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Ok, Ok, ... Look, just do what you want to do.

You don't need permission from others, do you ? So just do it !

p.s. I don't think that being "shepherded" around the world by the US military

entitles you to the title of "World Traveller"


Edited by naka
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You throw the word hate around an awful lot.

I think the vast majority of forum readers who have looked at your posts will regard you as naive.

If thats so don't you think you should ask yourself why.

let me give you an example.

Lets say I'm Chinese and posted on a forum about Chinese people living in America , a post asking to be made a Citizen of the USA. Do you think I would be naive if I expected 1, some one with the authority to make me a citizen will pick up the phone and give me a call because I posted my phone number 2,some one with the authority to make me a citizen would be reading a Chinese language forum.

Being naive is not something that could possibly make me hate someone, it just amuses me.


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If you give up your US citizenship and the IRS decides you did so to avoid paying taxes, you will be a citizen in the eyes of the IRS. Caching.

assuming this often heard but completely unfounded rumour is correct (which i know is not!) i wonder how the IRS will collect taxes from a former American citizen who has taken up residence in Thailand.

by the way, quite a number of very wealthy Americans exist who gave up their citizenship in order not to pay taxes on their worldwide income. two of them i know personally and none of these two has less than three different passports/citizenships :D

edited to make german grammar better understandable :o

So sorry to inform you Sir, but this is no rumor, it is fact. From the US Department of State website:



P.L. 104-191 contains changes in the taxation of U.S. citizens who renounce or otherwise lose U.S. citizenship. In general, any person who lost U.S. citizenship within 10 years immediately preceding the close of the taxable year, whose principle purpose in losing citizenship was to avoid taxation, will be subject to continued taxation. For the purposes of this statute, persons are presumed to have a principle purpose of avoiding taxation if 1) their average annual net income tax for a five year period before the date of loss of citizenship is greater than $100,000, or 2) their net worth on the date of the loss of U.S. nationality is $500,000 or more (subject to cost of living adjustments). The effective date of the law is retroactive to February 6, 1995. Copies of approved Certificates of Loss of Nationality are provided by the Department of State to the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to P.L. 104-191. Questions regarding United States taxation consequences upon loss of U.S. nationality, should be addressed to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

Edited by Jingthing
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I read the Thai Immigrations Web Site, so I know the requirements such as 2million baht, but I know there is always a way as long as there is a Will. So here I will state my Case, and hopefully someone in the Thai Immigrations or Thai Gov, might read this and pull some strings for me.

I am a White American, 45 years old, Ex US Military (Airforce), discharged Honorably in 1991, I first became interested in Thailand and Thai people in 1987 when I met some Thai girls in Guam, then again when I was stationed in the Philippines in 1989, then again when a Co-worker of mine was Thai in 1992, then again when I started learning Web design and I did a Asian Models Web Site for Asian Fashion Models all over the world, and I got a lot of response from many Thai Models and Thai Magazines, which drew my attention even more to Thailand. It started feeling like Thailand was suppose to be something important in my life, because everytime I met someone from Thailand I got this feeling like I knew them, but I forgot their name or something, and they were getting some familiar feelings about me as well. So this lead me to start thinking more seriously about Thailand, I began to study Thai Language, and learn more about Thai Culture as well.

Everything I learned about Thailand felt good, felt like something Positive, something comfortable that I really liked.

As time went by I found myself beginning to compare the Life Style of living the in US with Thai Style and Culture, things like the Style of Music, and the Trends associated with the Culture, the VALUES of Thai people, Verses the Lack of Values in the US. I found myself even MORE drawn to Thai Culture the more I learned about Thailand and Thai people the more I fell in Love with all of it.

Then I Traveled to Thailand Twice, each time I felt as if I was home the Minute I walked out the door in the Airport, I felt like I was Home. Keep in mind I served 7 years in the US Airforce, I traveled all over the world, I lived in the Philippines, Guam, Hawaii, Visited Korea, Japan, Mexico, and many other places, but I never felt like I did when I visited Thailand. Some places I visited I experienced a kind of Culture Shock or Fear of the Unknown or not knowing who to Trust, but when I arrived in Thailand it was a very warm feeling as if I had found what I had been looking for my whole life. I feeling of complete satisfaction, and contentment, as if I just came home for the first time in my life. That's how it feels when I visit Thailand. This lead me to take my Thai Language Studies more seriously, and I started studying how to Cook Thai foods, and learn all the Movie Stars names, and listen to all the Music, and know the Thai Music Artists, and strive to completely enjoy Thai Culture in every aspect.

Now I feel like I am waiting for a Bus, or like I am waiting for some Miracle to happen that can allow me to Live in Thailand.

I don't have 2 million Baht, but I have always wanted to Marry Mamee, (Napakaprapa Narkprasit) or (if she doesn't want me), a Beautiful Thai Girl, and live on the Beach somewhere in Thailand.

I am a Trained Computer Repair Tech, I can do basic HTML Web Design, I am a Photographer, I can do Hotel Front Desk, or other Travel Indusrty Jobs, I can Speak Tagalog, Japanese, Thai, and some Spanish, as well as being born English Speaker, and I have the ability to Teach English to Thai people as well.

