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Microsoft .net Framework

Daffy D

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Been doing some looking around in the computer and I see I have 7 installations of .NET Framework:-

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Hotfix (KB928366)

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service pack 1

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Service pack 1

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

I thought the latest version would replace all previous ones but that does not seem to be the case as some programs will install an earlier version although the latest version is already in the computer. What gives?

Do I need all these versions? :o

Daffy D.


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Iirc Version 3.x include versions 2.x versions, but 1.x needs to be installed seperately if needed.

Even some programs need the installation of .Net 2.x seperatly doesn't matter you've .Net 3.x installed already. And .net 3.5 is used by some Games and some other programs as well.

I have all seperatly installed.

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Now there’s a strange thing.

As I said on my OP I have 7 instances of Net installed some of which are duplicates. This I found on the uninstall program “ZSoft” which I tend to use as it is faster than the Add or Remove program that comes with Windows.

Well for some, who knows what reason, thought I’d check the Windows Add/Remove program and what-you-know it does not have the duplicates just one instance of each version.

Who can you trust? Do I really have two of the same version? Should I uninstall one of the duplicates from ZSoft? Would that uninstall the version or just one of the versions that does not show up on Add/Remove anyway?

Wish I could leave things be! Maybe I need a crisis in my life to have something real to worry about – sorry God only joking.

Diffy Daffy


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Have a large SQL Server site I use everyday that will only run on Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1…….. from the sister company they run the new SQL and that will only run on Microsoft .NET Framework 3.

So I have separate 1.1, 2 & 3 installed

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