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Thai Airways Objects To Steamy Thai Soap Opera About Flight Attendants

Jai Dee

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Was that Khun Ning?

Khun Ning is a pursor for Thai Air Asia. You can notice her from her Patek 24. It's true a lot of Thai Airways staff are Hi-So's in so far as they have usually used sen sai to get their jobs which end up being jobs for life.

Khun Ning is probably one of the few exceptions as far as true Hi-So's being flight attendants. The really cushy jobs are at the airport and in the ticket offices.

Yeah, well you know why they REALLY don't like it?

It's because they all come from 'respectable' families - many hi-so (or mid-so at least). The last episode had some gay hi-so attendant being belittled by a snobby man-wife couple (passengers) for letting his family down by becoming a flight attendant.

So don't get fooled by this bull-shit about 'questioning the morals of the Thai flight attendants' - it's REALLY about questioning their 'status' within the all important "face" of Thailand's mid and hi-so society. Remember it wasn't that long ago (here anyway) when only 'connected' girls got jobs as flight attendants...but that's changing (like everywhere else finally).

My wife and I were on an Air Asia flight to/from Phuket not so long ago, and one of the attendants was an actress from Thai TV soaps. She bitched at me for bringing food on board.

I was half-pissed and wanted to ask her if she wasn't also moonlighting as "sideline" number 37 at Long Legs Massage, but my wife has a pincer-like set of pinchers..

My wife says "yes it was Khun Ning blah blah "somethingorother.." She also says she married a pilot. If you see her tell her I still thnk I saw her at at the Massage parlour - number 37..

Anyway you make my main point that they are "outraged" at the suggestion that they are something less than aspirational to the 'khon'...Because they are Hi-So - and no one should forget that...Hey baby - can I have A-n-o-t-h-e-r d-r-i-n-k- ?? I know you're hi-so, but I know someone else did your English home work - so I'll speak slowly with marbles in my mounth so you u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d.

Edited by thaigene2
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The answer to your above question is : yes indeed.

They forget that they are only waitresses .

WHAT??? Their primary function is your safety. They are not your waitresses or servants that you can treat as "totty" and complain they are not pretty enough, or do not fawn to your every need.

They may, using their training, save your life one day.

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If there is any bearing in reality, it should contain 40 year old sour faced birds who hate their job. If that is anything to go by on Thai long haul these days.

Another one........ :o There are a few very experienced 40 year old "birds" on Thai Airways. Usually highly experienced senior cabin staff who have seen it all and done it all. Who can blame them for being sour faced to yourself when they have seen you 100,000 times over.

Another silly passenger who thinks they are there for window dressing or to get you another beer.

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Thai soaps are all Immoral.. stupid & just plain dumb.

They glamorize the use of alcohol, guns & knifes; plus the mandatory abuse of wives’ and ‘Mia Noi’s”

…total Cr@p for stupid un-educated people..one of the major factors of violent Thai society today

You are correct in this. They've got the thing upside down.

But what do you expect from a culture and government that supports censorship of the arts; I am thinking of the recent film by the Taiwanese director Ang Lee entitled "Lust Caution". I saw the original version in California and then viewed it again here in Bangkok. I was horrified at the snipping, cutting and blurring done by the protectors of society. Anyone who saw "Flying Tiger Crouching Dragon" knows that Ang Lee is a near-genius film director. The film shown in Bangkok was nearly ruined and I was incensed by the high-handed and hypocritical attitude of this government in promoting such a stupid exercise in the name of public morality.

To the censors: treat people like children and they will act like children

To the flight attendants: get a life, chill, it's only a tv series and it is fiction

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Thai Soap Opera Script To Be Re-written To Show The True Nature of Air-hostesses

Sun Morning Special - 23 January

One of the script-writers for the controversial soap opera 'War of Angels' has admitted today in a confidential interview that the program's contents, in comparison to hostesses in real, are complete exaggeration.

He apologies for the awful way the air-hostesses have been portrayed and has promised to re-write the script. In the knew script based on the true life of hostesses, they will all be polite virgins, interested in only keeping their innocence for the night of their marriage day.

The script-writer went on to say "It is disgusting of us to have shown air-hostesses behaving in such a way. We all know that air-hostesses would never interfere in the life of a married man, in fact they never even think about it"

A ladyboy make-up artist working on the set commented "It's such a shame this show. We all know that air-hostesses are all so pure and innocent, especially those from well-to-do families. I mean if they weren’t so lovely at the beginning, their well connected daddies would never have got them the job in the first place"

Our on the scene reporter Jim Trifle in another exclusive interview, this time with a committee member of Channel 5, had this to say

"I asked the well ranked Channel 5 guy whether soap operas in general had a policy of ridiculing people from different areas of society, such as gays, transsexuals, rural people, dark-skinned people, Africans or old people etc".

