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too many farangs come to the LoS.. fall in love with cute little noi the bar girl prostitute (who knows more dicks than the yellow pages)... they then declare their undying love for each other & promise to stay faithful etc... then part as he goes back home...

little noi will either asks for money on a regualr basis... or she will return to the bar in readiness for the next sugar-daddy... the farang feels betrayed by this...

the poor ignorant farang fails to realise that TiT... a 3rd world country, which is different to back home in worksop... they have unrealistic expectations of these hoes... to stop working, stay faithful, survive on the $100 a month that is sent to them etc...

the girls are just doing whatever it takes to care for their families who in the main are very poor... simply put... more money equals a better living standard of living for the family...

farangs may not like being lied to or cheated but this is now part of the thai culture...

some good advice that a fat drunk german once gave me.... to avoid the possible heartache... don't stick with just one girl , go with as many girls as you can... at least that way your money helps many more families & you'll have more fun...


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too many farangs come to the LoS.. fall in love with cute little noi the bar girl prostitute (who knows more dicks than the yellow pages)... they then declare their undying love for each other & promise to stay faithful etc... then part as he goes back home...

It kills me when you guys generalize like this ... sure it happens ... but your little yarn doesn't encompass the entire spectrum.

Sure it's easy to see these stories in the making down in Soi Cowboy or some other such place.

But there are many other stories with different beginnings and different endings.

Kao jai mai ??

too many farangs come to the LoS.. fall in love with cute little noi the bar girl prostitute (who knows more dicks than the yellow pages)... they then declare their undying love for each other & promise to stay faithful etc... then part as he goes back home...

little noi will either asks for money on a regualr basis... or she will return to the bar in readiness for the next sugar-daddy... the farang feels betrayed by this...

the poor ignorant farang fails to realise that TiT... a 3rd world country, which is different to back home in worksop... they have unrealistic expectations of these hoes... to stop working, stay faithful, survive on the $100 a month that is sent to them etc...

the girls are just doing whatever it takes to care for their families who in the main are very poor... simply put... more money equals a better living standard of living for the family...

farangs may not like being lied to or cheated but this is now part of the thai culture...

some good advice that a fat drunk german once gave me.... to avoid the possible heartache... don't stick with just one girl , go with as many girls as you can... at least that way your money helps many more families & you'll have more fun...


Harry 'rectal pilot old boy' Palmer, this subject is no longer a dead horse, but a can of dog food as I've once said. Are you finally out of things to talk about?


actually noi is still happily married

When you return to Farangland with a new Thai wife, integrating her into your social circle can sometimes present a bit of a challenge – particularly if she's enjoyed a colourful life. Two years ago, a friend of mine arranged his Thai wife’s social debut – and she certainly made a big impression.

Wisely, he'd married a girl his own age but, like many Asian women, Noi looked much younger than she actually was. Their relationship was a happy one but he still felt anxious about the reception they would get from his friends and their farang wives. Cooking was Noi’s strong suit so they decided to invite everyone over for a meal.

The Thai menu was carefully chosen to appeal to farang tastes. Naturally, the male dinner guests were secretly hoping that Noi would emerge from the kitchen in thigh-boots with a <deleted>-full of ping pong balls but their disappointment was largely offset by the quality of the food she’d prepared.

Noi smiled a lot but was too shy to join the conversation. To draw her out of her shell, the farang wives praised her food – but they also advised her that it was a little too spicy. With half a bottle of red wine inside her, the hostess finally decided to speak – and she gave the farang girls some advice in return.

"Good food, good suck, good ######, good sex and your husband not leave you" she explained.

The stunned silence was quickly replaced by laughter and the ice was well and truly broken. The farang wives weren’t laughing quite as hard as their husbands but they felt certain that their own men looked for different things in a woman. Two years later, however, Noi is the only one still married.

too many farangs come to the LoS.. fall in love with cute little noi the bar girl prostitute (who knows more dicks than the yellow pages)... they then declare their undying love for each other & promise to stay faithful etc... then part as he goes back home...

little noi will either asks for money on a regualr basis... or she will return to the bar in readiness for the next sugar-daddy... the farang feels betrayed by this...

the poor ignorant farang fails to realise that TiT... a 3rd world country, which is different to back home in worksop... they have unrealistic expectations of these hoes... to stop working, stay faithful, survive on the $100 a month that is sent to them etc...

the girls are just doing whatever it takes to care for their families who in the main are very poor... simply put... more money equals a better living standard of living for the family...

farangs may not like being lied to or cheated but this is now part of the thai culture...

some good advice that a fat drunk german once gave me.... to avoid the possible heartache... don't stick with just one girl , go with as many girls as you can... at least that way your money helps many more families & you'll have more fun...


