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The Circumcision Debate...

Harry Palmer

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i looked into this quite a bit when i found out my child would be a boy. according to everything i've read and been told by the medical community, there is no medical benefit to circumcision. it is purely a cultural ritual - call it "Male Genital Mutilation" in the same spirit of african female genital mutilation. the only possible reason i could think of to have it done was to make sure he 'looked like' all the other teen boys in the grammar-school changing room. so madame palmer and i decided not to have him circumcised...

note that there is an estimated 40% loss of sexual pleasure caused by circumcision. i'm sure he'll thank me when he gets older :o

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so madame palmer and i decided not to have him circumcised...

note that there is an estimated 40% loss of sexual pleasure caused by circumcision. i'm sure he'll thank me when he gets older :o

It's nowhere near 40%, but any any case it's morally wrong to take away a functioning part of a kid's body without a very good reason and without him having a say in it. He can always opt for voluntary circumcision when he's a teenager if he wants to.

I still kind of resent having to have my tonsils out when I was 5 years old. As I recall, it was subsequently found that tonsils play a minor part in the immune system.

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My sister had her son circumcised and I remember baby-sitting him one day shortly after his birth. The little ring they placed on the end of his little willy was loose and hanging by a small thread of skin. He was screaming his head off, I changed his diaper, gave hime some milk, rocked him. Nothing worked. I became convinced he was in pain from that thing and vowed I would never do that to my kid. I was just a teenager at the time (and he seems ok now :o ) but boy did it make a deep impression on me! ICK!

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i was done just after birth, no cheesey helmet on this one , :o

oh dear... how does madame dave feel about this?

..because in my role as health adviser to the WHO, i undertook a study to look at what women said in comparing sexual experiences with sexual partners who were circumcised versus intact sexual partners...

the 139 women respondents were overwhelming in favor of sex with intact partners... :D haha dave...

with circumcised partners, women were less likely to have a vaginal orgasm or multiple orgasms and were more likely to experience sexual discomfort, my report says. "during prolonged intercourse with their circumcised partners, women were less likely to ‘really get into it’ and more likely to ‘want to get it over with,’"...


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i was done just after birth, no cheesey helmet on this one ,  :D

oh dear... how does madame dave feel about this?

..because in my role as health adviser to the WHO, i undertook a study to look at what women said in comparing sexual experiences with sexual partners who were circumcised versus intact sexual partners...

the 139 women respondents were overwhelming in favor of sex with intact partners... :D haha dave...

with circumcised partners, women were less likely to have a vaginal orgasm or multiple orgasms and were more likely to experience sexual discomfort, my report says. "during prolonged intercourse with their circumcised partners, women were less likely to ‘really get into it’ and more likely to ‘want to get it over with,’"...


I don't last long enough to start worrying about <deleted> orgasms, let alone multiple orgasms. :D (they're a myth are'nt they?)


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..because in my role as health adviser to the WHO, i undertook a study to look at what women said in comparing sexual experiences with sexual partners who were circumcised versus intact sexual partners...

the 139 women respondents were overwhelming in favor of sex with intact partners... :D haha dave...

with circumcised partners, women were less likely to have a vaginal orgasm or multiple orgasms and were more likely to experience sexual discomfort, my report says. "during prolonged intercourse with their circumcised partners, women were less likely to ‘really get into it’ and more likely to ‘want to get it over with,’"...


They should have asked about their preference when doing BJs. According to Samantha in Sex and the City, cut guys are far superior. :o

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