He retorted

"That is absolutely untrue, soap opera productions are vehemently opposed to demeaning any sector of society, they only portray society how it really is - and that is what will be done with this show".

**Unfortunately, i have been unable to find the link to the soure - please accept my apologies.


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If there is any bearing in reality, it should contain 40 year old sour faced birds who hate their job. If that is anything to go by on Thai long haul these days.

Another one........ :o There are a few very experienced 40 year old "birds" on Thai Airways. Usually highly experienced senior cabin staff who have seen it all and done it all. Who can blame them for being sour faced to yourself when they have seen you 100,000 times over.

Another silly passenger who thinks they are there for window dressing or to get you another beer.

Hmm, last time I looked they were working in a very competitive industry, where levels of service are a massive driver in selection of which airline to fly. Thai has been on a downward spiral for several years, but then I guess being sour faced is a great attraction for the passengers.

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If there is any bearing in reality, it should contain 40 year old sour faced birds who hate their job. If that is anything to go by on Thai long haul these days.

Another one........ :o There are a few very experienced 40 year old "birds" on Thai Airways. Usually highly experienced senior cabin staff who have seen it all and done it all. Who can blame them for being sour faced to yourself when they have seen you 100,000 times over.

Another silly passenger who thinks they are there for window dressing or to get you another beer.

While I do understand that cabin-crew are there, mainly to get us out of the plane quickly, to save our lives in an emergency, I also realise that it is the silly passengers (aka self-loading cargo) who pay their wages and are the reason their jobs exist. Mutual respect is a fine thing.

And this is only a cheap soap-opera, hardly worth a 'hissy-fit', IMHO. :D

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If there is any bearing in reality, it should contain 40 year old sour faced birds who hate their job. If that is anything to go by on Thai long haul these days.

Another one........ :o There are a few very experienced 40 year old "birds" on Thai Airways. Usually highly experienced senior cabin staff who have seen it all and done it all. Who can blame them for being sour faced to yourself when they have seen you 100,000 times over.

Another silly passenger who thinks they are there for window dressing or to get you another beer.

i'd rather have a glass of wine on time for my main course than spend 14 hours with the comforting thought that the over-painted hags are going to save me in a crash landing.... :D

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We receive the program in the US by satellite. Actually, it is free to anyone setting up an FTA dish pointed to Galaxy 25.

Let me tell you, the cat fights in uniform are worth watching. When I walk through the room and see the show, I ask the wife "So, what are the people from Thai Airways doing today?" It seems to be on twice a day via satellite. The women portrayed as working for the airline are better looking than anything you'll actually see these days.

Good show. It must be stopped.



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It is not so hard to believe that with all that is going on in Thailand and the world that one of the “big Stories” is TV Channel 5’s “Songkram Nang Fa” or “The Air Hostess War’. I was lucky enough to spend all of my adult life living near Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in California, USA. Airline employees from all over the world converged on LAX every day. The airline staff, especially flight attendants, swarmed the beaches and night life venues daily, blowing off a little steam and making new friends for one night or a lifetime. In the 1980’s things only got better when females pilots were added to the flight deck. I only have fond memories of these people who were my friends, acquaintances and neighbors. These airline people were outgoing by nature and loved to party.

Perhaps it is not the Thai way to have your profession sensationalized in a soap-opera however the “old ginger” administration and flight attendants need to lighten up and thank their respective God that it is not a “reality show”. Airline staff are people and have the same goals, desires and yes, some foibles common to the rest of us. Because of this controversy even tourists and expats are talking about the “The Air Hostess War”. As for the TV soap-opera Thai Airways has singlehandedly made this show “the one to watch” here in the Kingdom.

Kudos to Channel 5!

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Yaaaawn , yawn , yaaaaaawn - just another brainless stupid soapie - guess the alternate could be a brainless stupid live comedy show but then does it really matter, it's just everyday Thai TV.

Perhaps next time, they might set the comedy in a government-department, or in a political-party. Or not ... this being Thailand. :o

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Interesting that the pilot's union is not in an uproar for the program depicting its members as philandering, cheating romeos. Or, is that considered an accurate depiction? :o

Let's hope they don't "depict" Thai Airways mechanics cutting corners on maintenance or pilots playing poker while the plane is on autopilot

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There are some in the entertainment business who believe this entire debate was orchestrated by the production house, to ensure high ratings.

After all, Channel 5 is not the best network for a show like this, and yet everyone is watching the lovely Bee Namtip and the large siliclone breasted Pui in 'slap mode'.

