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A Thailand Elite Card... What Is This

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I can afford the card, but i simply can't see any rational argument for buying it.

Hiking the price 50% is ludicrous. A couple of months ago i was looking at renting a new apartment for 45k a month. The agent said it had been that price for months and i should get in quick because - get this - if i didnt sign up by Friday, the rent was being raised to 55k. It's the law of supply and demand turned upside down.

Needless to say, thaielite will be an even more dismal failure now that it was before.

I wish it were otherwise. Several members I respect seem to have bought into it. I can't help feeling their fervent support of it is semi-defensive.

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Thank you very much for posting that.

I'm a bit curious about their refund. How do they calculate the "remaining membership fee" on something that is issued for a "lifetime."

Do they base it upon average life expectancy of the country of origin of the member?

Your ongoing sarcasm regarding this product aside, actually it's a new one on me too. As far as I knew when I bought it, there was no clause stating I'd get a satang back if it all went down. That's certainly how I costed it internally when thinking risk/reward.

As far as the nitty-gritty in the contract posted goes, I'd hazard a guess that:

b i) There are some things that can cost you extra and you have to settle-up with TE. Things like if you book a limo and you cancel at the last minute, they still have to pay AOT, so will look to pass that cost back to you (a fair policy that helps to prevent abuse IMHO). Maybe that's what this clause covers. Not 100% sure about this (hey, well it's Thailand).

ii) Fairly simple of them to add up, "OK you've had 30 limos, 10 rounds of golf" etc, and use that as a way of pricing how much of the initial lump-sum you've "spent" whilst being a member. Not sure how they'd value Noi's incessant flirting when she picks me up from the plane, but obviously I'd pay double so the wife doesn't find out! :o

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I can afford the card, but i simply can't see any rational argument for buying it.

Hiking the price 50% is ludicrous. A couple of months ago i was looking at renting a new apartment for 45k a month. The agent said it had been that price for months and i should get in quick because - get this - if i didnt sign up by Friday, the rent was being raised to 55k. It's the law of supply and demand turned upside down.

Needless to say, thaielite will be an even more dismal failure now that it was before.

I wish it were otherwise. Several members I respect seem to have bought into it. I can't help feeling their fervent support of it is semi-defensive.

I'd love to see more recent figures about how the scheme has progressed over the last year or so. They've made changes to try and cut costs - nothing earth-shattering, but sensible things like flogging their own fleet of cars and drivers and subcontracting AOT for the limos. Free rounds of golf have been cut for new members from once a day to twice a month, and some courses have been taken off the list (including IIRC Thaksin's very own Alpine... :D !). Sound business decisions IMHO, although the price hike? Hmm...

Haven't had one for a month or so, but I was getting quite a few PMs from farangs based in Asia asking my advice about the programme after reading the threads here; I know most of them joined (and I hope I've provided objective advice both on the public boards and in private). But according to the published demographics from a while back, it's north-east Asians who have bought most memberships and their views on the scheme simply aren't reflected here on this site.

Especially in the absence of the investment visa, TE does make sense to people like me, but it is a small target market. I was gobsmacked last month when I flew in and two other (also farang) TE members were picked up off the same flight! For one horrible moment I thought I'd have to share a golf-buggy to immigration... :o:D

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Thank you very much for posting that.

I'm a bit curious about their refund. How do they calculate the "remaining membership fee" on something that is issued for a "lifetime."

Do they base it upon average life expectancy of the country of origin of the member?

Your ongoing sarcasm regarding this product aside, actually it's a new one on me too. As far as I knew when I bought it, there was no clause stating I'd get a satang back if it all went down. That's certainly how I costed it internally when thinking risk/reward.

As far as the nitty-gritty in the contract posted goes, I'd hazard a guess that:

b i) There are some things that can cost you extra and you have to settle-up with TE. Things like if you book a limo and you cancel at the last minute, they still have to pay AOT, so will look to pass that cost back to you (a fair policy that helps to prevent abuse IMHO). Maybe that's what this clause covers. Not 100% sure about this (hey, well it's Thailand).

ii) Fairly simple of them to add up, "OK you've had 30 limos, 10 rounds of golf" etc, and use that as a way of pricing how much of the initial lump-sum you've "spent" whilst being a member. Not sure how they'd value Noi's incessant flirting when she picks me up from the plane, but obviously I'd pay double so the wife doesn't find out! :o

Actually, my last comment wasn't sarcastic at all. I was genuinely interested as I'm always curious about the refund policy of ANY product that advertises a lifetime guarantee.

