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Rent In Bangkok Per Month


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I spent 40 years living in nice large houses in the USA; I certainly didnt come to Bangkok to live in a slum in a crappy location.

Certainly one of the most stupid answers I have ever read... You should have stayed in your large house in the US. Life fortunately has more to offer than a big house! Personally I'd rather live in Bangkok's worst slum than in a big house in the USA!

This thread is getting on my nerves, I was hoping to find some reliable information and it turns out to be the battle field for a revisited class conflict, this is just childish!

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i dont want to get in the spat here, so for informational purposes i'll just say that i have l lived in both the basic 7,000 baht room outside the city center and a 40k place in the cbd.

i lived in the 7k room when i was a bit of a vagrant and it was enough for me at the time. had a decent bathroom, hot water and a little balcony with a view. tall cielings and a wood floor. i made it nice inside and it was all i needed at the time.

when i became full time employed in bkk i moved up to a 2 br place in the city and its nice. i like having a kitchen. i can walk to the office, shopping and restaurants.

and now as my job grows, and my family as well, i'm buying a very big nice place.

for me it is all about living within your means and needs.

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I spent 40 years living in nice large houses in the USA; I certainly didnt come to Bangkok to live in a slum in a crappy location.

Oh my oh my...thank you for very very nice offtopic reply.What color did your houses in US have? What kind of garden did you have? Did you have sprinklers on the lawn? Did you have any pets?..... To cheed some light on the ONTOPIC matter: you can find a room for 5-7000 baht that is clean with security, fairly close to bts. Infact I know a place even with pool for 7300 7 minutes walking from bts.

Now as a hint from those who can´t understand the topic: You should not write in this thread that you pay alot more in rent and what you think of people who pay less rent. The guy need help about finding a place. OK, mybe, the sweet spot for a nice room is around 20k but 5000 baht is certainly doable.

:o The more I think about it the more funny it gets. The topic of the term paper is "How to spot a rare bird in the jungle?" Our beloved "proffesor" hands in a paper on how nice his canaries birds in US was. That cracks me up :D:D:D .

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I spend quite a bit of time tooling around the city looking at property - and have seen everything in terms of size and cost - so I hope this helps.

I have been in the 6/7000 baht places and they tend to be clean and have security with card access - usually a large open space - generally bigger than an average hotel room at around 40s.m. They usually have balconies and a basic kitchen. I think these type of places are fine for what you are looking for and there seem to be many places like this in particular around the rachada area - not far from the bts. My understanding is many of these places come with basic furniture as well - meaning sofa, large bed, desk, wardrobe - the ususal stuff. The place I saw was had primarily thais residents.

I'm sure you can get a 5000 baht place - perhaps further out - say on nut or saphan kwai area where i believe there are also many such places for rent.

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With respect, living in a 30 sqm room with no hot water is as close to being on skid row as you can get. No hot water? How on earth do you shower?

The world industrialised 230 years ago. As a result, many nations became relatively rich and their citizens got to enjoy the benefits of living in multi-room homes with hot and cold running water, plumbing, sanitation etc.

I'm assuming you once lived in a home with hot water, so I'll repeat my question. Why does it feel so good to be going backwards?

Noone is going to convince me that living in a room barely bigger than a prison cell with no hot water is a sign that a person's life is heading in the right direction .. . .

Some people live in palaces but inside their heads they're imprisoned by a cell smaller than any of us could imagine. I think I'm getting the hang of this Buddhist lark :o grasshopper!

Whatever pulls your chain mate, whatever pulls your chain. Maybe you're the type of geezer that thinks the bigger everything he has, the better person he is.

Good luck to you pal but you can fill only one hole at a time.

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There is also 1 small point you are missing in all this is that people who work over here don't get paid the same as they do in UK or USA or wherever so therefore the extra money saved from living in a more than adequate 30sqm room is more money to do other things with..

Err...who told you that?! Nearly every teacher (real teacher teaching at an international school) I know is on better money when bonuses included and def better conditions than they would get back home.

Not to mention all the expats on better cash and bonuses from a foreign posting.

:D:D:D Please stop making me laugh my sides are going to split...

Lets take capital city for capital city ie..london and bangkok, the average teaching wage in london is 24,600, are you trying to tell me that nearly every teacher you know is on nearly 140,000 baht before tax...if you are then ill have to tell my mate that and he will be a tad upset with his 30,000...