What more could a sponsor or advertising or production house want?

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Don't believe that any of this about the author has been posted, but the show is semi-autobiographical of the author's days as a flight hostess...


Airways to airwaves:

Author Royreudee (left) is played by 26-year-old Thai actress/model Namthip Jongratchatawiboon in the steamy soap ‘The Air Hostess War’.

Real-life drama flies high

Thai steamy soap opera Songkram Nang Fah (The Air Hostess War) may be fictional but Royreudee Kenny's disclosures in her semi-autobiographical novel, on which the drama series is based upon, shows it's not always blue skies and all things nice. But then again this could be happening in any airline.

A pregnant stewardess catches her pilot husband in a rendezvous with his mistress. The wife snatches the other woman’s handphone and hurls it into a pond. Incensed, the mistress, who is a flight attendant, slaps her rival.

The scene is from:

A ) Thai soap opera.

B ) Real life.

C ) All of the above.

The answer is B. It is a snapshot from the life of 45-year-old retired Thai Airways cabin crew Royreudee Kenny.

The answer could also be C as Royreudee’s semi-autobiographical novel is the inspiration for Thailand’s steamy soap opera Songkram Nang Fah (The Air Hostess War).

Continued here:


Edited by sriracha john
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As noted, Royrudee Kenny, the author of the book on which the programme is based, which is said to be drawn from life, was arrested [and released on bail} after a real protagonist accused her of defamation. Royrudee,is a former air hostess and author of the Internet novel Cheewit Runtod ... Rueng Jing Pan Com {A Miserable Life ... A True Story Through a Computer}, which was then adapted into the programme Songkram Nang Fah.

Based on Royrudee's real life experiences, Cheewit Runtod ... Rueng Jing Pan Com tells the story of Maneerin, an attractive air hostess whose marriage is ruined by a jealous co-worker and her philandering pilot husband.

There was an article about her experiences in the Outlook section of Bangkok Post 5th March. To find, search for Royrudee Kenny and selected cached.


PS As they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

Edited by A_Traveller
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Two sought for posting image

Air wars author wants to lay charges

Police are looking for two possible accomplices in the internet posting of a picture of an air hostess which has prompted the arrest of an author on criminal defamation charges. Pol Maj-Gen Wimol Pao-in said it was unclear if the two people were connected to Royrudee Kenny, the author of the book which was turned into the popular TV drama Songkhram Nang Fah (Air Hostess War), who was arrested on Friday before being released on bail. The author faces a defamation charge filed by Patchara Silapapreecha, a flight attendant, who claimed Ms Royrudee had posted her photograph tagged as ''Cherry,'' a villainous female character portrayed in Songkhram Nang Fah, on a website. Police searched Ms Royrudee's apartment in Sathorn and seized a computer in which they say a file containing Ms Patchara's picture was found. Ms Royrudee, meanwhile, has sought charges to be pressed against individuals who posted comments attacking her on a website. The comments were 51 pages long. The children, juveniles and women's division has accepted her complaint for investigation. The writer said she had asked the webmaster to remove the comments against her but to no

Continued here:


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Don't believe that any of this about the author has been posted, but the show is semi-autobiographical of the author's days as a flight hostess...


Airways to airwaves:

Author Royreudee (left) is played by 26-year-old Thai actress/model Namthip Jongratchatawiboon in the steamy soap ‘The Air Hostess War’.

Real-life drama flies high

Thai steamy soap opera Songkram Nang Fah (The Air Hostess War) may be fictional but Royreudee Kenny's disclosures in her semi-autobiographical novel, on which the drama series is based upon, shows it's not always blue skies and all things nice. But then again this could be happening in any airline.

A pregnant stewardess catches her pilot husband in a rendezvous with his mistress. The wife snatches the other woman’s handphone and hurls it into a pond. Incensed, the mistress, who is a flight attendant, slaps her rival.

The scene is from:

A ) Thai soap opera.

B ) Real life.

C ) All of the above.

The answer is B. It is a snapshot from the life of 45-year-old retired Thai Airways cabin crew Royreudee Kenny.

The answer could also be C as Royreudee’s semi-autobiographical novel is the inspiration for Thailand’s steamy soap opera Songkram Nang Fah (The Air Hostess War).

Continued here:


Well well welll, Can anyone explain the wonders of Soap Opera? Soap Opera is Soap Opera so long as they cut & paste as clause at the end of the series stating that all acts are fictional and are pure coincident. They can be creative. The funny point is "Negative lights on Air stewardesss?" Soap Opera had actually cause paranoid among most that watch Soap Opera. Man are bad & flirtatious...Hmmm, maybe Man should stop all Soap Opera...for good.

truly fiction

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