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How Much Is Apple Iphone In Bkk Now?


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Errr I don't know the name of the shop selling the 16g iphone I saw. It was as you go up the escalator to the phone floor it's on the isle that you arrive on, head left and it's on the right hand side, they have a big sign saying 16g iphones. LOL sorry, lame instructions I know but it was quite easy to find. If I'm back this week I'll get the name and number.

John 1, I bought my 8g from BT phone. Good service, warranty and free upgrades Tel: 0819152206 the store is right down the bottom left end (BTS end).

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<br />They have 1.1.3 unlocked now. I saw one today at MBK for 17500 but not sure what firmware version.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Please find out if you have time also are they software unlock or hardware unlock??

Also if they jailbreak

"Also if they jailbreak"

whats all that about then?

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Just bought one for my young fella in the States last December ( I missed the 4 Gb and the 1.1.1 version by 2 weeks!!). It came with the 8Gb and the 1.1.2 firmware and was only just unlocked this week by a Chinese guy here in Dublin for €50/$70. Glad he did so as I was begining to think he had me buy him a lemon.

Slightly off subject...why the heck did Apple not learn their lesson when they had the market in computers, save for their price greed, all sown up. Why lock into a network? Why not sell them like any other phone and they would have cleaned up and also introduced more and more people to Apple products...just like the ipod did?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Easy money! Download ZiPhone and unlock any iPhone, including 1.1.4 OTB inside 5 minutes.

I did so myself with a brand new U.S. iPhone last week. This is the first time that iPhone unlocking really works as advertised, one click to unlock. The only thing you have to do is shut down iTunes and iTunesHelper. It's really amazingly easy, and a far cry from previous unlocking solutions. It's free, too.

So at this point, I would recommend just downloading ZiPhone over going to the mall to have an iPhone unlocked.

Just bought one for my young fella in the States last December ( I missed the 4 Gb and the 1.1.1 version by 2 weeks!!). It came with the 8Gb and the 1.1.2 firmware and was only just unlocked this week by a Chinese guy here in Dublin for €50/$70. Glad he did so as I was begining to think he had me buy him a lemon.

Slightly off subject...why the heck did Apple not learn their lesson when they had the market in computers, save for their price greed, all sown up. Why lock into a network? Why not sell them like any other phone and they would have cleaned up and also introduced more and more people to Apple products...just like the ipod did?

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Slightly off subject...why the heck did Apple not learn their lesson when they had the market in computers, save for their price greed, all sown up. Why lock into a network? Why not sell them like any other phone and they would have cleaned up and also introduced more and more people to Apple products...just like the ipod did?

I think it's dawning on them, slowly but surely. I guess it was OK for the beginning, and they are raking in some serious profits from their revenue sharing deals. Ridiculous, greedy profits. But... latest comments from the company imply that they now realize that this locked model doesn't work in the rest of the world. Thailand, China, most other countries in Asia simply won't go for it; and there are legal troubles in a number of European countries. Even the U.S. is talking about introducing laws to make exclusive bundles like this illegal. The iPhone is the future of the company as mp3 player sales level out over the years.

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I've had my iphone since September and still love it. I'm still working on the original 1.1.1 version and see no reason to fart around upgrading it.

However, to all those buying them . . beware. One of the things I've learned about iPhones is that they all seem to have an individual personality with individual quirks to their behaviour. Some of them - including mine - have a tendency to develop 'dead areas' on the touchscreen which is very annoying and as it's a hardware issue can't be taken care of here in Thailand.

It's happened to mine and it's annoying, but not devastating. You learn ways of dealing with it.

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