The cynical aspect, of course, would conclude that any number of "creative accounting" techniques would no doubt be employed to insure that refunds provided, if any are provided at all, would be minuscule.

Particularly in light that if the program is going tits up because of losses in the millions, they're not going to be adding to that by providing substantial refunds.

Edited by sriracha john
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I can afford the card, but i simply can't see any rational argument for buying it.

Hiking the price 50% is ludicrous. A couple of months ago i was looking at renting a new apartment for 45k a month. The agent said it had been that price for months and i should get in quick because - get this - if i didnt sign up by Friday, the rent was being raised to 55k. It's the law of supply and demand turned upside down.

Needless to say, thaielite will be an even more dismal failure now that it was before.

I wish it were otherwise. Several members I respect seem to have bought into it. I can't help feeling their fervent support of it is semi-defensive.

It just seems to me that the criticism of the program is just not objective. I mean, who gives a shit if the program is making money or not? If you need a visa and they give you one for 5 years, why would you care if the program was a success? Obviously, they are not going to cancel it, they would have done that long ago if economics were the driver. The program makes sense for a very small market. The fact that the government that set it up misread that does justify what borders on irrational criticism Just because it doesn’t fit your situation doesn’t mean it is stupid.


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If I did not have the investment visa/work permit right now, I would have bought one a long time ago. With 10 years+ to go before a retirement visa just the visa costs (when 1M Baht was the price) is about the same it costs to fly to home country and TRY to obtain and pay for a 1 year multiple entry non-o/non-b (that requires visa runs every 3 months).

I believe (their homepage is now partly restricted to members) that membership included is to the Cascade Club at the Ascott - a gym costing about 60.000 Baht/year - so if one wanted to use that anyway; 10 years+ of that is also a good chunk of that before even looking at 24 spa visits and 24 golf fees/year for 10 years+.

Now, they might adjust things again as discussed, but as long as the visa is maintained/renewed every 5 years it looks resonable to me.

That said; increasing the price to 1.5M at (almost) the same time as they reduce benefits does seem like a double whammy - should maybe have done one thing first, followed by the other change later, but on the other hand, it proves that they actually have been willing to do the nos and take the actions needed to keep the card alive.

I also wonder why we do not see more resale of these cards - guess the 1500 that got them for free, can't find it in their stacks of cash anyway, while the 500+ (or whatever no.) that actually paid for it still receive whatever was the main benefit they needed.

a 1M Baht card might then now be "worth" 1.5M (minus 30% transfer fees, and the value reduction due to reduced benefits and the 30 year max for 2nd hand buyers) so seller might still get a good price for it. I would buy one right now for 500k if anybody want's to sell!:o) Not expecting many PMs...


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Who cares if its making money? Just the folks losing all that cash. Thats the first thing you look at in any investment, and the last thing, and most of the things in betwixt. Definitely an investment you have to look at in the here and now, as are all investments made in Thailand. Things change too completely and rapidly to make any decent mid term, much less long term decisions on resale or amortization of anything.

For those with the spare pocket change, its a handy five year visa without hassle. Just the thing spare change was made for. For those that might miss 1.5M if they forgot it in NEP, they would have to crunch the numbers on the value of a one time five year visa.

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The very least they should have done was allow the person with an Elite Card to stay without the hassle of having to get extensions every 90 days. How difficult would that have been? How "elite" would the holder of the card feel when lining up with all the ordinary visa runners holders down at the local Immigration Office every 90 days?

That would be a major reason to put me off buying one.

The card also doesn't allow the holder to have a dependent spouse to stay...unless of course he pays for 2 cards.

Agreed about the immigration thing. If you can pony up Bt1m why do you have to trot down to immigration ? Surely you should be able to do it online if even necessary at all.