As far as expats go yes there are people on a good touch, but they have more than likely been posted over here from there own country and obviously gettin home wages plus re numeration plus other tit bits..but you will be hard pushed to find an middle managment expat who has found his own job while here on good money....

And if you can then maybe you can me PM me these agency's or recuritment's that are offering these presents

30,000 means he is not a qualified teacher.

He is probably teaching some poor kids English.

International schools pay way more than that.

I see the point Bendix is making.

Why would someone be happy paying 5k to live in a tiny room if they could afford more. If they cannot afford more , then why are they living here?

I can understand someone coming on a 2 week cheapo holiday, but how can they be happy staying long time in a tiny room. I also cannot fathom that one out :D

I know a guy who is more than a qualified teacher and much better than many others "teachers" in Thailand. But since he is not a white guy therefore he is earning around 40k a month. What do you call this? :o

I agree if you can afford to spend more money then why should you live at a cheap place, unless you have some motives to do so, e.g. save money for something, living with your gf etc. :bah:

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This talk of people living in 'slums' because they live in clean, safe rooms that are cheaper than other posters palaces is ridiculous. Frankly, the worst slum in Bangkok is Suhkumvit Soi 3 to Soi Cowboy, you would have to pay me money to live there regardless of how nice the apartment was, or I would refuse as I hate the location. Prices for this area are also heavily distorted due to all the farang living there, once you get out of this area, you find that there simply are not as many expensive rooms available, and you get amazing bargains for almost nothing. My friend rents a 2 bedroom apartment in Ratchada, which is as nice as the expensive 50k per month condos I've visited in lower Suhkumvit, for 15k per month. It's a good apartment, but it's just too big for me as long as I am single and without children. I prefer a large studio, it's not in a slum, it has hot water, high speed internet, a balcony, furniture, security, etc. It's ridiculous I'd even have to mention those things, but some posters seem totally out of touch and assume if you spend 5-10k per month you're living in a straw hut, going to the bathroom in a hole you dig yourself, and bathing in rainwater you collect in plastic 7-11 bags.

If I married, I would spend more, and move into a 2 bedroom, or buy a condo, but being single I prefer a studio, one far away from lower Suhkumvit as well.

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yes yes yes..iv been waiting all afternoon for some back up and the artilery has finaly arrived :o

we were all waiting for it to stop by itself! But it just wouldn't! Asininity obviously is a perpetuum mobile...

Edited by MART
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Can those continuing to debate teacher's salaries start your own thread in the relevant forum and not hijack mine please. :o

Why would someone be happy paying 5k to live in a tiny room if they could afford more. If they cannot afford more , then why are they living here?

Saving to build a house without getting into debt is a much bigger priority then showing how big my ego/penis is.

I was hoping to find some reliable information and it turns out to be the battle field for a revisited class conflict, this is just childish!

Yes, it is a downward slide. Thanks to those who are posting relevant and helpful ideas which I'm sure was the original purpose of thaivisa! Appreciate it :D

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quoted......" :D The more I think about it the more funny it gets. The topic of the term paper is "How to spot a rare bird in the jungle?" Our beloved "proffesor" hands in a paper on how nice his canaries birds in US was. That cracks me up :D:bah::bah: .


Hawkup2000, well said.

I certainly LOL along with you too :o:D:D .

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Can those continuing to debate teacher's salaries start your own thread in the relevant forum and not hijack mine please. :o
Why would someone be happy paying 5k to live in a tiny room if they could afford more. If they cannot afford more , then why are they living here?

Saving to build a house without getting into debt is a much bigger priority then showing how big my ego/penis is.

I was hoping to find some reliable information and it turns out to be the battle field for a revisited class conflict, this is just childish!

Yes, it is a downward slide. Thanks to those who are posting relevant and helpful ideas which I'm sure was the original purpose of thaivisa! Appreciate it :D

OP, if you are saving to build a house then you must be married and have an income, right?

The fact that you are saving for this house means you would obviously prefer to have the luxury rather than living in your small apartment (which is kind of what bendix is saying, and which makes sense)

So why not get a mortgage, so you can have your dream now. Its going to be in the wifes name anyway.

Its nothing to do with the size of my manhhod, its just common sense, called having your cake and eating it :D

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Here's a thought to those who so proudly live in 30 sqm meter one room apartments with no hot water etc - did you live like that back in the old country?

I find it rather strange that anyone would willingly come to a third world country and opt to live in third world conditions. Surely one of the major advantages of being here is that we can have the same or much better standards of living for considerably less outlay?

