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Bomb Blasting In Jakarta


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If anyone like to be safe..then..

Just stop creating terrorist by giving reasons for more and more people to become terrorists.

Every one of those terrorists were like you and me at one point and it's nothing other than our own actions have made them so extremists.

This is a load of crap!

They start training little boys @ the age of 4 to hate americans and teach them how to be soldiers. How can a 4 year old possibly know and understand enough to hate americans bad enough to want to become terrorist . It's simple brainwashing.

to say they were like you or me at one point is insane. They may be like you but definately not like me.

sorry I did not read the rest of your post because that was enough for me.

this sounds like a topic that should be moved to the bear pit

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Terrorism is an interesting word. When a government kills its national policy and okay. When people who arn't the government kill its called terrorism.

When people have a future and have enough to eat they arn't tempted to be terrorists. People who are well fed and have a future arn't  tempted to throw away there lives as they have some thing to live for.

Grow up.


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I don't think that in general muslims do train thier combats at the age of 4. There are countries in the world where very young children are bought up with arms and fighting. Most of those countries, unfortunatly have been supported by funds from the USA. One of the saddest images that I have ever seen in my life was of small girl set on fire in a country in S.E. Asia. I've met lots of people without limbs in the region as well. I don't think the USA has a good record on looking after cany country other than themselves, unfortunatly they have draged other countries into thier war. If there is corruption and injustice in Thailand it is magnified many times in the USA.

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If anyone like to be safe..then..

Just stop creating terrorist by giving reasons for more and more people to become terrorists.

Every one of those terrorists were like you and me at one point and it's nothing other than our own actions have made them so extremists.

This is a load of crap!

They start training little boys @ the age of 4 to hate americans and teach them how to be soldiers. How can a 4 year old possibly know and understand enough to hate americans bad enough to want to become terrorist . It's simple brainwashing.

to say they were like you or me at one point is insane. They may be like you but definately not like me.

sorry I did not read the rest of your post because that was enough for me.

this sounds like a topic that should be moved to the bear pit

Whoever you are...

You didn't read the rest of my reply...Really... ? How selective you are?

Don't think all others here are so stupid enough to believe everything you people say... ?

So all these extremists who multiplied in 100's after you guys invaded Iraq have got this training since they were 4 yrs old..

If the average age of these fighters 20Yrs..which means 16 yrs they have been running these training programs.. Find some other answer...

It's very easy for you to call me an extreamist..when you do not know who you really are.. Right now.. only people in your country support this War.. Those people who support are the people who have been brainwashed.. Not the majority...

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I don't think the USA has a good record on looking after cany country other than themselves, unfortunatly they have draged other countries into thier war. If there is corruption and injustice in Thailand it is magnified many times in the USA.

All too true; unfortunately its not getting better in the US. Scandal after scandal after scandal - every 10 years or so in the US (very abbreviated list):

50s - Overthrow of elected PM and enthronement of the Shah in Iran

60s - Vietnam lies/Pentagon Papers/Nuclear Weapons Buildup by US

70s - watergate/oil crisis

80s - Iran-Iraq War/S&L debacle/Iran-Contragate

90s - Corruption of Congress Oversight/Financial Scandals

2000s -the oil grab of the century/Refusal to eradicate nuclear weapons/final stages of wiping out of the Palestinians

Throughout all this the support of multiple dictatorships that committed mass crimes against their own people.

They aint fixin it; aint gonna fixit. It just goes on and on. Its called Imperial Hubris. Sooner or later the Idiots Upstairs are going to push our luck (that's right, i'm a yank) too far and really mess things up irretrievably(likely there already).

Remember the Romans ? They teach every child in gradeschool that the Roman Empire fell because of their immorality. In the 3rd millenium after the cruxifiction, things happen much faster; it may not take long.

Should've gotten off the oil habit 30 years ago; now we aint even really trying. So we're 'forced' to control it - its global imperial politics - everybody else knows what the US is doing, just don't tell it to the Americans- it might hurt their self-esteem.

The most concentrated wealth in the history of humanity in the USA makes it the most corrupt and neurotic society to ever exist.

But Boy, can we PARTAY !

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Terrorism is an interesting word. When a government kills its national policy and okay. When people who arn't the government kill its called terrorism.

When people have a future and have enough to eat they arn't tempted to be terrorists. People who are well fed and have a future arn't tempted to throw away there lives as they have some thing to live for.

The IRA had a future and they were well fed, so your argument falls flat on its face right away.

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get rid of all faiths except the good one, that where the word for god came from GOOD!

The worst is the muslim one though for sure

You can kill for alhla.

its all BS if you ask me!

The word fanatic springs to mind here, how many of the UK and USA posters sound like fanatics? Quiet a few I think. You guys do not help the cause, be reasonable with your comments and expectations and people won't be able to criticize you. Be fanatical and you are no better than the Arab fanatics.

It is time to seriously consider a coordinated joint military type campaign, under the auspices of the UN if possible but in the name of humanity if not, and deal with these people and their threats as we would to a more formal threat to our survival.
Would this also include Israel for their acts of terrorism?

The UN has declared the wall they are building illegal, will the US invade them for refusing to stick to the UN Resolutions

There are currently in excess of 75 outstanding resolutions against Israel that have not been complied with.

I am all for stopping terrorism but it has to be multilateral, and it cannot be used as an excuse to wage a personal war for the wrong reasons. (Iraq)

The USA creates a situation and then wants a pat on the back for fixing it. Any one remember Rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadam as he supplied the military helicopters and nerve gas that was used on Iran?