The dependent spouse didn't worry me but if you looked at it from purely the visa angle, then having a spouse covered as well would negate the annual pilgrimage in search of a non immigrant visa. Effectively the cost would have been Bt500k each and you'd spend that in the first 5 years so they really missed a trick there.

With the reduced benefits and the increased price, it is less viable than before and debateable then. My position softened purely due to the visa benefits but I am sceptical that the reduction in benefits will continue downwards whilst the price will potentially increase either directly or with annual fees.

I think that had my decision to relocate to Thailand been planned well in advance then I may well have been enticed into buying one but with the quick move and associated hassles, it did not seem worthwhile once already there.

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I can afford the card, but i simply can't see any rational argument for buying it.

Hiking the price 50% is ludicrous. A couple of months ago i was looking at renting a new apartment for 45k a month. The agent said it had been that price for months and i should get in quick because - get this - if i didnt sign up by Friday, the rent was being raised to 55k. It's the law of supply and demand turned upside down.

Needless to say, thaielite will be an even more dismal failure now that it was before.

I wish it were otherwise. Several members I respect seem to have bought into it. I can't help feeling their fervent support of it is semi-defensive.

It just seems to me that the criticism of the program is just not objective. I mean, who gives a shit if the program is making money or not? If you need a visa and they give you one for 5 years, why would you care if the program was a success? Obviously, they are not going to cancel it, they would have done that long ago if economics were the driver. The program makes sense for a very small market. The fact that the government that set it up misread that does justify what borders on irrational criticism Just because it doesn’t fit your situation doesn’t mean it is stupid.


If you buy something thats offering a lifetime of service, it would help to think that they have a viable business model to be around for a while.

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Not a lot of support or faith in the program by TV members.

Not much support by people that can't afford one. Those that have bought one seem pretty satisfied with it. :D


Judging by the lamentable success of the Elite Card's marketing, I suspect there was little support for it by those people who could afford one either. :o

Agree 100%

There are plenty of people (who have and could afford to pay that sort of money "myself included") who would have jumped at the chance to get themselves one of these card "were they worth it"

The fact that they have sold less than 2,000 (as I understand it) when they had a target of one million, speaks for itself.

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Hi Denis,

The first thing about 'investement' is always to keep cool, and that is what people mostly don't once they see any number with 6 figures in it :)

If you intend to travel frequently to Thailand or to stay longer periods there, the first thing you should do is learn about the culture and the habits of that country. Then maybe think about 'investing' in whatever, even an elite card if you think thats good for you.

However if you knew more of the Thai business environment, then it is vey clear that for an amount of 1.5 MioTHB you can get many things, including maybe an elite card which would be my very last choice, considering the high risk (of its survival) that it carries. For example you can invest 2 mioTHB in a registerd company (plc) and from that not only get an easy multiple entry visa , but even a work permit. Ha, that is 500 kTHB more , but it gets you more then wind ....

As an owner of a company in Thailand and living in Belgium you wil get a one year renewable multiple entry business visa from the Thai consulate there with no hassle and in no time. And guess what? the 2 mio THB you invest there are supposed to earn you some money and are also resalable when you don't want them invested any longer. But yes, you will have to renew your visa once a year. If you know how to do, you can even do that in BKK though ....

Good luck

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hello i'm 27 years and from belgium i am planning to start a live living in thailand but with my age it's not so easy to do iff i don't marry a thai.

now i am looking for my options how to get a nice visa untill i marry in thailand and i cross over someone who told me about a

'' thailand elite card'' ( cost round 1.500.000 BATH )

i hear iff i buy sutch a card i can get a 5 year renewable visa.

my question is because i just hear about this and have no idee what so ever about the truth on this?

what for a card is this?

is it tru?

and how and were to get sutch a thailand elite card?


I would recommend as you are in Belgium to have a friendly chat with Thai embassy in Belgium, explain to them what you want and what they can recommend. Obviously the better they can understand that you essentially want to spend cash in Thailand you stand a good chance.... I personally wouldnt buy that elitecard for the various reasons quoted elsewhere as essentially I either donot want what they offer or can get it cheaper anyway....