Or am I missing the point here?

No ..that is what bendix is saying.....

I think all you negative boys are really missing the point here..its quite obvious that everyone in the world would love to live in a nice big house with pool etc,,and the people who are defending the 5k price range places are not saying that they wouldnt like to live in luxury...ITS WHAT THEY CAN AFFORD.....and then you get posters who come on and slag it down..grump grump grump..why are you here if you can only afford 5k rant rant rant.....

I think that by having a place to stay, having a job and having excess money jackndanny is what's known as having your cake and eating it..not spunkin half ya doh on a place you really dont need just incase you need to impress the bar girls...

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OP, if you are saving to build a house then you must be married and have an income, right?

The fact that you are saving for this house means you would obviously prefer to have the luxury rather than living in your small apartment (which is kind of what bendix is saying, and which makes sense)

So why not get a mortgage, so you can have your dream now. Its going to be in the wifes name anyway.

Its nothing to do with the size of my manhhod, its just common sense, called having your cake and eating it :o

I am married, earning a pretty pathetic Thai wage (home business), so can not save at this point.

Yes, I would definitely prefer to live in a nice (not necessarily luxury) house, bigger then a shoe box!

I hate getting into huge, unnecessary debt paying exorbitant interest.

Our future house will be in my husband's name actually :D

My husband would never be able to get a job earning the same amount that I can in Bangkok as he is Thai. His job will pay the rent. My job will pay for our house. We don't plan on building a multi-million baht house because it's just the 2 of us and don't need ridiculous amounts of empty space.

I'm only 30 so I'm okay to work for a few years in the big city before coming back to the village to live my dream. I've been living the village life for a few years already, so it would be refreshing to get back into something challenging while earning a farang wage.

I'm not disagreeing with people wanting to live in a nice pad, but as I'm saving, it would be a waste of my money when I can be comfortable in a place that's dramatically cheaper.

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OP, if you are saving to build a house then you must be married and have an income, right?

The fact that you are saving for this house means you would obviously prefer to have the luxury rather than living in your small apartment (which is kind of what bendix is saying, and which makes sense)

So why not get a mortgage, so you can have your dream now. Its going to be in the wifes name anyway.

Its nothing to do with the size of my manhhod, its just common sense, called having your cake and eating it :D

I am married, earning a pretty pathetic Thai wage (home business), so can not save at this point.

Yes, I would definitely prefer to live in a nice (not necessarily luxury) house, bigger then a shoe box!

I hate getting into huge, unnecessary debt paying exorbitant interest.

Our future house will be in my husband's name actually :D

My husband would never be able to get a job earning the same amount that I can in Bangkok as he is Thai. His job will pay the rent. My job will pay for our house. We don't plan on building a multi-million baht house because it's just the 2 of us and don't need ridiculous amounts of empty space.

I'm only 30 so I'm okay to work for a few years in the big city before coming back to the village to live my dream. I've been living the village life for a few years already, so it would be refreshing to get back into something challenging while earning a farang wage.

I'm not disagreeing with people wanting to live in a nice pad, but as I'm saving, it would be a waste of my money when I can be comfortable in a place that's dramatically cheaper.

Sorry I did not realise you were female :D

That being the case, I'd best let you have the last word :o

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Here's a thought to those who so proudly live in 30 sqm meter one room apartments with no hot water etc - did you live like that back in the old country?

I find it rather strange that anyone would willingly come to a third world country and opt to live in third world conditions. Surely one of the major advantages of being here is that we can have the same or much better standards of living for considerably less outlay?

Or am I missing the point here?

I think that by having a place to stay, having a job and having excess money jackndanny is what's known as having your cake and eating it..not spunkin half ya doh on a place you really dont need just incase you need to impress the bar girls...

Wow, you ARE an angry young man :o

I have no idea what point you are trying to make in the above confusing 'statement'

Take an aspirin you pillock :D

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Rent paid is nothing to do with my point.

It isn't? Then why are you ASSuming that all the apartments around 5K are shit and your 'obviously not so big but expensive'- place is the only thing that makes sense having?

What I'm wondering is why people choose to live in one-room apartments with cold water when they can obviously afford more and when surely the idea of moving to a relatively third world country is to improve your material conditions, not make them worse..

Obviously afford more, eh? And just exactly how would you know about that?

'The idea of moving to a third world country is to improve your material conditions, not make them worse'

It is? To be it seems pretty strange moving to a third world country if you want to live by the standards of a western country?

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