Is this to try and explain to us why you are a sexual deviant? :D

too many farangs come to the LoS.. fall in love with cute little noi the bar girl prostitute (who knows more dicks than the yellow pages)... they then declare their undying love for each other & promise to stay faithful etc... then part as he goes back home...

little noi will either asks for money on a regualr basis... or she will return to the bar in readiness for the next sugar-daddy... the farang feels betrayed by this...

the poor ignorant farang fails to realise that TiT... a 3rd world country, which is different to back home in worksop... they have unrealistic expectations of these hoes... to stop working, stay faithful, survive on the $100 a month that is sent to them etc...

the girls are just doing whatever it takes to care for their families who in the main are very poor... simply put... more money equals a better living standard of living for the family...

farangs may not like being lied to or cheated but this is now part of the thai culture...

some good advice that a fat drunk german once gave me.... to avoid the possible heartache... don't stick with just one girl , go with as many girls as you can... at least that way your money helps many more families & you'll have more fun...


like all hookers everywhere they want to make as much dosh in as little time as possible.

on the street makes then streetwise ,and farang suckers are aplenty .

i have checked the phone list in the phones of these gals and its bulging with names of suckers who send them dosh on a regular basis.its like an international phone book !

but i had one gal recently who took out the sim card at night .

she was extra cute ..

phones have now made their business very businesslike, instand access to suckers global.

"darling i cannnot pay my room"


Like my opld granpappy used to say. "Treat a lady like a whore and a whore like a lady."

He was also reported to have said. "phhh pussy's pussy"

Don't know what that has to do with anything but since the topic was a bit silly I thought I would stick with the genre.

:o Coffee!!! :D

i'm flattered that anyone would go to so much trouble just for little old me...

My pleasure, Palmer. I'll get a few more versions ready... just for you.

Harry Harry Harry, what is it with you???

One thing I've noticed since you joined is that you have a really big chip on your shoulder when it comes to bargirls.

I asked you before, what happenned to you? Did you tell us everything?

scampi me old mate... thailand & this board are plagued by farangs whose only interest in this beautiful country & it's rich traditional heritige... is sexually motivated...

all too often i see the sad results of this exploitation, usually perpetrated by manipulative, avaricious & perverted farangs... and as a farang myself, it gives me cause for great shame... :o

therefore i will speak out... and by god, with my 'sword of truth and trusty shield of fair play'... will effect change in this wonderful country...

Harry Harry Harry, what is it with you???

One thing I've noticed since you joined is that you have a really big chip on your shoulder when it comes to bargirls.

I asked you before, what happenned to you?  Did you tell us everything?

scampi me old mate... thailand & this board are plagued by farangs whose only interest in this beautiful country & it's rich traditional heritige... is sexually motivated...

all too often i see the sad results of this exploitation, usually perpetrated by manipulative, avaricious & perverted farangs... and as a farang myself, it gives me cause for great shame... :D

therefore i will speak out... and by god, with my 'sword of truth and trusty shield of fair play'... will effect change in this wonderful country...

Blimey. :o

The pic was taken in Thailand, they don't have swimming pools in Putney.

And my gf likes to know which whitening cream the katoy is using?

say what? i swim at the pool in upper richmond road in the Putney diving club

looks like we are neighbours ! llok me up for a coffee at the Putney Exchange when you are home


Harry- just have to shake my head mate when it comes to you. :o BTW I love Thailand and it only made it better that I met my gf there.

Mouse- did you have to post that photo- now what am I going to tell my uncle? :D

LC- Cheers babe- you had me on the floor with the creative award!

Harry Harry Harry, what is it with you???

One thing I've noticed since you joined is that you have a really big chip on your shoulder when it comes to bargirls.

I asked you before, what happenned to you?  Did you tell us everything?

scampi me old mate... thailand & this board are plagued by farangs whose only interest in this beautiful country & it's rich traditional heritige... is sexually motivated...

all too often i see the sad results of this exploitation, usually perpetrated by manipulative, avaricious & perverted farangs... and as a farang myself, it gives me cause for great shame... :o

therefore i will speak out... and by god, with my 'sword of truth and trusty shield of fair play'... will effect change in this wonderful country...

I have been wondering lately are Harry and Begs the same person :D

therefore i will speak out... and by god, with my 'sword of truth and trusty shield of fair play'... will effect change in this wonderful country...

Begs and Polo tried that , but where both banned for not being in the, Backslapping Sex Tourist Appreciation Society.

Seems that it is ok to slag off Thai women at every opportunity, but if you dare turn the tables and slag off the people that exploit them, you will get banned.

The guilt reaches the higher echelons of this site it seems. :o


He's got a good heart though :D

truth be know, i look more like the person on the right of this picture :o

i don't want to 'slag' off the people that exploit thai women & men, i want to effect change by confronting ppl. with all the facts & eductating them to become respected representatives of their respective countries...

PS.. i need a suitable graphic to complement the palmer motto... ideas? :D

'sword of truth and trusty shield of fair play...'

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