You donot have to marry a thai, as long as she either gets a baby or has one so it could be adoptable (needs certain number of years difference between your age and the kid...)

From what I see most ladies breed like rabbits...

If you get a kid if you make sure you get recognised as the father its also a way to get more security if you want a house etc..

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hello i'm 27 years and from belgium i am planning to start a live living in thailand but with my age it's not so easy to do iff i don't marry a thai.

now i am looking for my options how to get a nice visa untill i marry in thailand and i cross over someone who told me about a

'' thailand elite card'' ( cost round 1.500.000 BATH )

i hear iff i buy sutch a card i can get a 5 year renewable visa.

my question is because i just hear about this and have no idee what so ever about the truth on this?

what for a card is this?

is it tru?

and how and were to get sutch a thailand elite card?


You donot have to marry a thai, as long as she either gets a baby or has one so it could be adoptable (needs certain number of years difference between your age and the kid...)

From what I see most ladies breed like rabbits...

If you get a kid if you make sure you get recognised as the father its also a way to get more security if you want a house etc..

Thanks for your glowing report on the female population of Thailand.

I dont think I have ever read such a load of rubbish.

Dont bother to apply for a job as a Visa adviser.

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hello i'm 27 years and from belgium i am planning to start a live living in thailand but with my age it's not so easy to do iff i don't marry a thai.

now i am looking for my options how to get a nice visa untill i marry in thailand and i cross over someone who told me about a

'' thailand elite card'' ( cost round 1.500.000 BATH )

i hear iff i buy sutch a card i can get a 5 year renewable visa.

my question is because i just hear about this and have no idee what so ever about the truth on this?

what for a card is this?

is it tru?

and how and were to get sutch a thailand elite card?


Hi Dennis…

I can only speak for myself… and I’m happy with the card.

I’ve had the card for a year purchasing it when it was 1MB.

I’m 33, don’t want to marry a Thai just for visa purposes and find myself in the loophole whereby I don’t work here, but live here and work overseas. I like it here and want to stay here.

I travel in and out of Thailand on almost a fortnightly basis.

I find the visa, the airport transfers and speed through immigration highly useful.

I used the free massage maybe 2-4 times per month (I wouldn’t massage if it wasn’t included in the card)

I play golf on the card approximately 4-6 times per month (and would pay to play anyway).

The rumors of being able to own land etc are a total myth.

For me it’s worth it and will pay for itself in 7-8 years.

The only issue I have is the insecurity over the longevity of the program. It says a life time membership with 5 year renewable visas. This is my only worry, will the program last? Nobody knows. If in 4 years time I cannot renew my visa or the program fails I’d be annoyed, but that’s the risk I take. If on the other hand it failed in 10 years I would have saved myself money. If ithe program doesn’t fail, then great.

The vendor partners (i.e. free golf, massage etc) are changing a little all the time, however the ones that are on the contract when you sign stay there. Even though some of the privileges are no longer offered to new members, they are maintained for older members. So as I see it you get what you buy, but also new privileges when they come are added to your membership.

I’ve spoken to the meet and greet Thai Elite personnel at the airport – and on average they have 20 people coming and going in any one day. I’m surprised by this as it seems busier than I would expect if the claimed number of 2500 or so members is true.

There has never been an issue when arriving at a spa or a golf course (I get approximately 10-20% discount off green fees for guests at golf courses too).

I’ve just had a full medical at Samitivej hospital. The bill was B16,000 covered by Thai Elite, we get 1 per year.

If I was looking at the card as a potential new customer the 1.5MB would be a large sum to swallow. But if I could pay that and not worry too much I wouldn’t hesitate. I have found the service excellent. BUT I do have a minor concern about the program lasting. My way of dealing with this is just to take the hit and accept the loss if the program fails. Any talk of compensation etc is great if in the event of program failure it materialized, I wouldn’t hold my breath or have any expectations of that happening.

I for one am a satisfied customer. I would say otherwise if I had any issues with the program.

PM me if you would like any further information.

Also you can either contact them directly (via the contacts addresses on the website http://www.thailandelite.com ) Or I can give you the contact of the lady I dealt with directly who was very helpful and spoke excellent English.

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