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Starting A Sourcing Business In Thailand

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I am considering going to Thailand and trying to make money sourcing for American clothing companies. I already have a couple of U.S. companies that I have good relationships with. My question is: if I set up a U.S. company, and am paid by the companies I source for, and they pay the money to my U.S. account, is there any reason for me to establish a formal company in Thailand?

What are the advantages and also what are my visa options? I will probably be travelling to Vietnam, Cambodia and China as well, so leaving the country won't be too much of a problem.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


ps- If you have good contacts with Thai factories that make quality clothing (especially childrens) feel free to message me.

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nice idea.....

But have you checked into the import quotos for clothes into the USA ?

ever wonder why clothes are sewn in Dominician Republic etc with USA material ?

its to get around the quotos....

I think you need to check more into the USA import side before going much further.

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