I know how to do Digital Audio/ Video Recording and Editing, and I know how to use a Video Camera pretty well, I made my own Movie, including playing Keyboards, Guitar, and doing the Narrations for all the Sound Tracks. These Skills can be used to create Multimedia Learning tools in Video Format if you need me to do those kinds of things.

I also know how to use Different kinds of Radio communications equipment, VHF, UHF, AM, FM, Scanners and Transimitters, I also understand basic Anntenna Design & Engineering. I know a little Electronics and have been studying on designing and building my own Electric Cars, which I would be willing to try to mass produce for Thailand if you want me to. With my background I could perform a number of Jobs in Thailand, I would be willing to help fight the Muslim Terrorists in the South, or Teach Thai people, or I would be happy with a little Internet Cafe, and Computer shop on Ko Samui or near some other Beach area such as Pattaya or Puket.

I have knowledge in Health & Nutrition and Diet Therapy, I also practiced Martial Arts for many years, this could be useful to someone. I would be happy working as a Photographer for a Magazine or Newspaper, or doing Intel for the Thai Military. My point here is, there is A LOT I could do for Thailand. If you just opened the doors for me, and let me in.

So after reading all of this you can see I am serious about living in Thailand, this decision has ruled my life, it has been my entire focus in life for many years now. I am Living in the US and wanting to Live in Thailand. There are plenty of Thai people who dream of coming to the US, maybe someone in the Thai Gov can work out a Citizen Exchange Program with the US Government or something. I will do anything to live in Thailand. I am just trying to figure out how to make it happen at this point. If anyone can help me find Legal reason to live in Thailand, please let me know. And like I said before I am willing to Marry a Thai Girl, but I am not going to Marry just anyone just to come to Thailand, but I plan to Love a Thai Woman someday after I get to Thailand, so if Mamee was to read this or one of her Relatives, let her know I am dreaming of HER, just as much as I am Dreaming of Thailand. I wrote and Recorded the Song "Thepthida Mamee" for her Birthday last year. That just shows you how much I think of her.

Let me know if you any of you can help me out.



I know Iam only a new fella to these forums. But this bloke is an idiot.

Still it is good to know that 99% of expats dont fall into this catergory.

They tend not to last. The word dreamer comes to mind.

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A simple starting point would be to get a TEFL cert, come to Thailand and teach English for a while. Get to know what it is like living in Thailand on a day to day basis. From there, you could look for other jobs that pay more. Maybe find a girlfriend, get married, get an O visa based on marriage.

But do listen to many of the posters, you do sound naive. Do you really expect Mamee to fall for you? It is like saying that a Thai girl would like Tom Cruise to date her. She would have to be naive to think that would ever happen. Maybe if you have some experience in Special Forces, the Thai military might like your help, but I imagine they are already getting whatever help they want from the active duty US Special Forces.

It sounds like your experience on Thailand is mostly from afar, besides a few trips to Thailand. It is much different to live here on a day to day basis.

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Now let me see...

I don't have 2 million Baht,
I am a Trained Computer Repair Tech,

I can do basic HTML Web Design,

I am a Photographer,

I can do Hotel Front Desk,

Travel Indusrty Jobs,

I can Speak Tagalog, Japanese, Thai, and some Spanish,

Teach English to Thai people.

Digital Audio/ Video Recording and Editing,

use a Video Camera, I made my own Movie,

playing Keyboards, Guitar,

doing the Narrations for all the Sound Tracks

create Multimedia Learning tools in Video Format

use Different kinds of Radio communications equipment,

VHF, UHF, AM, FM, Scanners and Transimitters,

understand basic Anntenna Design & Engineering.

Teach Thai people,

knowledge in Health & Nutrition and Diet Therapy,

practiced Martial Arts for many years,

working as a Photographer for a Magazine or Newspaper,

doing Intel for the Thai Military.

Nice career Marky baby, obviously saving $ wasn't one of your many talents. :o

Good luck with the "dream" ... and the therapy.

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I just read this guy's posts. Although I got a good laugh out of them, he is a complete lunatic, delusional, and may be dangerous. He is in need of immediate psychiatric care!

You think his posts are scary? Take a look at this. Actually I'm beggining to believe this is some kind of incredibly elaborate wind-up. Surely it would be impossible to actually be this mental?

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Lock up your (FEMALE, Slim and Sexy Looking, with little or NO Fat, Young Fresh Athletic Not old tired and Lazy, Democrat or Liberal, Clean, and Showered, Teeth Brushed, non Raggedy Looking Dirty Drug addict type, Asian Girls, Or Mixed Race Girls, or Brown Girls Regardless of your Race, who have Proof of Recent Medical Evaluation signed by a doctor) daughters! HERE COMES THE WEB-NINJA!

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After reading some of your other posts and your website, I take it back. You are not naive. I believe you are in need of professional help.

Thank you, that actually made me laugh out loud :o


I just scanned his web site. I'm not laughing any more, the guy is a raving lunatic, prasart.

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