Do any of you remember how the press worldwide ridiculed GWB before he and Blair decided it would be a good political move to go to war?

My Point is if Thaksin is wise he will not get his head stuck up the "coalitions" Butt, and will do what Thais have done in the past and look after Thailand by staying out of it.

As for the Americans saving France and winning 2 world wars get real you jerks, you only fought the last part of it and only then when you were personally attacked, you refused help to Europe for the first 2 plus years on numerous occasions.

I long for the day when all terrorists are at the Hague on war crimes trials including Blair, Bush and Osama and his crew.

Comment all you want but if you are a reasonable person then you will understand that Laws are for every one not just the weak and downtrodden.

Hey don't forget about Canada, eh...only we're fanatics about beer and Hockey, cuz that's what is all aboot!

I want to know how many of you posters live in their Parents basement.

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They start training little boys @ the age of 4 to hate americans

######There was one news show with children of 10 or 12 and up who were learning to be warriors or terrorists or freedon fighters or whatever you choose to call them. I saw it as well. How many 4 year olds are really out there training? It is a sad fact that there are any, but how many are there really? As a general statement, it cannot be said that 4 year olds are training, because it is a minute percentage of the entire populace. Itis better to be generally right than precisely wrong. -Einstein

######And, on hating Americans, I can think of a lot of Europeans who do as well. They were able to learn it on their own.

and teach them how to be soldiers.

#####There are also military summer camps in the US for kids above the age of 13. These kids have been indoctrinated by their fathers from a very early age.

##### I have retired US military friends who were training 12 year olds to use weapons in Vietnam. It happens on both sides.

How can a 4 year old possibly know and understand enough to hate americans bad enough to want to become terrorist . It's simple brainwashing.

######Yes, it is brain-washing. And it occurs in a lot of countries. I remember friends of mine in high-school wanted to join the army right then and there if they would be allowed to go to Grenada and "kill communists." The fact that Grenada had a population of 60,000 and over 600 banks, with a poor standard of living for the majority did not make them wonder what was going on. The country was neither a democracy recognizeable by Thomas Jefferson nor was it a capitalistic country.

to say they were like you or me at one point is insane.

They may be like you but definately not like me.

######I have lived in Saudi 8 1/2 years, including during 9/11. Upon arriving to work on 9/12, my military students had smiles on their faces and in fact told me how happy they were and that Osama was such a good man. The next day, a general told them to conceal their glee as the military did not want to show the foreigners that the cadets were so happy with mass the murders.

#####The cadets are from the more impoverished areas of Saudi Arabia. I had a very wealthy private student on 9/11. At 4:15, when we were at his office, his father called down to us to come upstairs to see the WTC on fire. He was in shock and very disturbed about the people who were in the building. Then, the second plane hit. At that time, he realized that it was not an accidental fire. He understood it to be a terrorist attack. He, a Saudi, would never condone an action like that. In fact, I told my student, who was an adult, to call his broker and short the dollar immediately. His father told him not to, as he did not want to make mony off of other's misfortune. I am Jewish. A Jewish person would hae shorted the dollar and everything else American at that moment.

######There, you have a very rich and cosmopolitan Saudi with one view, and a lot of poor Saudis with another view. Now, not all poor Saudis share the same views, and neither do all rich ones. Spending time at the coffee shops late at night, one can get an idea of the general mood. Again, you get both sides, but those who are not strongly Islamic (strongly Islamic does not mean pro-terrorist, it means strongly Islamic), need to be a little mroe careful of what they speak. Why?... As Saudi Arabia has fanned the fires of fanaticism for many many years, and disagreeing with extremists makes the reasonable Saudi appear as a pro-American, anti-Islamic renegade.

to say they were like you or me at one point is insane.

They may be like you but definately not like me.

#######No, they are not the same as us. A Fox news clip had an "expert" saying that the typical Afghan man was the same as us(meaning Americans, I think), that he wanted the same for his children. That is not the truth. People are different, and when people are pushed to a certain point, there are no longer themselves, either. "Most" although certainly not all, of the people moving around the world as Allah's soldiers are from the poorer ranks of Islamic countries. Most of the people in the US military are from the poorer ranks of the US citizenry as well.

#######In Saudi, there is no form of organization in which people can gather. In fact, if 10 people form a group on the boardwalk at the beach in Jeddah, the police will come to see what they are doing and separate them. The only way that they can congregate is in the Mosques. The Saudi government forces this on them. If anyone believes that Islam is not forced on the citizens of Saudi Arabia, they need to live there for a while before making that decision.

######The "leader" of Saudi Arabia is still King Fahad, "Custodian of the two Holy Mosques," until he finally keels over. The purpose of this title is so that the populace takes his word as the word from the Koran or the word of Allah. Anyone who disagrees with his orders or rules is therefore unislamic. In fact, the penalty for attempting to change religions is death. I am unaware of anyone ever doing it. No form of any other religion is allowed in the country. NO books, papers, crosses, cassettes, etc.

###### The purpose of all this extraneous information is so that one can begin to understand what kind of lives governments like Saudi put their people through. They do this for a reason - control. The government of Saudi is responsible for more of this terrorism than anyone else. Don't blame to poor guy who could not find a job for joining the "jihad army" to go across the world and fight. The Saudi government has not built an education system or an economy for the populace, but teir money available for those who want to go towar overseas. Believe me, he would much rather be at home with his wife and kids - if married, but he needs to feed them as well. Being poor and not caring for one's family is undignified, but dying for a cause is. So, what do they do?

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